869 resultados para Neurologia, Endocarditis
Hebb proposed that synapses between neurons that fire synchronously are strengthened, forming cell assemblies and phase sequences. The former, on a shorter scale, are ensembles of synchronized cells that function transiently as a closed processing system; the latter, on a larger scale, correspond to the sequential activation of cell assemblies able to represent percepts and behaviors. Nowadays, the recording of large neuronal populations allows for the detection of multiple cell assemblies. Within Hebb’s theory, the next logical step is the analysis of phase sequences. Here we detected phase sequences as consecutive assembly activation patterns, and then analyzed their graph attributes in relation to behavior. We investigated action potentials recorded from the adult rat hippocampus and neocortex before, during and after novel object exploration (experimental periods). Within assembly graphs, each assembly corresponded to a node, and each edge corresponded to the temporal sequence of consecutive node activations. The sum of all assembly activations was proportional to firing rates, but the activity of individual assemblies was not. Assembly repertoire was stable across experimental periods, suggesting that novel experience does not create new assemblies in the adult rat. Assembly graph attributes, on the other hand, varied significantly across behavioral states and experimental periods, and were separable enough to correctly classify experimental periods (Naïve Bayes classifier; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.55 to 0.99) and behavioral states (waking, slow wave sleep, and rapid eye movement sleep; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.64 to 0.98). Our findings agree with Hebb’s view that neuronal assemblies correspond to primitive building blocks of representation, nearly unchanged in 10 the adult, while phase sequences are labile across behavioral states and change after novel experience. The results are compatible with a role for phase sequences in behavior and cognition
Neurodegenerative diseases are frequently studied due to the increasing number of cases associated with the populational ageing and to the impact on the conditions on the quality of life. Parkinson’s disease (DP) is the second most frequent neurodegenerative disease. Despite the fact that its etiology is not completely understood, it is known that DP is caused by environmental and genetic factors. Thus, the investigation of etiologic factors and mechanisms responsible for the changes that lead to DP may help early diagnostic and prevention. A possible association between DP and the common polymorphism of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) G196A (Val66Met) has been suggested by different studies with contrasting results. For this reason, the aim of this study is to investigate if the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is related to susceptibility to DP in a cohort of Brazilian patients. Additionaly, we verify if the presence of the polymorphism implies in alterations in the BDNF whole blood concentrations, as well as variations in symptomatology. The sample comprised Brazilian patients accompanied by the neurology service of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and healthy controls (CTRL). The motor aspects of DP were evaluated by Hoehn e Yahr Scale (HY), Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Schwab & England Scale (SE). For the evaluation of non-motor symptoms were used the following instruments: Frontal Assessment Battery (BAF), Mini-Mental State Examination (MEEM), Beck Depression Inventory (IDB) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (IAB). Blood samples were collected for BDNF Val66Met polymorphism genotyping and BDNF whole blood measurement. As expected, DP patients performed worse in motor, cognitive and emotional battery of questionnaires. Alleles distribution between DP and CTRL was not significantly different, but the A/G genotype was significantly associated with a protector factor for DP. In contrast, the G/G genotype was significantly associated with depression and anxiety development in DP patients. However, BDNF concentrations were not different between genotypes or groups. This is the first study of genetic association of this polymorphism with DP in Brazilian subjects and the first one that associate A/G genotype with protection against DP.
Kingella kingae is a bacterial pathogen that is increasingly recognized as an etiology of septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, bacteremia, and endocarditis in young children. The pathogenesis of K. kingae disease starts with bacterial adherence to the respiratory epithelium of the posterior pharynx. Previous work has identified type IV pili and a trimeric autotransporter protein called Knh (Kingella NhhA homolog) as critical factors for adherence to human epithelial cells. Additional studies established that the presence of a polysaccharide capsule interferes with Knh-mediated adherence. Given the inhibitory role of capsule during adherence we sought to uncover the genes involved in capsule expression to understand how capsule is elaborated on the cell surface. Additionally, this work aimed to further characterize capsule diversity among K. kingae clinical isolates and to investigate the relationship between capsule type and site of isolation.
