843 resultados para Palabras clave: Desarrollo Rural
Development thinking and policies: the way ahead / Gert Rosenthal. -- Macroeconomic policies for growth / Ricardo Ffrench-Davis. -- Capital flows: lessons from the Chilean experience / Eduardo Aninat, Christian Lorrain. -- Changes In the industrial development of Latin America / José Miguel Benavente, Gustavo Crespi, Jorge Katz, Giovanni Stumpo. -- Pension system reforms in Latin America: the position of the International organizations / Carmelo Mesa-Lago. -- The contributions of applied anthropology to peasant development / John Durston. -- Biodiversity prospecting: a new panacea for development? / Julie M. Feinsilver. -- Foreign Investment and competitive development In Latin America and the Caribbean / Alejandro C. Vera-Vassallo. -- The Mexican peso crisis / Stephany Grijfìth-Jones.
La economía latinoamericana durante 1984: un balance preliminar / Enrique V. Iglesias. -- Las empresas transnacionales y el comercio internacional de América Latina / Eugenio Lahera. -- El papel subsidiario de la inversión externa directa en la industrialización: el sector manufacturero colombiano / Michael Mortimore. -- Políticas de estabilización y ajuste en el Cono Sur, 1974-1983 / Joseph Ramos. -- Desarrollo rural y programación urbana de alimentos / Manuel Figueroa L. -- Sociedades dependientes y crisis en América Latina: los desafíos de la transformación político-social / Germán W. Rama y Enzo Faletto. -- Cultura, discurso (autoexpresióri) y desarrollo social en el Caribe / Jean Casimir. -- Aspectos legales de la deuda pública latinoamericana: la relación con los bancos comerciales / Gonzalo Biggs.
The Latin American economy during 1984: a preliminary overview / Enrique V. Iglesias / The transnational corporations and Latin America’s international trade / Eugenio Lahera. -- The subsidiary role of direct foreign investment in industrialization: the Colombian manufacturing sector / Michael Mortimore. -- Stabilization and adjustment policies in the southern cone, 1974-1983 / Joseph Ramos. -- Rural development and urban food programming / Manuel Figueroa L. -- Dependent societies and crisis in Latin America: the challenges of social and political transformation / Germán W. Rama and Enzo Faletto. -- Culture, discourse (self-expression) and social development in the Caribbean / Jean Casimir. -- Legal aspects of the Latin American public debt: relations with the commercial banks / Gonzalo Biggs.
Pese a su relevancia potencial para América Latina y el Caribe , el concepto de bioeconomía ha recibido poca atención en las políticas públicas de los países de la región. Además, se percibe la existencia de un vacio de literatura en español sobre el tema, que limita el conocimiento del tema y de sus alcances como marco de referencia para las políticas de desarrollo e innovación. Esta publicación busca llenar ese vacio. El documento incluye la traducción de los articulos contenidos en la sección Focus del número especial sobre bioeconomia publicado por la revista Rural 21, The International Journal for Rural Development (Vol. 48, No. 3 / 2014, pp. 6- 27). Los artículos abarcan temas relativos al origen del concepto, las estrategias de bioeconomía alrededor del mundo, la investigación y la cooperación, el desarrollo de redes de valor basadas en la biomasa, los criterios para el desarrollo de estrategias de bioeconiomía pro-pobres, así como al rol del sector privado.
Las pequeñas comunidades rurales de la Región de Aysén, Chile, evidencian una variedad de formas y tipos de capital social. La forma específica de capital social que predomina ha evolucionado según cambios en el contexto nacional y la progresiva integración comunicacional. Tras haber sido ejemplo de cooperación comunitaria, las comunidades rurales enfrentaron el desafío de relacionarse con actores sociales de mayor poder, en el escenario ampliado de la sociedad civil regional. En muchos casos, este cambio conllevó una menor autonomía y la captura de facciones comunitarias en cadenas de clientelismo. Sin embargo, en 2012 emergió el movimiento “Tu problema es mi problema” para enfrentar la marginación percibida en sus relaciones asimétricas con el gobierno central. Este evento masivo de desobediencia civil se basó en tres formas de capital social y marcó la emergencia de una ciudadanía de alcance regional, cumpliendo una de las condiciones para una descentralización plenamente democrática.
El documento tiene como objetivo informar sobre el proceso de cambio estructural en el medio rural en países de América Latina y el Caribe durante la primera década del presente siglo. El documento revisa algunos de los principales cambios estructurales que se han dado en el mundo rural durante las últimas décadas, con énfasis en temas demográficos y de mercado de trabajo, así como de brechas estructurales que persisten. Además, se presenta una aproximación descriptiva del efecto del proceso de cambio estructural en el medio rural sobre la agricultura familiar, a partir de una concepción del cambio estructural restringida al primer elemento.
Analisa e discute as possibilidades e limitações de etnodesenvolvimento da comunidade negra de Itacoã a partir do estudo de seus pilares de sustento: território, biodiversidade e organização social e sabendo que ela se encontra num processo de transformação das suas atividades produtivas pela maior necessidade de ingressos monetários das familias moradoras. Neste estudo, o uso e manejo dos recursos naturais, a proximidade geográfica com a cidade de Belém do Pará e a capacidade organizativa interna têm sido considerados os principais fatores favoráveis para a melhora das condições de vida de população local. Por contra, a densidade populacional em relação à área demarcada, a minimização de alguns serviços sociais e as dificuldades sazonais de obtenção de renda mínimos têm sido analisados como obstáculos para a implementação de práticas de desenvolvimento rural. De igual modo se significa a manutenção da diversidade de plantas medicinais e frutíferas na área investigada, resultado da tradicional prática do manejo agroflorestal e as contradições das relações estabelecidas entre as diversas familias do povoado e entre elas e as instituições envolvidas, públicas e de direito privado.
