873 resultados para Milton, John, 1608-1674--Criticism and interpretation.


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A photograph of John Diefenbaker and Sean O'Sullivan in his office, House of Commons, June 1972.


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Sketch of John Gibson brick building and adjoining lots. This is a hand drawn sketch, n.d.


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A desirable property of a voting procedure is that it be immune to the strategic withdrawal of a candidate for election. Dutta, Jackson, and Le Breton (Econometrica, 2001) have established a number of theorems that demonstrate that this condition is incompatible with some other desirable properties of voting procedures. This article shows that Grether and Plott's nonbinary generalization of Arrow's Theorem can be used to provide simple proofs of two of these impossibility theorems.


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The future of sustainability is tied to the future of our ability to manage interconnectedness and interdependence, and thus to our abilities to engage in cooperative, value-creating public deliberations and negotiations.To understand these issues,we need a better understanding of the micro-politics of planning and public participation, the relationships between our received theories and our practices, and in particular, the work of public dispute resolution and its implications for democratic deliberation and governance.We need better to understand the differences between dialogue, debate, and negotiation, as well as the corresponding work of facilitating a dialogue, moderating a debate, and mediating an actual negotiation. Contrasting processes and practical attitudes of dialogue, debate, and negotiation can teach us, in the context of creating a sustainable future, that we must devise discursive and conversational political processes and institutions that explore possible commitments so that we not only know the right things to do but actually bring ourselves and one another to do those right things.


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Réalisé en codirection avec Hélène Buzelin


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Ce mémoire en recherche-création s’intéresse à la quête identitaire, et / ou au désir de tracer son propre chemin en réinterprétant les événements du passé. Le roman TRANSHUMANCES raconte le pèlerinage d’Alice sur la via Podiensis, qui relie la commune du Puy-en-Velay en France, à Santiago de Compostela en Espagne. Elle marche. Elle marche pour oublier, pour enterrer ses morts, pour avancer, ailleurs. Elle marche et fait de nombreuses rencontres. Par la conversation et la contemplation, elle tente d’apaiser les maux qui la rongent. Elle marche et apprivoise ce chemin mythique, mystique, cette route qui mène le croyant à la rencontre de Dieu et qui pousse l’impie à la rencontre de lui-même. Alice fait la connaissance de John. Ils se racontent des blagues et des secrets, partagent repas et larmes, deviennent frères d’ampoules et rentrent à la maison, changés. L’essai I ended up being my own trout (jeux de fragments avec Éric Plamondon) explore quant à lui à l’écriture fragmentaire, en s’intéressant particulièrement aux effets qu’opèrent les fragments sur la lecture. Éric Plamondon, avec sa trilogie 1984, utilise la forme fragmentaire afin de jouer avec le lecteur : il le fait douter de ses certitudes et le guide vers une vision manipulée de l’Histoire. Le lecteur est alors confronté à la pluralité des interprétations et doit s’imposer comme auteur de sa propre lecture.


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Remote Data acquisition and analysing systems developed for fisheries and related environmental studies have been reported. It consists of three units. The first one namely multichannel remote data acquisition system is installed at the remote place powered by a rechargeable battery. It acquires and stores the 16 channel environmental data on a battery backed up RAM. The second unit called the Field data analyser is used for insitue display and analysis of the data stored in the backed up RAM. The third unit namely Laboratory data analyser is an IBM compatible PC based unit for detailed analysis and interpretation of the data after bringing the RAM unit to the laboratory. The data collected using the system has been analysed and presented in the form of a graph. The system timer operated at negligibly low current, switches on the power to the entire remote operated system at prefixed time interval of 2 hours.Data storage at remote site on low power battery backedupRAM and retrieval and analysis of data using PC are the special i ty of the system. The remote operated system takes about 7 seconds including the 5 second stabilization time to acquire and store data and is very ideal for remote operation on rechargeable bat tery. The system can store 16 channel data scanned at 2 hour interval for 10 days on 2K backed up RAM with memory expansion facility for 8K RAM.


