977 resultados para SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR
The reproductive biology of the Mediterranean Snake cel, Ophichthus Rufus (Ophichthidae), was studied on the basis of microscopic and macroscopic analysis. Results show that O.rufus is an oviparous species with a group synchronous ovary type. The maturation process of the gonads starts in December and progress until August, when ovulation and a pawing take place. It is a fractional spawned with buoyant eggs. Potential annual fecundity estimates ranged from 1426 to 23.605 oocytes. Except for small sizes, a clear predominance of females was observed
This thesis seeks to answer, if communication challenges in virtual teams can be overcome with the help of computer-mediated communication. Virtual teams are becoming more common work method in many global companies. In order for virtual teams to reach their maximum potential, effective asynchronous and synchronous methods for communication are needed. The thesis covers communication in virtual teams, as well as leadership and trust building in virtual environments with the help of CMC. First, the communication challenges in virtual teams are identified by using a framework of knowledge sharing barriers in virtual teams by Rosen et al. (2007) Secondly, the leadership and trust in virtual teams are defined in the context of CMC. The performance of virtual teams is evaluated in the case study by exploiting these three dimensions. With the help of a case study of two virtual teams, the practical issues related to selecting and implementing communication technologies as well as overcoming knowledge sharing barriers is being discussed. The case studies involve a complex inter-organisational setting, where four companies are working together in order to maintain a new IT system. The communication difficulties are related to inadequate communication technologies, lack of trust and the undefined relationships of the stakeholders and the team members. As a result, it is suggested that communication technologies are needed in order to improve the virtual team performance, but are not however solely capable of solving the communication challenges in virtual teams. In addition, suitable leadership and trust between team members are required in order to improve the knowledge sharing and communication in virtual teams.
This thesis studies the possibilities to recover energy in a hydraulic forklift system. Controlling of the system is done directly with an electric servo motor drive and a hydraulic pump. A real system was built and tested and simulations of the system were made with Matlab. Results of the system and simulations were analysed and compared and according to them, energy can be recovered efficiently from the hydraulic forklift system. Also new ideas and directions of further research were obtained with the help of this research.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia häviöitä loistehon tuottaminen Stora Enson Anjalankosken tehtaiden hiomorakennuksessa sijaitsevilla kuudella 14 MW tahtimoottorilla aiheuttaa. Lähtötietoina käytettiin moottoreiden valmistajalta saatuja rkistotietoja ja niiden perusteella laadittiin äivitetty akselitehon ja loistehotuotannon ilaa kuvaava PQ-diagrammi digitaaliseen muotoon. Saatujen tulosten avulla on mahdollista suunnitella kustannustehokas tapa käyttää painehiomon tahtimoottoreita koko tehdasalueen loistehon säätöön.
Aortic root (AoR) components provide synchronous and precise 3D deformation of the aortic root during the cardiac cycle in order to ensure closure and opening of the three leaflets over a lifetime. Any deviation from the natural 3D morphology, such as with AoR annulus dilatation, enlarged sinuses and/or dilatation of the sinotubular junction, as in the case of ascending aortic dilatation, may result in disruption of the natural AoR function. Surgical treatment of AoR pathology has two modalities: the replacement of the aortic valve by artificial prosthesis or by preservation of the three leaflets and reconstruction of the aortic root components. Currently, there are two basic aortic root reconstruction procedures: aortic root sparing and aortic valve reimplantation techniques. Regardless of the technique used, the restoration of adequate cusp coaptation, is from a technical point of view, the most important element to consider. To achieve this, there are two requirements that need to be met: (i) the valve coaptation should be superior to the level of the aortic root base by at least 8 mm and (ii) the coaptation height per se has to be ≥5 mm. Successful restoration of the aortic root requires adequate technical skills, detailed knowledge of aortic root anatomy and topography, and also knowledge of the spatial pattern of AoR elements. Recently, there has been growing interest in aortic root reconstructive procedures as well their modifications. As such, the aim of this review is to analyse aortic root topography and 3D anatomy from a surgical point of view. The review also focuses on potential risk regions that one should be aware of before the surgical journey into the 'deep waters area' of the AoR begins.
