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Formyl-peptide receptor type 2 (FPR2; also called ALX because it is the receptor for lipoxin A4) sustains a variety of biological responses relevant to the development and control of inflammation, yet the cellular regulation of this G-protein-coupled receptor remains unexplored. Here we report that, in response to peptide agonist activation, FPR2/ALX undergoes β-arrestin-mediated endocytosis followed by rapid recycling to the plasma membrane. We identify a transplantable recycling sequence that is both necessary and sufficient for efficient receptor recycling. Furthermore, removal of this C-terminal recycling sequence alters the endocytic fate of FPR2/ALX and evokes pro-apoptotic effects in response to agonist activation. This study demonstrates the importance of endocytic recycling in the anti-apoptotic properties of FPR2/ALX and identifies the molecular determinant required for modulation of this process fundamental for the control of inflammation.


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ntroduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease affecting more than 8.5 million people in the UK. Disruption in the catabolic and anabolic balance, with the catabolic cytokine Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) being involved in the initiation and progression of OA (1). Melanocortin peptides (α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH) exert their anti-inflammatory effects via activation of melanocortin receptors (MC), with both MC1 and MC3 being identified as promising candidates as novel targets for OA (2). This study aims to assess the chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of the pan melanocortin receptor agonist α-MSH and MC3 agonist D[Trp8]-γ-MSH following IL-1β chondrocyte stimulation. Methods: RT-PCR/ Western Blot: Human C-20/A4 chondrocytic cell-line were cultured in 6 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and harvested to determine MC and IL-1β expression by RT-PCR, and Western Blot. Cell-Culture: Cells were cultured in 96 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and stimulated with H2O2 (0.3%), TNF-α (60 pg/ml) or IL-1β (0-5000pg/ml) for 0-72h and cell viability determined. Drug Treatment: In separate experiments cells were pre-treated with 3 μg/ml α-MSH (Sigma-Aldrich Inc. Poole, UK), or D[Trp8]-γ-MSH (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Karlsrhue, Germany) (all dissolved in PBS) for 30 minutes prior to IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6-24h. Analysis: Cell viability was determined by using the three cell viability assays; Alamar Blue, MTT and the Neutral Red (NR) assay. Cell-free supernatants were collected and analysed for Interleukin -6 (IL-6) and IL-8 release by ELISA. Data expressed as Mean ± SD of n=4-8 determination in quadruplicate. *p≤ 0.05 vs. control. Results: Both RT-PCR, and Western Blot showed MC1 and MC3 expression on C-20/A4 cells. Cell viability analysis: IL-1β stimulation led to a maximal cell death of 35% at 6h (Alamar Blue), and 40% and 75% with MTT and Neutral Red respectively at 24h compared to control. The three cell viability assays have different cellular uptake pathways, which accounts for the variations observed in cell viability in response to the concentration of IL-1β, and time. Cytokine analysis by ELISA: IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6 and 24h showed maximal IL-6 production 292.3 ±3.8 and 275.5 ±5.0 respectively, and IL-8 production 353.3 ±2.6 and 598.3 ±8.6 respectively. Pre-treatment of cells with α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH caused significant reductions in both IL-6 and IL-8 respectively following IL-1β stimulation at 6h. Conclusion: MC1/3 are expressed on C-20/A4 cells, activation by melanocortin peptides led to an inhibition of IL-1β induced cell death and pro-inflammatory cytokine release.


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Plasma membrane-derived vesicles (PMVs) or microparticles are vesicles (0.1–1 μm in diameter) released from the plasma membrane of all blood cell types under a variety of biochemical and pathological conditions. PMVs contain cytoskeletal elements and some surface markers from the parent cell but lack a nucleus and are unable to synthesise macromolecules. They are also defined on the basis that in most cases PMVs express varying amounts of the cytosolic leaflet lipid phosphatidylserine, which is externalised during activation on their surface. This marks the PMV as a biologically distinct entity from that of its parent cell, despite containing surface markers from the original cell, and also explains its role in events such as phagocytosis and thrombosis. There is currently a large amount of variation between investigators with regard to the pre-analytical steps employed in isolating red cell PMVs or RPMVs (which are slightly smaller than most PMVs), with key differences being centrifugation and sample storage conditions, which often leads to result variability. Unfortunately, standardization of preparation and detection methods has not yet been achieved. This review highlights and critically discusses the variables contributing to differences in results obtained by investigators, bringing to light numerous studies of which RPMVs have been analysed but have not yet been the subject of a review.


