992 resultados para Materiali Musivi
In this study, the lubrication theory is used to model flow in geological fractures and analyse the compound effect of medium heterogeneity and complex fluid rheology. Such studies are warranted as the Newtonian rheology is adopted in most numerical models because of its ease of use, despite non-Newtonian fluids being ubiquitous in subsurface applications. Past studies on Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow in single rock fractures are summarized in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents analytical and semi-analytical conceptual models for flow of a shear-thinning fluid in rock fractures having a simplified geometry, providing a first insight on their permeability. in Chapter 3, a lubrication-based 2-D numerical model is first implemented to solve flow of an Ellis fluid in rough fractures; the finite-volumes model developed is more computationally effective than conducting full 3-D simulations, and introduces an acceptable approximation as long as the flow is laminar and the fracture walls relatively smooth. The compound effect of shear-thinning fluid nature and fracture heterogeneity promotes flow localization, which in turn affects the performance of industrial activities and remediation techniques. In Chapter 4, a Monte Carlo framework is adopted to produce multiple realizations of synthetic fractures, and analyze their ensemble statistics pertaining flow for a variety of real non-Newtonian fluids; the Newtonian case is used as a benchmark. In Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, a conceptual model of the hydro-mechanical aspects of backflow occurring in the last phase of hydraulic fracturing is proposed and experimentally validated, quantifying the effects of the relaxation induced by the flow.
A densely built environment is a complex system of infrastructure, nature, and people closely interconnected and interacting. Vehicles, public transport, weather action, and sports activities constitute a manifold set of excitation and degradation sources for civil structures. In this context, operators should consider different factors in a holistic approach for assessing the structural health state. Vibration-based structural health monitoring (SHM) has demonstrated great potential as a decision-supporting tool to schedule maintenance interventions. However, most excitation sources are considered an issue for practical SHM applications since traditional methods are typically based on strict assumptions on input stationarity. Last-generation low-cost sensors present limitations related to a modest sensitivity and high noise floor compared to traditional instrumentation. If these devices are used for SHM in urban scenarios, short vibration recordings collected during high-intensity events and vehicle passage may be the only available datasets with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. While researchers have spent efforts to mitigate the effects of short-term phenomena in vibration-based SHM, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to exploit them and obtain valuable information on the structural health state. First, this thesis proposes strategies and algorithms for smart sensors operating individually or in a distributed computing framework to identify damage-sensitive features based on instantaneous modal parameters and influence lines. Ordinary traffic and people activities become essential sources of excitation, while human-powered vehicles, instrumented with smartphones, take the role of roving sensors in crowdsourced monitoring strategies. The technical and computational apparatus is optimized using in-memory computing technologies. Moreover, identifying additional local features can be particularly useful to support the damage assessment of complex structures. Thereby, smart coatings are studied to enable the self-sensing properties of ordinary structural elements. In this context, a machine-learning-aided tomography method is proposed to interpret the data provided by a nanocomposite paint interrogated electrically.
Il presente lavoro di ricerca propone una revisione del corpus greco dei manoscritti alchemici conservati presso le biblioteche italiane attraverso la realizzazione di un nuovo catalogo, aggiornato ed elaborato secondo le recenti norme di catalogazione. Tale progetto risponde alla necessità di un completo riesame dell’attuale catalogo dei codici alchemici italiani curato da Carlo Oreste Zuretti e pubblicato a Bruxelles nel 1927 (Catalogue des manuscrits alchimiques grecs, II). L’inadeguatezza e insufficienza di tale sussidio emerge soprattutto nella descrizione dei singoli esemplari, specie per quanto riguarda gli aspetti codicologici e paleografici. Il nuovo accurato studio che ha coinvolto ciascun manoscritto mira alla realizzazione di un esaustivo strumento di lavoro in grado di coniugare gli aspetti materiali, scrittori, testuali e storico-culturali degli esemplari esaminati. Le nuove acquisizioni emerse dallo studio dei codici consentono di delineare meglio la storia della circolazione dei testi alchemici greci e dei loro lettori.
