908 resultados para Supply Chain Analysis
Los sistemas y la tecnología de información han sido una pieza clave en las organizaciones, estos buscan lograr un equilibrio junto con las estrategias empresariales, ya que de esta manera las empresas estarían en mejores condiciones para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado. (Morantes Leal y Miraidy Elena, 2007)1. Para abordar este tema, hemos decidido realizar un análisis de un sistema de información aplicado en la empresa Belta Ltda. para determinar la relación que existe entre la productividad y el uso de los sistemas empresariales. La información de este análisis está compuesta por 6 capítulos divididos de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se muestra una introducción de los sistemas de información empresarial, la importancia del uso de las tecnologías, además se describe los objetivos de esta investigación, el alcance y vinculación de este proyecto con la línea de investigación de la escuela de administración de la universidad del Rosario. En el segundo capítulo se presenta el marco teórico; la descripción de los tipos de sistemas de información, y las metodologías utilizadas para la evaluación del uso de las tecnologías. Enseguida se describe la metodología utilizada para llevar a cabo esta investigación y las herramientas utilizadas para este caso de estudio en el capítulo tres. En el cuarto capítulo se muestra una descripción de la empresa, el organigrama, el entorno general del negocio, y se desarrolla la aplicación del documento guía; el modelo integral 5d`s, que consiste en realizar diferentes diagnósticos para determinar cómo se encuentra la empresa a nivel interno y externo. Finalmente, según el análisis y resultados obtenidos con esta investigación, se dan unas conclusiones finales y se proponen unas recomendaciones para la empresa en los últimos capítulos.
El concepto de administración ha venido cambiando constantemente a través del tiempo y de las ideologías de diferentes autores que han marcado dicho concepto, en donde se ha podido establecer de mejor forma el significado que ésta ciencia tiene con la innovación y la estrategia. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los fundamentos teóricos de la administración, la innovación y la estrategia, para así mostrar los alcances e impactos que estos tienen en las organizaciones visitadas durante la misión empresarial al Silicon Valley, principalmente a YouTube y Google. Para cumplir con dicho objetivo se realizaron encuestas a diferentes trabajadores pertenecientes a las organizaciones, obteniendo así, información valiosa para el estudio realizado. Con la información obtenida de la entrevistas, se logró recopilar información pertinente que permitió concluir que la innovación es un pilar fundamental para el buen funcionamiento de las empresas pertenecientes al Silicon Valley y así mismo ser base indispensable para la creación y formulación de las principales estrategias de las empresas.
El cambio es tan válida, como cuando se aplica al contexto logístico donde sus implicaciones sobre la efectividad de las empresas del cual se deben enfrentarse en un mercado global; hoy, no basta con tener un producto “estrella” y un precio competitivo, sino también prestar el mejor servicio al cliente, gerenciando los recursos involucrados en la cadena de abastecimiento. En el proyecto se expone la formulación viable para la logística en la cadena de abastecimiento en la empresa BIMBO, el cual efectúe la estrategia de “Autoventa”, métodos a partir de la administración de productos de alta rotación y controlar el manejo de información relacionada con el consumo, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes de manera rentable. El objetivo de este proceso es hacer llegar el producto correcto al cliente correcto en el lugar correcto y en el momento correcto. Por consiguiente este trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la cadena de Abastecimiento y el acercamiento a la creación de un plan estratégico de logística.
La Misión empresarial a México 2015, tiene como propósito brindar a los estudiantes espacios para el crecimiento profesional, mediante la aplicación de los conceptos y los modelos estudiados en las diferentes visitas empresariales que se realizaron. Se pretende conocer cuáles son las nuevas tendencias en el manejo y administración de la cadena de abastecimiento de las empresas, de manera que estos conceptos puedan ser aplicados en diferentes tipos de empresas. Se realizó una investigación de cada una de las empresas que fueron visitadas realizando un análisis de un punto clave en cada una, por ejemplo, se describe la política “Think Blue” empleada por el grupo Volkswagen para el éxito y reconocimiento empresarial en la logística verde, y se analizan los principales procesos de producción de la planta productora del grupo Modelo, entre otras. Por otra parte, se analiza el modelo de gestión logística para pequeñas y medianas empresas, desarrollado en la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, el cual puede ser usado como base para el progreso y fortalecimiento de las pymes en nuestro país.