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Reducing fishing pressure in coastal waters is the need of the day in the Indian marine fisheries sector of the country which is fast changing from a mere vocational activity to a capital intensive industry. It requires continuous monitoring of the resource exploitation through a scientifically acceptable methodology, data on production of each species stock, the number and characteristics of the fishing gears of the fleet, various biological characteristics of each stock, the impact of fishing on the environment and the role of fishery—independent on availability and abundance. Besides this, there are issues relating to capabilities in stock assessment, taxonomy research, biodiversity, conservation and fisheries management. Generation of reliable data base over a fixed time frame, their analysis and interpretation are necessary before drawing conclusions on the stock size, maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and to further implement various fishing regulatory measures. India being a signatory to several treaties and conventions, is obliged to carry out assessments of the exploited stocks and manage them at sustainable levels. Besides, the nation is bound by its obligation of protein food security to people and livelihood security to those engaged in marine fishing related activities. Also, there are regional variabilities in fishing technology and fishery resources. All these make it mandatory for India to continue and strengthen its marine capture fisheries research in general and deep sea fisheries in particular. Against this background, an attempt is made to strengthen the deep sea fish biodiversity and also to generate data on the distribution, abundance, catch per unit effort of fishery resources available beyond 200 m in the EEZ of southwest coast ofIndia and also unravel some of the aspects of life history traits of potentially important non conventional fish species inhabiting in the depth beyond 200 m. This study was carried out as part of the Project on Stock Assessment and Biology of Deep Sea Fishes of Indian EEZ (MoES, Govt. of India).


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In this paper we search the concept of nonviolent resistance inquiring a rural experience from Rio Negro´s steppe. The initiative highlights the need to recognize  the context of the resistance exercise and the consideration of three aspects: the evaluation and interpretation of space, the dispute to public policy and the  restructuring of the family order. These three elements, which overlap material  and symbolic aspects, are discussed from an organization of trade domestic craft production. The notion of “development” is discovered on the basis of the  frameworks of values from which the reproduction of subordination is associated  with this idea, and even the challenge of change is the basis of the proposal which reviews that development idea, and illuminates from this complexity the notion  of “nonviolent resistance”.


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En la presente investigación se estudió la organización administrativa y territorial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, para poder identificar si se podían definir y catalogar a Venezuela como un Estado federal como manda su Constitución, o si por el contrario, podríamos estar hablando de una organización distinta llámese autonómica o unitaria, o simplemente un modelo federal diferente al dual influenciado por las diferentes formas de organización.


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Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.


