922 resultados para Mitología romana


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This study found the relationship between general environment knowledge and carbon offsets knowledge is inversely related and no significant differences in general environment or carbon offset behavior exists between levels of knowledge. The findings lend support that consumers may misunderstand 'carbon offset' claims thus public policy intervention is required.


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BackgroundThis study examined the ability of 78 children (aged 9–12 years) with an intellectual disability (ID) to provide a narrative account of a staged event they had participated in four days earlier.
MethodThe children were interviewed using open‐ended questions. The quality of their responses (using a story grammar framework) was compared with that of two control groups: mainstream children matched for mental and chronological age.
ResultsWhile the children with an ID and those matched for mental age provided narratives of similar length and used similar proportions of each story grammar element, the ID group was less likely than both control groups to provide a narrative account at all. Among those children with an ID who did provide a narrative account, their accounts included proportionately fewer story grammar elements than those of both control groups.
ConclusionChildren with an ID are disadvantaged as witnesses with respect to their ability to provide a detailed and coherent narrative account of events under optimal investigative interviewing conditions.


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A qualitative methodology, using open-ended questions, was employed to explore the perceptions of 112 children regarding the role of police. The children, aged 5 to 6 and 7 to 8 years, were asked to comment on what police officers do when they go to work, what direct and indirect experiences they have had with the police, and the positive and negative aspects of being a police officer. The findings revealed that children emphasise the punitive role of police; very few children identified with non-punitive roles. This punitive theme was evident irrespective of the children's experiences, age, and whether they could recall television shows involving police. The practical implications of our findings for police relations with children, particularly in a forensic interview context, are discussed.


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This paper explores the relationship between consumers’ knowledge and behaviours related to environmental issues and carbon offsets. We found that consumers were generally less knowledgeable about carbon offsets than about general environmental issues and increased knowledge about environmental issues does not result in more responsible environmental behaviours. Therefore, consumers may misunderstand claims made by marketers in relation to carbon offsets and thus public policy intervention is required.


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Using the theory of reasoned action, this study proposes a structural equation model that tests the relationships among carbon and environmental knowledge, attitude and behaviour. We found that carbon related knowledge is unrelated to attitudes, but general environmental attitudes drive both general and carbon related behaviours. The results suggest that specific environmental behaviour may therefore be more driven by general attitudes and knowledge, rather than by issue specific knowledge.


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Investigative interviews with children about alleged abuse were analysed to determine the degree to which the child's responses adhered to a story grammar framework, and whether the presence of story grammar elements was associated with interviewers' adherence to best-practice (i.e. open-ended) questioning. The sample included 51 interviews with child witnesses from across Australia. The interviews were administered by a police officer with children (37 girls and 14 boys) aged 3-16 years (M age = 103.82 months, SD = 34.21 months). The interviewers' questions were categorised as open-ended or specific and the children's responses were classified as a story grammar element, context/background information, or 'don't know' responses. The majority of interviewer questions were specific in nature and the majority of children's responses were context/background details. Open-ended questions were more successful in eliciting story grammar from children. Of the story grammar elements, the interviewers' specific questions usually targeted setting and attempt details. These findings suggest that improvement in the narrative coherence of children's reports of abusive events can potentially be achieved by increasing interviewers' use of open-ended questions.


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In many jurisdictions, police officers are responsible for deciding whether cases of child abuse are referred for potential prosecution. Such discretion justifies the need to scrutinise these professionals' decisions to determine if they are consistent with the scientific eyewitness memory literature. Prior research has shown that interviewer questioning is one of the most critical factors impacting the reliability of child witness statements. Hence, we asked: 'To what degree do officers' consider the quality of interviewer questions when making case authorisation decisions?'. In order to answer this question, we conducted a thematic analysis to identify issues referred to in a sample of documented police correspondence (n=33) about potential prosecution of child abuse cases. Two key themes emerged: the existence of corroborative evidence and whether the suspect denied the allegations. Questioning technique, however, was not considered. All but one decision that referred to interview process focused on the presentation of the witness, even though the witness interviews (as a whole) did not adhere to recommended best-practice guidelines. The implications of these findings are discussed.


