838 resultados para Memory and resentment
Preservar e desenvolver em museologia, contributo para o estudo do objecto e do processo museológico
Este trabalho procurou uma resposta para a aparente contradição entre os actos de preservar e de desenvolver no trabalho museológico. E desejava, com essa resposta, obter uma compreensão mais profunda sobre a Museologia. Utilizando a metodologia de investigação “Grounded Theory” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Ellen, 1992; Mark, 1996; Marshall & Rossman, 1999) adoptou a definição de museu dos Estatutos do ICOM (2001) como ponto de partida conceptual para o desenrolar da pesquisa. A - Com o esforço necessário à obtenção da resposta inicial o trabalho pôde alcançar os seguintes resultados: i) Discerniu as fases e a racionalidade do processo museológico, através do qual os objectos adquirem a “identidade patrimonial”. ii) Formulou o conceito de “objecto museológico” numa acepção distinta do de Património ou de “objecto patrimonial”, permitindo confirmar que a contradição formulada na hipótese inicial só poderia desaparecer, ou ser conciliada, num paradigma de trabalho museológico concebido como um acto de comunicação. iii) Propôs, em consequência, um diferente Programa para a orientação do trabalho museológico, demonstrando que garantiria ao património uma maior perenidade e transmissibilidade, sendo ainda capaz de incluir o património referente à materialidade, à iconicidade, à oralidade e à gestualidade dos objectos. iv) Propôs um Léxico de Conceitos capaz de justificar essas novas propostas. v) Sugeriu um índice de desenvolvimento museal (IDM = Σ ƒξ [IP.ID.IC] / CT.CR) para ser possível avaliar e quantificar o trabalho museológico. B – Para o objectivo de uma compreensão mais profunda da Museologia o trabalho alcançaria os seguintes resultados: vi) Verificou a necessidade de se dominarem competências de Gestão, para o trabalho museológico não se restringir apenas a um tipo de colecções ou de património. vii) Sugeriu, para ser possível continuar a investigar a Museologia como um novo ramo ou disciplina do saber, a necessidade estratégica de a ligar ao estudo mais vasto da Memória, apontando dois caminhos: Por um lado, considerar a herança filogenética dos “modos de guardar informações” entre os diferentes organismos e sistemas (Lecointre & Le Guyader, 2001). Por outro lado, considerar os constrangimentos ocorridos durante a ontogenia e a maturação individual que obrigam a ter em consideração, no processamento da memória e do património (codificação, armazenamento, evocação e recuperação, esquecimento), a biologia molecular da cognição (Squire & Kandel, 2002).
Estudo de caso sobre a construção de memórias e identidades sociais no Bairro da Maré, a partir do acervo fotográfico do Arquivo Documental Orosina Vieira - ADOV, criado por um grupo de indivíduos que militam na organização não-governamental denominada Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré (CEASM). Constituem os objetivos desta pesquisa a análise dos processos de criação do ADOV, uma reflexão sobre o acervo resultante destas políticas de aquisição e uma abordagem sobre a exposição fotográfica “Memórias da Maré”, encaradas enquanto estratégias de construção da memória e identidades do Bairro Maré. Este estudo utilizou o método antropológico da observação participante e a pesquisa documental. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Museologia (Mestrado Memória Social - UNIRIO)
The Maré Museum, founded on 8 May 2006, arose from the desire of the inhabitants of the community to have a place of memory, a place that is immersed in the past and looks to the future, a place that reflects on this community, on their conditions and identities and on their territorial and cultural diversity. The intention of the Maré Museum is to break with the tradition that the experiences to be recollected and the places of memory to be remembered are those elected by the official version, the "winner" version of the story that restricts the representations of history and memory of large portions of the population. The Maré Museum, as a pioneer initiative in the city scene, proposed to expand the museological concept, so that it is not restricted to intellectual social groups and cultural spaces that are not accessible to the general population. The museum has established recognition that the slum is a place of memory and so has initiated a museographic reading of the Mare community. ..
Diante dos avanços da Nova Museologia, as propostas educativas no âmbito dos museus também precisam ser renovadas. O conceito de Ecomuseu nos remete ao trabalho do educador Celestín Freinet, que ao fazer educação através de quatro eixos fundamentais – cooperação, afectividade, comunicação e registro – trabalha os principais aspectos do fazer museológico na relação museu e sociedade. Assim, o presente trabalho pretende discutir a aplicabilidade da Pedagogia Freinet na realidade dos Ecomuseus e, no futuro, construir uma metodologia de trabalho efectiva voltada para a formação de cidadãos comprometidos com a preservação da memória e do património comunitário.
