998 resultados para Post-medieval


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A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.


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[cat] En aquest article es repassa l'activitat del mestre de cases Bernat Gual, des que va signar un contracte d'aprenentatge amb el mestre d'aixa Domingo Ferrer, l'any 1405, fi ns que desapareix de la documentació municipal, l'any 1453. En aquests quaranta-vuit anys d'activitat, Gual es va fer càrrec de grans obres (com ara l'assut de Xerta-Tivenys), però també d'una gran quantitat de petits treballs, sempre al servei del Consell de la Ciutat. La seva tasca s'emmarca en el context arquitectònic de la Tortosa medieval, determinat per la catedral i el palau del bisbe, però també pel Pont de Barques, una important infraestructura de fusta que era conservada per artesans especialitzats.


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Aquest article és el resum, sense apèndix documental, d"un treball més extens enllestit l"estiu de l"any 2003. En aquell moment vaig contemplar l"estudi de l"argenteria del centre tortosí des dels seus incerts inicis fins a l"any 1550, ja que, malgrat que sabem que alguns dels mestres actius o presents a la ciutat durant el primer quart del segle XVI treballaren en obres «a la romana»1, el 1550 va fabricar-se el bust de sant Eulali, que és la primera obra inequívocament renaixentista, d"entre les que es conserven i estan ben datades, que duu punxó de Tortosa, tot i que el seu autor fos un argenter de Tarragona. I és que, com demostra la Custòdia d"Orta, construïda l"any 1521, bona part de les obres locals produïdes durant el primer terç del segle XVI mostren característiques «gòtiques» amb l"afegit d"elements decoratius del nou estil.


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La cita que sirve de título a este epígrafe introductorio es del picapedrero aragonés Sebastián Martínez. Forma parte de un informe, redactado en 1556, sobre la construcción de una acequia en el margen izquierdo del Ebro. Y parece ser que pese a la voluntad del maestro muy poca gente, experta o no en el arte del"livell", ha sentido la necesidad de conocer las conclusiones de su estudio, como tampoco se ha sentido apenas la necesidad de estudiar el proceso constructivo del sistema de riego del curso bajo de este río, conocimiento o, más bien, desconocimiento anclado durante muchos años en las teorías que relacionaban su erección con la tecnología de época andalusí.


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A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.


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Aquest treball de final de grau és una explicació sobre la historiografia del Principat d’Andorra, un petit país dels Pirineus Centrals, entre Espanya i França. La història, l’arqueologia i els reculls documentals que daten d’època medieval, seran l’objecte d’estudi. En aquesta època es posen els fonaments essencials per desenvolupar-se, en un futur com a un Estat. Tot ve configurat per uns pactes del 1278 i del 1288 entre els 2 cosenyors que desenvolupa la seva jurisprudència, la seva activitat econòmica, social i política, converteix els costums i la tradició en els seus valors elementals i es desenvolupa la seva vida quotidiana. I sobre aquestes disciplines s’han fet moltes interpretacions en els últims 30 anys. Saber quin és el seu objectiu, ja sigui per arribar al fet que tots els Andorrans coneguin la seva pròpia historia ,amb la iniciativa de l’Escola Andorrana en els anys 80; o per cercar una base històrica a la naturalesa jurídica i política de les Valls. També explicarem quines són les carències i quines són les recerques més abundants o predominants.


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An aliphatic-aromatic copolyester of poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, and poly(ethylene adipate), PEA, PET-co-PEA, was synthesized by the high temperature melt reaction of post-consumer PET and PEA. As observed by NMR spectroscopy, the reaction yielded random copolyesters in a few minutes through ester-interchange reactions, even without added catalyst. The copolyesters obtained in the presence of a catalyst presented higher intrinsic viscosity than that obtained without the addition of catalyst, due to simultaneous polycondensation and ester-interchange reactions. The structure of the aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters obtained in different PET/PEA ratio is random as observed by NMR analysis.