Apart from its role as a flow generator for ventilation the diaphragm has a circulatory role. The cyclical abdominal pressure variations from its contractions cause swings in venous return from the splanchnic venous circulation. During exercise the action of the abdominal muscles may enhance this circulatory function of the diaphragm. Eleven healthy subjects (25 ± 7 year, 70 ± 11 kg, 1.78 ± 0.1 m, 3 F) performed plantar flexion exercise at ~4 METs. Changes in body volume (ΔVb) and trunk volume (ΔVtr) were measured simultaneously by double body plethysmography. Volume of blood shifts between trunk and extremities (Vbs) was determined non-invasively as ΔVtr-ΔVb. Three types of breathing were studied: spontaneous (SE), rib cage (RCE, voluntary emphasized inspiratory rib cage breathing), and abdominal (ABE, voluntary active abdominal expiration breathing). During SE and RCE blood was displaced from the extremities into the trunk (on average 0.16 ± 0.33 L and 0.48 ± 0.55 L, p < 0.05 SE vs. RCE), while during ABE it was displaced from the trunk to the extremities (0.22 ± 0.20 L p < 0.001, p < 0.05 RCE and SE vs. ABE respectively). At baseline, Vbs swings (maximum to minimum amplitude) were bimodal and averaged 0.13 ± 0.08 L. During exercise, Vbs swings consistently increased (0.42 ± 0.34 L, 0.40 ± 0.26 L, 0.46 ± 0.21 L, for SE, RCE and ABE respectively, all p < 0.01 vs. baseline). It follows that during leg exercise significant bi-directional blood shifting occurs between the trunk and the extremities. The dynamics and partitioning of these blood shifts strongly depend on the relative predominance of the action of the diaphragm, the rib cage and the abdominal muscles. Depending on the partitioning between respiratory muscles for the act of breathing, the distribution of blood between trunk and extremities can vary by up to 1 L. We conclude that during exercise the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm might play a role of an "auxiliary heart."
In the rubber hand illusion tactile stimulation seen on a rubber hand, that is synchronous with tactile stimulation felt on the hidden real hand, can lead to an illusion of ownership over the rubber hand. This illusion has been shown to produce a temperature decrease in the hidden hand, suggesting that such illusory ownership produces disownership of the real hand. Here we apply immersive virtual reality (VR) to experimentally investigate this with respect to sensitivity to temperature change. Forty participants experienced immersion in a VR with a virtual body (VB) seen from a first person perspective. For half the participants the VB was consistent in posture and movement with their own body, and in the other half there was inconsistency. Temperature sensitivity on the palm of the hand was measured before and during the virtual experience. The results show that temperature sensitivity decreased in the consistent compared to the inconsistent condition. Moreover, the change in sensitivity was significantly correlated with the subjective illusion of virtual arm ownership but modulated by the illusion of ownership over the full virtual body. This suggests that a full body ownership illusion results in a unification of the virtual and real bodies into one overall entity - with proprioception and tactile sensations on the real body integrated with the visual presence of the virtual body. The results are interpreted in the framework of a"body matrix" recently introduced into the literature.
This article introduces a simplified model for the theoretical study of the physical adsorption process of gaseous He on the planes (100) and (111) of the solid Xe matrix, whose crystalline structure is face centered cubic (fcc). The Ab initio calculations were carried out at the MP2 level of theory employing basis sets obtained through the Generator Coordinate Method, where the core electrons were represented by a pseudopotential. The calculated adsorption energies for the (100) and (111) faces are 5,39 and 4,18 kJ/mol, respectively. This simplified model is expected to be suitable for treating complex systems of applied interest.
We are working in a new multi-doped glassy material to generate simultaneously the three primary light color (by addition) of the visible spectrum, with the control of the intensity of each one, allowing the simulation of any color: a full-color generator device. Tm+3, Tb+3 and Eu+3 ions were used (0.01 to 5,0 mol%) as blue, green and red narrow line emitters. A wide color gamut was obtained under ultraviolet excitation by varying the material composition. The chromaticity diagram is covered, including the white simulation.
