904 resultados para National Science Foundation (U.S.). Research Applied to National Needs Program.


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Evolutionary biologists have long endeavored to document how many species exist on Earth, to understand the processes by which biodiversity waxes and wanes, to document and interpret spatial patterns of biodiversity, and to infer evolutionary relationships. Despite the great potential of this knowledge to improve biodiversity science, conservation, and policy, evolutionary biologists have generally devoted limited attention to these broader implications. Likewise, many workers in biodiversity science have underappreciated the fundamental relevance of evolutionary biology. The aim of this article is to summarize and illustrate some ways in which evolutionary biology is directly relevant We do so in the context of four broad areas: (1) discovering and documenting biodiversity, (2) understanding the causes of diversification, (3) evaluating evolutionary responses to human disturbances, and (4) implications for ecological communities, ecosystems, and humans We also introduce bioGENESIS, a new project within DIVERSITAS launched to explore the potential practical contributions of evolutionary biology In addition to fostering the integration of evolutionary thinking into biodiversity science, bioGENESIS provides practical recommendations to policy makers for incorporating evolutionary perspectives into biodiversity agendas and conservation. We solicit your involvement in developing innovative ways of using evolutionary biology to better comprehend and stem the loss of biodiversity.


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In this work we use magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to study the magnetic properties of a 1.5 mu m EuTe film and an EuTe/PbTe superlattice (SL). The samples were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (111) oriented BaF(2) substrates. The measurements were made at the Eu L(2) absorption edge, taking profit of the resonant enhancement of more than two orders in the magnetically diffracted intensity. At resonance, high counting rates above 11000 cps were obtained for the 1.5 gm EuTe film, allowing to check for the type II antiferromagnetic order of EuTe. An equal population of the three possible in-plane magnetic domains was found. The EuTe/PbTe SL magnetic peak showed a satellite structure, indicating the presence of magnetic correlations among the 5 ML (monolayers) EuTe layers across the 15 ML PbTe non-magnetic spacers. The temperature dependence of the integrated intensities of the film and the SL yielded different Neel temperatures T(N). The lower T(N) for the SL is explained considering the higher influence of the surface atoms, with partial bonds lost.


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The protective shielding design of a mammography facility requires the knowledge of the scattered radiation by the patient and image receptor components. The shape and intensity of secondary x-ray beams depend on the kVp applied to the x-ray tube, target/filter combination, primary x-ray field size, and scattering angle. Currently, shielding calculations for mammography facilities are performed based on scatter fraction data for Mo/Mo target/filter, even though modern mammography equipment is designed with different anode/filter combinations. In this work we present scatter fraction data evaluated based on the x-ray spectra produced by a Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh and W/Rh target/filter, for 25, 30 and 35 kV tube voltages and scattering angles between 30 and 165 degrees. Three mammography phantoms were irradiated and the scattered radiation was measured with a CdZnTe detector. The primary x-ray spectra were computed with a semiempirical model based on the air kerma and HVL measured with an ionization chamber. The results point out that the scatter fraction values are higher for W/Rh than for Mo/Mo and Mo/Rh, although the primary and scattered air kerma are lower for W/Rh than for Mo/Mo and Mo/Rh target/filter combinations. The scatter fractions computed in this work were applied in a shielding design calculation in order to evaluate shielding requirements for each of these target/filter combinations. Besides, shielding requirements have been evaluated converting the scattered air kerma from mGy/week to mSv/week adopting initially a conversion coefficient from air kerma to effective dose as 1 Sv/Gy and then a mean conversion coefficient specific for the x-ray beam considered. Results show that the thickest barrier should be provided for Mo/Mo target/filter combination. They also point out that the use of the conversion coefficient from air kerma to effective dose as 1 Sv/Gy is conservatively high in the mammography energy range and overestimate the barrier thickness. (c) 2008 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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The generalized Birnbaum-Saunders (GBS) distribution is a new class of positively skewed models with lighter and heavier tails than the traditional Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution, which is largely applied to study lifetimes. However, the theoretical argument and the interesting properties of the GBS model have made its application possible beyond the lifetime analysis. The aim of this paper is to present the GBS distribution as a useful model for describing pollution data and deriving its positive and negative moments. Based on these moments, we develop estimation and goodness-of-fit methods. Also, some properties of the proposed estimators useful for developing asymptotic inference are presented. Finally, an application with real data from Environmental Sciences is given to illustrate the methodology developed. This example shows that the empirical fit of the GBS distribution to the data is very good. Thus, the GBS model is appropriate for describing air pollutant concentration data, which produces better results than the lognormal model when the administrative target is determined for abating air pollution. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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There are several versions of the lognormal distribution in the statistical literature, one is based in the exponential transformation of generalized normal distribution (GN). This paper presents the Bayesian analysis for the generalized lognormal distribution (logGN) considering independent non-informative Jeffreys distributions for the parameters as well as the procedure for implementing the Gibbs sampler to obtain the posterior distributions of parameters. The results are used to analyze failure time models with right-censored and uncensored data. The proposed method is illustrated using actual failure time data of computers.