INTRODUZIONE Pochi studi in Letteratura hanno indagato la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa associata all’interruzione farmacologica di gravidanza (IVG) e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. L’obiettivo primario del nostro studio è stato di valutare la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa in corso di IVG farmacologica e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. Inoltre, sono stati indagati i fattori predittivi di dolore e la correlazione con l’epoca gestazionale. MATERIALI E METODI È stato condotto uno studio osservazionale, prospettico, multicentrico presso l’Unità Operativa di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell’Azienda USL e presso l’Unità Operativa di Ginecologia dell’IRCCS Sant’Orsola Malpighi di Bologna. Sono state incluse le pazienti sottoposte a IVG farmacologica tra giugno 2021 e novembre 2021, che rispettassero i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione. Sono stati somministrati 5 questionari (GHQ-12, GAD-7, STAI-6, VAS) e raccolti i dati anamnestici ed ecografici. I potenziali fattori di rischio sono stati, quindi, selezionati per l’inclusione nell'analisi di regressione multivariata. RISULTATI Delle 242 pazienti incluse, il 38,0% ha riferito una sintomatologia dolorosa severa (VAS >70). Dall’analisi di regressione multivariata, la dismenorrea intensa è risultata essere il fattore di rischio più forte per il dolore (OR = 6,30, IC 95% 2,66 – 14,91), seguita da alti livelli di ansia valutati mediante il punteggio del GHQ-12 > 9 (OR = 3,33, IC 95% 1,43 – 7,76). Al contrario, la nostra analisi ha confermato che un precedente parto vaginale rappresentava una caratteristica protettiva contro il dolore (OR 0,26, IC 95% 0,14 – 0,50). CONCLUSIONI Nel nostro studio alti livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento e la dismenorrea sono associati ad intensa sintomatologia dolorosa, mentre il parto vaginale è risultato protettivo. L’IVG farmacologica è una metodica efficace e sicura, ma spesso associata a sintomatologia dolorosa. È quindi fondamentale delineare fattori di predittivi di dolore ed individuare le pazienti a maggior rischio a cui somministrare un’idonea terapia antalgica.
Obiettivi dello studio: valutare con l’ecografia transvaginale la peristalsi uterina in fase periovulatoria in donne con adenomiosi isolata, confrontandola con un gruppo di controllo e, secondariamente, valutare il grado di accordo tra gli sperimentatori nella descrizione dei pattern di contrattilità. Disegno dello studio: studio osservazione prospettico condotto presso il Policlinico S. Orsola- Malpighi di Bologna, Italia. Materiali e Metodi: sono state reclutate pazienti afferenti al Centro per valutazione ambulatoriale, suddivise sulla base dei criteri di inclusione ed esclusione nei gruppi A (adenomiosi) e B (controlli) e sono state sottoposte da un unico ecografista esperto a ecografia transvaginale con registrazione di un video della durata di 180 secondi della scansione sagittale dell’utero. La registrazione è stata rivalutata off line da due sperimentatori esperti ecografisti, non a conoscenza della storia clinica delle pazienti e in cieco l’uno rispetto all’altro, che hanno descritto il pattern contrattile. È stata stimata una numerosità campionaria di 18 pazienti per gruppo per ottenere una differenza del 20% nell’obiettivo primario con una significatività del 5% (power 80%). Risultati: di 51 pazienti reclutate nello studio, a seguito di drop out 36 sono state sottoposte alla videoregistrazione ecografica (18 per gruppo). Il pattern peristaltico nel gruppo A è risultato alterato in maniera statisticamente significativa rispetto al gruppo B con un p value= 0,02. Sono stati osservati un pattern retrogrado nel 27,8% vs 72,2%, anterogrado del 11,1% vs 16,7%, opposto 38,9% vs 5,6% e random nel 22,2% vs 5,6%, rispettivamente nel gruppo A e B. Il calcolo dell’accordo interosservatore ha portato a un κ value di 0,92. Conclusioni: l’adenomiosi isolata è associata a disperistalsi uterina, che concorrerebbe nello sviluppo dei sintomi tipici dell’adenomiosi. L’ecografia transvaginale rappresenta uno strumento accessibile e utile nella valutazione della contrattilità uterina in quanto il grado di accordo tra gli sperimentatori è ottimo.
T2Well-ECO2M is a coupled wellbore reservoir simulator still under development at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) with the ability to deal with a mixture of H2O-CO2-NaCl and includes the simulation of CO2 phase transition and multiphase flow. The code was originally developed for the simulation of CO2 injection into deep saline aquifers and the modelling of enhanced geothermal systems; however, the focus of this research was to modify and test T2Well-ECO2M to simulate CO2 injection into depleted gas reservoirs. To this end, the original code was properly changed in a few parts and a dedicated injection case was developed to study CO2 phase transition inside of a wellbore and the corresponding thermal effects. In the first scenario, the injection case was run applying the fully numerical approach of wellbore to formation heat exchange calculation. Results were analysed in terms of wellbore pressure and temperature vertical profiles, wellhead and bottomhole conditions, and characteristic reservoir displacement fronts. Special attention was given to the thorough analysis of bottomhole temperature as the critical parameter for hydrate formation. Besides the expected direct effect of wellbore temperature changes on reservoir conditions, the simulation results indicated also the effect of CO2 phase change in the near wellbore zone on BH pressure distribution. To test the implemented software changes, in a second scenario, the same injection case was reproduced using the improved semi-analytical time-convolution approach for wellbore to formation heat exchange calculation. The comparison of the two scenarios showed that the simulation of wellbore and reservoir parameters after one year of continuous CO2 injection are in good agreement with the computation time to solve the time-convolution semi-analytical reduced. The new updated T2Well-ECO2M version has shown to be a robust and performing wellbore-reservoir simulator that can be also used to simulate the CO2 injection into depleted gas reservoirs.
