884 resultados para Segurança alimentar e nutricional


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Along with the food and the comfort, safety has always been one of the human priorities. In pursuit of this objective, man developed self-preservation mechanisms, went to live in society and created rules to control the community life. In the West and in the late eighteenth century, with the creation of states as we know them today, the monopoly of security, among other powers, has been preserved untouched until the last quarter of this century. With the bankruptcy of the welfare state and the rise of the regulatory state, many of the essential tasks for the community have also been carried out by private companies or institutions, including education, health care and security. Although not easy, education and health care have been more opened to be managed by the private sector. Instead, the privatization of the security sector has seen much more resistance. Still, especially in the West, the states have delegated some of the security competences to private companies. Portugal is no exception to the rule and, after a few years of unregulated activity, in 1982 was published the first law regulating the private security. After the initial stages of development (evolution and maturation), which lasted until the early years of the 2000‘s, the private security now seems to have reached maturity. Today, now with a new legal system, composed by Law no. 34/2013, of 16 may, its regulations and complementary legislation, now private security encompasses other activities and competences - becoming, an increasingly complement to public safety. It has also increased the pre-requisites and control mechanisms for private security companies, and strengthened the rules that limit their scope of activity.


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O estágio, cujo relatório é agora apresentado, foi desenvolvido na Securitas SA., uma das maiores empresas de segurança privada do mundo, com filiais em quase todos os continentes. Procurou-se perceber qual o enquadramento mais adequado ao exercício da segurança privada em Portugal, designadamente no ponto de vista da maior empresa de segurança privada no mundo, face aos novos tipos de ameaça e de necessidades dos seus clientes ou público-alvo. O enfoque da análise assenta nas limitações impostas não pela capacidade técnico-operacional dos prestadores deste tipo de serviço, mas sim pelas restrições impostas pela legislação em vigor e a sua adequação às necessidades demonstradas. O objectivo final é a elaboração de um relatório que deverá conter as considerações que se destacarem no que respeita às dificuldades encontradas e consequentes respostas ou soluções para as mesmas.


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Introdução: Os parasitas intestinais são responsáveis por morbilidade em crianças de todo mundo, em especial nos países de baixa renda. Os estudos têm vindo a demonstrar o seu impacto negativo no estado nutricional e o seu contributo na etiologia da anemia. Pretendeu-se determinar a prevalência de parasitas intestinais em crianças dos 5 aos 12 anos de idade, a frequentar a escola primária no Bairro Lucrécia, no Lubango, Angola, e explorar a sua relação com o estado nutricional e anemia. Material e Métodos: Foi efectuado um estudo observacional, transversal e analítico, cuja colheita de dados se realizou entre Setembro e Outubro de 2010. A amostra foi constituída por 328 crianças. Realizou-se a detecção microscópica de parasitas intestinais e identificação molecular dos parasitas Entamoeba histolytica e Entamoeba dispar. O estado nutricional foi avaliado através dos z-scores do peso para a idade, da estatura para a idade e do IMC para a idade. A concentração de hemoglobina foi determinada através de um hemoglobinómetro portátil. Resultados: A prevalência de parasitas intestinais patogénicos foi de 44,2%, destacando-se Ascaris lumbricoides com 22,0%, Giardia lamblia com 20,1% e Hymenolepis nana com 8,8%. Na microscopia foi encontrada uma prevalência de Entamoeba histolytica/dispar de 13,7%, tendo sido posteriormente identificada, por diagnóstico molecular, uma prevalência de 13,1% para E. dispar e 0,3% para E. histolytica. A prevalência de baixo peso, subnutrição crónica e subnutrição aguda foi de, respectivamente, 36,1%, 41,5% e 30,2%. A probabilidade das crianças terem subnutrição crónica ou subnutrição aguda aumentou com o facto de terem 10 anos ou mais. As crianças co-infectadas por protozoários e helmintas apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de terem subnutrição crónica. A prevalência de anemia foi de 21,6%, encontrando-se a mesma significativamente associada à infecção por H. nana. A probabilidade das crianças estarem anémicas aumentou com o facto de terem menos de 10 anos. Adicionalmente nas crianças desparasitadas com albendazol ou mebendazol há 2 meses e meio ou menos verificou-se uma maior prevalência de infecção por G. lamblia (28,6%) em comparação com as desparasitadas há mais de 2 meses e meio (13,7%), tendo sido essa diferença estatisticamente significativa. Discussão e Conclusões: Emergiu deste estudo a importância da co-infecção com helmintas e protozoários no aumento da probabilidade das crianças terem subnutrição crónica e foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a infecção por H. nana e a anemia. Será importante desenhar futuros estudos que investiguem o poder patogénico do H. nana e o modo como é efectuada a desparasitação com albendazol ou mebendazol, pois ao ser eficaz contra a infecção por A. lumbricoides, poderá aumentar a susceptibilidade à infecção por G. lamblia.


