869 resultados para Social network site
Analysis of seed exchange networks at a single point in time may reify sporadic relations into apparently fixed and long-lasting ones. In northern Cameroon, where environment is not only strongly seasonal but also shows unpredictable interannual variation, farmers’ social networks are flexible from year to year. When adjusting their strategies, Tupuri farmers do not systematically solicit the same partners to acquire the desired propagules. Seed acquisitions documented during a single cropping season may thus not accurately reflect the underlying larger social network that can be mobilized at the local level. To test this hypothesis, we documented, at the outset of two cropping seasons (2010 and 2011), the relationships through which seeds were acquired by the members of 16 households in a Tupuri community. In 2011, farmers faced sudden failure of the rains and had to solicit distant relatives, highlighting their ability to quickly trigger specific social relations to acquire necessary seeding material. Observing the same set of individuals during two successive years and the seed sources they solicited in each year enabled us to discriminate repeated relations from sporadic ones. Although farmers did not acquire seeds from the same individuals from one year to the next, they relied on quite similar relational categories of people. However, the worse weather conditions during the second year led to (1) a shift from red sorghum seeds to pearl millet seeds, (2) a geographical extension of the network, and (3) an increased participation of women in seed acquisitions. In critical situations, women mobilized their own kin almost exclusively. We suggest that studying the seed acquisition network over a single year provides a misrepresentation of the underlying social network. Depending on the difficulties farmers face, they may occasionally call on relationships that transcend the local relationships used each year.
In this work we thought about the social use of the domestic space and, specifically, the space destined to the preparation of food. The kitchen is a creative space of social relationships. There the families exchange daily interaction with the neighbors, in a collective of the space reserved to the making of food. Our empiric research was in the Mutamba da Caieira community, located in the county of Assu (RN). The data was collected through the etnographic method aided by the photographic resources. In the discussion, we delimitated at the house three types of kitchens: one reserved to the family, another kitchen in the terrace and yet another kitchen in the yard. They are kitchens that link amongst themselves with activities and differentiated temporalities. In the daily social exchange, the kitchen imposes itself as a social space through the conditions that it offers for the production of the foods, the circulation of domestic objects, the communication of knowledge around the cookery, operating a group of symbolic and ritual actions combined with appropriate techniques for the transformation of the foods. The study reveals that the domestic chores accomplished amon relatives and friends form webs of intracommunitary relationships in the use of the three kitchens, and that the social network is updated in a singular moment that usually happens in the community, the Game of Pacará
Americans are accustomed to a wide range of data collection in their lives: census, polls, surveys, user registrations, and disclosure forms. When logging onto the Internet, users’ actions are being tracked everywhere: clicking, typing, tapping, swiping, searching, and placing orders. All of this data is stored to create data-driven profiles of each user. Social network sites, furthermore, set the voluntarily sharing of personal data as the default mode of engagement. But people’s time and energy devoted to creating this massive amount of data, on paper and online, are taken for granted. Few people would consider their time and energy spent on data production as labor. Even if some people do acknowledge their labor for data, they believe it is accessory to the activities at hand. In the face of pervasive data collection and the rising time spent on screens, why do people keep ignoring their labor for data? How has labor for data been become invisible, as something that is disregarded by many users? What does invisible labor for data imply for everyday cultural practices in the United States? Invisible Labor for Data addresses these questions. I argue that three intertwined forces contribute to framing data production as being void of labor: data production institutions throughout history, the Internet’s technological infrastructure (especially with the implementation of algorithms), and the multiplication of virtual spaces. There is a common tendency in the framework of human interactions with computers to deprive data and bodies of their materiality. My Introduction and Chapter 1 offer theoretical interventions by reinstating embodied materiality and redefining labor for data as an ongoing process. The middle Chapters present case studies explaining how labor for data is pushed to the margin of the narratives about data production. I focus on a nationwide debate in the 1960s on whether the U.S. should build a databank, contemporary Big Data practices in the data broker and the Internet industries, and the group of people who are hired to produce data for other people’s avatars in the virtual games. I conclude with a discussion on how the new development of crowdsourcing projects may usher in the new chapter in exploiting invisible and discounted labor for data.
