855 resultados para Popular organizations


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This research study, descriptive and exploratory in nature, had as objectives to know the perceptions of the teacher/students of a graduation course in Educational Sciences about their leaders, measured and evaluated through the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) and to verify if existed differences between the public and private school organizations in the four characteristics defined for the ALQ: a) self-conscious; b) transparency; c) moral/ethics; d) balanced processing. A non-probabilistic sample by convenience consisted of 86 participants from Brazil. The results of this research study show that the level of authenticity of the leader, in the four characteristics defined for the ALQ, in the perception of the subjects inquired, is above of the moderate level. Having in account the type of school organization (public or private), the differences found in the levels of the four characteristics defined for the ALQ were not statistically significant even though, the leaders of the private schools demonstrated to possess slightly higher values in the four analysed sub areas.


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Este trabalho tem como objectivo estudar as manifestações de duas cultura distintas, o Rap e a Literatura Popular, a cultura urbana e a cultura rural, aparentemente antitéticas. Procurar-se-á problematizar e, por conseguinte, entender de que forma estas duas culturas podem ser consideradas como uma expressão popular caracterizada pela composição literária, rítmica e musical, através de elementos do quotidiano. Para além do mais, tanto no Rap como na Literatura Popular, os compositores fazem parte de um grupo marginalizado, e como tal, as suas canções abordam ou denunciam as dificuldades diárias e situações de injustiça social. As várias acepções do conceito de cultura contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da vasta diversidade cultural e do reconhecimento e respeito que se deve ter em relação às culturas ditas minoritárias. Estreitamente associada à cultura está a questão da identidade, que permite que um indivíduo se aproxime ou se distancie de um determinado grupo. Neste sentido, sublinhar-se-á as marcas culturais e identitárias de cada grupo. Será nosso intuito encontrar similitudes e divergências numa análise rigorosa do corpus de trabalho. Com efeito, a análise de composições de Rap e de Literatura Popular portuguesas ajudarão a demonstrar não só a grande capacidade criativa e performativa dos sujeitos, como as componentes lúdica e de defesa de uma igualdade social. Finalmente, procurar-se-á demonstrar que, na nossa sociedade relacional e dinâmica, estas culturas podem estar em diálogo e partilhar experiências de actuação e de divulgação cultural.


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Develop software is still a risky business. After 60 years of experience, this community is still not able to consistently build Information Systems (IS) for organizations with predictable quality, within previously agreed budget and time constraints. Although software is changeable we are still unable to cope with the amount and complexity of change that organizations demand for their IS. To improve results, developers followed two alternatives: Frameworks that increase productivity but constrain the flexibility of possible solutions; Agile ways of developing software that keep flexibility with less upfront commitments. With strict frameworks, specific hacks have to be put in place to get around the framework construction options. In time this leads to inconsistent architectures that are harder to maintain due to incomplete documentation and human resources turnover. The main goals of this work is to create a new way to develop flexible IS for organizations, using web technologies, in a faster, better and cheaper way that is more suited to handle organizational change. To do so we propose an adaptive object model that uses a new ontology for data and action with strict normalizing rules. These rules should bound the effects of changes that can be better tested and therefore corrected. Interfaces are built with templates of resources that can be reused and extended in a flexible way. The “state of the world” for each IS is determined by all production and coordination acts that agents performed over time, even those performed by external systems. When bugs are found during maintenance, their past cascading effects can be checked through simulation, re-running the log of transaction acts over time and checking results with previous records. This work implements a prototype with part of the proposed system in order to have a preliminary assessment its feasibility and limitations.


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O presente estudo objetivou investigar as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelos participantes de um Clube de Poesia, enquadrado como atividade extracurricular em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental localizada no município de Alagoinha, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Em relação à organização estrutural está dividido em duas partes. A primeira corresponde à fundamentação teórica, abordando a poesia popular e a Inovação Pedagógica. A segunda parte refere-se aos aspectos que envolvem o estudo empírico e compreende a metodologia e a análise dos resultados. A questão-problema da investigação, que procuramos responder no decorrer da pesquisa, foi a seguinte: Existe prática pedagógica inovadora na produção de poesia popular por alunos do ensino fundamental? Para tanto, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza etnográfica, mediante um estudo de caso. Assim, levando em consideração os preceitos da etnografia buscamos interpretar a cultura dos participantes da pesquisa em seu ambiente natural, através de seus comportamentos, atitudes, motivações, interesses e emoções. Para isso, fizemos uso da observação participante com anotações em diário de campo, das entrevistas etnográficas com gravação de áudio e da recolha de documentos oficiais e pessoais, procurando coletar o máximo possível de informações relativas às práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no contexto investigado. A partir das observações em campo, das entrevistas, das considerações teóricas e da análise dos dados coletados no decorrer deste estudo, os quais foram tratados de forma indutiva e validados por meio da triangulação, evidenciamos que práticas pedagógicas pautadas na Inovação Pedagógica causam ruptura nos velhos paradigmas da educação quando possibilitam aos aprendizes ampliarem sua visão frente às exigências do mundo atual, criando ambientes propícios para que a aprendizagem significativa possa aflorar.