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Global warming and carbon emissions have gained international attention. However, it would appear that consumers are still unclear about what it encompasses and how it relates to their individual behaviour. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as a guiding framework, this study presents a structural equation model that tests the relationships between carbon and environmental knowledge, environmental attitude and behaviour using a sample of US consumers. The findings of the research suggest that a positive relationship was found between general and carbon-specific knowledge, attitude towards the environment, and general and carbon-specific behaviours. Therefore, general and carbon-specific environmental behaviours are related and may be driven by general attitudes and knowledge (i.e. both carbon-specific and general environmental knowledge). The implications of the study would suggest that marketers, working in tandem with government policymakers, need to focus efforts on developing consumers’ knowledge about specific sub-issues, such as global warming. However, additional research needs to be undertaken to develop marketing communication that accurately reflects the environmental impact of consumption behaviour, thereby allowing for considered consumption.


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Women's motives for weight-loss dieting and choice of method were investigated in 151 current and 182 prospective dieters. Problematically, appearance-motivated dieters preferred ‘fad’ diets with the promise of quick results, and prospective dieters preferred marketing information supporting such diets over health advice cautioning against their use.


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Este estudo visa a analisar a peça Hipólito de Eurípides e a Fedra de Sêneca, a partir da intertextualidade, termo criado e difundido por Julia Kristeva no âmbito dos estudos da Literatura Comparada. Procuramos investigar o tema “a paixão proibida” em ambos os textos, destacando o diálogo mútuo que envolvem tais obras. Nessa pesquisa, estudamos essencialmente o discurso feminino, o desenvolvimento da paixão em seus diversos estágios, o ódio masculino contra as mulheres, o pensamento estóico subjacente nas falas das personagens de Sêneca. Outros aspectos também foram investigados como a caracterização das personagens e o enredo. Sêneca apropriou-se de alguns elementos do texto de Eurípides e reformulou-os em um amplo processo de reescrita o que culminou em uma nova obra estética com traços da sua cultura romana.


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Esta dissertação estuda a cidade colonial ibero-americana, a partir de seu traçado, de sua configuração espacial e como produto da milenar tradição urbana do ocidente, em suas variáveis erudita e popular. Foram analisadas as circunstâncias políticas, econômicas e socioculturais que condicionaram os três séculos do período colonial na Ibero-américa e que influenciaram, de um ou de outro modo, o arranjo espacial das cidades. O trabalho identifica os elementos da arquitetura grega, romana, medieval cristã, muçulmana, renascentista, pré-colombiana e barroca que foram naturalmente selecionados, sintetizados e re-elaborados em sua implementação na cidade ibero-americana. Uma tipologia de malhas urbanas é proposta e, a partir da observação e redesenho de plantas urbanas do período colonial, o trabalho analisa e classifica 21 assentamentos produzidos pela colonização espanhola e portuguesa A análise mostra que a cidade colonial ibero-americana constitui de fato um tipo especifico dentro da categoria maior de cidade tradicional, anterior ao movimento moderno. Por ser uma cidade nova, tem implícita na sua gênese a atividade de planejamento. O traçado em malha é o instrumento regulador essencial. Em seu processo de adaptação às determinantes locais, na busca de uma ordem espacial, o traçado em malha passa por diferentes graus de deformação geométrica, o que condiciona a forma e o posicionamento das partes, ou seja, dos elementos da arquitetura urbana - a praça, a rua, o quarteirão, os edifícios singulares e a estrutura predial de tipos recorrentes de edificação -, gerando assim grande diversidade e riqueza de situações espaciais. O trabalho compara as cidades coloniais espanhola e a portuguesa e consta o predomínio das similaridades pelo fato de terem a malha como denominador comum. As diferenças mais relevantes ficam por conta das implantações, das adaptações ao contexto e de outras circunstâncias específicas, não constituindo fator determinante serem elas espanholas ou portuguesas.