955 resultados para Madness of Queen Maria


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The following discussion is an exposition of the recognised exceptions to the general rule that the law will not sanction the giving of a lawful consent to the application or threat of actual or grievous bodily harm. The discussion will also focus on a series of decisions in the UK and Australia, particularly Neal v The Queen, that have altered the law's approach to these exceptions and, more importantly, now permit a personto give an informed consent to the risk of contracting HIV or any other sexually transmitted diseases, provided there was no intention on the part of the accused to actually infect the other person. The underlying rationale for sanctioning an informed consent to such a risk is that consenting adults should be accorded the utmost autonomy in conductingtheir private affairs, and particularly so in the context of the choices they make regarding their private sexual activities. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the notion of allowing one to lawfully consent to such a risk, it raises an important question as to the current status of the general rule that one cannot generally give an informed consent to the applicationor threat of actual or grievous bodily harm. More succinctly stated, if the law is prepared to allow an informed consent to the risk of contracting a potentially fatal disease, then what remains of what had previously been a well-settled rule that, save for a few well-recognised exceptions, persons were generally prohibited from consenting to the application or threat of actual or grievous bodily harm?


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Leaf-cutting ant workers care for larvae with an elaborate behavioural repertoire to satisfy the needs of the offspring. In order to investigate worker discrimination ability in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, we compared the behavioural responses of workers towards worker-produced male larvae and queen-produced worker larvae, including the following behavioural acts: licking the larval body, transporting larvae, feeding larvae with hyphae, scraping larval mouth parts, ingesting faecal fluid excreted by the larva, and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. We verified that workers behaved differently depending on larval origin, i.e. licking the larval body, transporting larvae and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. Observed differences denote the ability of workers in discriminating among larvae, probably because of their different individual needs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Dufour's gland is found closely associated with the sting apparatus of all female hymenopterans, playing multiple roles among bees. In some species of Bombus the gland may be involved in production of nestmate recognition pheromones, but in B. terrestris its function is not certain yet. The morphology of the :Dufour's gland of B. terrestris queens and the ultrastructural features of its cells were studied in different ages and behavioural stages using routine transmission electron microscopy. Measurements of the length and the diameter of the gland in the same conditions were also made. The Dufour's gland of the queen increases significantly in size (both in length and in diameter) with age and reproductive activity the ultrastructural features of the gland show electrondense material that comes from the haemolymph. This material is also present in the intercellular spaces, and is conducted to the subcuticular space, to be released directly into the glandular lumen. Hence at least part of the secretion is probably taken up directly from the haemolymph. The ultrastructural features indicate a more active phase of the gland corresponding to the period of egg-laying of the queen, and a decrease in activity when the queen is in hibernation as well as after the competition point. In conclusion, the gland is probably involved in reproduction, more specifically, in the marking off eggs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foi observada, pela primeira vez no Brasil, a produção de centenas de formas aladas em formigueiros de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, mantidos em laboratório. Larvas de último instar de machos foram encontradas em 5 de agosto de 2000 em um formigueiro com quase seis anos de fundação, contendo aproximadamente 110 L de esponja de fungo distribuída em 21 panelas. Entre 30 e 40 dias mais tarde apareceram larvas de fêmeas aladas. Os adultos sexuados apresentaram tamanhos compatíveis com os encontrados em formigueiros de campo. Foram observadas duas aparentes tentativas frustradas de revoada na última semana de outubro, após o que começaram a aparecer machos e fêmeas mortos no lixo do formigueiro.


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Environmental factors and management techniques were evaluated in São Paulo, Brazil, for enhanced production of Africanized queen honey bees. Queens were reared by the Doolittle method; 12 breeder, 6 cell-builder, and 36 3-frame nucleus colonies were used. Nine groups of four virgin Africanized queen honey bees were subjected to the following treatments: queens were either 1-2, 3-4 or 5-6 days old and were released into mating nuclei containing either capped brood, uncapped brood or no brood. This was repeated sixteen times between August 1990 and August 1992. Seven repetitions occurred during nectar flow periods and nine repetitions occurred during nectar-dearth periods. Overall, 59% of 576 queens were successfully introduced and mated. The best results (93% success) were obtained during nectar flows, with 3- to 4-day-old queens released into nuclei containing capped brood. During nectar dearths the best mating success came from queens introduced into broodless nuclei (63%), the age of the queen did not influence mating success. Mating success decreased when wind velocity increased; this was the only significant meteorological effect found.


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The present work showed that the newly emerged queen weight, the number of ovarioles. and the spermatheca mass are not influenced by the sizes of the wax cups. The first two characters suffered time transference influence, and the best acceptances were obtained mainly, in wax cups with diameters of 7, 8, and 9 min.


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The introduction of Coptotermes havilandi in Brazil and some aspects of its biology are reviewed. We also describe an aerial principal nest collected from the 15th floor of a high-rise building and its subsidiary nest collected from the 14th floor of the same building. The population of the principal nest consisted of one imaginal physogastric queen, one imaginal king, 20 nymphoid neotenics (14 females and 6 males), 188 nymphs, many workers, presoldiers, soldiers and larvae. The population of the subsidiary nest consisted of 32 nymphoid neotenics (all females), alates, 2 preneotenics, some larvae and nymphs, many workers, presoldiers and soldiers. These neotenics were larger than those found in the principal nest. No eggs were found in either nest. A morphometric analysis of the nymphs and nymphoids was carried out and the morphology of the neotenics and of the imaginai reproductives is described.


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Toward the end of the larval phase (pre-pupa), the reproductive systems of Melipona quadrifasciata and Frieseomelitta varia workers are anatomically similar. Scanning electron microscopy showed that during this developmental phase the right and left ovaries are fused and form a heart-shaped structure located above the midgut. Each ovary is connected to the genital chamber by a long and slender lateral oviduct. During pupal development, the lateral oviducts of workers from both species become extremely reduced due to a drastic process of cell death, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. During the lateral oviduct shortening, their simple columnar epithelial cells show some signs of apoptosis in addition to necrosis. Cell death was characterized by cytoplasmic vesiculation, peculiar accumulation of glycogen, and dilation of cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclei, at first irregularly contoured, became swollen, with chromatin flocculation and various areas of condensed chromatin next to the nuclear envelope. At the end of the pupal phase, deep recesses marked the nuclei. At emergence, worker and queen reproductive systems showed marked differences, although reduction in the lateral oviducts was an event occurring in both castes. However, in queens the ovarioles increased in length and the spermatheca was larger than that of workers. At the external anatomical level, the reproductive system of workers and queens could be distinguished in the white- and pink-eyed pupal phase. The metamorphic function of the death of lateral oviduct cells, with consequent oviduct shortening, is discussed in terms of the anatomical reorganization of the reproductive system and of the ventrolateral positioning of adult worker bee ovaries. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The location and morphological features of the blood cells found in the pupal ovary of workers and queens of Apis mellifera are described in relationship with their probable function in the ovary differentiation. The hemocytes from inside the ovarioles are different in both castes. In queens their morphology suggest an action in the tunica propria production, while in workers it suggest a phagocytic activity. The hemocytes present in the intersticial tissue are phagocytes in both castes, and may be responsible by the ovary shapping during metamorphosis.