Con questa ricerca si intende costruire una semiotica specifica che sia in grado di fare luce sui processi di apprendimento della lettoscrittura durante l’età evolutiva. È un campo di ricerca a cui hanno contribuito numerose discipline: la psicologia e le neuroscienze trattano la lettoscrittura come uno stato cognitivo a cui l’essere umano accede nel corso dello sviluppo individuale, mentre l’archeologia cognitiva e la linguistica considerano lo stesso fenomeno dal punto di vista della filogenesi culturale. Queste stesse discipline possono essere distinte in due categorie a seconda dell’adozione di una prospettiva internalista, in cui lettura e scrittura sono rappresentate come attività compiute dal cervello e dai neuroni, o di una prospettiva distribuita, in cui si tratta di studiare l’evoluzione e la presa in carico delle forme materiali della lingua scritta. Gli strumenti di una semiotica interpretativa e cognitiva consentono di mediare e tradurre tra queste prospettive differenti e rendere ragione del modo in cui l’apprendimento di una pratica culturale socialmente regolata e costruita a partire da forme materiali disponibili, produce profonde modificazioni a livello neurofisiologico, nei vincoli di un’architettura cerebrale che - per quanto plastica - pone divieti e passaggi obbligati. Questa ricerca propone un ruolo centrale della produzione segnica e dell’inferenza abduttiva nei processi di apprendimento, nel processo di acquisizione delle competenze fondamentali dell’emergent literacy (la scoperta del fonema e la phonemic awareness) e, conseguentemente, nei processi di riciclaggio ed exaptation che si danno a livello neurofisiologico.
The work carried out is focused on the exploration of processes occurring in cement materials during sorption cycles by using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. Long (months) and short (days-weeks) sorption cycles of cement materials were explored. The long cycle consists of around 6 months of drying and re-wetting cement samples of different sizes and water-to-cement (w/c) ratios in a homemade relative humidity (RH) chamber. Short cycles were performed by drying samples of different sizes and w/c ratios in the oven at 60 ˚C and re-wetting underwater. Different NMR techniques, such as one- and two-dimensional relaxometry and solid-signal analyses, were used to study the samples. Firstly, by the interpretation of quasi-continuous distributions of T2 relaxation time, we demonstrated that some reversible and irreversible changes concerning smaller porosity happened during the first sorption cycle. Secondly, using 2D NMR and a new 2D NMR inversion algorithm we showed preliminary results on the cement T1-T2 maps. Data obtained during sorption processes indicated possible water exchange between different pore populations inside the cement samples. Thirdly, the solid structure of cement samples was qualitatively investigated with T1 measurements and, as far as we know, for the first time interpreted with the Pake-Doublet theory. Changes in the solid structure were observed. Precisely variations of the amount of Ettringite during drying/wetting were proposed to take place. Finally, a work on NMR single-sided equipment design for in situ cement investigation was shown. The multi-cubic-blocks magnet structure design was performed using different specific CAD software, and the magnetic fields generated by RF coils of different geometries were investigated using a customized Matlab script. The single-sided NMR instrument equipped with the designed single-sided magnet and coil was built by the ERICA partner company MR Solutions (Abingdon, UK), and the preliminary results resultsated the correctness of the developed design.
