924 resultados para Mechanistic
Este trabajo pretende entregar una reflexión respecto a los principios biológicos fundamentales de la percepción y acción en seres vivos en general y seres humanos en particular. Su desarrollo esta guiado por la intención de concretar avances teóricos en una nueva comprensión de lo humano y en la formulación de una Educación Corporal centrada en la co-determinación de la acción y cognición superando la tesis tradicional del cuerpo mecanicista de la Educación Física moderna. En tal esfuerzo se reconocen las investigaciones de diferentes autores con especial énfasis en los trabajos de Francisco Varela identificando conceptos claves para orientar un enfoque enactivo desde la crítica al programa representacionista. Finalmente se proponen principios generales que describen una Educación corporal desde el enactivismo
El problema del contínuum juega un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de la metafísica leibniciana de madurez. En los 70, dicho problema asomaba en sus intentos de explicar la naturaleza de la materia y la unión alma-cuerpo desde una perspectiva geométrico-mecanicista. Más tarde, la cuestión reaparece en la discusión con Arnauld sobre la unidad sustancial. Al hacer de la unidad real el criterio definitorio de la sustancia, Leibniz expulsa lo continuo al ámbito de lo ideal. Con este paso, su sistema se encamina hacia una ontología monadológica y hacia un esquema metafísico articulado en tres niveles (real, fenoménico e ideal).
Este trabajo pretende entregar una reflexión respecto a los principios biológicos fundamentales de la percepción y acción en seres vivos en general y seres humanos en particular. Su desarrollo esta guiado por la intención de concretar avances teóricos en una nueva comprensión de lo humano y en la formulación de una Educación Corporal centrada en la co-determinación de la acción y cognición superando la tesis tradicional del cuerpo mecanicista de la Educación Física moderna. En tal esfuerzo se reconocen las investigaciones de diferentes autores con especial énfasis en los trabajos de Francisco Varela identificando conceptos claves para orientar un enfoque enactivo desde la crítica al programa representacionista. Finalmente se proponen principios generales que describen una Educación corporal desde el enactivismo
There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.
El problema del contínuum juega un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de la metafísica leibniciana de madurez. En los 70, dicho problema asomaba en sus intentos de explicar la naturaleza de la materia y la unión alma-cuerpo desde una perspectiva geométrico-mecanicista. Más tarde, la cuestión reaparece en la discusión con Arnauld sobre la unidad sustancial. Al hacer de la unidad real el criterio definitorio de la sustancia, Leibniz expulsa lo continuo al ámbito de lo ideal. Con este paso, su sistema se encamina hacia una ontología monadológica y hacia un esquema metafísico articulado en tres niveles (real, fenoménico e ideal).
En el presente trabajo se trabaja principalmente en la noción de clinamen, el cual debe entenderse como una desviación azarosa que ocurre en el átomo. Lucrecio argumenta, siguiendo la tradición atomista que lo precede, que el fundamento ontológico de la realidad, es que toda la naturaleza está compuesta de átomos y vacío. El filósofo adhiere a una concepción esencialmente mecanicista del cosmos: el hecho de que el mundo no es una creación de los dioses, hace que la naturaleza sea una constante repetición de los hechos. El concepto de clinamen lleva a Lucrecio plantear, además, el problema del determinismo y la libertad: si todo movimiento es siempre una relación causal con un antes, ¿de dónde viene este poder independiente del destino, a través del cual nos movemos hacia donde la voluntad de cada uno conduce? En segundo lugar, si todos los movimientos de los átomos son inflexiblemente determinados, la capacidad humana para decidir y asumir la responsabilidad de su accionar no podrían explicarse
Este trabajo pretende entregar una reflexión respecto a los principios biológicos fundamentales de la percepción y acción en seres vivos en general y seres humanos en particular. Su desarrollo esta guiado por la intención de concretar avances teóricos en una nueva comprensión de lo humano y en la formulación de una Educación Corporal centrada en la co-determinación de la acción y cognición superando la tesis tradicional del cuerpo mecanicista de la Educación Física moderna. En tal esfuerzo se reconocen las investigaciones de diferentes autores con especial énfasis en los trabajos de Francisco Varela identificando conceptos claves para orientar un enfoque enactivo desde la crítica al programa representacionista. Finalmente se proponen principios generales que describen una Educación corporal desde el enactivismo