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Preclinical investigations can start with preliminary in vitro studies before using animal models. Following this approach, the number of animals used in preclinical acute toxicity testing can be reduced. In this study, we employed an in-house validated in vitro cytotoxicity test based on the Spielmann approach for toxicity evaluation of the lignan grandisin, a candidate anticancer agent, and its major metabolite. the 4-O-demethylgrandisin, by neutral red uptake (NRU) assay, on mouse fibroblasts Balb/c 3T3 cell line. Using different concentrations of grandisin and its major metabolite (2.31; 1.16; 0.58; 0.29; 0.14; 0.07; 0.04; 0.002 mu M) in Balb/c 3T3-A31 NRU cytotoxicity assay, after incubation for 48 h, we obtained IC(50) values for grandisin and its metabolite of 0.078 and 0.043 mu M, respectively. The computed LD(50) of grandisin and 4-O-demethylgrandisin were 617.72 and 429.95 mg/kg, respectively. Both were classified under the Globally Harmonized System as category 4. Since pharmacological and toxicological data are crucial in the developmental stages of drug discovery, using an in vitro assay we demonstrated that grandisin and its metabolite exhibit distinct toxicity profiles. Furthermore, results presented in this work can contribute to reduce the number of animals required in subsequent pharmacological/toxicological studies. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In order to achieve the high performance, we need to have an efficient scheduling of a parallelprogram onto the processors in multiprocessor systems that minimizes the entire executiontime. This problem of multiprocessor scheduling can be stated as finding a schedule for ageneral task graph to be executed on a multiprocessor system so that the schedule length can be minimize [10]. This scheduling problem is known to be NP- Hard.In multi processor task scheduling, we have a number of CPU’s on which a number of tasksare to be scheduled that the program’s execution time is minimized. According to [10], thetasks scheduling problem is a key factor for a parallel multiprocessor system to gain betterperformance. A task can be partitioned into a group of subtasks and represented as a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph), so the problem can be stated as finding a schedule for a DAG to beexecuted in a parallel multiprocessor system so that the schedule can be minimized. Thishelps to reduce processing time and increase processor utilization. The aim of this thesis workis to check and compare the results obtained by Bee Colony algorithm with already generatedbest known results in multi processor task scheduling domain.


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The FE ('fixed effects') estimator of technical inefficiency performs poorly when N ('number of firms') is large and T ('number of time observations') is small. We propose estimators of both the firm effects and the inefficiencies, which have small sample gains compared to the traditional FE estimator. The estimators are based on nonparametric kernel regression of unordered variables, which includes the FE estimator as a special case. In terms of global conditional MSE ('mean square error') criterions, it is proved that there are kernel estimators which are efficient to the FE estimators of firm effects and inefficiencies, in finite samples. Monte Carlo simulations supports our theoretical findings and in an empirical example it is shown how the traditional FE estimator and the proposed kernel FE estimator lead to very different conclusions about inefficiency of Indonesian rice farmers.