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S'estudia l'obra filològica d' Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737), des d'una perspectiva de conjunt, per tal de concretar I'activitat d'aquest estudiós en els camps de la lingüística, la filologia o la crítica literària, i fer-ne una valoració adequada als coneixements actuals sobre I'exercici d'aquestes disciplines durant la primera meitat del segle XVIII. La tesi inclou un estudi biogràfic, absolutament necessari per establir moltes de les circumstancies vitals del canonge Bastero, que ens resultaven obscures i que són decisives per explicar el propi interès per la filologia, les relacions amb determinats cercles acadèmics, la datació aproximada dels diversos projectes iniciats, la interpretació correcta de la seva activitat. S'inclou, així mateix, un catàleg exhaustiu de tots els manuscrits conservats d'Antoni de Bastero i que tenen alguna relació amb el seu treball filològic. En total es tenen en compte 69 volums manuscrits, actualment escampats per diversos arxius i biblioteques de Barcelona i Girona, alguns dels quals eren fins ara desconeguts. D'aquests 69 volums, 48 contenen pròpiament obres de Bastero o altres materials publicables, i la resta són materials de treball. En conseqüència, l' obra filològica del canonge es pot concretar en: la producció d'una gramàtica italiana i d'una gramàtica francesa, en català, que va deixar inacabades; la realització de La Crusca provenzale, un magne diccionari etimològic i d'autoritats que recull una gran quantitat d'hipotètics provençalismes italians -només es va publicar el primer volum d'aquesta obra a Roma, l'any 1724, però n'he localitzat pràcticament tot el contingut; l'elaboració d'una extensa antologia de poesies trobadoresques, copiades amb gran rigor d'alguns còdexs de la Biblioteca Vaticana; el plantejament d'una Història de llengua catalana, que havia de ser una gran compilació dels mèrits i les excel·lències d'aquesta llengua -que l'autor identifica amb la provençal- i la seva literatura, i que es va poder desenvolupar nomes de forma parcial. Precisament, la part central de la tesi l'ocupa l'estudi particular i l'edició crítica de les parts redactades d'aquesta obra, que suposa la concreció de la particular percepció lingüística i literària que Bastero havia anat perfilant al llarg dels seus anys d'estudi. Es tracta d'una edició molt complexa, perquè l'obra ens ha arribat només en un esborrany, que presenta múltiples correccions i esmenes i evidencia diferents estadis redaccionals; els manuscrits inclouen, així mateix, nombrosos papers amb anotacions o fragments que, o no pertanyen al cos de l'obra, o bé s'han hagut de resituar en el lloc que els correspon. EI resultat és, tanmateix, un text prou coherent que comprèn quasi la totalitat del Llibre primer -sobre l'origen, el naixement i els diversos noms de la llengua, i sobre el nom de Catalunya- i un capítol del Llibre tercer -sobre la primitiva extensió del català per tot Espanya. EI més rellevant d'aquesta obra és el fet que s'hi basteix una original teoria sobre la formació de les diverses llengües romàniques que té el català com a eix central -proposa la identificació del català provençal amb la lingua romana dels documents alt medievals, en una operació que s'avança quasi cent anys a François Raynouard, que propugnava això mateix, referint-se nomes al provençal, amb un àmplia aprovació de la comunitat científica del seu temps. Destaquen també un excepcional rigor històric i documental, i una notable sensibilitat vers l'oralitat lingüística, que és objecte d'algunes anotacions ben interessants. Tanquen la tesi un seguit d'annexos documentals on es transcriuen diversos documents relacionats amb els aspectes tractats anteriorment.


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The practical application of systemic sustainability analysis (SSA; Bell and Morse, 1999) as applied in-a project instigated and managed by 'Blue Plan', one of the regional activity centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan, is set out and explained in this paper. The context in which SSA was applied and adapted to SPSA (systemic and prospective sustainability analysis). is described in the Mediterranean, primarily in Malta. The SSA process is summarized, its extension and linkage to the prospective approach is described and the comments of stakeholders in the context are added. Some preliminary outcomes are suggested. The pauticular focus of the paper is on the lessons learned from doing SSA/SPSA within a classic blueprint project framework. It is-not assumed that SSA/SPSA is 'finished' or 'definitive'. Rather, we suggest that it is a developing and changing approach that practitioners can adapt and change to meet the specific needs of the circumstances that confront them. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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Partnership is increasingly espoused as the best relationship between members of the sustainable development aid chain, and implies a respect for the position of all and a desire to avoid a situation where one group dominates another. It also implies a form of relationship that is not just 'better' for the sake of it but that is more able to help achieve sustainable development. However, given the inevitable inequalities in power between donors that have the resources and field partners that do not it can be hard to put this ideal into practice. This paper explores the function of partnership within a group of closely related institutions that comprise the Catholic Church development chain. The research focussed on three Catholic Church based donors (one from the USA and two from Europe) and their partners in Abuja Ecclesiastical Province, Nigeria. Relationships between and within various strata of the Church in Nigeria were also examined. Relationships were 'patchy' at all levels. One of the donors had a significant operational presence in Nigeria and this was regarded by some respondents as a parallel structure that seriously undermined local bodies. However, while problems existed, there was a sense of inter-dependence arising from a shared sense of values and Catholic Social Teaching, which allowed partners to work through their stresses and conflicts. It is the innate sustainability of the aid chain itself founded upon a set of shared values that provided the space and time for problems to be addressed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.