Waste prevention (WP) is a strategy which helps societies and individuals to strive for sufficiency in resource consumption within planetary boundaries alongside sustainable and equitable well-being and to decouple the concepts of well-being and life satisfaction from materialism. Within this dissertation, some instruments to promote WP are analysed, by adopting two perspectives: firstly, the one of policymakers, at different governance levels, and secondly, the one of business in the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector. At a national level, the role of WP programmes and market-based instruments (extended producer responsibility, pay-as-you-throw schemes, deposit-refund systems, environmental taxes) in boosting prevention of municipal solid waste is investigated. Then, focusing on the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), the performances of the waste management system are assessed over a long period, including some years before and after an institutional reform of the waste management governance regime. The impact of a centralisation (at a regional level) of both planning and economic regulation of the waste services on waste generation and WP is analysed. Finally, to support the regional decision-makers in the prioritisation of publicly funded projects for WP, a framework for the sustainability assessment, the evaluation of success, and the prioritisation of WP measures was applied to some projects implemented by Municipalities in the Region. Trying to close the research gap between engineering and business, WP strategies are discussed as drivers for business model (BM) innovation in EEE sector. Firstly, an innovative approach to a digital tracking solution for professional EEE management is analysed. New BMs which facilitate repair, reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling are created and discussed. Secondly, the impact of BMs based on servitisation and on producer ownership on the extension of equipment lifetime is analysed, by performing a review of real cases of organizations in the EEE sector applying result- and use-oriented BMs.
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a project launched by the Chinese Government whose main goal is to connect more than 65 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania developing infrastructures and facilities. To support the prevention or mitigation of landslide hazards, which may affect the mainland infrastructures of BRI, a landslide susceptibility analysis in the countries involved has been carried out. Due to the large study area, the analysis has been carried out using a multi-scale approach which consists of mapping susceptibility firstly at continental scale, and then at national scale. The study area selected for the continental assessment is the south-Asia, where a pixel-based landslide susceptibility map has been carried out using the Weight of Evidence method and validated by Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Then, we selected the regions of west Tajikistan and north-east India to be investigated at national scale. Data scarcity is a common condition for many countries involved into the Initiative. Therefore in addition to the landslide susceptibility assessment of west Tajikistan, which has been conducted using a Generalized Additive Model and validated by ROC curves, we have examined, in the same study area, the effect of incomplete landslide dataset on the prediction capacity of statistical models. The entire PhD research activity has been conducted using only open data and open-source software. In this context, to support the analysis of the last years an open-source plugin for QGIS has been implemented. The SZ-tool allows the user to make susceptibility assessments from the data preprocessing, susceptibility mapping, to the final classification. All the output data of the analysis conducted are freely available and downloadable. This text describes the research activity of the last three years. Each chapter reports the text of the articles published in international scientific journal during the PhD.
The growing demand for lightweight solutions in every field of engineering is driving the industry to seek new technological solutions to exploit the full potential of different materials. The combination of dissimilar materials with distinct property ranges embodies a transparent allocation of component functions while allowing an optimal mix of their characteristics. From both technological and design perspectives, the interaction between dissimilar materials can lead to severe defects that compromise a multi-material hybrid component's performance and its structural integrity. This thesis aims to develop methodologies for designing, manufacturing, and monitoring of hybrid metal-composite joints and hybrid composite components. In Chapter 1, a methodology for designing and manufacturing hybrid aluminum/composite co-cured tubes is assessed. In Chapter 2, a full-field methodology for fiber misalignment detection and stiffness prediction for hybrid, long fiber reinforced composite systems is shown and demonstrated. Chapter 3 reports the development of a novel technology for joining short fiber systems and metals in a one-step co-curing process using lattice structures. Chapter 4 is dedicated to a novel analytical framework for the design optimization of two lattice architectures.
Wastewater management is an environmental and social burden that primarily affects populations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries and the global environment. Wastewater collection, treatment, and reuse have become urgent, especially considering that 80% of the world's wastewater is untreated or improperly treated and discharged directly into water bodies. In recent years, the role of wastewater treatment plants in a sustainable water cycle has become even more critical, as they are the final destination of the collected wastewater. Indeed, the management of wastewater treatment plants should play an essential role in achieving SDG target 6.3 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for SD. In this context, water reuse, especially wastewater reuse, plays a key role. This research focuses on investigating the valorization of wastewater resources applying Appropriate Technologies and Natural Systems for wastewater treatment in two different Low- and Middle-Income Countries, the Palestinian Territories and Sub-Saharan Africa. The research objectives are: (1) Determine the characteristics and quality of wastewater in the two case studies analysed. (2) Identify Appropriate Technology to be used in the Palestinian Territories to treat wastewater for reuse in agriculture. (3) Assess the environmental, economic, and social impacts of this project. (4) Assess the feasibility of using natural wetlands for household wastewater treatment in Sub-Saharan region. The first study, conducted in Rafah, Gaza Strip, showed that implementing existing primary treatment plant with a natural secondary treatment plant properly optimized the wastewater quality for reuse in agriculture and was suitable for the study area. The second case study was conducted in Cape Coast, Ghana. It shows that the natural wetland studied is currently overly polluted and threatened by various anthropogenic factors that cannot remove pollutants from the incoming domestic wastewater. Therefore, some recommendations were made in order to improve the efficiency of this natural wetland.
