857 resultados para Selling.


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais, 2015.


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[EN] The concept of sustainability when referring to food production rests, in general, on 3 main aspects: 1) respect for the environment; 2) economic and social benefits for all involved in production; and 3) production of sufficient quantity of quality food at an accessible price. In this contribution we focus on the main aspects of the traditional sheep's milk and cheese production (under the Denomination of Origin Idiazabal Cheese) in the Basque Country that contribute primarily to its sustainability. It is based on the local latxa or carranzana breeds of sheep, adapted to the mountainous terrain. The sheepherder takes advantage of local resources to reduce management costs by combining indoor dry forage and concentrates with outdoor grazing throughout lactation, according to local pasture availability, and thus avoiding having to buy large amounts of feed. This system facilitates recycling of manure, fertilising pastures and forest at the same time. Use of local breeds helps maintain biodiversity of sheep breeds. Cheese is produced industrially (44.5% of the total cheese produced in 2008) from milk of many flocks, or artisanally (38.3%) by the sheepherders with the milk from their own flocks. Transforming their own milk into cheese is advantageous for the following reasons: 1) higher economic returns as compared to selling the milk to cheese factories because cheese price directly sold to consumers is more competitive than industrial cheese sold in supermarkets; 2) increases the value of women's work (over 80% of the cheese makers are women) in the community and their self-esteem; 3) it creates rural jobs and contributes to rural development; 4) we have demonstrated both with experimental and commercial flocks that part-time grazing allows the sheepherder to obtain high yields of milk, and cheese, of high nutritional and functional quality. Currently a less sustainable, intensive sheep's milk production with foreign, imported breeds kept indoors constantly is gaining favour among milk producers because of its perceived higher economic profitability.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2016.


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This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e da Economia Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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The implementation of a hypothetical aquaculture facility with hatchery, nursery and grow-out earthen ponds for raising the Amazon River Prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum in the Pantanal was considered. Eight larviculture cycles per year were projected: four to produce post-larvae for stocking in grow-out bait ponds, and four to stock nursery tanks to sell juveniles as seed to grow-out farms, which produce prawns for human consumption. Annual production would be 146,880 dozen bait prawns and 2,938 thousand juveniles. The assumed sale prices were US$ 1.38 per dozen baits and US$ 15.39 per thousand juveniles. The net present value was US$ 555,890.79, internal rate of return was 48% per year, payback period was 2.4 years and benefit-cost ratio was 3.90. The breakeven price to cover total costs per dozen baits was US$ 0.70 and per thousand juveniles was US$ 17.00, indicating that the selling price assumed for juveniles in base scenario is not realistic. Net return was US$ 84,773.80. The results indicate that this activity would be a lucrative and attractive investment in the Pantanal.


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A lo largo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo una investigación sobre la evolución de las relaciones comerciales entre fabricantes y distribuidores, con especial atención en la colaboración conjunta a la hora de comercializar los productos en el punto de venta. El empleo de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas en el establecimiento facilita el merchandising de presentación, ofreciendo ventajas competitivas para los agentes de la cadena de suministros y nuevas experiencias de compra para los consumidores. Una vez analizada la parte teórico-conceptual del trabajo se lleva a cabo el análisis de un caso práctico sobre los beneficios de la tecnología Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implantada en la empresa Decathlon. Estos sistemas se han convertido en un aliado clave para la mejora de los procesos de negocio, mejorando la gestión de la compañía y la fidelización de los clientes.


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The supply of organs—particularly kidneys—donated by living and deceased donors falls short of the number of patients added annually to transplant waiting lists in the United States. To remedy this problem, a number of prominent physicians, ethicists, economists and others have mounted a campaign to suspend the prohibitions in the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) on the buying and selling of organs. The argument that providing financial benefits would incentivize enough people to part with a kidney (or a portion of a liver) to clear the waiting lists is flawed. This commentary marshals arguments against the claim that the shortage of donor organs would best be overcome by providing financial incentives for donation. We can increase the number of organs available for transplantation by removing all financial disincentives that deter unpaid living or deceased kidney donation. These disincentives include a range of burdens, such as the costs of travel and lodging for medical evaluation and surgery, lost wages, and the expense of dependent care during the period of organ removal and recuperation. Organ donation should remain an act that is financially neutral for donors, neither imposing financial burdens nor enriching them monetarily.


