987 resultados para MESSENGER-RNAS


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It is known that the circadian rhythm in hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression (a limiting catalytic step of gluconeogenesis) and hepatic glucose production is maintained by both daily oscillation in autonomic inputs to the liver and night feeding behavior. However, increased glycemia and reduced melatonin (Mel) levels have been recently shown to coexist in diabetic patients at the end of the night period. In parallel, pinealectomy (PINX) is known to cause glucose intolerance with increased basal glycemia exclusively at the end of the night. The mechanisms that underlie this metabolic feature are not completely understood. Here, we demonstrate that PINX rats show night-time hepatic insulin resistance characterized by reduced insulin-stimulated RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase phosphorylation and increased phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression. In addition, PINX rats display increased conversion of pyruvate into glucose at the end of the night. The regulatory mechanism suggests the participation of unfolded protein response (UPR), because PINX induces night-time increase in activating transcription factor 6 expression and prompts a circadian fashion of immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein, activating transcription factor 4, and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-homologous protein expression with Zenith values at the dark period. PINX also caused a night-time increase in Tribble 3 and regulatory-associated protein of mammalian target of rapamycin; both were reduced in liver of PINX rats treated with Mel. Treatment of PINX rats with 4-phenyl butyric acid, an inhibitor of UPR, restored night-time hepatic insulin sensitivity and abrogated gluconeogenesis in PINX rats. Altogether, the present data show that a circadian oscillation of UPR occurs in the liver due to the absence of Mel. The nocturnal UPR activation is related with night-time hepatic insulin resistance and increased gluconeogenesis in PINX rats. (Endocrinology 152: 1253-1263, 2011)


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Burgi K, Cavalleri MT, Alves AS, Britto LRG, Antunes VR, Michelini LC. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity as indicator of sympathetic activity: simultaneous evaluation in different tissues of hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300: R264-R271, 2011. First published December 9, 2010; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00687.2009.-Vasomotor control by the sympathetic nervous system presents substantial heterogeneity within different tissues, providing appropriate homeostatic responses to maintain basal/stimulated cardiovascular function both at normal and pathological conditions. The availability of a reproducible technique for simultaneous measurement of sympathetic drive to different tissues is of great interest to uncover regional patterns of sympathetic nerve activity (SNA). We propose the association of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (THir) with image analysis to quantify norepinephrine (NE) content within nerve terminals in arteries/arterioles as a good index for regional sympathetic outflow. THir was measured in fixed arterioles of kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle of WistarKyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) (123 +/- 2 and 181 +/- 4 mmHg, 300 +/- 8 and 352 +/- 8 beats/min, respectively). There was a differential THir distribution in both groups: higher THir was observed in the kidney and skeletal muscle (similar to 3-4-fold vs. heart arterioles) of WKY; in SHR, THir was increased in the kidney and heart (2.4- and 5.3-fold vs. WKY, respectively) with no change in the skeletal muscle arterioles. Observed THir changes were confirmed by either: 1) determination of NE content (high-performance liquid chromatography) in fresh tissues (SHR vs. WKY): +34% and +17% in kidney and heart, respectively, with no change in the skeletal muscle; 2) direct recording of renal (RSNA) and lumbar SNA (LSNA) in anesthetized rats, showing increased RSNA but unchanged LSNA in SHR vs. WKY. THir in skeletal muscle arterioles, NE content in femoral artery, and LSNA were simultaneously reduced by exercise training in the WKY group. Results indicate that THir is a valuable technique to simultaneously evaluate regional patterns of sympathetic activity.


