985 resultados para Polyacrylic acid polymers


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The reaction of pyrimidine-2-carbonitrile, NaN3 in the presence of Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O or MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O leads to the formation of complexes Co(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (1) and Mn(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (2) respectively, under hydrothermal condition pmtz =5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate]. These two complexes have been fully characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Complex 1 crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric space group Aba2 in the orthorhombic system and is found to exhibit ferroelectric behavior, whereas complex 2 crystallizes in the P2(1)/c space group in the monoclinic system. Variable temperature magnetic characterizations in the temperature range of 2-300 K indicate that complex 1 is a canted antiferromagnet (weak ferromagnet) with T-c = 15.9 K. Complex 1 represents a unique example of a multiferroic coordination polymer containing tetrazole as a co-ligand. Complex 2 is a one-dimensional chain of Mn(II) bridged by a well-known antiferromagnetic coupler end-to-end azido ligand. In contrast to the role played by the end-to-end azido pathway in most of the transition metal complexes, complex 2 showed unusual ferromagnetic behavior below 40 K because of spin canting.


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Electronic structures of nicotinic, isonicotinic and 2-picolinic acids and their amides have been investigated, using the variable-? Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP), iterative extended Hückel and MINDO/2 methods. In addition, PPP and MINDO/2 treatments have also been applied to 3-acetylpyridine and protonated nicotinamide. Based on these calculations, dipole moments, electronic transitions, chemical and biological activity are discussed. Comparison is made with experimental results where available.


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4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 3-hydroxylase is a key enzyme in the pathway for the microbial degradation of phenylalanine, tyrosine and many aromatic amines. This enzyme was purified to homogeneity from Image by affinity chromatography. The protein had a molecular weight of 91,000 and was a dimer of identical subunits. It was a typical external flavoprotein monooxygenase and showed an absolute requirement of NADH for activity. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 7.5 and the Km values for 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and NADH were 2×10−4 M and 5.9×10−5 M respectively. It was strongly inhibited by heavy metal ions and thiol reagents, suggesting the possible involvement of -SH group(s) in enzyme reaction.


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Enzymes offer many advantages in industrial processes, such as high specificity, mild treatment conditions and low energy requirements. Therefore, the industry has exploited them in many sectors including food processing. Enzymes can modify food properties by acting on small molecules or on polymers such as carbohydrates or proteins. Crosslinking enzymes such as tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases catalyse the formation of novel covalent bonds between specific residues in proteins and/or peptides, thus forming or modifying the protein network of food. In this study, novel secreted fungal proteins with sequence features typical of tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases were iden-tified through a genome mining study. Representatives of both of these enzyme families were selected for heterologous produc-tion in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei and biochemical characterisation. Firstly, a novel family of putative tyrosinases carrying a shorter sequence than the previously characterised tyrosinases was discovered. These proteins lacked the whole linker and C-terminal domain that possibly play a role in cofactor incorporation, folding or protein activity. One of these proteins, AoCO4 from Aspergillus oryzae, was produced in T. reesei with a production level of about 1.5 g/l. The enzyme AoCO4 was correctly folded and bound the copper cofactors with a type-3 copper centre. However, the enzyme had only a low level of activity with the phenolic substrates tested. Highest activity was obtained with 4-tert-butylcatechol. Since tyrosine was not a substrate for AoCO4, the enzyme was classified as catechol oxidase. Secondly, the genome analysis for secreted proteins with sequence features typical of flavin-dependent sulfhydryl oxidases pinpointed two previously uncharacterised proteins AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 from A. oryzae. These two novel sulfhydryl oxidases were produced in T. reesei with production levels of 70 and 180 mg/l, respectively, in shake flask cultivations. AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 were FAD-dependent enzymes with a dimeric tertiary structure and they both showed activity on small sulfhydryl compounds such as glutathione and dithiothreitol, and were drastically inhibited by zinc sulphate. AoSOX2 showed good stabil-ity to thermal and chemical denaturation, being superior to AoSOX1 in this respect. Thirdly, the suitability of AoSOX1 as a possible baking improver was elucidated. The effect of AoSOX1, alone and in combi-nation with the widely used improver ascorbic acid was tested on yeasted wheat dough, both fresh and frozen, and on fresh water-flour dough. In all cases, AoSOX1 had no effect on the fermentation properties of fresh yeasted dough. AoSOX1 nega-tively affected the fermentation properties of frozen doughs and accelerated the damaging effects of the frozen storage, i.e. giving a softer dough with poorer gas retention abilities than the control. In combination with ascorbic acid, AoSOX1 gave harder doughs. In accordance, rheological studies in yeast-free dough showed that the presence of only AoSOX1 resulted in weaker and more extensible dough whereas a dough with opposite properties was obtained if ascorbic acid was also used. Doughs containing ascorbic acid and increasing amounts of AoSOX1 were harder in a dose-dependent manner. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 had an enhancing effect on the dough hardening mechanism of ascorbic acid. This was ascribed mainly to the produc-tion of hydrogen peroxide in the SOX reaction which is able to convert the ascorbic acid to the actual improver dehydroascorbic acid. In addition, AoSOX1 could possibly oxidise the free glutathione in the dough and thus prevent the loss of dough strength caused by the spontaneous reduction of the disulfide bonds constituting the dough protein network. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 is therefore able to enhance the action of ascorbic acid in wheat dough and could potentially be applied in wheat dough baking.