Waste management worldwide has received increasing attention from global policies in recent years. In particular, agro-industrial streams represent a global concern due to the huge volumes generated and a high number of residues, which produce an environmental and economic impact on the ecosystem. The use of biotechnological approaches to treat these streams could allow the production of desirable by-products to be reinjected into the production cycle through sustainable processes. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are targeted as microorganisms capable to reduce the pressure of agro-industrial streams on environmental issues, due to their metabolic versatility (autotrophic and/or heterotrophic growth under different conditions). This Ph.D. research project aims to assess the effectiveness of PPB cultivation for industrial streams valorisation in the applications of biogas desulfurization and microbial protein production. For these purposes, the first part of the present work is dedicated to the cultivation of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) for biogas streams upgrading, cleaning biogas from sulfur compounds (H2S), and producing elemental sulfur (S0), potentially suitable as a slow-release fertilizer. The second part of the thesis, instead, sees the application of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) on streams rich in organics, such as molasses, generating biomass with high content of proteins and pigments, useful as supplements in animal feed. The assessment of the main metabolic mechanisms involved in the two processes is evaluated at a laboratory scale using flasks and a photobioreactor, to define the consumption of substrates and the accumulation of products both in the autotrophic (on biogas) and in heterotrophic grow (on molasses). In conclusion, the effectiveness of processes employing PPB for a sustainable valorisation of several agro-industrial streams has been proved promising, using actual residues, and coupling their treatments with the production of added-value by-products.
Società Azionaria Prodotti Asfaltico Bituminosi Affini (S.A.P.A.B.A. s.r.l.) is an asphalt/aggregate production plant located in Bologna, Italy. The resulting dirt and mud from the washing process is stored at specific sedimentation lakes close to the plant and are referred to as waste silt. The initiative and motivation of the current research follows the 12th objective of the sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations. As a result, the overall aim of the current study was to reduce the impact of waste mineral fillers through recycling in new paving solutions. Considering three paving types of cement-bound, geopolymer-bound and asphalt pavements the following objectives were set: 1) To investigate the possibility of recycling waste silt in cement-bound paving solution; 2) To explore the feasibility of producing geopolymer-bound paving solutions containing waste silt; 3) To study the potential of using waste silt as fillers in different asphalt pavements. The first objective was achieved by utilizing waste silt into cement-bound materials. For this purpose, the by-product was introduced to cement mortars and was partially replaced (20%) with the natural sand. Moreover, statistical models were used to produce concrete paving blocks. The second objective was pursued by studying the feasibility of using the waste silt as a filler in geopolymer cement products. Following a comprehensive review, the silt was thermally calcined and used as filler in geopolymer cement and paving blocks. The third objective was achieved by evaluating the rheological and mechanical performance of hot mix, porous and semi-flexible asphalt containing waste silt. The limestone filler of a hot mix asphalt was replaced with thermally and untreated waste silt. To sum up, different paving blocks and asphalt pavements mixtures containing waste silt were proposed that presented acceptable performance when compared to different national and European standards.
The topic of seismic loss assessment not only incorporates many aspects of the earthquake engineering, but also entails social factors, public policies and business interests. Because of its multidisciplinary character, this process may be complex to challenge, and sound discouraging to neophytes. In this context, there is an increasing need of deriving simplified methodologies to streamline the process and provide tools for decision-makers and practitioners. This dissertation investigates different possible applications both in the area of modelling of seismic losses, both in the analysis of observational seismic data. Regarding the first topic, the PRESSAFE-disp method is proposed for the fast evaluation of the fragility curves of precast reinforced-concrete (RC) structures. Hence, a direct application of the method to the productive area of San Felice is studied to assess the number of collapses under a specific seismic scenario. In particular, with reference to the 2012 events, two large-scale stochastic models are outlined. The outcomes of the framework are promising, in good agreement with the observed damage scenario. Furthermore, a simplified displacement-based methodology is outlined to estimate different loss performance metrics for the decision-making phase of the seismic retrofit of a single RC building. The aim is to evaluate the seismic performance of different retrofit options, for a comparative analysis of their effectiveness and the convenience. Finally, a contribution to the analysis of the observational data is presented in the last part of the dissertation. A specific database of losses of precast RC buildings damaged by the 2012 Earthquake is created. A statistical analysis is performed, allowing deriving several consequence functions. The outcomes presented may be implemented in probabilistic seismic risk assessments to forecast the losses at the large scale. Furthermore, these may be adopted to establish retrofit policies to prevent and reduce the consequences of future earthquakes in industrial areas.