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Inhibitory neurotransmission has an important role in the processing of sensory afferent signals in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), particularly in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated neurotransmission within the NTS produces an inhibition of the baroreflex response of splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (sSND). In urethane-anesthetized, artificially ventilated and vagotomized male SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats we compared baroreflex-response curves evoked after bilateral injections into the NTS of the GABA-A antagonist bicuculline (25 pmol/50 nl) or the GABA-B antagonist CGP 35348 (5 nmol/50 nl). Baseline MAP in SHR was higher than the WKY rats (SHR: 153+/-5, vs. WKY: 112+/-6 mm Hg, p<0.05). Bilateral injection of bicuculline or CGP 35348 into the NTS induced a transient (5 min) reduction in MAP (Delta = -26+/-4 and -41+/-6 mm Hg, respectively vs. saline Delta = +4+/-3 mm Hg, p<0.05) and sSND (Delta = -21+/-13 and -78+/-7%, respectively vs. saline: Delta = +6+/-4% p<0.05). Analysis of the baroreceptor curve revealed a decrease in the lower plateau (43+/-11 and 15+/-5%, respectively vs. saline: 78+/-6%, p<0.05) and an increase in the sympathetic gain of baroreflex (6.3+/-0.3, 7.2+/-0.8% respectively vs. saline: 4.2+/-0.4%, p<0.05). Bicuculline or CGP35348 into the NTS in WKY rats did not change MAP, sSND and sympathetic baroreflex gain. These data indicate that GABAergic mechanisms within the NTS act tonically reducing sympathetic baroreflex gain in SHR. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The amygdala plays a critical role in determining the emotional significance of sensory stimuli and the production of fear-related responses. Large amygdalar lesions have been shown to practically abolish innate defensiveness to a predator; however, it is not clear how the different amygdalar systems participate in the defensive response to a live predator. Our first aim was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the amygdalar activation pattern during exposure to a live cat and to a predator-associated context. Accordingly, exposure to a live predator up-regulated Fos expression in the medial amygdalar nucleus (MEA) and in the lateral and posterior basomedial nuclei, the former responding to predator-related pheromonal information and the latter two nuclei likely to integrate a wider array of predatory sensory information, ranging from olfactory to non-olfactory ones, such as visual and auditory sensory inputs. Next, we tested how the amygdalar nuclei most responsive to predator exposure (i.e. the medial, posterior basomedial and lateral amygdalar nuclei) and the central amygdalar nucleus (CEA) influence both unconditioned and contextual conditioned anti-predatory defensive behavior. Medial amygdalar nucleus lesions practically abolished defensive responses during cat exposure, whereas lesions of the posterior basomedial or lateral amygdalar nuclei reduced freezing and increased risk assessment displays (i.e. crouch sniff and stretch postures), a pattern of responses compatible with decreased defensiveness to predator stimuli. Moreover, the present findings suggest a role for the posterior basomedial and lateral amygdalar nuclei in the conditioning responses to a predator-related context. We have further shown that the CEA does not seem to be involved in either unconditioned or contextual conditioned anti-predatory responses. Overall, the present results help to clarify the amygdalar systems involved in processing predator-related sensory stimuli and how they influence the expression of unconditioned and contextual conditioned anti-predatory responses. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression in adipose tissue decreases during fasting. In skeletal muscle, we hypothesized that GLUT4 expression might be maintained in a beta-adrenergic-dependent way to ensure energy disposal for contractile function. Herein we investigate beta-blockade or beta-stimulation effects on GLUT4 expression in oxidative (soleus) and glycolytic [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] muscles of fasted rats. Fasting increased GLUT4 mRNA in soleus (24%) and EDL (40%) but the protein content increased only in soleus (30%). beta 1-beta 2-, and beta 1-beta 2-beta 3-blockade decreased (20-30%) GLUT4 mRNA content in both muscles, although GLUT4 protein decreased only in EDL. When mRNA and GLUT4 protein regulations were discrepant, changes in the mRNA poly(A) tail length were detected, indicating a posttranscriptional modulation of gene expression. These results show that beta-adrenergic activity regulates GLUT4 gene expression in skeletal muscle during fasting, highlighting its participation in preservation of GLUT4 protein in glycolytic muscle. Muscle Nerve 40: 847-854, 2009


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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and RET/PTC rearrangements represent key genetic events frequently associated to this cancer, enhancing proliferation and dedifferentiation by activation of the RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Recently, let-7 microRNA was found to reduce RAS levels in lung cancer, acting as a tumor suppressor gene. Here, we report that RET/PTC3 oncogenic activation in PCCL3 rat thyroid cells markedly reduces let-7f expression. Moreover, stable transfection of let-7 microRNA in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation. As a result, let-7f was capable of reducing TPC-1 cell growth, and this might be explained, at least in part, by decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of cell cycle stimulators such as MYC and CCND1 (cyclin D1) and increased P21 cell cycle inhibitor mRNA. In addition, let-7 enhanced transcriptional expression of molecular markers of thyroid differentiation such as TITF1 and TG. Thus, reduced expression of let-7f might be an essential molecular event in RET/PTC malignant transformation. Moreover, let-7f effects on thyroid growth and differentiation might attenuate neoplastic process of RET/PTC papillary thyroid oncogenesis through impairment of MAPK signaling pathway activation. This is the first functional demonstration of an association of let-7 with thyroid cancer cell growth and differentiation.