It has been estimated that one third of edible food destined for human consumption is lost or wasted along the food supply chain globally. Much of the waste comes from Global North, where consumers are considered as the bigger contributors. Different studies tried to analyze and estimate the Household Food Waste (HFW), especially in UK and Northern Europe. The result is that accurate studies at national level exist only in UK, Finland and Norway while no such studies are available in Italy, except for survey- based researches. Though, there is a widespread awareness that such methods might be not able to estimate Food Waste. Results emerging from literature clearly suggest that survey estimate inferior amounts of Food Waste as a result, if compared to waste sorting and weighting analysis or to diary studies. The hypothesis that household food waste is under-estimated when gathered through questionnaires has been enquired into. First, a literature review of behavioral economics and heuristics has been proposed; then, a literature review of the sector listing the existing methodologies to gather national data on Household Food Waste has been illustrated. Finally, a pilot experiment to test a mixed methodology is proposed. While literature suggests that four specific cognitive biases might be able to affect the reliability of answers in questionnaires, results of the present experiment clearly indicate that there is a relevant difference between how much the individual thinks to waste and he/she actually does. The result is a mixed methodology based on questionnaire, diary and waste sorting, able to overcome the cons of each single method.
Smart Farming Technologies (SFT) is a term used to define the set of digital technologies able not only to control and manage the farm system, but also to connect it to the many disruptive digital applications posed at multiple links along the value chain. The adoption of SFT has been so far limited, with significant differences at country-levels and among different types of farms and farmers. The objective of this thesis is to analyze what factors contributes to shape the agricultural digital transition and to assess its potential impacts in the Italian agri-food system. Specifically, this overall research objective is approached under three different perspectives. Firstly, we carry out a review of the literature that focuses on the determinants of adoption of farm-level Management Information Systems (MIS), namely the most adopted smart farming solutions in Italy. Secondly, we run an empirical analysis on what factors are currently shaping the adoption of SFT in Italy. In doing so, we focus on the multi-process and multi-faceted aspects of the adoption, by overcoming the one-off binary approach often used to study adoption decisions. Finally, we adopt a forward-looking perspective to investigate what the socio-ethical implications of a diffused use of SFT might be. On the one hand, our results indicate that bigger, more structured farms with higher levels of commercial integration along the agri-food supply chain are those more likely to be early adopters. On the other hand, they highlight the need for the institutional and organizational environment around farms to more effectively support farmers in the digital transition. Moreover, the role of several other actors and actions are discussed and analyzed, by highlighting the key role of specific agri-food stakeholders and ad-hoc policies, with the aim to propose a clearer path towards an efficient, fair and inclusive digitalization of the agrifood sector.
I vantaggi dell’Industria 4.0 hanno stravolto il manufacturing. Ma cosa vuol dire "Industria 4.0"? Essa è la nuova frontiera del manufacturing, basata su princìpi che seguono i passi avanti dei sistemi IT e della tecnologia. Dunque, i suoi pilastri sono: integrazione, verticale e orizzontale, digitalizzazione e automazione. L’Industria 4.0 coinvolge molte aree della supply chain, dai flussi informativi alla logistica. In essa e nell’intralogistica, la priorità è sviluppare dei sistemi di material handling flessibili, automatizzati e con alta prontezza di risposta. Il modello ideale è autonomo, in cui i veicoli fanno parte di una flotta le cui decisioni sono rese decentralizzate grazie all'alta connettività e alla loro abilità di collezionare dati e scambiarli rapidamente nel cloud aziendale.Tutto ciò non sarebbe raggiungibile se ci si affidasse a un comune sistema di trasporto AGV, troppo rigido e centralizzato. La tesi si focalizza su un tipo di material handlers più flessibile e intelligente: gli Autonomous Mobile Robots. Grazie alla loro intelligenza artificiale e alla digitalizzazione degli scambi di informazioni, interagiscono con l’ambiente per evitare ostacoli e calcolare il percorso ottimale. Gli scenari dell’ambiente lavorativo determinano perdite di tempo nel tragitto dei robot e sono queste che dovremo studiare. Nella tesi, i vantaggi apportati dagli AMR, come la loro decentralizzazione delle decisioni, saranno introdotti mediante una literature review e poi l’attenzione verterà sull’analisi di ogni scenario di lavoro. Fondamentali sono state le esperienze nel Logistics 4.0 Lab di NTNU, per ricreare fisicamente alcuni scenari. Inoltre, il software AnyLogic sarà usato per riprodurre e simulare tutti gli scenari rilevanti. I risultati delle simulazioni verranno infine usati per creare un modello che associ ad ogni scenario rilevante una perdita di tempo, attraverso una funzione. Per questo saranno usati software di data analysis come Minitab e MatLab.