En el presente trabajo se trabaja principalmente en la noción de clinamen, el cual debe entenderse como una desviación azarosa que ocurre en el átomo. Lucrecio argumenta, siguiendo la tradición atomista que lo precede, que el fundamento ontológico de la realidad, es que toda la naturaleza está compuesta de átomos y vacío. El filósofo adhiere a una concepción esencialmente mecanicista del cosmos: el hecho de que el mundo no es una creación de los dioses, hace que la naturaleza sea una constante repetición de los hechos. El concepto de clinamen lleva a Lucrecio plantear, además, el problema del determinismo y la libertad: si todo movimiento es siempre una relación causal con un antes, ¿de dónde viene este poder independiente del destino, a través del cual nos movemos hacia donde la voluntad de cada uno conduce? En segundo lugar, si todos los movimientos de los átomos son inflexiblemente determinados, la capacidad humana para decidir y asumir la responsabilidad de su accionar no podrían explicarse
El problema del contínuum juega un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de la metafísica leibniciana de madurez. En los 70, dicho problema asomaba en sus intentos de explicar la naturaleza de la materia y la unión alma-cuerpo desde una perspectiva geométrico-mecanicista. Más tarde, la cuestión reaparece en la discusión con Arnauld sobre la unidad sustancial. Al hacer de la unidad real el criterio definitorio de la sustancia, Leibniz expulsa lo continuo al ámbito de lo ideal. Con este paso, su sistema se encamina hacia una ontología monadológica y hacia un esquema metafísico articulado en tres niveles (real, fenoménico e ideal).
The ubiquitous marine trace gas dimethyl sulfide (DMS) comprises the greatest natural source of sulfur to the atmosphere and is a key player in atmospheric chemistry and climate. We explore the short-term response of DMS production and cycling and that of its algal precursor dimethyl sulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification (OA) in five 96 h shipboard bioassay experiments. Experiments were performed in June and July 2011, using water collected from contrasting sites in NW European waters (Outer Hebrides, Irish Sea, Bay of Biscay, North Sea). Concentrations of DMS and DMSP, alongside rates of DMSP synthesis and DMS production and consumption, were determined during all experiments for ambient CO2 and three high-CO2 treatments (550, 750, 1000 µatm). In general, the response to OA throughout this region showed little variation, despite encompassing a range of biological and biogeochemical conditions. We observed consistent and marked increases in DMS concentrations relative to ambient controls (110% (28-223%) at 550 µatm, 153% (56-295%) at 750 µatm and 225% (79-413%) at 1000 µatm), and decreases in DMSP concentrations (28% (18-40%) at 550 µatm, 44% (18-64%) at 750 µatm and 52% (24-72%) at 1000 µatm). Significant decreases in DMSP synthesis rate constants (µDMSP /d) and DMSP production rates (nmol/d) were observed in two experiments (7-90% decrease), whilst the response under high CO2 from the remaining experiments was generally indistinguishable from ambient controls. Rates of bacterial DMS gross consumption and production gave weak and inconsistent responses to high CO2. The variables and rates we report increase our understanding of the processes behind the response to OA. This could provide the opportunity to improve upon mesocosm-derived empirical modelling relationships and to move towards a mechanistic approach for predicting future DMS concentrations.
Ocean acidification and associated changes in seawater carbonate chemistry negatively influence calcification processes and depress metabolism in many calcifying marine invertebrates. We present data on the cephalopod mollusc Sepia officinalis, an invertebrate that is capable of not only maintaining calcification, but also growth rates and metabolism when exposed to elevated partial pressures of carbon dioxide (pCO2). During a 6 wk period, juvenile S. officinalis maintained calcification under ~4000 and ~6000 ppm CO2, and grew at the same rate with the same gross growth efficiency as did control animals. They gained approximately 4% body mass daily and increased the mass of their calcified cuttlebone by over 500%. We conclude that active cephalopods possess a certain level of pre-adaptation to long-term increments in carbon dioxide levels. Our general understanding of the mechanistic processes that limit calcification must improve before we can begin to predict what effects future ocean acidification will have on calcifying marine invertebrates.