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Esta dissertação objetiva a investigação de práticas pedagógicas no Reizado Brincantes Cordão do Caroá na perspectiva de compreender tais técnicas no processo apropriação do conhecimento lúdico e histórico, na transmissão para as gerações futuras e na aprendizagem através da prática e da oralidade a partir das experiências da brincadeira, em busca de indícios de inovação pedagógica. Assim, este trabalho discorre sobre a conceituação de cultura, os primórdios do reisado, a historicidade e aprendizagem significativa no reisado e sobre o conceito e aplicação de inovação pedagógica. A metodologia de investigação concentrou-se numa pesquisa de natureza etnográfica com o pesquisador imerso no ambiente estudado, através da observação participante ativa e de entrevistas não estruturadas, estando implicado o suficiente para compreender e se apropriar da cultura do ambiente, ao mesmo tempo distanciado para ter uma visão isenta e neutra daquela realidade, finalizando com as considerações finais em que são apresentados os resultados da observação.


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Este estudo busca compreender e explicitar as concepções políticas, pedagógicas e estéticas do Teatro de Cultura Popular. Para alcançar esse objetivo, adotamos os princípios da pesquisa histórica e documental, através do estudo de caso. Nosso objeto de estudo é formado pelos jornais de grande circulação que publicaram críticas ao TCP, de 1960 a 1964; por depoimentos e pelo texto teatral “Julgamento em Novo Sol”. Alguns depoimentos foram gravados em vídeo, outros estavam em documentários ou em publicações, que foram posteriormente transcritos. Esse material foi submetido à Análise de Conteúdo, o que possibilitou responder à questão que nos propusemos: “será que a práxis do Teatro de Cultura Popular se configurou como inovação pedagógica no campo da pedagogia do teatro?” A análise provou que sim. O TCP desenvolveu uma pedagogia teatral completamente nova e criou um teatro político, pedagógico e estético de forma indissociável. Esse grupo construiu, não apenas na cidade do Recife, mas em todo o estado de Pernambuco, um teatro comprometido com o povo e com a sua cultura. Rompeu com os paradigmas vigentes e se estabeleceu como uma nova realidade, reverberando para todo o Brasil. Além disso, o TCP trabalhou com várias linguagens: teatro popular, teatro para crianças, teatro de propaganda política, teatro de mamulengo, teatro épico e didático. Desse novo olhar, surgiu um projeto de educação nacional idealizado por Paulo Freire.


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CARVALHO, Luciana Moreira. O bibliotecário e a diversidade do mercado da documentação popular: CPDCs. Informação & Sociedade. Estudos, João Pessoa, v. 9, n.2, p. 439-454, 1999.


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The phenomenon of the informality has been common in the quarrels that involve Sciences Social and Human. First for not corresponding to a temporary and isolated phenomenon, and on the other hand for dealing with a presente situation in the majority of the Brazilian urban centers. In Cuiabá municipality, the alternative commerce appears as a social answer to the problems caused for the economic crisis of the country and seems to be deep-rooted to the urban landscape. This assignment angles was the street peddlers, in special that ones who develop their in a specific location on lowered of Cuiabá. Researches pretending to fill a blank of information about this subject involve theoritical and empirical levels. The theory searched to raise in a generalized manner given pertinent the informality and the pratical level through field research searched to analyze excellent aspects on the economic and occupational situation of a composed sample for two hundred and theree workers who develope the pratical one of the informal commerce in Shopping Popular in Cuiaba/MT. The analysis of gotten data alllowed to appreciate some excellent aspects with regard to the activity os the peddler, as: origni, formation, income, perspectives with regard to activity among others. In las analysis it still alllowed to verify the factors that condition the permanence these workers in this type of informal activity