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RNA binding proteins regulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level and play important roles in embryonic development. Here, we report the cloning and expression of Samba, a Xenopus hnRNP that is maternally expressed and persists at least until tail bud stages. During gastrula stages, Samba is enriched in the dorsal regions. Subsequently, its expression is elevated only in neural and neural crest tissues. In the latter, Samba expression overlaps with that of Slug in migratory neural crest cells. Thereafter, Samba is maintained in the neural crest derivatives, as well as other neural tissues, including the anterior and posterior neural tube and the eyes. Overexpression of Samba in the animal pole leads to defects in neural crest migration and cranial cartilage development. Thus, Samba encodes a Xenopus hnRNP that is expressed early in neural and neural crest derivatives and may regulate crest cells migratory behavior. Developmental Dynamics 238:204-209, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. One of the early stages of pre-rRNA processing includes formation of the two intermediate complexes pre-40S and pre-60S, which then form the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The yeast nucleolar protein Nop53p has previously been identified in the pre-60S complex and shown to affect pre-rRNA processing by directly binding to 5.8S rRNA, and to interact with Nop17p and Nip7p, which are also involved in this process. Here we show that Nop53p binds 5.8S rRNA co-transcriptionally through its N-terminal region, and that this protein portion can also partially complement growth of the conditional mutant strain Delta nop53/GAL:NOP53. Nop53p interacts with Rrp6p and activates the exosome in vitro. These results indicate that Nop53p may recruit the exosome to 7S pre-rRNA for processing. Consistent with this observation and similar to the observed in exosome mutants, depletion of Nop53p leads to accumulation of polyadenylated pre-rRNAs.


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The inhibitory effect of supraphysiological iodide concentrations on thyroid hormone synthesis (Wolff - Chaikoff effect) and on thyrocyte proliferation is largely known as iodine autoregulation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which iodide modulates thyroid function remain unclear. In this paper, we analyze the transcriptome profile of the rat follicular cell lineage PCCl3 under untreated and treated conditions with 10 (- 3) M sodium iodide (NaI). Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) revealed 84 transcripts differentially expressed in response to iodide (p <= 0.001). We also showed that iodide excess inhibits the expression of essential genes for thyroid differentiation: Tshr, Nis, Tg, and Tpo. Relative expression of 14 of 20 transcripts selected by SAGE was confirmed by real-time PCR. Considering the key role of iodide organification in thyroid physiology, we also observed that both the oxidized form of iodide and iodide per se are responsible for gene expression modulation in response to iodide excess. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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STUDY DESIGN: Randomized crossover double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: To investigate if low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can affect biceps muscle performance, fatigue development, and biochemical markers of postexercise recovery. BACKGROUND: Cell and animal studies have suggested that LLLT can reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in muscle tissue. But it remains uncertain whether these findings can translate into humans in sport and exercise situations. METHODS: Nine healthy male volleyball players participated in the study. They received either active LLLT (cluster probe with 5 laser diodes; A = 810 nm; 200 mW power output; 30 seconds of irradiation, applied in 2 locations over the biceps of the nondominant arm; 60 J of total energy) or placebo LLLT using an identical cluster probe. The intervention or placebo were applied 3 minutes before the performance of exercise. All subjects performed voluntary elbow flexion repetitions with a workload of 75% of their maximal voluntary contraction force until exhaustion. RESULTS: Active LLLT increased the number of repetitions by 