We examine the link between organic matter degradation, anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO), and sulfate depletion and explore how these processes potentially influence dolomitization. We determined rates and depths of AMO and dolomite formation for a variety of organic-rich sites along the west African Margin using data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 175. Rates of AMO are calculated from the diffusive fluxes of CH4 and SO4, and rates of dolomite formation are calculated from the diffusive flux of Mg. We find that the rates of dolomite formation are relatively constant regardless of the depth at which it is forming, indicating that the diffusive fluxes of Mg and Ca are not limiting. Based upon the calculated log IAP values, log K(sp) values for dolomite were found to narrowly range between -16.1 and -16.4. Dolomite formation is controlled in part by competition between AMO and methanogenesis, which controls the speciation of dissolved CO2. AMO increases the concentration of CO3[2-] through sulfate reduction, favoring dolomite formation, while methanogenesis increases the pCO2 of the pore waters, inhibiting dolomite formation. By regulating the pCO2 and alkalinity, methanogenesis and AMO can regulate the formation of dolomite in organic-rich marine sediments. In addition to providing a mechanistic link between AMO and dolomite formation, our findings provide a method by which the stability constant of dolomite can be calculated in modern sediments and allow prediction of regions and depth domains in which dolomite may be forming.
The Florida Bay ecosystem supports a number of economically important ecosystem services, including several recreational fisheries, which may be affected by changing salinity and temperature due to climate change. In this paper, we use a combination of physical models and habitat suitability index models to quantify the effects of potential climate change scenarios on a variety of juvenile fish and lobster species in Florida Bay. The climate scenarios include alterations in sea level, evaporation and precipitation rates, coastal runoff, and water temperature. We find that the changes in habitat suitability vary in both magnitude and direction across the scenarios and species, but are on average small. Only one of the seven species we investigate (Lagodon rhomboides, i.e., pinfish) sees a sizable decrease in optimal habitat under any of the scenarios. This suggests that the estuarine fauna of Florida Bay may not be as vulnerable to climate change as other components of the ecosystem, such as those in the marine/terrestrial ecotone. However, these models are relatively simplistic, looking only at single species effects of physical drivers without considering the many interspecific interactions that may play a key role in the adjustment of the ecosystem as a whole. More complex models that capture the mechanistic links between physics and biology, as well as the complex dynamics of the estuarine food web, may be necessary to further understand the potential effects of climate change on the Florida Bay ecosystem.
One of the reasons for animals not to grow as fast as they potentially could is that fast growth has been shown to be associated with reduced lifespan. However, we are still lacking a clear description of the reality of growth-dependent modulation of ageing mechanisms in wild animals. Using the particular growth trajectory of small king penguin chicks naturally exhibiting higher-than-normal growth rate to compensate for the winter break, we tested whether oxidative stress and telomere shortening are related to growth trajectories. Plasma antioxidant defences, oxidative damage levels and telomere length were measured at the beginning and at the end of the post-winter growth period in three groups of chicks (small chicks, which either passed away or survived the growth period, and large chicks). Small chicks that died early during the growth period had the highest level of oxidative damage and the shortest telomere lengths prior to death. Here, we show that small chicks that grew faster did it at the detriment of body maintenance mechanisms as shown by (i) higher oxidative damage and (ii) accelerated telomere loss. Our study provides the first evidence for a mechanistic link between growth and ageing rates under natural conditions.
In order to investigate the paleoceanographic record of dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, we have studied the relationship between three indices of foraminiferal dissolution and the concentration and accumulation of CaCO3, opal, and Corg in Core WEC8803B-GC51 (1.3°N, 133.6°W; 4410 m). This core spans the past 413 kyr of deposition and moved in and out of the lysoclinal transition zone during glacial-interglacial cycles of CaCO3 production and dissolution. The record of dissolution intensity provided by foraminiferal fragmentation, the proportion of benthic foraminifera, and the foraminiferal dissolution index consistently indicates that the past corrosion of pelagic CaCO3 in the central equatorial Pacific does not vary with the observed sedimentary concentration of CaCO3. Although there is a weak low-frequency variation (~100 kyr) in dissolution intensity, it is unrelated to sedimentary CaCO3 concentration. There are many shorter-lived episodes where high CaCO3 concentration is coincident with poor foraminiferal preservation, and where, conversely, low CaCO3 concentration is coincident with superb foraminiferal preservation. Spectral analyses indicate that dissolution maxima consistently lagged glacial maxima (manifest by the SPECMAP delta18O stack) in the 100-kyr orbital band. Additionally, there is no relationship between dissolution and the accumulation of biogenic opal or Corg or between dissolution and the burial ratio of Corg/CINorg (calculated from Corg and CaCO3). Because previous studies of this core strongly suggest that surface water productivity varied closely with CaCO3 accumulation, both the mechanistic decoupling of carbonate dissolution from CaCO3 concentration (and from biogenic accumulation) and the substantial phase shift between dissolution and global glacial periodicity effectively obscure any simple link between export production, CaCO3 concentration, and dissolution of sedimentary CaCO3.