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BACKGROUND: Hospitalization is a costly and distressing event associated with relapse during schizophrenia treatment. No information is available on the predictors of psychiatric hospitalization during maintenance treatment with olanzapine long-acting injection (olanzapine-LAI) or how the risk of hospitalization differs between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine. This study aimed to identify the predictors of psychiatric hospitalization during maintenance treatment with olanzapine-LAI and assessed four parameters: hospitalization prevalence, incidence rate, duration, and the time to first hospitalization. Olanzapine-LAI was also compared with a sub-therapeutic dose of olanzapine-LAI and with oral olanzapine. METHODS: This was a post hoc exploratory analysis of data from a randomized, double-blind study comparing the safety and efficacy of olanzapine-LAI (pooled active depot groups: 405 mg/4 weeks, 300 mg/2 weeks, and 150 mg/2 weeks) with oral olanzapine and sub-therapeutic olanzapine-LAI (45 mg/4 weeks) during 6 months' maintenance treatment of clinically stable schizophrenia outpatients (n=1064). The four psychiatric hospitalization parameters were analyzed for each treatment group. Within the olanzapine-LAI group, patients with and without hospitalization were compared on baseline characteristics. Logistic regression and Cox's proportional hazards models were used to identify the best predictors of hospitalization. Comparisons between the treatment groups employed descriptive statistics, the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox's proportional hazards models. RESULTS: Psychiatric hospitalization was best predicted by suicide threats in the 12 months before baseline and by prior hospitalization. Compared with sub-therapeutic olanzapine-LAI, olanzapine-LAI was associated with a significantly lower hospitalization rate (5.2% versus 11.1%, p < 0.01), a lower mean number of hospitalizations (0.1 versus 0.2, p = 0.01), a shorter mean duration of hospitalization (1.5 days versus 2.9 days, p < 0.01), and a similar median time to first hospitalization (35 versus 60 days, p = 0.48). Olanzapine-LAI did not differ significantly from oral olanzapine on the studied hospitalization parameters. CONCLUSIONS: In clinically stable schizophrenia outpatients receiving olanzapine-LAI maintenance treatment, psychiatric hospitalization was best predicted by a history of suicide threats and prior psychiatric hospitalization. Olanzapine-LAI was associated with a significantly lower incidence of psychiatric hospitalization and shorter duration of hospitalization compared with sub-therapeutic olanzapine-LAI. Olanzapine-LAI did not differ significantly from oral olanzapine on hospitalization parameters.


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Ralstonia solanacearum is a soil-borne bacterium causing the widespread disease known as bacterial wilt. Ralstonia solanacearum is also the causal agent of Moko disease of banana and brown rot of potato. Since the last R. solanacearum pathogen profile was published 10 years ago, studies concerning this plant pathogen have taken a genomic and post-genomic direction. This was pioneered by the first sequenced and annotated genome for a major plant bacterial pathogen and followed by many more genomes in subsequent years. All molecular features studied now have a genomic flavour. In the future, this will help in connecting the classical field of pathology and diversity studies with the gene content of specific strains. In this review, we summarize the recent research on this bacterial pathogen, including strain classification, host range, pathogenicity determinants, regulation of virulence genes, type III effector repertoire, effector-triggered immunity, plant signalling in response to R. solanacearum, as well as a review of different new pathosystems.


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We would like to introduce our group of research, [CONTRA TAEDIUM], created by professionals from different fields, that have contributed in this article. Our purpose is to expose our reflections based on our own experiences, not only in research, but also in teaching. We propose new forms of writing history in order to understand the dairy life of the women and men of the past, from birth to death. We would like to point out that interacting all types of sources is essential to understand our history. But, what really makes sense is to bring our students in the historical methodology and involve them in their education. Moreover, it is necessary to design new teaching materials using the new technologies, although it requires team-work and a great, but satisfying, effort