A primary goal of context-aware systems is delivering the right information at the right place and right time to users in order to enable them to make effective decisions and improve their quality of life. There are three key requirements for achieving this goal: determining what information is relevant, personalizing it based on the users’ context (location, preferences, behavioral history etc.), and delivering it to them in a timely manner without an explicit request from them. These requirements create a paradigm that we term as “Proactive Context-aware Computing”. Most of the existing context-aware systems fulfill only a subset of these requirements. Many of these systems focus only on personalization of the requested information based on users’ current context. Moreover, they are often designed for specific domains. In addition, most of the existing systems are reactive - the users request for some information and the system delivers it to them. These systems are not proactive i.e. they cannot anticipate users’ intent and behavior and act proactively without an explicit request from them. In order to overcome these limitations, we need to conduct a deeper analysis and enhance our understanding of context-aware systems that are generic, universal, proactive and applicable to a wide variety of domains. To support this dissertation, we explore several directions. Clearly the most significant sources of information about users today are smartphones. A large amount of users’ context can be acquired through them and they can be used as an effective means to deliver information to users. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Flickr and Foursquare provide a rich and powerful platform to mine users’ interests, preferences and behavioral history. We employ the ubiquity of smartphones and the wealth of information available from social media to address the challenge of building proactive context-aware systems. We have implemented and evaluated a few approaches, including some as part of the Rover framework, to achieve the paradigm of Proactive Context-aware Computing. Rover is a context-aware research platform which has been evolving for the last 6 years. Since location is one of the most important context for users, we have developed ‘Locus’, an indoor localization, tracking and navigation system for multi-story buildings. Other important dimensions of users’ context include the activities that they are engaged in. To this end, we have developed ‘SenseMe’, a system that leverages the smartphone and its multiple sensors in order to perform multidimensional context and activity recognition for users. As part of the ‘SenseMe’ project, we also conducted an exploratory study of privacy, trust, risks and other concerns of users with smart phone based personal sensing systems and applications. To determine what information would be relevant to users’ situations, we have developed ‘TellMe’ - a system that employs a new, flexible and scalable approach based on Natural Language Processing techniques to perform bootstrapped discovery and ranking of relevant information in context-aware systems. In order to personalize the relevant information, we have also developed an algorithm and system for mining a broad range of users’ preferences from their social network profiles and activities. For recommending new information to the users based on their past behavior and context history (such as visited locations, activities and time), we have developed a recommender system and approach for performing multi-dimensional collaborative recommendations using tensor factorization. For timely delivery of personalized and relevant information, it is essential to anticipate and predict users’ behavior. To this end, we have developed a unified infrastructure, within the Rover framework, and implemented several novel approaches and algorithms that employ various contextual features and state of the art machine learning techniques for building diverse behavioral models of users. Examples of generated models include classifying users’ semantic places and mobility states, predicting their availability for accepting calls on smartphones and inferring their device charging behavior. Finally, to enable proactivity in context-aware systems, we have also developed a planning framework based on HTN planning. Together, these works provide a major push in the direction of proactive context-aware computing.
As escolas portuguesas do ensino não superior estão dotadas com infraestruturas e equipamentos que permitem trazer o mundo para dentro da sala de aula, tornando o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem mais rico e motivador para os alunos. A adoção institucional de uma plataforma que segue os princípios da web social, o SAPO Campus (SC), definida pela abertura, partilha, integração, inovação e personalização, pode ser catalisadora de processos de mudança e inovação. O presente estudo teve como finalidade acompanhar o processo de adoção do SC em cinco escolas, bem como analisar o impacto no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e a forma como os alunos e professores se relacionam com esta tecnologia. As escolas envolvidas foram divididas em dois grupos: o primeiro grupo, constituído por três escolas onde o acompanhamento teve uma natureza mais interventiva e presente, enquanto que no segundo grupo, composto por duas escolas, foram apenas observadas as dinâmicas que se desenvolveram no processo de adoção e utilização do SC. No presente estudo, que se assume como um estudo longitudinal de multicasos, foram aplicadas técnicas de tratamento de dados como a estatística descritiva, a análise de conteúdo e a Social Network Analysis (SNA), com o objetivo de, através de uma triangulação permanente, proceder a uma análise dos impactos observados pela utilização do SC. Estes impactos podem ser situados em três níveis diferentes: relativos à instituição, aos professores e aos alunos. Ao nível da adoção institucional de uma tecnologia, verificou-se que essa adoção passa uma mensagem a toda a organização e que, no caso do SC, apela à participação coletiva num ambiente aberto onde as hierarquias se dissipam. Verificou-se ainda que deve implicar o envolvimento dos alunos em atividades significativas e a adoção de estratégias dinâmicas, preferencialmente integradas num projeto mobilizador. A adoção do SC foi ainda catalisadora de dinâmicas que provocaram mudanças nos padrões de consumo e de produção de conteúdos bem como de uma atitude diferente perante o papel da web social no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. As conclusões apontam ainda no sentido da identificação de um conjunto de fatores, observados no estudo, que tiveram impacto no processo de adoção como o papel das lideranças, a importância da formação de professores, a cultura das escolas, a integração num projeto pedagógico e, a um nível mais primário, as questões do acesso à tecnologia. Algumas comunidades construídas à volta do SAPO Campus, envolvendo professores, alunos e a comunidade, evoluíram no sentido da autossustentação, num percurso de reflexão sobre as práticas pedagógicas e partilha de experiências.