We first set out to identify the carbohydrates present in the K. kingae capsule present in the prototype strain 269-492. Glycosyl composition and NMR analysis of surface extractable polysaccharides demonstrated two distinct polysaccharides, one consisting of GalNAc and Kdo with the structure →3)-β-GalpNAc-(1→5)-β-Kdop-(2→ and the other containing galactose alone with the structure →5)-β-Galf-(1→.
To discern the two polysaccharides we disrupted the ctrA gene required for surface localization of the K. kingae polysaccharide capsule and observed a loss of GalNAc and Kdo but no effect on the presence of Gal in bacterial surface extracts. In contrast, deletion of the pamABCDE locus involved in production of a reported galactan exopolysaccharide eliminated Gal but had no effect on the presence of GalNAc and Kdo in surface extracts. These results established that K. kingae strain KK01 produces a polysaccharide capsule with the structure →3)-β-GalpNAc-(1→5)-β-Kdop-(2→ and a separate exopolysaccharide with the structure →5)-β-Galf-(1→.
Having established that K. kingae produces a capsule comprised of GalNAc and Kdo, we next set out to identify the genetic determinants of capsule through a transposon mutagenesis screen. In addition to the previously identified ctrABCD operon, lipA, lipB, and a putative glycosyltransferase termed csaA (capsule synthesis region A gene A) were found to be essential for the production of surface-localized capsule. The ctr operon, lipA, lipB, and csaA were found to be present at unlinked locations throughout the genome, which is atypical for gram-negative organisms that elaborate a capsule dependent on an ABC-type transporter for surface localization. Through examining capsule localization in the ctrA, lipA, lipB, and csaA mutant strains, we determined that the ctrABCD, lipA/lipB, and csaA gene products respectively function in capsule export, assembly, and synthesis, respectively. The GalNAc transferase and Kdo transferase domains found in CsaA further support its role in catalyzing the synthesis of the GalNAc-Kdo capsule in the K. kingae prototype strain.
To investigate the capsule diversity that exists in K. kingae we screened a panel of strains isolated from patients with invasive disease or healthy carriers for the csaA capsule synthesis locus. We discovered that Kingella kingae expresses one of 4 capsule synthesis loci (csa, csb, csc, or csd) associated with a capsule consisting of Kdo and GalNAc (type a), Kdo and GlcNAc (type b), Kdo and ribose (type c), and GlcNAc and galactose (type d), respectively. Cloning of the csa, csb, csc, or csd locus into the empty flanking gene region in a non-encapsulated mutant (creation of an isogenic capsule swap) was sufficient to produce either the type a, type b, or type c capsule, respectively, further supporting the role of these loci in expression of a specific polysaccharide linkage. Capsule type a and capsule type b accounted for 96% of invasive strains. Conversely, capsule type c and capsule type d were found disproportionately among carrier isolates, suggesting that capsule type is important in promoting invasion and dissemination.
In conclusion, we discovered that Kingella kingae expresses a polysaccharide capsule and an exopolysaccharide on its surface that require distinct genetic loci for surface localization. Further investigation into genetic determinants of encapsulation revealed the loci ctrABCD, lipA/lipB, and a putative glycosyltransferase are required for capsule expression, with the gene products having roles in capsule export, assembly, and synthesis, respectively. The putative glycosyltransferase CsaA was determined to be a bifunctional enzyme with both GalNAc-transferase and Kdo-transferase activity. Furthermore, we discovered a total of 4 capsule types expressed in clinical isolates of K. kingae, each with a distinct capsule synthesis locus. The variation in the proportion of capsule types found between invasive strains and carriage strains suggest that capsule type is important in promoting invasion and dissemination. Taken together, this work expands our knowledge of the capsule types expressed among K. kingae carrier and invasive isolates and provides insights into the common genetic determinants of capsule expression. These contributions may lead to selecting clinically relevant capsule types to develop into a capsule based vaccine to prevent K. kingae colonization.
BACKGROUND: -There are few contemporary data on the mortality and morbidity associated with rheumatic heart disease (RHD) or information on their predictors. We report the two year follow-up of individuals with RHD from 14 low and middle income countries in Africa and Asia.
METHODS: -Between January 2010 and November 2012, we enrolled 3343 patients from 25 centers in 14 countries and followed them for two years to assess mortality, congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), recurrent acute rheumatic fever (ARF), and infective endocarditis (IE).