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This master dissertation is to bring a contribution to the reflection on the need to strengthen cross-border cooperation, among the various entities applying the law with a view to building a European security culture through police training. On this basis, it proposes a reflection on the new security paradigm, focused on the demanding and informed security needs by the citizen due to an increasingly transnational crime throughout the different States. This development, coupled with globalization itself, led to the definition of strategies to gear the work of the police in preventing and combating new criminal phenomena such as the European Internal Security Strategy. However, without a true safety culture, which fosters trust among the various actors and ensures a coordinated and uniform action of the police, it will not be easy to achieve the desired effectiveness in protecting the fundamental rights that underpin European integration. Against this background, attempts to explain that the implementation of a common European training program for the police (LETS) is the way forward, with a view to a more effective security in the Union, based on values that embody a genuine European security culture, coveted by all, based on an idea of governance held at different levels of intervention, European, regional and national levels.


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Devido ao seu elevado valor nutricional e capacidades tecnologias, as sementes de chia (Salvia hispanica L.), são consideradas um alimento promissor para o desenvolvimento de produtos funcionais, tendo por base a valorização das suas propriedades gelificantes. A caracterização da capacidade gelificante e da concentração ótima de farinha de chia a utilizar na formulação de novos produtos foi realizada através da análise das propriedades físicas e químicas da farinha e dos géis respetivos, para diferentes gamas de concentrações e diferentes condições de processamento. Os resultados obtidos em termos da composição centesimal da farinha de chia reforçam o conhecimento já generalizado sobre o seu valor nutricional, aumentando o seu potencial no desenvolvimento de novos produtos funcionais. Considerando a matéria-prima utilizada, as condições ótimas para a produção dos géis foram 13% (m/m) de farinha de chia hidratada durante 30 minutos, seguindo-se um tratamento térmico a 90°C/30min e subsequente arrefecimento a 5°C. Verificou-se também que a presença de sal ou de açúcar na formulação do produto permite a obtenção de preparações culinárias com características sensorialmente aceitáveis, sendo por isso possível inovar em diversos sentidos na aplicação da farinha de chia como ingrediente alimentar.


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This work aims to reflect on the way as the security has come to evolue, fitting new private actors who now play functions, long ago private the public beings. This new situation raises issues of privatization of public authority, which puts into question the ius imperii and rights of citizens. Although private security is a growing reality, and that it needed to study.


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This work aims to stress the concept of a security culture in the sense that each one of us is an emergency responder, the first one to respond, and the more prepared we are, with better training and awareness, the better we will perform, this applies even to the relationship between us and the Emergency Responders. All this will lead to a better probability of surviving an accident. If there is an accident, anywhere at any time, each one of us is alone. And the bigger the accident is the longer we stay alone. There is no firefighter, no policeman, no doctor, so it is very important to be competent, in other words, knowing how to react, wanting to react and being able to react. This is a basic requirement to understand the phenomenon, to know the consequences arising from the way we act and that we have to perform according to the situation: before, during and after it occurred. In brief, let’s not make resilience be just a word, let’s make it a concept that belongs to the higher definition of the Security Culture.


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O objetivo deste estudo centra-se na análise e na comparação do contributo do petróleo do golfo da Guiné para a segurança energética dos EUA e da China no período 1990-2000, tendo presente a afirmação recente da região africana num quadro de escassez da matéria-prima. Foram elaborados três case studies visando caracterizar as potencialidades e riscos associados à região produtora e analisar o crescente envolvimento dos EUA e da China, através da implementação de políticas públicas conducentes à obtenção dos resultados visados e mediante o reforço da exposição da vertente empresarial. Os resultados obtidos traduziram-se no reforço do abastecimento dos EUA, mantendo uma posição ímpar perante o maior fornecedor regional, a Nigéria, enquanto a China assumiu posição de crescente relevância na região e sedimentou uma relação de grande preponderância face ao outro grande produtor, Angola. A existência de nexos de causalidade entre níveis de segurança energética e o recurso a instrumentos de políticas públicas é um domínio complexo, sendo de referir que o recurso ao economic statecraft pelos EUA, não afigura hipótese fundamentada enquanto fator explicativo das performances alcançadas por este país na região.


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Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.