With the dramatic growth of text information, there is an increasing need for powerful text mining systems that can automatically discover useful knowledge from text. Text is generally associated with all kinds of contextual information. Those contexts can be explicit, such as the time and the location where a blog article is written, and the author(s) of a biomedical publication, or implicit, such as the positive or negative sentiment that an author had when she wrote a product review; there may also be complex context such as the social network of the authors. Many applications require analysis of topic patterns over different contexts. For instance, analysis of search logs in the context of the user can reveal how we can improve the quality of a search engine by optimizing the search results according to particular users; analysis of customer reviews in the context of positive and negative sentiments can help the user summarize public opinions about a product; analysis of blogs or scientific publications in the context of a social network can facilitate discovery of more meaningful topical communities. Since context information significantly affects the choices of topics and language made by authors, in general, it is very important to incorporate it into analyzing and mining text data. In general, modeling the context in text, discovering contextual patterns of language units and topics from text, a general task which we refer to as Contextual Text Mining, has widespread applications in text mining. In this thesis, we provide a novel and systematic study of contextual text mining, which is a new paradigm of text mining treating context information as the ``first-class citizen.'' We formally define the problem of contextual text mining and its basic tasks, and propose a general framework for contextual text mining based on generative modeling of text. This conceptual framework provides general guidance on text mining problems with context information and can be instantiated into many real tasks, including the general problem of contextual topic analysis. We formally present a functional framework for contextual topic analysis, with a general contextual topic model and its various versions, which can effectively solve the text mining problems in a lot of real world applications. We further introduce general components of contextual topic analysis, by adding priors to contextual topic models to incorporate prior knowledge, regularizing contextual topic models with dependency structure of context, and postprocessing contextual patterns to extract refined patterns. The refinements on the general contextual topic model naturally lead to a variety of probabilistic models which incorporate different types of context and various assumptions and constraints. These special versions of the contextual topic model are proved effective in a variety of real applications involving topics and explicit contexts, implicit contexts, and complex contexts. We then introduce a postprocessing procedure for contextual patterns, by generating meaningful labels for multinomial context models. This method provides a general way to interpret text mining results for real users. By applying contextual text mining in the ``context'' of other text information management tasks, including ad hoc text retrieval and web search, we further prove the effectiveness of contextual text mining techniques in a quantitative way with large scale datasets. The framework of contextual text mining not only unifies many explorations of text analysis with context information, but also opens up many new possibilities for future research directions in text mining.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuinka yrittäjän verkostot muodostuvat ja minkälainen niiden rakenne on. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa yrittäjän sosiaalisten verkostojen merkityksestä yrittäjälle. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla haastattelulla ja tutkimusaineiston rinnalla käytettiin yrittäjien havainnollistamia piirroksia sekä tieteellisiä julkaisuja ja kirjallisuutta. Haastateltavina oli sekä nais- että miesyrittäjiä eri paikkakunnilta Etelä-Suomen alueelta. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yrittäjien verkostoissa voidaan havaita eri tasoja, jotka rakentuvat eri tavoilla ja ovat yrittäjälle merkitykseltään erilaisia. Verkoston eri tasoille sijoittuu yrittäjälle tärkeitä ihmisiä sen mukaan mitä hyötyä ja arvoa heillä yrittäjälle on. Tulokset osoittavat, että verkostojen rakentamiseen vaikuttavat sekä liiketoiminnan laatu, motiivit sekä yrittäjän persoona. Tulokset ovat linjassa tämän tutkimuksen perustana olevien teorioiden kanssa. Viitteitä löytyy myös siitä, että yrittäjän sukupuolella on myös merkitystä siihen, millaiseksi sosiaaliset verkostot rakentuvat sekä henkilökohtaisessa elämässä että liike-elämän puolella. Sosiaalisista verkostoista saatavat hyödyt ovat moninaisia. Lisätutkimuksia tulisi tehdä tehokkaiden työkalujen kehittämiseksi henkilöstön ja yrittäjän omien resurssien tunnistamiseksi. Tätä kautta myös yrittäjyyskasvatusta ja yrittäjäneuvontaa voitaisiin tehostaa.