The interface and software for synchronous control of an autosampler and an electrothermal tungsten coil atomizer in atomic absorption spectrophotometry were developed. The control of the power supply, the trigger of the Read function of the spectrophotometer and the automatic operation of the autosampler was performed by software written in "TurboBasic". The system was evaluated by comparison of the repeatability of peak-height absorbances obtained in the atomization of lead by consecutive 10-µl injections of solutions (prepared in 0.2% v/v HNO3) using autosampler and manual sample introduction, and also by long term operation.
Työssä pyrittiin etsimään differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmilla kaksiakseliselle, välijäähdytyksellä, välipoltolla ja rekuperaattorilla varustetulle mikrokaasuturbiinille sellaiset kompressorien painesuhteet ja rekuperaattorin rekuperaatioaste, että saavutettaisiin mandollisimman hyvä osakuormahyötysuhteen säilyvyys. Osakuormatehon säätömenetelmäksi oli valittu pyörimisnopeussäädön ja turbiinien sisääntulolämpötilan alentamisen yhdistelmä, jossa generaattorilla varustetun akselin pyörimisnopeus sekä molempien turbiinien sisääntulolämpötilat olivat toisistaan riippumatta vapaasti säädettävissä. Työssä löydettiin optimaalinen säätömenetelmien yhdistelmä, jolla saavutetaan parempi osakuormahyötysuhteen säilyvyys, kuin millään käytetyistä menetelmistä yksinään. Lisäksi havaittiin, ettei optimaalinen säätömenetelmä merkittävästi riipu koneikolle valituista suunnittelupisteen parametreista. Osakuormahyötysuhteen säilyvyyden kannalta optimaalinen koneikko ei merkittävästi poikennut suunnittelupisteen hyötysuhteen kannalta optimaalisesta.
This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.
Työssä käsitellään suodinkakkujen kuivapitoisuuksien muuttumista, kun kuivauksessa käytetään paineilman sijasta kylläistä höyryä.
Nykyiset IGB-transistorit voivat tuottaa jopa 30 ns nousureunoja, jolloin jänniterasitus jakautuu hyvin epätasaisesti käämien ja kierrosten kesken. Tämä ja eristeissä esiintyvät ilmataskut asettavat käämikierrosten välisten eristeiden jännitekestävyyden koetukselle, ja aiheuttavat riskin osittaispurkaukselle. Urassa hajavuon epätasaisen jakauman aiheuttama virranahto on yleensä ollut esillä suurissa koneissa, jotka toimivat 50 Hz:llä. Nykyään taajuusmuuttajien soveltaminen on mahdollistanut nimellistaajuudeltaan satojen hertsien suurnopeuskoneiden käämitysten valmistamisen pyörölangasta, jolloin virranahto tulee merkittäväksi, koska kierroksia on muutama urassa. Työssä mitattiin jännitteen jakautumista 3.5 MW:n tuulivoimageneraattorin segmentissä käyttäen käämitysten syöttöön erilaisia jännitteen nousuaikoja, ja pyrittiin arvioimaan onko kyseinen kone vaarassa kokea osittaispurkauksia elinikänsä aikana. Työssä on myös käsitelty virranahtoa käyttäen finiittielementtimenetelmää simuloimaan ja vertaamaan erilaisia tilanteita käämitystavoissa pyörölankakoneessa. Tämä on myös osittain sovellettavissa muotokuparilla käämittyihin koneisiin. Käämivyyhdin vyyhdenpään alueella tehdyn johdinnipun 180 asteen kierron vaikutusta simuloitiin ja sen aiheuttamaa parannusta varmennettiin käytännön mittauksilla.
Tämä työ on tehty Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa, meneillään olevan tuulivoimalasimulaattorin kehitystyön yhteydessä. Työssä käydään läpi simulaattorissa käytettyjen generaattorisillan ja verkkosillan säätöperiaatteita, tehdään katsaus siirtoverkon jännitevikoihin sekä tuulivoimalan toimintaan näissä vikatilanteissa. Työn varsinainen tutkimuskohde on verkkosillan säädön toiminnan simuloiminen siirtoverkon jännitevioissa ja säädön parannusehdotukset.