Este ensaio, baseado em pressupostos da obra de Paulo Freire, propõe-se a discutir a pedagogia latino-americana e a produção de conhecimento numa perspectiva de superação da colonialidade pedagógica. A primeira parte deste estudo se dedica a situar as práticas educativas de caráter emancipatório na América Latina no contexto pedagógico atual, em movimentos sociais e na universidade, buscando identificar algumas de suas principais marcas. Em seguida, detém-se na recuperação de elementos da memória em torno da idéia de colonialidade e a superação da mesma na e com a educação. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas contribuições do tensionamento entre a colonialidade e a insurgência para a pedagogia latino-americana: a) no diálogo horizontal entre conhecimentos em busca de metodologias próprias; b) como território de resistências ou movimento de lugares e tempos diversos; e, c) na busca da latinidade negada ou o aprender nas fronteiras. José Martí, Simón Rodríguez e os zapatistas são algumas referências na busca pela memória pedagógica latino-americana e interlocutores privilegiados na problematização desta pedagogia que se compreende um processo aberto, onde superar a colonialidade a partir das tensões produzidas nas insurgências pedagógicas significa antecipar, ensaiar, as possibilidades emancipadoras, endógenas e autênticas.
Este ensayo se refiere a varios procedimientos narrativos en la ficcionalización de la historia y lo hace a partir del análisis de la novela El entenado, del argentino Juan José Saer. Propone una reflexión acerca de tres aspectos claves en esta obra: 1. La representación del caníbal y su existencia en el tiempo mítico, 2. La memoria y la conciencia del exterminio, y 3. La figura del testigo como una voz históricamente autorizada en los relatos. La noción del tiempo, el desarrollo de la conciencia, la memoria y el lenguaje de un pueblo caníbal de la región del Río de la Plata son narrados por un joven marinero español del siglo XVI, que comparte esa vida durante diez años como prisionero. En esta novela Saer se embarca en un viaje ficcional y especulativo orientado a desentrañar la noción de la vida y la muerte en un pueblo y un tiempo míticos.
The origins of farming is the defining event of human history-the one turning point that has resulted in modern humans having a quite different type of lifestyle and cognition to all other animals and past types of humans. With the economic basis provided by farming, human individuals and societies have developed types of material culture that greatly augment powers of memory and computation, extending the human mental capacity far beyond that which the brain alone can provide. Archaeologists have long debated and discussed why people began living in settled communities and became dependent on cultivated plants and animals, which soon evolved into domesticated forms. One of the most intriguing explanations was proposed more than 20 years ago not by an archaeologist but by a psychologist: Nicholas Humphrey suggested that farming arose from the 'misapplication of social intelligence'. I explore this idea in relation to recent discoveries and archaeological interpretations in the Near East, arguing that social intelligence has indeed played a key role in the origin of farming and hence the emergence of the modern world.
The levels of zinc in the brain are directly affected by dietary zinc and deficiency has been associated with alcohol withdrawal seizures, excitotoxicity, impaired learning and memory and an accelerated rate of dysfunction in aged brain. Although zinc is essential for a healthy nervous system, high concentrations of zinc are neurotoxic, thus it is important to identify the most effective forms of zinc for treatment of conditions of the central nervous system. Accumulating evidence suggests that zinc-histidine complex (Zn(HiS)(2)) has greater biological potency and enhanced bioavailability compared with other zinc salts and also has antioxidant potential. Therefore, in this study we investigated the ability of zinc-histidine to protect cultured cortical neurons against hydrogen peroxide-induced damage. Pre-treating neurons for 18h with subtoxic concentrations of zinc-histidine (5-25 muM) improved neuronal viability and strongly inhibited hydrogen peroxide-induced (75 muM, 30 min) cell damage as assessed by MTT turnover and morphological analysis 24 It later. Low concentrations of zinc-histidine were more neuroprotective than zinc chloride. There was evidence of an anti-apoptotic mechanism of action as zinc-histidine inhibited hydrogen peroxide-induced caspase-3 activation and c-jun-N-terminal kinase phosphorylation. In summary, zinc supplementation with zinc-histidine protects cultured neurons against oxidative insults and inhibits apoptosis which suggests that zinc-histidine may be beneficial in the treatment of diseases of the CNS associated with zinc deficiency. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of a prior gist-based versus item-specific retrieval orientation on recognition of objects and words was examined. Prior item-specific retrieval increased item-specific recognition of episodically related but not previously tested objects relative to both conceptual- and perceptual-gist retrieval. An item-specific retrieval advantage also was found when the stimuli were words (synonyms) rather than objects but not when participants overtly named objects during gist-based recognition testing, which suggests that they did not always label objects under general gist-retrieval instructions. Unlike verbal overshadowing, labeling objects during recognition attenuated (but did not eliminate) test- and interference-related forgetting. A full understanding of how retrieval affects subsequent memory, even for events or facts that are not themselves retrieved, must take into account the specificity with which that retrieval occurs.