Graphs are powerful tools to describe social, technological and biological networks, with nodes representing agents (people, websites, gene, etc.) and edges (or links) representing relations (or interactions) between agents. Examples of real-world networks include social networks, the World Wide Web, collaboration networks, protein networks, etc. Researchers often model these networks as random graphs. In this dissertation, we study a recently introduced social network model, named the Multiplicative Attribute Graph model (MAG), which takes into account the randomness of nodal attributes in the process of link formation (i.e., the probability of a link existing between two nodes depends on their attributes). Kim and Lesckovec, who defined the model, have claimed that this model exhibit some of the properties a real world social network is expected to have. Focusing on a homogeneous version of this model, we investigate the existence of zero-one laws for graph properties, e.g., the absence of isolated nodes, graph connectivity and the emergence of triangles. We obtain conditions on the parameters of the model, so that these properties occur with high or vanishingly probability as the number of nodes becomes unboundedly large. In that regime, we also investigate the property of triadic closure and the nodal degree distribution.
Objective: To know the perception of informal caregivers regarding the care for a family member with head and neck cancer. Methods: Qualitative study conducted between March and May 2014 in the radiotherapy outpatient center of the Centro de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia – CACON (Oncology High Complexity Center) of the Hospital Universitário de Brasília – HUB (University Hospital of Brasília) using semi-structured interviews with nine caregivers about the experience of caring for family members. Data underwent Content Analysis and four units of meaning were identified: “Representation of cancer in the Family”, “The care as debt, individual reward or reconstruction of family ties”, “Repercussions of cancer on the caregiver’s personal life” and “Social support and network used by caregivers”. Results: Feelings of sadness and surprise at the moment of diagnosis were attributed to cancer, as well as the idea of punishment. The care was seen as personal satisfaction, accomplishment and opportunity for family rapprochement. Work overload and change in routine were altered functions. Religiosity, exchange of experience in the waiting room and institutional support appeared as coping strategies. Conclusion: The experience of caring for family members with head and neck cancer directly interferes in the lives of caregivers. Pointing out the institutional embracement as a strategy within the social network reinforces the importance of integrating the caregivers as a significant part of the health care plan developed by the health team.
Social network sites (SNSs) provide new opportunities for online self-presentation of millions of users. The cover profile photograph (CPP) along with written information regarding relationship status is a central component of online self-presentation, although their associations with actual romantic relationships are not clear. We investigated relationships between the presence of a current romantic partner on the CPP and the displayed relationship status and partner satisfaction, partner-directed violence and women's intrasexual competition with peers. A total of 28 % of the 158 women with a Facebook profile and being involved in a romantic relationship had their romantic partners on their CPP. As predicted, women with their partners on the CPP were more satisfied with their romantic relationship than others. Furthermore, women who did not have their partner on the CPP tended to conceal or lie in their displayed mating status suggesting that this may be a strategy how to attract another potential mate. The partner-directed violence and intrasexual competition hypotheses were not supported. Overall, the CPP and an honestly displayed relationship status is an expression of relationship satisfaction amongst women.
