966 resultados para Svanborg-Sjövall, Karin
Modern policy-making is increasingly influenced by different types of uncertainty. Political actors are supposed to behave differently under the context of uncertainty then in “usual” decision-making processes. Actors exchange information in order to convince other actors and decision-makers, to coordinate their lobbying activities and form coalitions, and to get information and learn on the substantive issue. The literature suggests that preference similarity, social trust, perceived power and functional interdependence are particularly important drivers of information exchange. We assume that social trust as well as being connected to scientific actors is more important under uncertainty than in a setting with less uncertainty. To investigate information exchange under uncertainty analyze the case of unconventional shale gas development in the UK from 2008 till 2014. Our study will rely on statistical analyses of survey data on a diverse set of actors dealing with shale gas development and regulation in the UK.
The paper addresses the question of which factors drive the formation of policy preferences when there are remaining uncertainties about the causes and effects of the problem at stake. To answer this question we examine policy preferences reducing aquatic micropollutants, a specific case of water protection policy and different actor groups (e.g. state, science, target groups). Here, we contrast two types of policy preferences: a) preventive or source-directed policies, which mitigate pollution in order to avoid contact with water; and b) reactive or end-of-pipe policies, which filter water already contaminated by pollutants. In a second step, we analyze the drivers for actors’ policy preferences by focusing on three sets of explanations, i.e. participation, affectedness and international collaborations. The analysis of our survey data, qualitative interviews and regression analysis of the Swiss political elite show that participation in the policy-making process leads to knowledge exchange and reduces uncertainties about the policy problem, which promotes preferences for preventive policies. Likewise, actors who are affected by the consequences of micropollutants, such as consumer or environmental associations, opt for anticipatory policies. Interestingly, we find that uncertainties about the effectiveness of preventive policies can promote preferences for end-of-pipe policies. While preventive measures often rely on (uncertain) behavioral changes of target groups, reactive policies are more reliable when it comes to fulfilling defined policy goals. Finally, we find that in a transboundary water management context, actors with international collaborations prefer policies that produce immediate and reliable outcomes.
Human heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) are membrane protein complexes that facilitate the transport of specific amino acids across cell membranes. Loss of function or overexpression of these transporters is implicated in several human diseases such as renal aminoacidurias and cancer. HATs are composed of two subunits, a heavy and a light subunit, that are covalently connected by a disulphide bridge. Light subunits catalyse amino acid transport and consist of twelve transmembrane α-helix domains. Heavy subunits are type II membrane N-glycoproteins with a large extracellular domain and are involved in the trafficking of the complex to the plasma membrane. Structural information on HATs is scarce because of the difficulty in heterologous overexpression. Recently, we had a major breakthrough with the overexpression of a recombinant HAT, 4F2hc-LAT2, in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Microgram amounts of purified protein made possible the reconstruction of the first 3D map of a human HAT by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy. Here we report the important stabilization of purified human 4F2hc-LAT2 using a combination of two detergents, i.e., n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside and lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol, and cholesteryl hemisuccinate. The superior quality and stability of purified 4F2hc-LAT2 allowed the measurement of substrate binding by scintillation proximity assay. In addition, an improved 3D map of this HAT could be obtained. The detergent-induced stabilization of the purified human 4F2hc-LAT2 complex presented here paves the way towards its crystallization and structure determination at high-resolution, and thus the elucidation of the working mechanism of this important protein complex at the molecular level.
Die Politik gestaltet Lösungen für Umweltprobleme stark mit. Durch die Analyse von Entscheidungsfindungsprozessen lassen sich politische Beschlüsse erklären und Faktoren identifizieren, die wirkungsvolle Lösungen fördern. Untersuchungen im Bereich Mikroverunreinigungen zeigen, dass sich Akteure, die an der Entscheidungsfindung beteiligt sind stärker für präventive Massnahmen aussprachen. Akteure mit internationaler Einbindung setzten eher auf End-of-pipe-Lösungen.
The paper asks how cantonal education systems in Switzerland promote gender-typed school-to-work transitions and gender segregation at work. Data from the Swiss TREE youth panel study is used to analyse the impact of cantonal provision of vocational education and training (VET) on gender-typical educational trajectories. The findings show that education systems with higher VET rates have higher allocations of men in gender-(male-) typical occupational careers. The paper concludes that the pronounced and persistent gender segregation on the Swiss labor market is partly due to a prominent VET system, which urges early gender-typed occupational career decisions.
Question: The intervertebral disc (IVD) has a limited regenerative potential and low back pain represents a leading cause of disability [1]. IVD repair strategies require an appropriate cell source that is able to regenerate the damaged tissue such as progenitor stem cells. Recently, progenitor cells that are positive for the angiopoietin re- ceptor (Tie2) in the nucleus pulposus were identified [2]. Here we isolated primary cells from bovine IVD and sorted bovine nucleus pulposus progenitor cells (NPPC) for the marker Tie2. Furthermorewe tested whether Tie2 expressing cells can differentiate into os- teogenic and adipogenic lineages in vitro. Methods: NP cells were obtained from 1 year old bovine tails by sequential digestion with pronase for 1 h and collagenase over- night. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ cells were cultured in osteogenic and adipogenic medium for 3 weeks. The formed cell layers from both subpopulations were stained for calcium deposition and fat droplets. Colony forming units were prepared for both cell sus- pensions in methylcellulose-based medium and formed colonies ([10 cells) were analyzed macroscopically after 8 days. Results: After 3 weeks of culture, sorted Tie2+ cells were able to differentiate into osteocytes and adipocytes as characterized by cal- cium deposition and fat droplet formation. By contrast, Tie2- cells generated a weak staining for calcium and no fat droplets were ob- tained (Fig. 1). Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies, however with different morphologies. The colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. Conclusion: Our data showed that Tie2+ cells of the nucleus pul- posus cells are progenitor-like cells that are able to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages. Sorting of NPPC for Tie2 may represent a promising strategy with the potential to be used in the clinics for treatment of intervertebral disc damage. References 1. Freemont AJ (2009) The cellular pathobiology of the degenerate intervertebral disc and discogenic back pain. Rheumatology (Oxford) 48:5–10 2. Sakai D, Nakamura Y, Nakai T et al (2012) Exhaustion of nucleus pulposus progenitor cells with ageing and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Nat Commun 3:1264 Acknowledgments: This project was funded by two projects of the Swiss National Science Foundation grant number #IZK0Z3_154384 and #310030_153411.