14.5% (mean +/- SD, 39.6 +/- 4.3 versus 34.6 +/- 5.6; P = .037) and the elapsed time before exhaustion by 8.0% (P = .034), when compared to the placebo treatment. The biochemical markers also indicated that recovery may be positively affected by LLLT, as indicated by postexercise blood lactate levels (P<.01), creatine kinase activity (P = .017), and C-reactive protein levels (P = .047), showing a faster recovery with LLLT application prior to the exercise. CONCLUSION: We conclude that pre-exercise irradiation of the biceps with an LLLT dose of 6 J per application location, applied in 2 locations, increased endurance for repeated elbow flexion against resistance and decreased postexercise levels of blood lactate, creatine kinase, and C-reactive protein. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Performance enhancement, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(8):524-532. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3294


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Voluntary physical activity improves memory and learning ability in rodents, whereas status epilepticus has been associated with memory impairment. Physical activity and seizures have been associated with enhanced hippocampal expression of BDNF, indicating that this protein may have a dual role in epilepsy. The influence of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression has been poorly studied in experimental models of epilepsy. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression in mice with pilocarpine-incluced epilepsy. Male Swiss mice were assigned to four experimental groups: pilocarpine sedentary (PS), pilocarpine runners (PRs), saline sedentary (SS) and saline runners (SRs). Two days after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus, the affected mice (PR) and their running controls (SR) were housed with access to a running wheel for 28 days. After that, the spatial memory and the expression of the precursor and mature forms of hippocampal BDNF were assessed. PR mice performed better than PS mice in the water maze test. In addition, PR mice had a higher amount of mature BDNF (14 kDa) relative to the total BDNF (14 kDa + 28 kDa + 32 kDa forms) content when compared with PS mice. These results show that voluntary physical activity improved the spatial memory and increased the hippocampal content of mature BDNF of mice with pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background and purpose: The inflammation-resolving lipid mediator resolvin E1 (RvE1) effectively stops inflammation-induced bone loss in vivo in experimental periodontitis. It was of interest to determine whether RvE1 has direct actions on osteoclast (OC) development and bone resorption. Experimental approach: Primary OC cultures derived from mouse bone marrow were treated with RvE1 and analysed for OC differentiation, cell survival and bone substrate resorption. Receptor binding was measured using radiolabelled RvE1. Nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B activation and Akt phosphorylation were determined with western blotting. Lipid mediator production was assessed with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Key results: OC growth and resorption pit formation were markedly decreased in the presence of RvE1. OC differentiation was inhibited by RvE1 as demonstrated by decreased number of multinuclear OC, a delay in the time course of OC development and attenuation of receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand-induced nuclear translocation of the p50 subunit of NF-kappa B. OC survival and apoptosis were not altered by RvE1. Messenger RNA for both receptors of RvE1, ChemR23 and BLT(1) is expressed in OC cultures. Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) competed with [(3)H] RvE1 binding on OC cell membrane preparations, and the LTB(4) antagonist U75302 prevented RvE1 inhibition of OC growth, indicating that BLT(1) mediates RvE1 actions on OC. Primary OC synthesized the RvE1 precursor 18R-hydroxy-eicosapentaenoic acid and LTB(4). Co-incubation of OC with peripheral blood neutrophils resulted in transcellular RvE1 biosynthesis. Conclusions and implications: These results indicate that RvE1 inhibits OC growth and bone resorption by interfering with OC differentiation. The bone-sparing actions of RvE1 are in addition to inflammation resolution, a direct action in bone remodelling.