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O osso é um tecido metabolicamente ativo e a sua remodelação é importante para regular e manter a massa óssea. Esse processo envolve a reabsorção do material ósseo por ação dos osteoclastos e a síntese de novo material ósseo mediado pelos osteoblastos. Vários estudos têm sugerido que a pressão arterial elevada está associada a alterações no metabolismo do cálcio, o que leva ao aumento da perda de cálcio e da remoção de cálcio do osso. Embora as alterações no metabolismo ósseo sejam um efeito adverso associado a alguns fármacos antihipertensores, o conhecimento em relação a este efeito terapêutico ligado com os bloqueadores de canais de cálcio é ainda muito escasso. Uma vez que os possíveis efeitos no osso podem ser atribuídos à ação antihipertensiva dessas moléculas, ou através de um efeito direto nas atividades metabólicas ósseas, torna-se necessário esclarecer este assunto. Devido ao facto de que as alterações no metabolismo ósseo são um efeito adverso associado a alguns fármacos antihipertensores, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o efeito que os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio exercem sobre as células ósseas humanas, nomeadamente osteoclastos, osteoblastos e co-culturas de ambos os tipos celulares. Verificou-se que os efeitos dos fármacos antihipertensores variaram consoante o fármaco testado e o sistema de cultura usado. Alguns fármacos revelaram a capacidade de estimular a osteoclastogénese e a osteoblastogénese em concentrações baixas. Independentemente da identidade do fármaco, concentrações elevadas revelaram ser prejudiciais para a resposta das células ósseas. Os mecanismos intracelulares através dos quais os efeitos foram exercidos foram igualmente afetados de forma diferencial pelos diferentes fármacos. Em resumo, este trabalho demonstrou que os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio utilizados possuem a capacidade de afetar direta- e indiretamente a resposta de células ósseas humanas, cultivadas isoladamente ou co-cultivadas. Este tipo de informação é crucial para compreender e prevenir os potenciais efeitos destes fármacos no tecido ósseo, e também para adequar e eventualmente melhorar a terapêutica antihipertensora de cada paciente.


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Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have been efficiently used for rapid high level expression of several G protein-coupled receptors. Here we describe the use of SFV vectors to express the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) alone or in the presence of the G protein alpha q and/or beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits. Infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells with recombinant SFV-alpha 1b-AR particles resulted in high specific binding activity of the alpha 1b-AR (24 pmol receptor/mg protein). Time-course studies indicated that the highest level of receptor expression was obtained 30 hours post-infection. The stimulation of BHK cells, with epinephrine led to a 5-fold increase in inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, confirming the functional coupling of the receptor to G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C. The SFV expression system represents a rapid and reproducible system to study the pharmacological properties and interactions of G protein coupled receptors and of G protein subunits.


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The scaffold protein Islet-Brain1/c-Jun amino-terminal kinase Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1) is a modulator of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity, which has been implicated in pleiotrophic cellular functions including cell differentiation, division, and death. In this study, we described the presence of IB1/JIP-1 in epithelium of the rat prostate as well as in the human prostatic LNCaP cells. We investigated the functional role of IB1/JIP-1 in LNCaP cells exposed to the proapoptotic agent N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR) which induced a reduction of IB1/JIP-1 content and a concomittant increase in JNK activity. Conversely, IB1/JIP-1 overexpression using a viral gene transfer prevented the JNK activation and the 4-HPR-induced apoptosis was blunted. In prostatic adenocarcinoma cells, the neuroendocrine (NE) phenotype acquisition is associated with tumor progression and androgen independence. During NE transdifferentiation of LNCaP cells, IB1/JIP-1 levels were increased. This regulated expression of IB1/JIP-1 is secondary to a loss of the neuronal transcriptional repressor neuron restrictive silencing factor (NRSF/REST) function which is known to repress IB1/JIP-1. Together, these results indicated that IB1/JIP-1 participates to the neuronal phenotype of the human LNCaP cells and is a regulator of JNK signaling pathway.


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A murine monoclonal antibody (SJL 2-4) specific for the antigen apo-cytochrome c was shown to inhibit both antigen-induced proliferation and lymphokine secretion by an apo-cytochrome c-specific BALB/c helper T cell clone. The inhibition was specific because additional apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clones were not inhibited by the same monoclonal antibody. Time course studies of the inhibition indicated that the initial 8 hr of contact between T cell clones and antigen-presenting cells were critical for activation of the T cell clones. Inhibition of T cell functions by antigen-specific antibodies appeared to correlate with the antibody-antigen binding constant because a second monoclonal antibody (Cyt-1-59), with identical specificity but with a lower affinity constant for apo-cytochrome c, had very little inhibitory effect on the proliferation or lymphokine secretion of apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clones.