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Access to the supply of alcohol is an important factor influencing adolescent alcohol consumption. Although alcohol sales outlets are prohibited from selling alcohol to underage youth, there has been limited research investigating compliance. The present study sought to estimate the extent to which adolescents that appeared underage were successfully able to purchase alcohol from packaged liquor outlets in Australia; and to identify store and sales characteristics associated with illegal purchasing. In 2012, purchase surveys were conducted (n= 310) at packaged liquor outlets in 28 urban and rural communities across three states of Australia: Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria. Confederates successfully purchased alcohol at 60% (95% CI: 55-66) of outlets. The density of general alcohol outlets in the surrounding area and the type of liquor outlet were predictors of successful alcohol purchases; however, this was moderated by the state in which the purchase was made. Regional geographical location was also found to predict underage alcohol purchase. The majority of alcohol sales outlets in Australia breach regulations prohibiting sales to underage youth. Consistent enforcement of policies across the states of Australia, and reducing the number of alcohol outlets, will help prevent alcohol outlets illegally selling alcohol to underage adolescents.


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In the early 1950s Australia mined little bauxite and produced no alumina, that being the chemically pure aluminium oxide which is extracted from bauxite and then smelted in electric furnaces to produce aluminium metal. The huge costs of aluminium production meant that, after World War II, six large companies dominated the aluminium industry worldwide, from mining bauxite through to fabricating and selling metal. These were Alcoa, Reynolds Metals and Kaiser in the United States, Alcan in Canada, Pechiney in France and Alusuisse in Switzerland. In the 1940s the Chifley government planned a small aluminium smelter in Tasmania largely for defence purposes, and originally dependent on imported bauxite. Government co-operation with industry to search for indigenous bauxite feedstock for the smelter saw two discoveries of bauxite at about the same time in northern Australia in the 1950s-the first at Gove in the Northern Territory and the second, much larger find, across the Gulf of Carpentaria in Queensland. These two discoveries and the proving of bauxite deposits of commercial grade in Western Australia a few years later meant that Australia possessed an astonishing one third of the world's bauxite by the early 1960s.


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Securities lending is the temporary transfer of securities(mainly shares) from one party to another. At theconclusion of the loan, the borrower is required to deliverequivalent securities to the lender. Securities lending isan important and growing part of global market activity.While it is said to perform valid and useful functions suchas increasing market liquidity, many—particularly duringthe global financial crisis—have expressed concerns thatit also leads to market instability. Concerns with securitieslending have focused primarily on its role in facilitatingshort selling. During the global financial crisis, marketsand regulators were concerned about the potentialdestabilising effect of short selling on financial markets.1Regulators across the globe took action to ban naked andcovered short selling.This article undertakes a comprehensive examinationof the legal structure of securities loans in Australia. Itexamines securities lending in Australia and other majorfinancial markets, namely Europe, the United Kingdomand United States. This article examines the Australian and international industry standard form contracts. It alsoconsiders the current regulatory environment for securitieslending in Australia.


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connection with the collapse of Opes Prime in Australiaand the Australian Federal Court decision whichconsidered the legal characterisation of securities loans.The Opes Prime collapse provoked huge controversyregarding the role of securities lending and the ensuingcourt decision was the first judicial examination ofsecurities lending in Australia.1 The article also considersthe regulatory responses to securities lending and shortselling taken by the International Organisation ofSecurities Commissions (IOSCO) and in Australia, theUnited Kingdom, Europe and the United States duringthe global financial crisis.


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This paper examines the legal structure of securities lending in Australia, and also Europe, the United Kingdom and United States. It provides an analysis of the widely used industry documents, the Australian Master Securities Lending Agreement and the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA). It outlines the regulation of securities lending and short selling, including restrictions on short selling and the applicable disclosure requirements. It discusses the collapse of Opes Prime and the key Federal Court decision which considered the legal effect of the AMSLA. It also outlines the regulatory responses to securities lending and short selling taken by IOSCO, in Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom during the global financial crisis.