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Background: Fine particulate matter originating from traffic correlates with increased morbidity and mortality. An important source of traffic particles is brake wear of cars which contributes up to 20% of the total traffic emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential toxicological effects of human epithelial lung cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear particles. Results: An exposure box was mounted around a car's braking system. Lung cells cultured at the air-liquid interface were then exposed to particles emitted from two typical braking behaviours ("full stop" and "normal deceleration"). The particle size distribution as well as the brake emission components like metals and carbons was measured on-line, and the particles deposited on grids for transmission electron microscopy were counted. The tight junction arrangement was observed by laser scanning microscopy. Cellular responses were assessed by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (cytotoxicity), by investigating the production of reactive oxidative species and the release of the pro-inflammatory mediator interleukin-8. The tight junction protein occludin density decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of metals on the particles (iron, copper and manganese, which were all strongly correlated with each other). Occludin was also negatively correlated with the intensity of reactive oxidative species. The concentrations of interleukin-8 were significantly correlated with increasing organic carbon concentrations. No correlation was observed between occludin and interleukin-8, nor between reactive oxidative species and interleukin-8. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the metals on brake wear particles damage tight junctions with a mechanism involving oxidative stress. Brake wear particles also increase pro-inflammatory responses. However, this might be due to another mechanism than via oxidative stress. [Authors]
OBJECTIVE: When we examined a previously published prospective multi-center clinical trial in which complete denture-wearers were followed over a period of 2 years, we found that about 30% of the variability in the clinical wear data of denture teeth was due to unknown characteristics of the subjects. In the second part of the study, we try to identify which patient- and therapy-related factors may explain some of this variability. METHODS: The clinical wear data of denture teeth at different recall times (6, 12, 18, 24 months) in 89 subjects (at baseline) were correlated with the following parameters, which may all have an influence on the wear of denture teeth: age, gender, bruxism as reported by the subjects, number of prostheses used so far, time since last extraction, smoking, fit of dentures as judged by the subject and the clinician, average denture wearing time and wearing of denture during the night. To evaluate the influence of the different patient- and therapy-related variables, both a univariate analysis (one extra factor to the model) and a multivariate analysis were carried out using linear mixed models with the variable Log mean as the outcome. RESULTS: None of the patient- and therapy-related parameters showed a statistically significant effect on the wear of denture teeth. There was, however, a trend for women to show less wear compared to men and a trend of decreasing wear with increasing age. SIGNIFICANCE: Further research is required to identify the factors which are responsible for the high variability observed between the subjects regarding clinical wear data.
This report presents the results of surveys to determine studded tire usage in Iowa. Also reported are the results of measurements of transverse pavement profiles at selected locations where the pavement is subjected to a high volume of traffic. The surveys were made in January of each of the years 1969 through 1978 and in each of 27 areas into which the state was divided. Estimates of studded tire usage were also made at various locations on Interstate highways in Iowa. The lowest percentage of studded tires was observed in the initial count during the winter of 1968-69. Two years later the percentage had increased to the maximum (22.6%) and then began a gradual decline. The latest count in January of 1978 indicated 8.5% of the cars had studded tires. The decline in the use of studded tires is attributed to the efforts of the Iowa DOT and others to obtain a ban on studded tires and a continual increase in the use of radial tires with claims of improved traction. The wear measurements were recorded by camera. It was found that studded tires have worn ruts in Iowa pavements as deep as 5/16 inch. The ruts lead to water on the pavement and this causes hydroplaning, as well as splash and spray. The conclusion of the study was that studded tires should be banned in Iowa.
Since the development of the first whole-cell living biosensor or bioreporter about 15 years ago, construction and testing of new genetically modified microorganisms for environmental sensing and reporting has proceeded at an ever increasing rate. One and a half decades appear as a reasonable time span for a new technology to reach the maturity needed for application and commercial success. It seems, however, that the research into cellular biosensors is still mostly in a proof-of-principle or demonstration phase and not close to extensive or commercial use outside of academia. In this review, we consider the motivations for bioreporter developments and discuss the suitability of extant bioreporters for the proposed applications to stimulate complementary research and to help researchers to develop realistic objectives. This includes the identification of some popular misconceptions about the qualities and shortcomings of bioreporters.