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Antiretroviral-therapy has dramatically changed the course of HIV infection and HIV-infected (HIV(+)) individuals are becoming more frequently eligible for solid-organ transplantation. However, only scarce data are available on how immunosuppressive (IS) strategies relate to transplantation outcome and immune function. We determined the impact of transplantation and immune-depleting treatment on CD4+ T-cell counts, HIV-, EBV-, and Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-viral loads and virus-specific T-cell immunity in a 1-year prospective cohort of 27 HIV(+) kidney transplant recipients. While the results show an increasing breadth and magnitude of the herpesvirus-specific cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) response over-time, they also revealed a significant depletion of polyfunctional virus-specific CTL in individuals receiving thymoglobulin as a lymphocyte-depleting treatment. The disappearance of polyfunctional CTL was accompanied by virologic EBV-reactivation events, directly linking the absence of specific polyfunctional CTL to viral reactivation. The data provide first insights into the immune-reserve in HIV+ infected transplant recipients and highlight new immunological effects of thymoglobulin treatment. Long-term studies will be needed to assess the clinical risk associated with thymoglobulin treatment, in particular with regards to EBV-associated lymphoproliferative diseases.


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The paracaspase MALT1 is an Arg-specific protease that cleaves multiple substrates to promote lymphocyte proliferation and survival. The catalytic activity of MALT1 is normally tightly regulated by antigen receptor triggering, which promotes MALT1 activation by its inducible monoubiquitination-dependent dimerization. Constitutive MALT1 activity is a hallmark of specific subsets of B-cell lymphomas, which are characterized by chromosomal translocations or point mutations that activate MALT1 or its upstream regulators. Recent findings suggest that such lymphomas may be sensitive to treatment with MALT1 inhibitors. Here we review recent progress in the understanding of MALT1 function and regulation, and the development of small molecule MALT1 inhibitors for therapeutic applications.


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The increase of cancer specificity and efficacy of anti-tumoral agents are prime strategies to overcome the deleterious side effects associated with anti-cancer treatments. We described earlier a cell-permeable protease-resistant peptide derived from the p120 RasGAP protein, called TAT-RasGAP317-326, as being an efficient tumor-specific sensitizer to apoptosis induced by genotoxins in vitro and in vivo. Bcl-2 family members regulate the intrinsic apoptotic response and as such could be targeted by TAT-RasGAP317-326. Our results indicate that the RasGAP-derived peptide increases cisplatin-induced Bax activation. We found no evidence, using in particular knock-out cells, of an involvement of other Bcl-2 family proteins in the tumor-specific sensitization activity of TAT-RasGAP317-326. The absence of Bax and Bak in mouse embryonic fibroblasts rendered them resistant to cisplatin-induced apoptosis and consequently to the sensitizing action of the RasGAP-derived peptide. Surprisingly, in the HCT116 colon carcinoma cell line, the absence of Bax and Bak did not prevent cisplatin-induced apoptosis and the ability of TAT-RasGAP317-326 to augment this response. Our study also revealed that p53, while required for an efficient genotoxin-induced apoptotic response, is dispensable for the ability of the RasGAP-derived peptide to improve the capacity of genotoxins to decrease long-term survival of cancer cells. Hence, even though genotoxin-induced Bax activity can be increased by TAT-RasGAP317-326, the sensitizing activity of the RasGAP-derived peptide can operate in the absence of a functional mitochondrial intrinsic death pathway.


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The ability to generate appropriate defense responses is crucial for the survival of an organism exposed to pathogenesis-inducing insults. However, the mechanisms that allow tissues and organs to cope with such stresses are poorly understood. Here we show that caspase-3-knockout mice or caspase inhibitor-treated mice were defective in activating the antiapoptotic Akt kinase in response to various chemical and environmental stresses causing sunburns, cardiomyopathy, or colitis. Defective Akt activation in caspase-3-knockout mice was accompanied by increased cell death and impaired survival in some cases. Mice homozygous for a mutation in RasGAP that prevents its cleavage by caspase-3 exhibited a similar defect in Akt activation, leading to increased apoptosis in stressed organs, marked deterioration of their physiological functions, and stronger disease development. Our results provide evidence for the relevance of caspase-3 as a stress intensity sensor that controls cell fate by either initiating a RasGAP cleavage-dependent cell resistance program or a cell suicide response.