O suprimento de tomates para processamento industrial é uma atividade relativamente complexa. Plantas industriais de larga escala necessitam de elevados volumes diários de matéria-prima. Por outro lado, há alta perecibilidade dos frutos e a colheita ainda é predominantemente manual. Um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido com o propósito de entender objetivamente o processo de suprimento de tomate e, também, vislumbrar possibilidades de sua otimização. A simulação a partir do modelo pode gerar cenários que, quando comparados com o desempenho efetivamente observado em campo, evidenciam a importância da gestão acurada, com a presença de potenciais ganhos financeiros expressivos na cadeia de suprimentos a partir da redução de tempos, perdas e custos. As perdas de produto poderiam ser reduzidas de mais de 2% para algo inferior a 1%. A menor capacidade ociosa traduzir-se-ia em um menor custo de oportunidade e aumento de receita. Para uma fábrica com um consumo de tomates de 336 mil toneladas por ano, a melhoria no suprimento de matéria-prima poderia resultar em ganhos estimados em R$ 6 milhões por ano.
The relationship between companies is an important issue in the management of supply chains. Several aspects relating to the flow and exchange of information along the chain are considered as having a decisive influence on the success of this relationship. The main objective of this work was to structured and test models that link aspects of this nature with performance and the purchaser-supplier relationship in the supply chain. Aspects relevant to communication and the use do IT in relationships between companies were investigated. The importance of performance in this relationship was also investigated. The research were based on empirical data obtained by means of structural equation modeling. The results show that some aspects contribute in a significant way to the success of this relationship while others that, a priori, are considered important make no contribution.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process. Further, this paper intends to analyze whether there is a relation between the level of environmental management maturity and the inclusion of environmental criteria in the companies` selection of suppliers. Design/methodology/approach - A review of mainstream literature on environmental management, traditional criteria in the supplier selection process and the incorporation of environmental requirements in this context. The empirical study`s strategy is based on five Brazilian case studies with industrial companies. Face-to-face interviews and informal conversations are to be held, explanations made by e-mail with representatives from the purchasing, environmental management, logistics and other areas, and observation and the collection of company documents are also employed. Findings - Based on the cases, it is concluded that companies still use traditional criteria to select suppliers, such as quality and cost, and do not adopt environmental requirements in the supplier selection process in a uniform manner. Evidence found shows that the level of environmental management maturity influences the depth with which companies adopt environmental criteria when selecting suppliers. Thus, a company with more advanced environmental management adopts more formal procedures for selecting environmentally appropriate suppliers than others. Originality/value - This is the first known study to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process.
This article aims to analyse the introduction of environmental issues in the context of the production function, which has been referred to as the organisational area to lead corporate environmental management. With that purpose, the theoretical references for corporate environmental management and the necessary alterations in production function have been organised to include environmental aspects, especially in terms of product and process development, quality management, and logistics. Considering that this research field still lacks empirical evidence for Brazilian companies, four case studies were conducted using companies located in the country. The environmental management maturity level of those companies tends to follow the rate with which the environmental issue is introduced in production sub-areas, especially in the product development process. However, in most cases we found that the companies had difficulties in structuring the insertion of the environmental dimension in logistics. The final notes point out the distance observed between what is recommended by international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies in the challenge of making the production function environmentally friendly.
The treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is based on hearing aids, also known as individual sound amplification devices. The hearing aids purchased by the Brazilian Government, aiming at fulfilling public policies, are based on dedicated components, which bring about benefits, but also render them expensive and may impair repair services after manufacture`s warranty expires. Aim: to design digital behind-the-ear hearing aids built from standardized components coming from the very supply chain of these manufacturers. Study design: experimental. Materials and Methods: to identify the supply chain of these manufacturers, request samples and set up hearing aids in the laboratory. Results: The developed hearing aids did not show lesser electroacoustic characteristics when compared to those acquired by the Government, also being tested by the same reference international technical standard. Conclusion: It is possible to develop digital behind-the-ear hearing aids based on off-the-shelf components from hearing aid manufacturers` supply chain. Their advantages include low operational costs - for acquisition (with clear advantages for the Government) and service (advantage for the patient).
Background: At least for a subset of patients, the clinical diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may represent an intermediate stage between normal aging and dementia. Nevertheless, the patterns of transition of cognitive states between normal cognitive aging and MCI to dementia are not well established. In this study we address the pattern of transitions between cognitive states in patients with MCI and healthy controls, prior to the conversion to dementia. Methods: 139 subjects (78% women, mean age, 68.5 +/- 6.1 years; mean educational level, 11.7 +/- 5.4 years) were consecutively assessed in a memory clinic with a standardized clinical and neuropsychological protocol, and classified as cognitively healthy (normal controls) or with MCI (including subtypes) at baseline. These subjects underwent annual reassessments (mean duration of follow-up: 2.7 +/- 1.1 years), in which cognitive state was ascertained independently of prior diagnoses. The pattern of transitions of the cognitive state was determined by Markov chain analysis. Results: The transitions from one cognitive state to another varied substantially between MCI subtypes. Single-domain MCI (amnestic and non-amnestic) more frequently returned to normal cognitive state upon follow-up (22.5% and 21%, respectively). Among subjects who progressed to Alzheimer`s disease (AD), the most common diagnosis immediately prior conversion was multiple-domain MCI (85%). Conclusion: The clinical diagnosis of MCI and its subtypes yields groups of patients with heterogeneous patterns of transitions between one given cognitive state to another. The presence of more severe and widespread cognitive deficits, as indicated by the group of multiple-domain amnestic MCI may be a better predictor of AD than single-domain amnestic or non-amnestic deficits. These higher-risk individuals could probably be the best candidates for the development of preventive strategies and early treatment for the disease.
O artigo descreve as conquistas realizadas na logística do varejo farmacêutico nacional nos últimos anos. As farmácias organizaram-se em redes; melhoraram seu aspecto visual; muitas operam 24 horas; usam fórmulas sofisticadas, teoricamente corretas, na gestão de estoques; dispõem de softwares avançados; operam depósitos racionalizados, por vezes automatizados; as entregas às lojas são diárias; o código de barras facilita o controle dos produtos. Subsistem problemas que impedem a obtenção de autêntico just in time e de falta-zero: dificuldade de prever a demanda; limitação da capacidade dos bancos de dados para registrar dados relativos a 5.000 apresentações em 100 lojas; entrosamento precário entre os setores de vendas e compras na empresa; freqüência e rapidez ainda insuficientes de reposição dos produtos no depósito e nas lojas; existência de numerosos medicamentos de baixo giro. Recomendações são apresentadas para a remoção desses entraves e o advento do sonhado Supply Chain Management.
As atividades de produção e consumo geram resíduos que, conforme o destino, produzem impactos negativos no meio ambiente. Essa situação agravou-se, de maneira crítica, a partir da Revolução Industrial. Para reaproveitar esses resíduos, são necessárias novas formas de produzir, consumir e dar um destino adequado aos produtos após o final de seu ciclo de vida útil. Com base nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar como se estrutura e é coordenada uma cadeia de suprimentos reversa, tendo como objeto a coleta de óleo de cozinha utilizado. O caminho metodológico observa a abordagem qualitativa e caracteriza-se como exploratório. Em termos teóricos, o estudo orienta-se pelas abordagens de cadeias de suprimentos reversas e coordenação da cadeia de suprimentos. Os resultados evidenciam a iniciativa de uma empresa que não trabalha com óleo de cozinha utilizado, mas utiliza uma estratégia a partir desse resíduo para desencadear o processo de estruturação da cadeia analisada. Como principal contribuição, o estudo sugere a consolidação da quinta fase da logística: a Reverse Supply Chain (RSC).