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The theater of puppets is one of the many expressions of popular culture which is marked by ongoing constructions and transformations in its symbolic representations as well as its characters and performances. In the city of Natal/RN, there is a manipulator called Heraldo Lins, an artist who operates such puppets, and has been performing his puppet since 1992. Lins has his own look at how he produces his performances and seeks to adjust his puppets to social and rentable contexts. Lins‟s performances are tailor-made in accordance with the request of his customers, as he makes up the passages and lines of his puppets according to his audience. This research aimed to study how the Heraldo Lins Mamulengos Show is built, especially its changes. We note that Lins chooses to dismantle the symbolic values of the tradition in the regular puppet theater once he adapts to modern patterns, placing himself between the traditional puppet theater and the cultural industry. The work in camp was made through a methodological focused in a participative observation and an audiovisual registry


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Rural Popular experiences, socially organized on the constructions of the dams at Espinharas River, Serra Negra do Norte, which have been investigated, have reached in positive results. Several institutions, such as the City and State Power, multilaterals, governmental and non-governmental financial organizations, commonly refer to the success of such experiences. What success are they referring to? Is it recognized by family rural workers? What about institutional parts, how do they evaluate such experience? Is there legal continuity on such association structure? What kinds of gains have there been with such experiences? Has the association structure become any stronger? In search for demystifying the process, it has been made a research on classic and contemporaneous authors, as well as the interview of ten institutional parts, and twenty rural parts involved on the process, as well as the analysis of thirty-eight of the associations. It was concluded that the applied social public policies had resulted in heterogeneous social-economical process that has fulfilled the first step of a planning (not yet documented, but know by some institutional parts which lead, and still lead such social initiative). In the coming years the associations are to have a great potential for development, with the dams, as well as other projects. This persistence and external support, when integrated may have great deeds come to reality


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This work basically achieve three goals. Critically investigate the liberal democratic regime and its historical reformulation, rejecting the popular power and popular self-organization, limiting the entry of normal citizen in decision-making, believing in the market as a mediating body in regulating of the different life spheres of social. Starting from the critical liberal democracy, it discussed the concept of popular participation in the democracy, searching new democratically horizons, where the masses could have the opportunity to make decisions about their own destiny. On the basis of theoretical discussion on participation, we discuss a concrete instrument of participation, the Participatory Budgeting, comparing two participatory experiences in North and South


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This work focuses on analysis of the partnerships and socio-religious actions at Felipe Camarão, a popular district situated in the west of the city of Natal-RN. We observed that the inhabitants of this district are facing some economical, political and social difficulties. Coupled to these problems - among them in this study highlight the social violence, committed mainly by young people aged 15 to 29 years, but affects the whole population - we find a location with a large number of evangelical churches. With this, we know the reality of the community more deeply, to thereby be able to understand if there are and how to make partnerships among evangelical churches, the community and other civic organizations in both of the existing district and the city to deal with these problems. In addition, we verified that the elements obstruct the public performance of the churches and also follow the actions already taken


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This study reflects on the conflicts that exist between the different forms of participation and the political representation manifested by community organizations and social movements in the city of Natal/RN. The objective is to better understand the process of political participation of the popular classes and how the different actors have represented collective demands in the struggle for rights. To this end, we mapped the organizations, social movements and participation spaces, through a type of participant research, in which we had the opportunity to experience and study different forms of collective action and events instigated by the community organizations and the Movement for the Struggle in the Neighborhoods, Villages and Slums (Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas) MLB. From the theoretical contributions of authors such as Maria da Glória Gohn, Marco Aurélio Nogueira, Virginia Fontes, Vera da Silva Telles, Roberto Da Matta and Carlos Montaño, as well as the empirical data collected, the study revealed that on representing their segments and occupying different spaces of participation, some actors have formed partnerships with the State, putting collective demands on a second plane. Contrarily, other actors have articulated their struggle around collective demands and manifested through direct action, mobilizing and asserting themselves in defense of a project for society


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The issue of public policy for the culture area has experienced a significant increase of interest of academic researchers. The research "Cultural Policy in infants: an evaluation of the home culture (2003/2010)" aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cultural policy in Rio Grande do Norte in the period 2003/2010. When was the program created and deployed the houses of popular culture. Specifically, he sought: a) mapping the major elements of cultural policy in the RN during the chronological period mentioned b) hold up in more detail in the description of the implementation process of the houses of popular culture, c) investigate cultural actions implemented by the houses of popular culture and its effectiveness. The methodological process consisted of a review of the literature on culture, cultural policy, public policy and public policy evaluation for the construction of the theoretical-analytical, documentary research in public and private institutions related cultural production; interview with managers and cultural producers in visits field research conducted in seven major houses of popular culture, taken as a sample of the total d 29 outlets installed during the chronological period mentioned. The survey found that the program houses RN popular culture in general was effective in meeting its objectives, among which the decentralization of cultural inclusion in the artist market cultural production, the promotion of folk traditions in the region , respect and support for new artists, respect and support for popular memory