999 resultados para Política internacional - Estados Unidos
En el presente estudio se analiza el gran legado de pasivos ambientales mineros (PAM), producto de siglos de explotación minera, que en muchos casos se llevó a cabo de una manera precaria, con bajos niveles tecnológicos y sobre todo, con una notable falta de regulaciones ambientales. En particular, el análisis se concentra en los casos particulares de Australia, el Canadá, Chile, Colombia, los Estados Unidos, México y el Perú. La actividad minera ha generado importantes beneficios económicos para muchos países mineros desarrollados y en vías de. No obstante, los costos socio-ambientales, financieros y económicos que esta industria ha generado, han sido altos. En este estudio se busca reflexionar en torno a cómo la implementación de buenas prácticas mineras puede evitar la generación de nuevos PAM para de esta manera se pueda lograr un verdadero desarrollo sustentable.
En la última década, la producción de gas y petróleo a partir de formaciones de esquisto han crecido exponencialmente en los Estados Unidos. Una historia breve de esta auténtica revolución podría fundamentarse en el hecho de que en la década de los 2000 los precios de estas fuentes energéticas subieron considerablemente, lo que habría llevado a varias empresas a reaccionar frente al nuevo costo de oportunidad e invertir en recursos que anteriormente no resultaban rentables. La anterior explicación dejaría de lado lo que fue el proceso verdaderamente enriquecedor que se llevó a cabo en connivencia entre el sector público, el sector privado, las universidades, y los centros de investigación. En este trabajo se presentan los principales vínculos que existieron entre estos actores sociales, que permitieron alcanzar un resultado exitoso en el largo plazo.
Incluye bibliografía
Desde los años setenta, la agricultura del Brasil ha experimentado grandes transformaciones destacándose en la producción agrícola mundial. Para verificar la heterogeneidad estructural en la agricultura brasileña y estadounidense, aquí se estudia la productividad total de los factores (ptf) y se observa su aumento en ambas economías, principalmente mediante tecnologías que permiten ahorrar tierra y trabajo. Aunque en el Brasil se registraron mayores tasas de crecimiento que hicieron posible reducir la brecha productiva en comparación con los Estados Unidos de América, esto no implica que la productividad brasileña sea superior. La estructura productiva presenta particularidades en los dos casos. Las diferencias de productividad no solo se observan entre países, sino también dentro de un mismo país debido a diversos factores: clima, tecnología y aprendizaje en el proceso de producción. La eficiencia en el uso de los recursos, que permite producir más con menos insumos, aumentó en ambos países.
Neste artigo resenho o debate acadêmico suscitado nos Estados Unidos por causa dos argumentos de Huntington sobre a imigração hispânica, sobretudo a de mexicanos, para este país. Em suas obras "The Hispanic challenge" e Who are we?, Huntington argumenta que, por razões demográficas e políticas, os imigrantes mexicanos não se assimilariam ao core culture norte-americano fundado nos valores anglo-protestantes, o que dividiria os EUA em dois povos, duas culturas e duas linguagens. As pesquisas empíricas aqui resenhadas que testaram os argumentos empíricos de Huntington os negaram e os críticos teóricos destes concebem que eles são doutrinários porque expressam uma ideologia settler, bem como manifestam a teoria do conflito do pluralismo cultural e a do colonianismo interno.
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Between December 2007 and June 2009 the United States witnessed 18 months of recession that became known as the subprime crisis. Beginning in the housing market, the crisis moved into the banking and financial markets and spread throughout the entire economy through a domino effect, affecting the majority of other businesses. A major reflection of this was the large rise in unemployment rates due to business slashing jobs in an attempt to preserve cash. Although the crisis has officially ended, the unemployment rate reached over 10% in 2010 in the United States. American's continue to seek new jobs in a very difficult employment market, while attempting to manage the family household budget. American household income, which decreased either by pay cuts, job loss, and the effects of inflation, leads the majority of Americans to declare that the crisis had not yet ended. The crisis has spread to the world in varying degrees. Brazil was one of the countries least affected due to government policies and the large amount of foreign exchange. Although the crisis has affected Brazil only slightly, we will show how it reached this country and how the government solved this problem. This research paper will explain how the subprime crisis began, how it manifested itself in the U.S. economy and throughout the population. Also, it will show the crisis’ effects in Brazil and show some statements from Americans with their respective views and their experiences relative to the crisis
Today statistics are one of the most important bases of the engineer formation. Statistics are used indirectly every day for engineers in a large panel of sectors like construction, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, electrical engineering, computer science etc. The main goal of this report is to compare different ways the engineers of tomorrow are formed in order to show which engineering is the best practice. The comparison will be done on different universities in France, Brazil and the US on Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Production branches. We will compare the amount of courses required, the degree of knowledge needed and the mains subjects
O artigo comenta o dossier sobre el Taller Académico Cuba-Estados Unidos (TACE)
In the contemporary world and in the globalized farm labor market, employ temporary immigrants workforce become current in economic developed countries. With governmental support, nations as United States and Canada incite and lawful the foreign entrance for occupy jobs and functions that are not fulfilling by native born, consolidating the displacement of a cheap labor force that stays legally for a certain season in these countries. This article brings up primal subjects about a small and hidden group among farm immigrants, the herders, sheepherders and goat herders in northAmerica Rocky Mountains loneliness. Further to provide an initial theoretical instrumental for the reflections about these workers, we intend to localize them within migration theme and the conflict between capital and labor in these days, in its neoliberal context and struggle forms. For such, we used reflections about labor and migration, also different kind of documents about herders in both countries.
In the last two decades, the United States have substantially increased their presence in Central Asia. Therefore their presence left China in an uncomfortable position, as China seeks to build a stable and peaceful environment in its near abroad, having under its influence all the countries of Central Asia. One of the ways used by the Chinese government to get closer to the countries of this region is through the oil. Being so, the Chinese oil companies buy rights of exploitation of oil and gas reserves in Central Asia and through this establishes and deepens friendly ties with these countries. This practice became known as oil diplomacy. This new tool of the Chinese government has a double effect: it increases the projection of the Chinese power and dilutes the American influence in the region. In other words, it displeases the United States, and in turn tries to be even more present in Central Asia. The main goal to be worked in this study is how the oil diplomacy increases Chinese influence in Central Asia and dilutes American power in the region. It also aims to explain how the United States uses its presence in Central Asia and on sea lines of communication used to transport oil to contain the Chinese expansion