996 resultados para Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870.


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Crepuscular activity of culicids (Diptera, Culicidae) in the peridomicile and in the remaining riparian forest in Tibagi river, State of Paraná, Brazil. Human-attracted mosquitoes were collected for one hour, around sunset time (half hour before and half after), from April to December 2006, in two environments (riparian forest and near houses), in Tibagi river basin, Palmeira municipality, State of Paraná. Seven-hundred forty-nine mosquitoes, belonging to 13 species, were collected. Psorophora champerico Dyar & Knab, 1906 (42.86%) and Psorophora discrucians (Walker, 1856) (40.59%) were the most frequent species. No significant differences between quantities of Ps. champerico (t = -0.792; d.f. = 16; p = 0.43) and Ps. discrucians (t = 0.689; d.f. = 16; p = 0.49) obtained in riparian forest and near houses were observed, indicating similar conditions for crepuscular activity of these species in both environments. Psorophora champerico and Ps. discrucians responded (haematophagic activity) to environmental stimuli associated with the twilight hours differently in distinct habitats studied. The former species is registered for the first time in the Atlantic forest biome.


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Bioactivity of Indonesian mahogany, Toona sureni (Blume) (Meliaceae), against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). The insecticidal activity of Toona sureni (Blume) Merr. was evaluated considering repellency, mortality and progeny production of F1 adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst, 1797) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Dried extract of seeds of T. sureni was dissolved in acetone to prepare solution of various concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0%). To test for repellency, the insects were exposed to treated filter paper. Mortality of larvae, pupae and adults was evaluated by the treatment of spraying the insects with different concentrations of T. sureni extract. Residual effect of the extract was also evaluated considering the production of progeny of F1 adults. The highest repellency (93.30%) of T. castaneum occurred at the highest concentration (5.0% suspension of T. sureni); while the lowest (0.0%) repellency occurred at 0.5% suspension after 1 day of treatment. The highest mortality against adults (86.71%), larvae (88.32%) and pupae (85%) occurred at 5% suspension at 8 days after application. There was a negative correlation between the concentrations of T. sureni and the production of F1 adult's progeny of T. castaneum. The highest number of progeny (147) of T. castaneum occurred in the control at 7 days after treatment; and the lowest number of progeny (43) occurred at 5.0% concentration in 1 day after treatment. The results show that T. sureni is toxic to T. castaneum and has the potential to control all stages of this insect in stored wheat.


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Microparticles are phospholipid vesicles shed mostly in biological fluids, such as blood or urine, by various types of cells, such as red blood cells (RBCs), platelets, lymphocytes, endothelial cells. These microparticles contain a subset of the proteome of their parent cell, and their ready availability in biological fluid has raised strong interest in their study, as they might be markers of cell damage. However, their small size as well as their particular physico-chemical properties makes them hard to detect, size, count and study by proteome analysis. In this review, we report the pre-analytical and methodological caveats that we have faced in our own research about red blood cell microparticles in the context of transfusion science, as well as examples from the literature on the proteomics of various kinds of microparticles.


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Se presentan los resultados del comportamiento de la red de arrastre pelágico modelo alemán Engel 988/400 utilizada para la evaluación de los recursos pelágicos anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus) y samasa (Anchoa nasus) durante el Crucero Hidroacústico 9803-05 a bordo del BIC Humboldt entre Caleta La Cruz, Tumbes y Los Palos, Tacna, del 20 de marzo al 7 de mayo 1998. Se determinó la distancia entre puertas, el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada que tuvo la red en los arrastres efectivos de una milla náutica de distancia durante los 144 lances de comprobación, obteniéndose un buen rendimiento; se capturó un total de 39.912,14 kg, correspondiendo para anchoveta 16.838,15 kg, sardina 6.800,74 kg, jurel 1.384 kg, caballa 1.404,58 kg, samasa 8.071,8 kg y otros recursos hidrobiológicos 5.413,48 kg, con un índice de captura (CPUE) de 788,79 kg/h. Los valores de datos de comportamiento de la red como la abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvo en forma directa por medio de una net sonda FS 900 SIMRAD, los arrastres tuvieron en promedio una duración de de 20,8 minutos con una velocidad de arrastre promedio de 3 nudos.


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Orthoptera assemblages associated with macrophytes of floodplain lakes of the Paraná River. The Orthoptera assemblage composition varies considerably, depending on habitat type. This study examines the spatiotemporal relationship between plant diversity, hydrometric level, environmental variables and the Orthoptera richness and abundance in floodplain lakes connected permanently or temporarily with the main channel of the Paraná River. The grasshoppers were collected fortnightly (April 2006May 2007). A total of 17 species were recorded and classified according to their frequency of occurrence in constant (7), accessory (4), or accidental (6) species. In the two lakes, the greater species richness and abundance was recorded in summer, thereby coinciding with the highest water level of the Paraná River. The most significant correlation between the orthopteran richness and abundance was with the water level. The aquatic plant richness was significantly different between the lakes, but the vegetation was dominated by Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. (Liliales, Pontederiaceae). The lake, which was connected permanently, presented the highest values of diversity and abundance, proving to be a more diverse assemblage. The beta diversity was higher in the temporary connected lake than in the permanently connected one. The orthopterans assemblages were different between the lakes, Cornops aquaticum and Tucayaca gracilis were the species that contributed more to the level of dissimilarity. C. aquaticum was more representative in the lake temporarily connected, while T. gracilis in the permanent connected one. The water level of the Paraná River and the connectivity of the floodplain lakes play an important role to explain the abundance and richness of their orthopteran assemblages.


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Los resultados del comportamiento de las redes de arrastre de fondo y pelágica utilizadas en el crucero de evaluación del stock de Merluza en otoño de 1997, BIC Humboldt 9705-06, muestran, según el análisis de los modelos de regresión lineal, una buena correlación entre la abertuda vertical y la abertura horizontal entre alas de la boca de la red, en todos los estratos de profundidad; y una ligera variación en el estrato II, de la relación entre la profundidad y la longitud de cable de arrastre principal; existiendo una buena correlación en los estratos I y III debido a la configuración del fondo, velocidad de arrastre, condiciones de las corrientes submarinas, medio ambiente, etc. Así tenemos que la abertura vertical y la abertura horizontal en función a la velocidad de arrastre, fue inversa y directamente proporcional con un buen grado de correlación. La selectividad de la red de arrastre de fondo Granton 400/130 con copo de 80 mm y sobre copo de 13 mm de tamaño de malla, utilizada en la evaluación del recurso merluza se realizó mediante el método de copo cubierto. Se obtuvieron ojivas naturales de retención y escape, curvas de selección por subáreas. El factor de selección para la merluza en forma general fue de 4,0 y los rangos de selección se determinaron entre 31,1 cm a 36 cm y la ojiva natural al 50% fue de 33,20 cm.