RESULTS: -Vital status at 24 months was known for 2960 (88.5%) patients. Two thirds were female. Although patients were young (median age 28 years, interquartile range 18 to 40), the two year case fatality rate was high (500 deaths, 16.9%). Mortality rate was 116.3/1000 patient-years in the first year and 65.4/1000 patient-years in the second year. Median age at death was 28.7 years. Independent predictors of death were severe valve disease (hazard ratio (HR) 2.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.80-3.11), CHF (HR 2.16, 95% CI 1.70-2.72), New York Heart Association functional class III/IV (HR 1.67, 95% CI 1.32-2.10), atrial fibrillation (AF) (HR 1.40, 95% CI 1.10-1.78) and older age (HR 1.02, 95% CI 1.01-1.02 per year increase) at enrolment. Post-primary education (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.54-0.85) and female sex (HR 0.65, 95%CI 0.52-0.80) were associated with lower risk of death. 204 (6.9%) had new CHF (incidence, 38.42/1000 patient-years), 46 (1.6%) had a stroke or TIA (8.45/1000 patient-years), 19 (0.6%) had ARF (3.49/1000 patient-years), and 20 (0.7%) had IE (3.65/1000 patient-years). Previous stroke and older age were independent predictors of stroke/TIA or systemic embolism. Patients from low and lower-middle income countries had significantly higher age- and sex-adjusted mortality compared to patients from upper-middle income countries. Valve surgery was significantly more common in upper-middle income than in lower-middle- or low-income countries.
CONCLUSIONS: -Patients with clinical RHD have high mortality and morbidity despite being young; those from low and lower-middle income countries had a poorer prognosis associated with advanced disease and low education. Programs focused on early detection and treatment of clinical RHD are required to improve outcomes.
Nell'ambito della Diagnostica per Immagini, l'imaging ibrido sta assumendo un ruolo fondamentale in molte applicazioni cliniche, tra cui oncologia, neurologia e cardiologia. La possibilità di integrare informazioni complementari, funzionali e morfologiche, in un'unica immagine, permette di valutare con estrema accuratezza varie tipologie di malattie, diminuendo i tempi di acquisizione e i disagi per i pazienti. La risonanza magnetica, in sostituzione alla TAC nel sistema integrato PET/TC, introduce notevoli vantaggi quali l'acquisizione simultanea dei dati, l'ottimo contrasto dei tessuti molli, l'assenza di radiazioni ionizzanti e la correzione degli artefatti da movimento; ciò migliora l'accuratezza delle immagini e, di conseguenza, il processo diagnostico. Nonostante sia un interessante strumento di diagnostica e l'apice dello sviluppo tecnologico in imaging nucleare, vi sono alcune problematiche che ne impediscono la diffusa adozione, tra cui le interferenze reciproche tra le due modalità, i costi elevati e ancora una ridotta pubblicazione di articoli al riguardo.