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Este trabalho visa mostrar a importância do estreitamento dos laços entre as instituições educacionais e os museus nacionais. Essa relação é fundamental para abertura de horizontes culturais dos alunos enquanto criança ou adolescente, influenciando diretamente na sua formação escolar e em seus valores de patrimônio artístico. Essa importância pôde ser comprovada na pesquisa aplicada aos estudantes do ensino fundamental do IEPIC - Instituto de Educação Professor Ismael Coutinho, em Niterói – RJ, em parceria com o Museu Antônio Parreiras. Apesar do museu ser localizado ao lado da escola, muitos alunos nunca o haviam visitado e nem sabiam da sua existência. As escolas devem contribuir com a criação de projetos que incluam visitas a museus e contatos diretos com obras de arte. Assim como os educadores devem estimular a valorização do patrimônio artístico local, chamando atenção para o conhecimento e preservação do mesmo. Essas experiências representam um assimilar de atitudes que se refletirão positivamente na vida adulta do aluno. Uma relação sólida entre escola e museu permitirá ao aluno uma aprendizagem baseada no diálogo com a obra de arte que incentivará o ato criativo e a procura pela originalidade, bem como o capacitará como agente multiplicador desse saber a colegas de aula, amigos, familiares e à comunidade a que pertence.


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Devido à globalização dos mercados e da produção, ao acirramento da concorrência e das disputas de mercados, às aceleradas transformações científicas, tecnológicas e sociais e ao advento da economia baseada em conhecimento, as organizações se vêem permanentemente desafiadas a desenvolver novas competências de forma a criar vantagem competitiva sustentável. Com este fim estão implantando infraestruturas de aprendizagem próprias, para o desenvolvimento profissional e educação continuada de seus funcionários, com foco nas necessidades essenciais da organização e alinhamento com a estratégia de seus negócios - são as chamadas Universidades Corporativas, U.C .. A aplicação do conceito de U. C. a uma organização, requer a existência de um ambiente empresarial que esteja preparado para desenvolver a cultura permanente de aprendizagem. Fator essencial neste processo é o comprometimento e envolvimento dos gestores da organização cujo papel é o de construir o ambiente da aprendizagem, criando os espaços e os canais para o exercício da construção coletiva de novos conhecimentos e práticas organizacionais. Este estudo visa verificar a apl icabilidade do conceito de U.C. ao Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná, tendo utilizado na pesquisa, como sujeitos de analise os gestores da Instituição e como método de anál ise de dados o método distanciaI. O nível de satisfação aos indicadores util izados na pesquisa efetuada com os gestores do sistema, infere que estes aval iam que existe um ambiente organizacional predisposto à aplicabil idade do conceito de U.C. no Sistema FIEP.


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Computer vision is a field that uses techniques to acquire, process, analyze and understand images from the real world in order to produce numeric or symbolic information in the form of decisions [1]. This project aims to use computer vision to prepare an app to analyze a Madeira Wine and characterize it (identify its variety) by its color. Dry or sweet wines, young or old wines have a specific color. It uses techniques to compare histograms in order to analyze the images taken from a test sample inside a special container designed for this purpose. The color analysis from a wine sample using an image captured by a smartphone can be difficult. Many factors affect the captured image such as, light conditions, the background of the sample container due to the many positions the photo can be taken (different to capture facing a white wall or facing the floor for example). Using new technologies such as 3D printing it was possible to create a prototype that aims to control the effect of those external factors on the captured image. The results for this experiment are good indicators for future works. Although it’s necessary to do more tests, the first tests had a success rate of 80% to 90% of correct results. This report documents the development of this project and all the techniques and steps required to execute the tests.


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Noise mapping has been used as an instrument for assessment of environmental noise, helping to support decision making on urban planning. In Brazil, urban noise is not yet recognized as a major environmental problem by the government. Besides, cities that have databases to drive acoustic simulations, making use of advanced noise mapping systems, are rare. This study sought an alternative method of noise mapping through the use of geoprocessing, which is feasible for the Brazilian reality and for other developing countries. The area chosen for the study was the central zone of the city of Sorocaba, located in So Paulo State, Brazil. The proposed method was effective in the spatial evaluation of equivalent sound pressure level. The results showed an urban area with high noise levels that exceed the legal standard, posing a threat to the welfare of the population.