O presente trabalho toma como base resultados estatísticos para a avaliação da acentuada palatalização de /l/ em Itaituba-PA. Estuda-se a realização variável da lateral prevocálica /l/, diante de /i j/, como em inteligente e família, a partir do falar de Itaituba-PA. A pesquisa seguiu os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística. Ao todo, foram coletados 36 relatos de experiência narrados por 36 falantes nativos de Itaituba que são filhos de pessoas nascidas também na mesma localidade. Os dados coletados receberam um enfoque quantitativo e qualitativo. Passaram por um tratamento estatístico e foram interpretados à luz da sociolinguística laboviana. Os resultados referentes às variáveis sociais consideradas na pesquisa foram interpretados sociolinguisticamente tomando-se, para isso, a análise das atitudes linguísticas, avaliação que os falantes de Itaituba manifestam durante seus relatos. Os resultados indicam que a palatalização de /l/, diretamente ligada ao falar belenense, é a tendência no falar itaitubense e que essa tendência está relacionada à história de migração da cidade.
Home care presents itself as a new modality of care for the elderly, especially in Brazil , and has been inserted into public policies. This study aims to identify scientific productions about home care, in order to ascertain which are the contributions of this social dynamic in the elderly. The research was conducted in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS, with articles published between the years 2001- 2011, in Portuguese and English. The combination of keywords used was home care and elderly , elderly and care, and elderly and caregiver, and correspondents in Portuguese. The discussion highlighted the importance of home care, especially for lonely or neglected elderly. The review revealed few studies concerning the social dynamics in the home care of the elderly and the need to broaden the discussion beyond the field of health.
The concept of ontoloy as a tool for knowledge organization and representation, which is not yet stable, is analyzed in two spanish journals of information science, namely “Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento” and “Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación”, both published by the University of Zaragoza. The term "ontology" and its variations were searched in the fields of title, keywords and abstract. A corpus of eighteen articles was obtained. The approaches to ontologies were classified into four categories of analysis: conceptualization, comparison, application and new applications. It was observed that the way which the concept of ontologies is treated in both periodicals is in consonance with their editorial policies. The term ontology is suffering a process of meta-terminologization, from the field of philosophy towards information science, a fact that deserves further and more vertical studies.
In the context of university libraries, optimization services, streamlining processes and consistency of processing and organization of informational content are strongly influenced by the indexing policy adopted by the information system. This discussion has proposed to perform a theoretical and methodological research on the subject cataloging in order to contribute to the definition of indexing policy elements in medical university library. To achieve our objective, we applied three instruments: Organizational Culture, Individual Verbal Protocol and Evaluation of Indexing. Considers the importance of developing an indexing policy for improvements in processes and services offered by university libraries, as well as the retrieval.
Introduction: This study is part of some activities developed in a school library in Marília - SP. Objective: To approach the voice pad use in historical narratives. Methodology: The book chosen by the storyteller for this experiment was “A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado” written by Monteiro Lobato, the first Brazilian book to gain an interactive version for the pad device. Results: It was observe in that activity like a digital device excites children, being a new way to interaction with stories. With features enticing and easier to use, the tablets provide the reading levels of dynamism and interactivity so far unthinkable. Conclusions: With the results of this research, it is concluded that audiovisual resources allow interaction and dynamism, providing enthusiasm to the listeners; being a pleasurable and diverse action that enables the professional to use new tools to stimulate the taste to hear and share stories as well as to attend a school library.
Techniques of image capture have advanced along with the technologies of information and communication and unthinkable numbers of information available and imagery are stored in digital environments. The objective of this study is point out difficulties found in the construction of imagetic representations of digital resources using the instruments available for the treatment of descriptive information. The results we have the mapping of descriptive elements to digital images derived from analyzing of the schemes to guide the construction of descriptive records (AACR2R, ISBD, Graphic Materials, RDA, CDWA, CCO) and the conceptual model FRBRer. The result of this analysis conducted the conceptual model, Functional Requirements for Digital Imagetic Data RFDID to the development of more efficient ways to represent the use of imagery in order to make it available, accessible and recoverable from the data persistence descriptive, flexibility, consistency and integrity as essential requirements for the representation of the digital image.
The management of information and knowledge has been one of the areas of expertise of the fastest growing Brazilian information science. The purpose of this work is to observe how this research front structure from the point of view of the subjects that compose and intellectual frameworks which supports. For this we have analyzed the content of scientific production published in four majo r national journals of the discipline: Ciência da Informação, DataGramaZero, Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação and Transinformação over 2000-2009. The methodology is based on co-occurrence analysis of keywords of articles and co-citation analysis of authors. For the representation and interpretation of the results are used to social network analysis (SNA). We conclude that both information management and knowledge management are closely linked areas within topics including approaches but no consensus answer from the point of view of intellectual frameworks referenced.
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.