Les progrès technologiques dans l’industrie de la viande ont des répercussions considérables sur les agents pathogènes de ces environnements. Parmi ceux-ci, Streptococcus suis occupe une place prédominante dans l’industrie porcine. En effet, S. suis, colonisateur naturel des voies respiratoires et digestives du porc, peut infecter son hôte en provoquant des méningites, septicémies, endocardites, arthrites ou pneumonies. De surcroît, S. suis peut également infecter l’humain en provoquant majoritairement des méningites et septicémies, et a notamment été la cause de deux épidémies en Chine en 1998 et 2005. La pathogenèse des infections à S. suis demeure partiellement connue à l’heure actuelle, rendant difficile le contrôle des infections. Il est par conséquent essentiel de caractériser les facteurs de virulence chez S. suis puisqu’ils pourraient représenter des cibles d’intérêt pour des applications préventives ou thérapeutiques. Ce projet de doctorat consiste donc en la caractérisation fonctionnelle de facteurs de virulence chez S. suis. Dans un premier temps, la capacité de S. suis à moduler son potentiel pro-inflammatoire en présence de concentrations sous-inhibitrices d’amoxicilline a été mise en évidence. Dans un second temps, la caractérisation plus avancée de la hyaluronate lyase de S. suis a permis de démontrer que son activité ne contribue pas à la virulence de la bactérie étant donné son absence au sein de souches les plus virulentes, mais que les interactions avec l’acide hyaluronique pourraient moduler la virulence de S. suis. Par la suite, l’étude fonctionnelle d’une DNase de S. suis a permis de démontrer son implication comme facteur de virulence et suggère son intérêt dans le développement de vaccins. Finalement, le dernier objectif du projet a permis la mise en évidence de la production de microvésicules fortement immunogéniques par S. suis. La présence de facteurs de virulence dans leur contenu protéique représente un élément encourageant dans le développement de vaccins contre l’agent pathogène. Ce projet a donc permis d’élargir les connaissances sur le potentiel néfaste de l’utilisation des antibiotiques à faible concentration dans l’industrie porcine, sur le rôle des activités hyaluronate lyase et DNase dans la virulence de S. suis, et de découvrir un nouveau mécanisme impliqué dans la virulence de la bactérie par le biais des microvésicules.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
The Whipple’ Disease (W.D.) is a very rare disease with an incidence of 1 per 1.000.000 inhabitants; it is a systemic infection that may mimic a wide spectrum of clinical disorders, which may have a fatal outcome and affects mainly male 40-50 years old. The infective agent is an actinomycete, Tropheryma Whipplei (T.W.) that was isolated 100 years after first description by Wipple, and identified in macrophages of mucosa of the small intestine by biopsy which is characterized by periodic acid-Schiff-positive, products of the inner membrane of his polysaccharide bacterial cell wall. The multisystemic clinical manifestations evolve rapidly towards an organic decay characterized by weight loss, malabsorption, diarrhea, polyathralgia, opthalmoplegia, neuro-psychiatric disorders and sometimes associated to endocarditis. Early antibiotic treatment with trimethoprim and sulfometathaxazole reduces the fatal evolution of the disease. The authors present a rare experience about a female subject in which the clinical gastrointestinal signs were preceded by neuro-psychiatric disorders, and evolved into obstruction and intestinal perforation which required an emergency surgery with temporary ileostomy, recanalized only after adequate medical treatment with a full dose of antibiotic and resolution of clinical disease for the high risks of fistulae for the edema and lymphadenopathy of mucosa. The diagnosis was histologically examined by intestinal biopsy performed during surgery, which showed PAS-positive histiocytes, while PRC polymerase RNA was negative, which confirms the high sensibility of PAS positive and low specificity of RNA polymerase for T.W.
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, characterized by reduced plasma concentration or by the presence of non-functional C1 esterase inhibitor. Oedema caused by HAE mostly affects the skin and bowel and can induce swelling of genitalia. Oedema can be life threatening if it causes swelling of the larynx with obstruction of the airways. We describe the case of a 52-year-old man who presented a neurological emergency (coma), where the remarkable localization of the clinical manifestation and the unusual symptomatology hindered the correct diagnosis.
A 31-year-old man with pontine infarction was referred to our hospital for further evaluation and treatment. At admission, his neurological examination was unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or skin lesions were found. The Treponema pallidum haemagglutination test, rapid plasma regain test and fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test of immunoglobulin G were positive in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF analysis showed lymphocytic pleocytosis. The patient had male-to-male sexual contact and was found to be HIV positive. Physicians should be aware that acute ischaemic stroke may be the first manifestation of neurosyphilis in a young adult, especially with HIV infection.