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Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified is a heterogeneous group of aggressive neoplasms with indistinct borders. By gene expression profiling we previously reported unsupervised clusters of peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified correlating with CD30 expression. In this work we extended the analysis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma molecular profiles to prototypical CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas (anaplastic large cell lymphomas), and validated mRNA expression profiles at the protein level. Existing transcriptomic datasets from peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified and anaplastic large cell lymphomas were reanalyzed. Twenty-one markers were selected for immunohistochemical validation on 80 peripheral T-cell lymphoma samples (not otherwise specified, CD30(+) and CD30(-); anaplastic large cell lymphomas, ALK(+) and ALK(-)), and differences between subgroups were assessed. Clinical follow-up was recorded. Compared to CD30(-) tumors, CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified were significantly enriched in ALK(-) anaplastic large cell lymphoma-related genes. By immunohistochemistry, CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified differed significantly from CD30(-) samples [down-regulated expression of T-cell receptor-associated proximal tyrosine kinases (Lck, Fyn, Itk) and of proteins involved in T-cell differentiation/activation (CD69, ICOS, CD52, NFATc2); upregulation of JunB and MUM1], while overlapping with anaplastic large cell lymphomas. CD30(-) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified tended to have an inferior clinical outcome compared to the CD30(+) subgroups. In conclusion, we show molecular and phenotypic features common to CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, and significant differences between CD30(-) and CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified, suggesting that CD30 expression might delineate two biologically distinct subgroups.


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Background In angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, symptoms linked to B-lymphocyte activation are common, and variable numbers of CD20(+) large B-blasts, often infected by Epstein-Barr virus, are found in tumor tissues. We postulated that the disruption of putative B-T interactions and/or depletion of the Epstein-Barr virus reservoir by an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) could improve the clinical outcome produced by conventional chemotherapy. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty-five newly diagnosed patients were treated, in a phase II study, with eight cycles of rituximab + chemotherapy (R-CHOP21). Tumor infiltration, B-blasts and Epstein-Barr virus status in tumor tissue and peripheral blood were fully characterized at diagnosis and were correlated with clinical outcome. RESULTS: A complete response rate of 44% (95% CI, 24% to 65%) was observed. With a median follow-up of 24 months, the 2-year progression-free survival rate was 42% (95% CI, 22% to 61%) and overall survival rate was 62% (95% CI, 40% to 78%). The presence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (14/21 patients) correlated with Epstein-Barr virus score in lymph nodes (P<0.004) and the detection of circulating tumor cells (P=0.0019). Despite peripheral Epstein-Barr virus clearance after treatment, the viral load at diagnosis (>100 copy/μg DNA) was associated with shorter progression-free survival (P=0.06). Conclusions We report here the results of the first clinical trial targeting both the neoplastic T cells and the microenvironment-associated CD20(+) B lymphocytes in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, showing no clear benefit of adding rituximab to conventional chemotherapy. A strong relationship, not previously described, between circulating Epstein-Barr virus and circulating tumor cells is highlighted.


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The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha, beta, and gamma activate the transcription of multiple genes involved in lipid metabolism. Several natural and synthetic ligands have been identified for each PPAR isotype but little is known about the phosphorylation state of these receptors. We show here that activators of protein kinase A (PKA) can enhance mouse PPAR activity in the absence and the presence of exogenous ligands in transient transfection experiments. Activation function 1 (AF-1) of PPARs was dispensable for transcriptional enhancement, whereas activation function 2 (AF-2) was required for this effect. We also show that several domains of PPAR can be phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. Moreover, gel retardation experiments suggest that PKA stabilizes binding of the liganded PPAR to DNA. PKA inhibitors decreased not only the kinase-dependent induction of PPARs but also their ligand-dependent induction, suggesting an interaction between both pathways that leads to maximal transcriptional induction by PPARs. Moreover, comparing PPAR alpha knockout (KO) with PPAR alpha WT mice, we show that the expression of the acyl CoA oxidase (ACO) gene can be regulated by PKA-activated PPAR alpha in liver. These data demonstrate that the PKA pathway is an important modulator of PPAR activity, and we propose a model associating this pathway in the control of fatty acid beta-oxidation under conditions of fasting, stress, and exercise.


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The Caulobacter DNA methyltransferase CcrM is one of five master cell-cycle regulators. CcrM is transiently present near the end of DNA replication when it rapidly methylates the adenine in hemimethylated GANTC sequences. The timing of transcription of two master regulator genes and two cell division genes is controlled by the methylation state of GANTC sites in their promoters. To explore the global extent of this regulatory mechanism, we determined the methylation state of the entire chromosome at every base pair at five time points in the cell cycle using single-molecule, real-time sequencing. The methylation state of 4,515 GANTC sites, preferentially positioned in intergenic regions, changed progressively from full to hemimethylation as the replication forks advanced. However, 27 GANTC sites remained unmethylated throughout the cell cycle, suggesting that these protected sites could participate in epigenetic regulatory functions. An analysis of the time of activation of every cell-cycle regulatory transcription start site, coupled to both the position of a GANTC site in their promoter regions and the time in the cell cycle when the GANTC site transitions from full to hemimethylation, allowed the identification of 59 genes as candidates for epigenetic regulation. In addition, we identified two previously unidentified N(6)-methyladenine motifs and showed that they maintained a constant methylation state throughout the cell cycle. The cognate methyltransferase was identified for one of these motifs as well as for one of two 5-methylcytosine motifs.