Background: Exposure to fine particulate matter air pollutants (PM2.5) affects heart rate variability parameters, and levels of serum proteins associated with inflammation, hemostasis and thrombosis. This study investigated sources potentially responsible for cardiovascular and hematological effects in highway patrol troopers. Results: Nine healthy young non-smoking male troopers working from 3 PM to midnight were studied on four consecutive days during their shift and the following night. Sources of in-vehicle PM2.5 were identified with variance-maximizing rotational principal factor analysis of PM2.5-components and associated pollutants. Two source models were calculated. Sources of in-vehicle PM2.5 identified were 1) crustal material, 2) wear of steel automotive components, 3) gasoline combustion, 4) speed-changing traffic with engine emissions and brake wear. In one model, sources 1 and 2 collapsed to a single source. Source factors scores were compared to cardiac and blood parameters measured ten and fifteen hours, respectively, after each shift. The "speed-change" factor was significantly associated with mean heart cycle length (MCL, +7% per standard deviation increase in the factor score), heart rate variability (+16%), supraventricular ectopic beats (+39%), % neutrophils (+7%), % lymphocytes (-10%), red blood cell volume MCV (+1%), von Willebrand Factor (+9%), blood urea nitrogen (+7%), and protein C (-11%). The "crustal" factor (but not the "collapsed" source) was associated with MCL (+3%) and serum uric acid concentrations (+5%). Controlling for potential confounders had little influence on the effect estimates. Conclusion: PM2.5 originating from speed-changing traffic modulates the autonomic control of the heart rhythm, increases the frequency of premature supraventricular beats and elicits proinflammatory and pro-thrombotic responses in healthy young men. [Authors]
There are many miles of portland cement concrete pavement in Iowa that due to normal wear, and in some cases accelerated wear from studded tires, the surface has become polished resulting in less than desirable friction values. Retexturing the surface may be an economical way to re-establish desirable friction values. Retexturing by grinding with diamond blades and transverse grooving with diamond blades are two methods of rehabilitating p.c.c. surfaces. MU Inc. of Lebanan, Tennessee proposed to provide without charge to the Iowa Department of Transportation, one 1500 ft x 12 ft section each of three methods of texturing. They are longitudinal grinding, transverse grooving and longitudinal grinding followed by transverse grooving. A section of 1500 feet is needed to properly evaluate a texturing method. It was decided by Iowa DOT personnel that due to possible differential friction it would be undesirable to texture only one lane. The decision was made to do test sections of 1500 ft x 24 ft with the cost of the additional texturing paid by the Iowa DOT. Iowa also has areas where the p.c.c. pavement has faulted at the joints and cracks which results in poor riding quality. Methods of correcting the faulting are to underseal the pavement where needed and/or grinding the surface to eliminate the faulted areas. It was decided to include in this research project a section for profiling by grinding.
Purpose: Polyethylene wear is a recurrent problem in joint arthroplasty. Small debris particles are also associated to inflammation reaction of the surrounding bone, eventually leading to the failure of the bound between the implant and the host bone, and implant loosening. The goal of this study was thus to estimate the volume of polyethylene wear of a reversed prosthesis, and compare it to an anatomic prosthesis, during one year of activities of daily living. Material and Methods: A numerical musculoskeletal model of the glenohumeral joint was used for this comparative study. The reversed (RP) and anatomic (AP) Aequalis prostheses were positioned in the numerical model. Eight levels of abduction were considered. Their daily frequency was estimated from in-vivo recorded data on healthy volunteers during activities of daily living. One year of use was simulated to predict the linear and volumetric wear. The volumetric wear was the difference of volume between the original and worn component. Results: With the AP, the contact pattern on the glenoid surface moved rapidly from the inferior to the superior side during the first 30 degrees of abduction, and then went back to the inferior side. With the RP, the contact pattern on the humeral cup surface remained at the inferior side. Contact pressure was 20 times lower with the RP than with the AP. One year of use produced a maximum linear wear of 0.2 mm with the AP, and 0.13 mm with the RP. However, the volumetric wear was 8.4 mm3 with the AP, but reached 44.6 mm3 with the RP. Conclusion: Polyethylene particles are a matter of concern with AP. Infiltration of these particles within the bone-implant interface can induce a implant loosening. This problem should not be underestimated with RP. It might be associated to a higher level of humeral stem loosening reported with RP. The long term survival of RP might be improved by using a highly cross-linked polyethylene, which has a better abrasion resistance but lower plastic resistance.
The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of high pressure processing (HPP) on consumer acceptance for chilled ready meals manufactured using a low-value beef cut. Three hundred consumers evaluated chilled ready meals subjected to 4 pressure treatments and a non-treated control monadically on a 9-point scale for liking for beef tenderness and juiciness, overall flavour, overall liking, and purchase intent. Data were also collected on consumers' food consumption patterns, their attitudes towards food by means of the reduced food-related lifestyle (FRL) instrument, and socio-demographics. The results indicated that a pressure treatment of 200 MPa was acceptable to most consumers. K-means cluster analysis identified 4 consumer groups with similar preferences, and the optimal pressure treatments acceptable to specific consumer groups were identified for those firms that would wish to target attitudinally differentiated consumer segments
Assisting people to commit suicide has generated a passionate public debate. In exceptional situations, access to this support can be granted to the demanders in a hospital environment. So did the CHUV and the academic hospitals of Geneva draw up a procedure permitting, in principle, the access to an assistance to commit suicide. Two recent clinical situations experienced in the CHUV's Service of internal medicine have created a lot of discussions, doubts and revealed, sometimes, divergent positions. By the light of this clinical cases, we wished to share the perspective of the internist in charge of the ethician, of the chaplain, of the medical director, of the psychiatrist and of the palliative care responsible. Theses complex situations illustrate the deep ambivalence felt by the clinicians confronted to situations which require a multidisciplinary approach.