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RESUMO - A segurança do doente constitui um dos grandes desafios dos cuidados de saúde do séc. XXI e é um componente essencial da qualidade em saúde. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários representam o primeiro nível de contacto dos indivíduos, da família e da comunidade com o sistema de saúde. O objectivo deste trabalho foi aplicar o Diagrama de Ishikawa no estudo dos incidentes ocorridos numa unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Primários – Unidade de Saúde Familiar Marginal. A análise das causas dos incidentes relatados (n=379) mostrou que os factores associados à „tarefa‟ foram os mais frequentes (n=196) e os factores associados ao doente foram os menos frequentes (n=22). A análise de correlações mostrou uma associação positiva entre os factores da tarefa e os factores da equipa e entre os factores da tarefa e os factores da comunicação (p<0.05). Esta análise mostrou ainda, uma associação negativa entre os factores das condições de trabalho e os factores da organização (p<0.05). As medidas de discriminação aplicadas aos resultados da análise de correlação múltipla, mostraram que os factores da comunicação, os factores individuais, as condições de trabalho e o contexto institucional foram as principais associações encontradas. A análise qualitativa de oito incidentes, permitiu reflectir sobre medidas de melhoria. Este estudo aponta para a utilidade da aplicação do Diagrama de Ishikawa no apuramento das causas sistémicas mais prováveis de um incidente, e na identificação de necessidades de atuação na gestão de risco dentro das organizações. Será, no entanto, necessário testar este instrumento em outras unidades de cuidados de Saúde Primários.


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There is an undeniable link between child support and scholarship, under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code. Of course, by being within family relationships, such link could not be out of controversy. At a time when the continuation of studies is more and more urgent, this link between the two, is often subject of disputes, especially resultant from the interpretation of the law, due to the wide extension that it is entitle to; and many times is also insufficient to the most interested people – the youngsters that want to study. Regardless of the imprecision that rules under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code, this article reveals a huge importance by enabling young adults and students to continue their studies, with the financial help from their parents - the responsibility of the parents with the support of their children should have ended by the time they have become legal adults, but it is extended by this article, once the criteria is filled, especially related to the reasonableness of what is required to the parents and the temporal duration of the education chosen. That is, considering that reaching adulthood does not cease the duty of support from the parents, it is important to know how much can parents provide to their children, bearing in mind their income and the child’s and his/her needs, behavior and the intellectual capacity of the child as a student and also the parent-child relationship; and, until when is such support due, taking in to account several circumstances of life and the difficulties inherent to the degree chosen and even the extension of the studies to a master or to a PhD degree that justifies the extension of the parent’s duty. Anyway, the application of article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code is always based on a case by case analysis and on the economic insufficient of the youngsters to suffice themselves and the simultaneous desire to continue their studies.


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Nowadays, safety and security regarding the tourism and events industries are a fundamental subject to society. Portugal’s tourism has significantly increased its number of visitors, whether due to the increasing number of cruisers docking in Lisbon, or due to visitors arriving by air, travelling the country from North to South and staying in the most varied accommodation units. Issues like human security and internal security of the different countries, even the security in the world, as development factors of a modern society, are discussed on a daily basis. On the contrary, few deal with tourism and major events security as being part of internal security, as well as the existing barriers tourism encounters to integrate the system for fighting terrorism. Although two distinct activities, they are complementary and may influence the country’s economy, provided that they can offer certainty to all actors involved. It is this substance that organised crime groups look for when planning terror acts. Therefore, as tourism can offer deception and shelter opportunities and events the theatre of a possible attack, those events assemble all the necessary conditions for an attack to achieve its goals.


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The present report, about consumer’s safety, shows the development of the knowledge on this particular subject and the actions carried out by entities that fight for the protection of consumer’s rights. The internship was based on the knowledge acquirement on the theoretical and practical aspects of the fight lead by the Direção Geral do Consumidor, together with other entities, towards the elimination or solely the reduction of risks caused by some products and services made available for the consumers or put on the market. During the internship, I counted with the support of my supervisor in the DGC, Dr. Ana Catarina Fonseca and, for the writing of the report, I had the help of my thesis advisor, Dr. Jorge Morais Carvalho, whenever I needed constructive criticism. My participation on the creation of the informative brochures about consumer’s safety, and the study of the legislation used by the DGC on the daily work, enabled me, effectively, to consolidate my guiding principles as a future professional on the matters of the creation of entities, private and public, which aim to ensure the protection of consumers’s rights, informing them of the possible risks or solving the already existing problems, removing dangerous products and services from the market.The report clarifies the action of the DGC on the protection of consumer’s safety, and enables some knowledge on the relations between the entities that work for the protection of the consumers and the market operators and on their work on identifying dangerous products and warning the consumers about it. The final part of this report contains information that allows us to form an idea of the importance that consumer safety has had in Cape Verde, compared with the laws of Portugal on the matter.


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In actual context of multidimensional and complex interactions, public safety has been occupying more and more both rhetorical and political agendas and citizen’s concerns. People discuss the causes, crime combat, question the punishment and its implementation as a way of stop the the increasing criminality. Such as public safety, also prisons and prision systems as integral parts in coproduction safety have been taking the center of the discussions, which seeks to realize the preponderance of the portuguese prision system in the context of public safety.