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Introducción: A pesar de ser considerados eventos infrecuentes en comparación a otros estados patológicos relacionados con la alimentación, en los últimos años y en diferentes países, se constata un incremento de las tasas de incidencia y prevalencia de los Tras - tornos del Comportamiento Alimentario; la mayoría de estudios que analizan los factores que pueden influir en su aparición, suelen implicar a jóvenes y adolescentes de poblaciones pre-mórbidas o mórbidas, siendo menos frecuentes los realizados sobre población sana y estándar. Objetivos: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos acerca de los Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario y comprobar la eficacia de una intervención educativa, en jóvenes de una población presumiblemente sana. Métodos: Estudio de intervención con evaluación pre y post intervención, a través de un cuestionario previamente validado de 10 preguntas cerradas y abiertas, en estudiantes de Fisioterapia, Educación Infantil y Hostelería. Resultados: Respondieron el cuestionario inicial 154 estu diantes, 85 universitarios y 39 de ciclo formativo en Hostelería, mayoritariamente mujeres (68%) y con una edad media de 20,8 años. Los estudiantes demostraron un nivel medio de conocimientos inicial, mayor en las mujeres y en los estudiantes universitarios que en los de formación profesional. Los factores de riesgo y las manifestaciones clínicas fueron los aspectos menos conocidos por los estudiantes. La intervención educativa realizada en los 35 estudiantes de Hostelería que participaron en el taller y respondieron el cuestionario post-intervención, consiguió elevar el nivel de conocimientos hasta una calificación media superior a la inicial y a la de los grupos en que no se realizó la intervención. Discusión y conclusiones: A pesar de que la intervención realizada resultó eficaz para mejorar el nivel de conocimientos en muchos de los participantes, los resultados del cuestionario post-intervención revelan la necesidad de educar a los jóvenes en los rasgos que definen y caracterizan un Trastorno del Compor tamiento Alimen - tario, adaptando el abordaje de los mismos a su realidad social. La inclusión de temas relacionados con la nutrición y la salud en los programas curriculares de los estudios post-obligatorios mejoraría el nivel de conocimientos entre los futuros profesionales de los ámbitos de la salud, la educación y la hostelería/restauración.


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El 29 d'abril el conseller d'Empresa i Ocupació deia que l'objectiu és aconseguir que l'any 2020 el pes dels sectors industrials en el PIB català arribi al 25%. La declaració oficial és que el govern aposta per una indústria més intensiva en innovació, en talent i inserida en l'economia global. Segons el govern es passa d'una declaració d'intencions a accions concretes d'aplicació immediata [...]


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Cells are constantly responding to signals from the surrounding tissues and the environment. To dispose of infected and potentially dangerous cells, to ensure the optimal execution of developmental processes and to maintain tissue homeostasis, a multicellular organism needs to tightly control both the number and the quality of its cells. Apoptosis is a form of active cellular self-destruction that enables an organism to regulate its cell number by deleting damaged or potentially dangerous cells. Apoptosis can be induced by death ligands, which bind to death receptors on the cell surface. Ligation of the receptors leads to the formation of an intracellular death inducing signaling complex (DISC). One of the DISC components is caspase-8, a protease that triggers the caspase cascade and is thereby a key initiator of programmed cell death. The activation of caspase-8 is controlled by the cellular FLICE-inhibitory proteins (c-FLIPs). Consequently, sensitivity towards receptor-mediated apoptosis is determined by the amount of c-FLIP, and the c-FLIP levels are actively regulated for example during erythroid differentiation of K562 erythroleukemia cells and by hyperthermia in Jurkat leukemia cells. The aim of my thesis was to investigate how c-FLIP is regulated during these processes. We found that c-FLIP isoforms are short-lived proteins, although c-FLIPS had an even shorter half-life than c-FLIPL. In both experimental models, increased death receptor sensitivity correlated with induced ubiquitylation and consequent proteasomal degradation of c-FLIP. Furthermore, we elucidated how phosphorylation regulates the biological functions and the turnover of c-FLIP, thereby contributing to death receptor sensitivity. We mapped the first phosphorylation sites on c-FLIP and dissected how their phosphorylation affects c-FLIP. Moreover, we demonstrated that phosphorylation of serine 193, a phosphorylated residue common to all c-FLIPs, is primarily mediated by the classical PKC. Furthermore, we discovered a novel connection between the phosphorylation and ubiquitylation of c-FLIP: phosphorylation of S193 protects c-FLIP from ubiquitylation. Surprisingly, although all c-FLIP isoforms are phosphorylated on this conserved residue, the biological outcome is different for the long and short isoforms, since S193 specifically prolongs the half-lives of the short c-FLIP isoforms, but not c-FLIPL. To summarize, we show that c-FLIP proteins are modified by ubiquitylation and phosphorylation, and that the biological outcomes of these modifications are isoform-specifically determined.