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An acid catalysed rearrangement was employed for the enantiospecific conversion of isotwistanol to tricyclo5.2.1.0(4.8)]-decanes, which provided support for the proposed biosynthesis of allopupukeananes from pupukeananes. The strategy has been further extended to the enantiospecific synthesis of a homobrexane. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C~0H~gN5Os.2H20, Mr=325.32, monoclinic,P2~, a = 12.029 (2), b=4.904 (2), c=13.215 (2) A, fl= 107.68 (2) ° , F= 743 (1) A 3, Z= 2,D m = 1-45, D x = 1.45 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A,fl= 1.01mm -1, F(000)=348, T=293K. The final R value for 1277 observed reflections 110 >_ 3tr(Io)l is 0.031. The dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The arginyl side-chain conformation is similar to that found in arginyl-glutamic acid [Pandit, Seshadri & Viswamitra (1983). Acta Cryst. C39, 1669-16721. The guanidyl group forms a pair of hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the backbone carboxyl group. The crystal structure is also stabilized by -bonding interactions involving both water molecules.


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The copper complex of the antituberculous drug, isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), inhibits the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of Rous sarcoma virus and inactivates its ability to malignantly transform chick embryo cells. The INH-copper complex binds to the 70S genome RNA of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), which may account for its ability to inhibit the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The complex binds RNA more effectively than DNA in contrast to M-IBT-copper complexes, which bind both types of nucleic acids equally. The homopolymers, poly rA and poly rU, are bound by the INH-copper complex to a greater extent than poly rC. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide alone and CuSO4 alone bind neither DNA, RNA, poly (rA), poly (rU), nor poly (rC). However, CuSO4 alone binds poly (rI); INH alone does not. In addition to viral DNA synthesis, chick-embryo cell DNA synthesis is inhibited by the INH-copper complex. The extent of inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis is greater than that of cellular RNA and protein synthesis. No selective inhibition of transformation in cells previously infected with Rous sarcoma virus is observed.


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The nature of interaction of Au(III) with nucleic acids was studied by using methods such as uv and ir spectrophotometry, viscometry, pH titrations, and melting-temperature measurements. Au(III) is found to interact slowly with nucleic acids over a period of several hours. The uv spectra of native calf-thymus DNA 9pH 5.6 acetate buffer containing (0.01M NaCIO4) showed a shift in λ max to high wavelengths and an increase in optical density at 260 nm. There was a fourfold decrease in viscosity (expressed as ηsp/c). The reaction was faster at pH 4.0 and also with denatured DNA (pH 5.6) and whole yeast RNA (pH 5.6). The order of preference of Au(III) (as deduced from the time of completion of reaction) for the nucleic acids in RNA > denatured DNA > DNA. The reaction was found to be completely reversible with respect KCN. Infrared spectra of DNA-Au(III) complexes showed binding to both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The same conclusions were also arrived at by melting-temperature studies of Au(III)-DNA system. pH titrations showed liberation of two hydroxylions at r = 0.12 [r = moles of HAuCl4 added per mole of DNA-(P)] and one hydrogen ion at r = 0.5. The probable binding sites could be N(1)/N(7) of adenine, N(7) and/or C(6)O of guanine, N(3) of cytosine and N(3) of thymine. DNAs differing in their (G = C)-contents [Clostridium perfingens DNA(G = C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G + C, 42%) and Micrococcus lysodeikticus DNA(G + C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G = C, 72%)] behaved differently toward Au(III). The hyperchromicity observed for DNAs differing in (G + C)-content and cyanide reversal titrations indicate selectivity toward ( A + T)-rich DNA at lw values of r. Chemical analysis and job's continuous variation studies indicated the existence of possible complexes above and below r = 1. The results indicate that Au(III) ions probably bind to hte phosphate group in the initial stages of the reaction, particularly at low values of r, and participation of the base interaction also increases. Cross-linking of the two strands by Au(III) may take place, but a complete collapse of the doulbe helix is not envisaged. It is probable that tilting of the bases or rotaiton of the bases around the glucosidic bond, resulting in a significant distrotion of the double helix, might take place due to binding of Au(III) to DNA.


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The enantiodivergent formal syntheses of both enantiomers of aspercyclide C is accomplished. Starting from L-(+)-tartaric acid, the key protected allylic alcohol, (3R,4R)-4-(methoxy-methoxy) non-1-en-3-ol is prepared, and is then elaborated into both enantiomers of 3-(4-methoxybenzyl)oxy]non-1-en-4-ol via Mitsunobu inversion. Esterification with a known biaryl acid, followed by ring-closing metathesis and deprotection completes the syntheses.