OBJECTIVE: (1) To quantify wear of two different denture tooth materials in vivo with two study designs, (2) to relate tooth variables to vertical loss. METHODS: Two different denture tooth materials had been used (experimental material=test; DCL=control). In study 1 (split-mouth, 6 test centers) 60 subjects received complete dentures, in study 2 (two-arm, 1 test center) 29 subjects. In study 1 the mandibular dentures were supported by implants in 33% of the subjects, in study 2 only in 3% of the subjects. Impressions of the dentures were taken and poured with improved stone at baseline and after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Each operator evaluated the wear subjectively. Wear analysis was carried out with a laser scanning device. Maximal vertical loss of the attrition zones was calculated for each tooth cusp and tooth. A mixed linear model was used to statistically analyse the logarithmically transformed wear data. RESULTS: Due to drop-outs and unmatchable casts, only 47 subjects of study 1 and 14 of study 2 completed the 2-year recall. Overall, 75% of all teeth present could be analysed. There was no statistically difference in the overall wear between the test and control material for either study 1 or study 2. The relative increase in wear over time was similar in both study designs. However, a strong subject effect and center effect were observed. The fixed factors included in the model (time, tooth, center, etc.) accounted for 43% of the variability, whereas the random subject effect accounted for another 30% of the variability, leaving about 28% of unexplained variability. More wear was consistently recorded in the maxillary teeth compared to the mandibular teeth and in the first molar teeth compared to the premolar teeth and the second molars. Likewise, the supporting cusps showed more wear than the non-supporting cusps. The amount of wear did not depend on whether or not the lower dentures were supported by implants. The subjective wear was correct in about 67% of the cases if it is postulated that a wear difference of 100μm should be subjectively detectable. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of denture teeth is highly variable with a strong patient effect. More wear can be expected in maxillary denture teeth compared to mandibular teeth, first molars compared to premolars and supported cusps compared to non-supported cusps. Laboratory data on the wear of denture tooth materials may not be confirmed in well-structured clinical trials probably due to the large inter-individual variability.
Brake wear dust is a significant component of traffic emissions and has been linked to adverse health effects. Previous research found a strong oxidative stress response in cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear dust. We characterized aged dust collected from passenger vehicles, using microscopy and elemental analyses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was measured with acellular and cellular assays using 2′7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein dye. Microscopy analyses revealed samples to be heterogeneous particle mixtures with few nanoparticles detected. Several metals, primarily iron and copper, were identified. High oxygen concentrations suggested that the elements were oxidized. ROS were detected in the cell-free fluorescent test, while exposed cells were not dramatically activated by the concentrations used. The fact that aged brake wear samples have lower oxidative stress potential than fresh ones may relate to the highly oxidized or aged state of these particles, as well as their larger size and smaller reactive surface area.
OBJECTIVES: Many nanomaterials (materials with structures smaller than 100 nm) have chemical, physical and bioactive characteristics of interest for novel applications. Considerable research efforts have been launched in this field. This study aimed to study exposure scenarios commonly encountered in research settings. METHODS: We studied one of the leading Swiss universities and first identified all research units dealing with nanomaterials. After a preliminary evaluation of quantities and process types used, a detailed analysis was conducted in units where more than a few micrograms were used per week. RESULTS: In the investigated laboratories, background levels were usually low and in the range of a few thousand particles per cubic centimeter. Powder applications resulted in concentrations of 10,000 to 100,000 particles/cm(3) when measured inside fume hoods, but there were no or mostly minimal increases in the breathing zone of researchers. Mostly low exposures were observed for activities involving liquid applications. However, centrifugation and lyophilization of nanoparticle-containing solutions resulted in high particle number levels (up to 300,000 particles/cm(3)) in work spaces where researchers did not always wear respiratory protection. No significant increases were found for processes involving nanoparticles bound to surfaces, nor were they found in laboratories that were visualizing properties and structure of small amounts of nanomaterials. CONCLUSIONS: Research activities in modern laboratories equipped with control techniques were associated with minimal releases of nanomaterials into the working space. However, the focus should not only be on processes involving nanopowders but should also be on processes involving nanoparticle-containing liquids, especially if the work involves physical agitation, aerosolization or drying of the liquids.
Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus are the dominant sea urchins in the Mediterranean sublittoral, where they are key structuring species due to their grazing activity. It has been commonly accepted that competition between both species is minimized by specializing in different algal foods. A. lixula is considered to feed mainly on encrusting coralline algae, while P. lividus prefers fleshy macroalgae. We used stable isotope analysis to test if these species occupy different trophic positions at 3 locations in the western Mediterranean and one in Macaronesia. Our results show unambiguously that A. lixula always occupies a higher trophic level than P. lividus, with a δ15N comparable in some locations to strict carnivores such as Actinia schmidti or Marthasterias glacialis. A temporal monitoring at one locality showed that this signature of a higher trophic level is consistent throughout the year. These results are incompatible with the current belief of an herbivorous diet for A. lixula and suggest that it must be considered an omnivore tending to carnivory in Mediterranean ecosystems, feeding at least partially on sessile animals such as Cirripedia, Hydrozoa or Bryozoa. A parallel analysis of gut contents showed a predominance of vegetal items in both species, although A. lixula consistently had a higher abundance of animal components than P. lividus. Our results challenge the validity of using gut content observations alone for characterizing the trophic behaviour of omnivorous marine invertebrates that feed on a variety of food sources with different digestibility.
1) Introduction: pour les jeunes souffrant de maladie chronique, l'objectif de la transition vers les soins pour adultes est d'optimiser leur fonctionnement et leur potentiel. Le but de cette étude pilote était d'évaluer si les jeunes adultes souffrant de maladie chronique jugeaient que le passage vers les soins adultes était plus facile lorsque la question de la transition avait été discutée au préalable avec leur pédiatre. 2) Matériel et méthodes: deux groupes de jeunes adultes atteints de maladie chronique ont été identifiés selon l'existence (n = 70) ou non (n = 22) d'une discussion préalable avec leur pédiatre à propos de la transition vers une prise en charge pour adultes. Ces deux groupes ont été comparés pour des variables démographiques et de santé. Les variables significatives en analyse bivariée ont été incluses dans une régression logistique descendante pas à pas. 3) Résultats: les jeunes adultes qui avaient discuté de la transition étaient significativement plus nombreux à se sentir prêts (72,9 % vs 45,5 %) et accompagnés (58,6 % vs 27,3 %) pour le transfert, à avoir consulté leur spécialiste pour adultes (60 % vs 31,8 %) et à voir leur médecin sans la présence de leurs parents (70 % vs 40,9 %). En analyse multivariée, seuls, le fait de se sentir accompagné (odds ratio ajustée [ORa] : 3,56) et celui d'avoir consulté leur spécialiste pour adultes (ORa : 4,14) étaient significatifs. 4) Conclusions: la préparation des jeunes souffrant de maladie chronique au transfert vers les soins pour adultes semble bénéfique. Cependant, le transfert lui-même n'est qu'une petite partie du concept beaucoup plus large de la transition vers la vie adulte. Une transition bien planifiée doit permettre à ces jeunes adultes d'atteindre tout leur potentiel. INTRODUCTION: The goal of transition in healthcare for young people with chronic illnesses is to maximize their functioning and potential. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess whether young adults with chronic illnesses found that the transition to adult care was easier when the transition was discussed in advance with their pediatric specialist. METHODS: Two groups were created according to whether patients had discussed (n=70) or not (n=22) the transition with their pediatric specialist and compared regarding demographic and health-related variables. All the significant variables at the bivariate level were included in a backward stepwise logistic regression. RESULTS: Youth who had discussed the transition were significantly more likely to feel ready for the transfer (72.9% vs 45.5%) and accompanied (58.6% vs 27. %) during transfer, to have consulted their specialist for adults (60.0% vs 31.8%), and seen their doctor without the presence of their parents (70.0% vs 40.9%). At the multivariate level, only feeling accompanied during transfer (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 3.56) and having consulted their specialist for adults (aOR: 4.14) remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Preparing chronically ill youths for transfer to adult care appears to be beneficial for them. However, transfer is only a small part of the much broader transition that is preparation for adult life. A well-planned transition should allow these young people to reach their full potential.
Shortening development times of mobile phones are also accelerating the development times of mobile phone software. New features and software components should be partially implemented and tested before the actual hardware is ready. This brings challenges to software development and testing environments, especially on the user interface side. New features should be able to be tested in an environment, which has a look and feel like a real phone. Simulation environments are used to model real mobile phones. This makes possible to execute software in a mobile phone that does not yet exist. The purpose of this thesis is to integrate Socket Server software component to Series 40 simulation environments on Linux and Windows platforms. Socket Server provides TCP/IP connectivity for applications. All other software and hardware components below Socket Server do not exist in simulation environments. The scope of this work is to clarify how that can be done without connectivity problems, including design, implementation and testing phases.