Os surtos de doenças infeciosas estão atualmente no topo das preocupações relacionadas com riscos de saúde, devido à grande capacidade de disseminação e difusão que as caracteriza e, não menos importante, por causa da eventual possibilidade de evolução dos surtos para o nível de pandemia. A nível global, os Governos e as organizações oficiais de saúde estão empenhados em criar planos para lidar com os riscos de saúde, de forma a mitigar e controlar os efeitos nefastos provocados pelas doenças infeciosas na população. O mundo mudou, devido às novas tecnologias, tornou-se globalmente digital. As pessoas, hoje, têm um novo estatuto, são atores sociais, unidos por laços sociais no seio das redes digitais, dentro das quais, têm acesso a uma vasta panóplia de informação - acerca de assuntos de saúde por exemplo, que flui livremente através da rede e diminui os limites entre o cidadão comum e os profissionais e os peritos acerca dos mais diversos temas. O utilizador atual de internet, é um "prosumer". A tecnologia permite-lhe pesquisar a informação que procura e, adicionalmente, compartilhar e comentar o resultado das suas pesquisas e da sua própria experiência pessoal. No contexto dos riscos de saúde, a comunicação é um elemento preponderante em qualquer estratégia de planeamento de risco. Por sua vez, a internet, os novos media digitais e as redes sociais online, são ferramentas postas à disposição dos consumidores, que lhes possibilitam a procura a partilha e o armazenamento de informação. Em virtude da importância que assume a comunicação nos cenários de crise, no âmbito deste trabalho, centraremos o foco da nossa atenção, nos fenómenos de comunicação, conhecidos por “passa-palavra” e “passa-palavra eletrónico” (WOM e WOM), revelando a sua influência na participação dos consumidores na dinâmica comportamental de partilha de eWOM, dentro do grupo restrito de cada indivíduo (eWOM dentro do grupo). Para produzir o nosso modelo concetual, usaram-se medidas adaptadas de outros construtos retirados da literatura, nomeadamente, “Credibilidade da fonte”; “Credibilidade de informação” e “eWOM Dentro do Grupo”.
C3S2E '16 Proceedings of the Ninth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering
This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the development of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expanding the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human action. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SILVA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social relationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in arrangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the supportive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies
This work is a case study based on Belém Jewelry Pole, whose main issue is to understand how the social network (which the Pole is inserted) influences on innovation process on this area. The main objective is to analyze how interorganizational networks impacted/impact on the potential for innovation, creating both limits and opportunities for the companies development. The adopted method analyzed the historical jewelry industry trajectory since the beginning of mineral extraction in the city of Itaituba (in the Pará State) until nowadays. Primary and secondary data were used allowing the view of the dynamics of the network during transformation periods of the main involved actors in the process. The prospect of embeddedness structural as analysis technique allowed verifying the quality of interactors ties, as well as the visualization of their structures. During the jewelry industry trajectory was verified a change in the quality of social relations, modifying the information flow, trust and associations of various links in the production chain. Both direct and indirect ties facilitated the access to remote networks entering new information related to new products, processes and market aspects. This interaction has led to raising the innovation potential causing a qualitative and quantitative improvement in competitiveness of organizations. Some embedded ties allowed the formation of partnerships bringing various economic earnings for those involved in the relationship. Thus, it is understood how aspects related to the position, architecture and quality of ties in a wide social network influenced on the innovation process and eventual jewelry industry trajectory
Historically the imaginary and the hegemonic thinking, in the Western globe north, has been marked by the epistemology and capitalists archetypes. Notwithstanding the design seem as a practice and discipline shielded on a simplistic discourse of functional / communicative efficiency, wandering through by multiple aestheticism apparently neutral in relation to the symbolic, but in fact they never are, because what really hapens is that the aesthetic appearance of the generated forms will always be a review of the powers ruling. We start from the understanding that the act of creating an aesthetic artifact, will also be a movement of inscription in a discursive platform (that precedes it), is in itself an narrative act and that fact represent a certain take place in relation to certain symbolic reality. On reflection shown if it sees design as a discipline and / or an instrument of action, whose operational relevance tends to question and simultaneously rehearsing a response, in which more than why interests answer to why. Apparently the design is a content mediator, but also, it is structure, is body, is idea. We think a design praxis as discipline and enrollment tool of critical thought and social transformation. For guiding research in this text, we propose the following question: Can the Design want for themselves an engagement with the symbolic in order to be an active part in the production of critical thinking in the place where it belongs? Methodologically our argument will be present in two differents moments: 1. a first, exploratory nature where we rescue the draw issues in the practice of design and 2. a second analytical nature concerning the subject issues (graphic and / or utility ) design and how it incorporates formal rites, political events and social practices of contemporary everyday life. We consider the praxis of design as a discipline and critical thinking enrollment tool as agents of social transformation. With this study we seek for contribute phenomenology design by studying the artifacts of configuration as well as the possible messages they convey and what impact they may have on the social network.