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Drug abuse is a concerning health problem in adults and has been recognized as a major problem in adolescents. induction of immediate-early genes (IEG), such as c-Fos or Egr-1, is used to identify brain areas that become activated in response to various stimuli, including addictive drugs. It is known that the environment can alter the response to drugs of abuse. Accordingly, environmental cues may trigger drug-seeking behavior when the drug is repeatedly administered in a given environment. The goal of this study was first to examine for age differences in context-dependent sensitization and then evaluate IEG expression in different brain regions. For this, groups of mice received i.p. ethanol (2.0 g/kg) or saline in the test apparatus, while other groups received the solutions in the home cage, for 15 days. One week after this treatment phase, mice were challenged with ethanol injection. Acutely, ethanol increased both locomotor activity and IEG expression in different brain regions, indistinctly, in adolescent and adult mice. However, adults exhibited a typical context-dependent behavioral sensitization following repeated ethanol treatment, while adolescent mice presented gradually smaller locomotion across treatment, when ethanol was administered in a paired regimen with environment. Conversely, ethanol-treated adolescents expressed context-independent behavioral sensitization. Overall, repeated ethanol administration desensitized IEG expression in both adolescent and adult mice, but this effect was greatest in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex of adolescents treated in the context-dependent paradigm. These results suggest developmental differences in the sensitivity to the conditioned and unconditioned locomotor effects of ethanol. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of single or repeated amphetamine (AMPH) treatment and those of AMPH withdrawals on immune-mediated lung inflammatory response were studied in rats. Two experiments were done. In the first, rats egg-albumin (OVA) sensitized were singularly or repeatedly (21 days, once daily) treated with AMPH (1.0 mg/kg) or with a similar number and volume of 0.9% NaCl. The OVA aerosol challenge was performed 12 h after the single or last repeated AMPH treatment and also 72 and 120 h after AMPH withdrawal. In the second experiment, the effects of reserpine (1.0 mg/kg/day for 5 consecutive days) on single AMPH actions on lung allergic response of rats were analyzed. Single and repeated AMPH treatment induced opposite actions on Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) cellularity of allergic rats: single treatment decreased and repeated treatment increased the total number of cells as well as those of macrophages, neutrophils and eosinophils. Our data also showed that single but not repeated AMPH treatment decreased the number of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, and increased the total number of bone marrow cells in rats sensitized and challenged with OVA. Furthermore, it was shown that reserpine treatment precluded the effects of single AMPH treatment on cellular migration to the lung of OVA-sensitized and challenged rats. It was concluded that AMPH effects on lung inflammatory response and cell recruitment to the lung in allergic rats rely at least partially on corticosterone serum levels. The possible involvement of vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2) with these observed effects was discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Allergy to components of the diet is followed by gut inflammation which in children, sometimes progress to mucosal lesions and anaphylaxis. In newborns suffering of cow`s milk allergy, bloody stools, rectal. bleeding and ulcerations are found. The rat systemic anaphylaxis is a suitable model to study the intestinal lesions associated to allergy. In the present study we used this model to investigate some mechanisms involved. We found that 15 min after antigen challenge of sensitized rats, hemorrhagic lesions develop in the small intestine. The lesions were more severe in jejunum and ileum compared to duodenum. Pretreatment of the rats with a platelet-activating factor-receptor antagonist (WEB-2170) reduced the lesions whereas inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide by L-NAME, greatly increased the hemorrhagic lesions and mortality. Both, lesions and mortality were reversed by L-arginine. The hemorrhagic lesions were also significantly reduced by the mast cell stabilizers, disodium cromoglycate and ketotifen as well as by neutrophils depletion (with anti-PMN antibodies) or inhibition of selectin binding (by treatment with fucoidan). Thus, the intestinal hemorrhagic lesions in this model are dependent on ptatelet-activating factor, mast cell granule-derived mediators and neutrophils. Endogenous nitric oxide and supplementation with L-arginine has a protective role, reducing the lesions and preventing mortality. These results contributed to elucidate mechanisms involved in intestinal lesions which could be of relevance to human small bowel injury associated to allergy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.