To-be-enacted material is more accessible in tests of recognition and lexical decision than material not intended for action (T. Goschke J. Kuhl, 1993; R. L. Marsh, J. L. Hicks, & M. L. Bink, 1998). This finding has been attributed to the superior status of intention-related information. The current article explores an alternative (action-superiority) account that draws parallels between the intended enactment effect (IEE) and the subject-performed task effect. Using 2 paradigms, the authors observed faster recognition latencies for both enacted and to-be-enacted material. It is crucial to note that there was no evidence of an IEE for items that had already been executed during encoding. The IEE was also eliminated when motor processing was prevented after verbal encoding. These findings suggest an overlap between overt and intended enactment and indicate that motor information may be activated for verbal material in preparation for subsequent execution.
In studies of prospective memory, recall of the content of delayed intentions is normally excellent, probably because they contain actions that have to be enacted at a later time. Action words encoded for later enactment are more accessible from memory than those encoded for later verbal report [Freeman, J.E., and Ellis, J.A. 2003a. The representation of delayed intentions: A prospective subject-performed task? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29, 976-992.]. As this higher assessibility is lost when the intended actions have to be enacted during encoding, or when a motor interference task is introduced concurrent to intention encoding, Freeman and Ellis suggested that the advantage of to-be-enacted actions is due to additional preparatory motor operations during encoding. Accordingly, in a fMRI study with 10 healthy young participants, we investigated whether motor brain regions are differentially activated during verbal encoding of actions for later enactment with the right hand in contrast to verbal encoding of actions for later verbal report. We included an additional condition of verbal encoding of abstract verbs for later verbal report to investigate whether the semantic motor information inherent in action verbs in contrast to abstract verbs activates motor brain regions different from those involved in the verbal encoding of actions for later enactment. Differential activation for the verbal encoding of to-be-enacted actions in contrast to to-be-reported actions was found in brain regions known to be involved in covert motor preparation for hand movements, i.e. the postcentral gyrus, the precuneus, the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex, the posterior middle temporal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobule. There was no overlap between these brain regions and those differentially activated during the verbal encoding of actions in contrast to abstract verbs for later verbal report. Consequently, the results of this fMRI study suggest the presence of preparatory motor operations during the encoding of delayed intentions requiring a future motor response, which cannot be attributed to semantic information inherent to action verbs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Traditional resource management has had as its main objective the optimization of throughput, based on parameters such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. With the appearance of Grid markets, new variables that determine economic expenditure, benefit and opportunity must be taken into account. The Self-organizing ICT Resource Management (SORMA) project aims at allowing resource owners and consumers to exploit market mechanisms to sell and buy resources across the Grid. SORMA's motivation is to achieve efficient resource utilization by maximizing revenue for resource providers and minimizing the cost of resource consumption within a market environment. An overriding factor in Grid markets is the need to ensure that the desired quality of service levels meet the expectations of market participants. This paper explains the proposed use of an economically enhanced resource manager (EERM) for resource provisioning based on economic models. In particular, this paper describes techniques used by the EERM to support revenue maximization across multiple service level agreements and provides an application scenario to demonstrate its usefulness and effectiveness. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
With the transition to multicore processors almost complete, the parallel processing community is seeking efficient ways to port legacy message passing applications on shared memory and multicore processors. MPJ Express is our reference implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI)-like bindings for the Java language. Starting with the current release, the MPJ Express software can be configured in two modes: the multicore and the cluster mode. In the multicore mode, parallel Java applications execute on shared memory or multicore processors. In the cluster mode, Java applications parallelized using MPJ Express can be executed on distributed memory platforms like compute clusters and clouds. The multicore device has been implemented using Java threads in order to satisfy two main design goals of portability and performance. We also discuss the challenges of integrating the multicore device in the MPJ Express software. This turned out to be a challenging task because the parallel application executes in a single JVM in the multicore mode. On the contrary in the cluster mode, the parallel user application executes in multiple JVMs. Due to these inherent architectural differences between the two modes, the MPJ Express runtime is modified to ensure correct semantics of the parallel program. Towards the end, we compare performance of MPJ Express (multicore mode) with other C and Java message passing libraries---including mpiJava, MPJ/Ibis, MPICH2, MPJ Express (cluster mode)---on shared memory and multicore processors. We found out that MPJ Express performs signicantly better in the multicore mode than in the cluster mode. Not only this but the MPJ Express software also performs better in comparison to other Java messaging libraries including mpiJava and MPJ/Ibis when used in the multicore mode on shared memory or multicore processors. We also demonstrate effectiveness of the MPJ Express multicore device in Gadget-2, which is a massively parallel astrophysics N-body siimulation code.