Introdução: A epilepsia é uma doença neu- rológica crónica prevalente. Devido a fatores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais, os afetados pela doença apresentam maior susceptibili- dade de desenvolvimento de morbilidades psi- quiátricas. Objetivos: Revisão crítica da associação entre epilepsia e patologia psiquiátrica, permitindo aos clínicos uma abordagem mais consciente e informada. Métodos: Os artigos incluídos foram selec- cionados através da base de dados Pubmed com a query “((“Epilepsy”[Mesh]) AND “Mental Disorders”[Mesh]) AND “Comor- bidity”[Mesh]”. Adicionalmente foram con- sultados relatórios oficiais da Internacional League Against Epilepsy e World Health Or- ganization. Resultados e Conclusões: Cerca de 15% a 70% dos doentes com epilepsia apresentam patologia psiquiátrica, que pode ser classifi- cada em peri-ictal ou inter-ictal. A depressão é a patologia mais frequente, podendo ter uma prevalência de 70%, seguida das pertur- bações de ansiedade. A relação entre epilepsia e psicose poderá dever-se ao papel etiológico comum da patologia cerebral subjacente. As crises não epiléticas psicogénicas configuram um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico, tendo uma apresentação clínica sugestiva de cri- ses epiléticas mas sem as alterações eletro- fisiológicas correspondentes, podendo surgir em doentes com e sem epilepsia. Apesar da sua heterogeneidade, os diferentes estudos globalmente evidenciam uma prevalência aumentada de patologia psiquiátrica em doentes com epilepsia. A natureza da relação entre estas patologias ainda não está inequi- vocamente esclarecida, revelando a insufi- ciência de conhecimento sobre esta temática. O presente trabalho reforça a necessidade da intervenção multidisciplinar por parte da neurologia, psiquiatria e psicologia, em indi- víduos com epilepsia e patologia psiquiátrica concomitante.
Arnold–Chiari malformation is defined as downward displacement of the brainstem and cerebellum through the foramen magnum. It has different clinical presentations and four subtypes. It is known that downward migration of posterior fossa components through the foramen magnum and associated lower cranial nerve palsy and brainstem compression can cause respiratory failure. Acute respiratory failure could mark the onset of the disease. Posterior fossa decompression performed to treat primary disease can improve the central sleep abnormalities. As respiratory failure is rarely seen, this paper presents two cases of Arnold–Chiari malformation with respiratory failure.
Trata de describir las características clínicas del síndrome de Lennox- Gastaut en los niños del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y ADINEA (Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral del Niño Excepcional del Azuay) de la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador; y determinar la relación existente entre la frecuencia de crisis epilépticas de un niño con diagnóstico de síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut y su grado de retardo mental. Son diagnosticados treinta pacientes de los cuáles 17 fueron del sexo masculino 56,7y 13 pacientes sexo femenino 43,3. La mayoría inician sus crisis antes del año de edad, se relacionan con un mayor retardo mental y a su vez con mayor frecuencia de crisis. La etiología más frecuente es la hipoxis al nacimiento, que está relacionada con la precaria atención de salud del país, en la mayoría de los casos no es posible determinar su etiología, pero existe una importante predisposición familiar. Indican que se debería ampliar los métodos de diagnóstico a fin de precisar mejor la etiología
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder with a broad spectrum of early clinical manifestations, comprising neurological and psychiatric symptoms. The authors report the case of a patient admitted with a diagnosis of depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms, with post-mortem confirmation of CJD and discuss how CJD’s clinical heterogeneity can lead to misdiagnosis of the disease. Despite CJD’s unique pathogenesis, its kaleidoscopic presentation justifies the integrated investigation of patients with psychiatric symptoms, avoiding restrictive diagnosis.
Coronary artery fistulae (CAF) are a rare entity describing abnormal communication between a coronary artery and cardiac chamber or a large intrathoracic vessel and are seldom described in the literature[1]. These fistulae can be either congenital or acquired. Often incidental in finding, CAFs can have serious clinical sequelae, and should be duly reported and discussed with the cardiac team. More than 50% of patients with CAFs may be asymptomatic; 34% may report chest pain; 13% may have symptoms of heart failure, and a minority of 2% may suffer from endocarditis and arrhythmias[2]. The largest series to our knowledge was reported by the Cleveland Clinic, which found 225 patients with incidental CAF out of 126,595 coronary catheterizations (incidence of 0.18%), performed during a span of 28 years [3]. Multiple CAFs are an even rarer entity and only a handful of cases have been reported in the literature to date. Few cases of double CAFs have been reported that describe two different feeder coronary arteries giving rise to separate drainage sites[3]. In our report, however, we describe a new entity: a single-feeder coronary vessel communicated with two drainage sites. Our case is curiously unique, in which we report a single artery, originating from the right coronary artery (RCA) with double drainage sites – one to the left pulmonary artery and the second to the left bronchial artery.