973 resultados para Möbius Transformations
En aquest treball s'investiga, a través de l'obra d'Alphonse Mucha com autor paradigmàtic de l'Art Nouveau en el context geogràfic del París de finals del segle XIX i principis del XX, la possible influència de la publicitat en la difusió i consolidació de les creences i valors dels grups socials més ben posicionats, i molt especialment en el cas de la dona, ja que l'obra de Mucha està centrada bàsicament en la figura femenina. Així mateix, també es busca esbrinar la intervenció d'aquests grups en la creació d'un camp artístic que alhora faria possible la contemplació estètica de l'anunci comercial, i que esdevindria un element més d'aquesta moderna cultura, capitalista i urbana, de grans transformacions i avenços tecnològics, i que des d'una òptica crítica com la de l'Escola de Frankfurt, estaria 'cosificant' l'individu en nom de la ciència i el progrés, des del moment en què aquest quedaria condemnat al consum il·limitat per tal de satisfer un desig insaciable: l'afany d'emulació de la classe ociosa, o dit d'altra manera, d'aquella que el domina.
Cette thèse voudrait expliquer l'émergence et l'autonomisation d'un groupe professionnel récent en France, celui des céramistes d'art, « inventé » au milieu du XXe siècle, et qui s'est largement développé après 1968. Il s'agit d'analyser l'apparition d'un groupe social dans la division du travail, puis sa capacité à assurer les moyens de sa reproduction et de sa pérennisation, tant par l'étude de ses dynamiques internes que par ses rapports à l'hors-groupe. Au-delà de l'aspect monographique, cette recherche interroge la professionnalisation de cet espace du travail artistique peu légitime culturellement, et les obstacles à celle-ci (définition des frontières, contrôle des pratiques). Les normes professionnelles - émergentes, codifiées, transmises, défendues ou contestées - constituant le point d'entrée de cette recherche : liant du groupe, elles sont aussi révélatrices de ses transformations, clivages internes et modes d'institutionnalisation. Dans cette optique, la recherche restitue la diversité des dimensions du métier en tenant ensemble travail et hors- travail : sociogenèse du métier, rapport des céramistes d'art au travail artistique et à la culture légitime, engagement dans les organisations professionnelles (associatives et syndicales), récèption des politiques publiques qui concernent le secteur. Cette recherche réaffirme ainsi la centralité du travail comme espace au carrefour de plusieurs espaces sociaux et de plusieurs types d'investissements, c'est-à-dire comme un rapport social général et non comme enclave sociale que l'on pourrait appréhender par elle-même. La thèse montre aussi que l'hybridité constitutive du métier, entre art et artisanat, constitue l'une des bases de sa professionnalisation : la contestation des principes et des critères de légitimité culturelle en sont les manifestations majeures. Enfin, l'étude de la politisation chez les différentes unités-générationnelles qui composent le métier met en évidence la portée instituante de l'auto-organisation associative et les modes de constitution d'une identité collective. Elle révèle également la présence de l'Etat en filigrane, par opposition ou par coopération. Tels sont les multiples fondements de cette professionnalisation multi-située et constamment évolutive évolutive. Cette recherche repose essentiellement sur des observations - directes et participantes - dans les lieux de vie, de travail et de socialisation des céramistes d'art, et sur 62 entretiens semi-directifs. En plus de l'enquête ethnographique, la thèse s'appuie sur les résultats d'une enquête par questionnaire (218 répondants) et de la documentation professionnelle (archives syndicales, compte-rendu associatifs, supports de communication, etc.).
Abstract: Transformations and invisible linkages : birth-related restrictions among the Yine of Eastern Peru
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és visibilitzar la participació de les dones a la ciutat de Vic, per tal de reconèixer el seu paper dins la societat. Aquest treball pretén doncs, ressaltar una presència visible i empoderada de les dones dins les associacions i, també, un canvi de mirada que permeti veure les dones com a protagonistes de canvis i transformacions. La divisió tradicional del treball va confinar la dona a l’espai privat, de manera que l’allunyà de la participació política, institucional i social de la vida. L’aportació del moviment associatiu femení ha estat clau, i la influència que ha exercit en les conquestes socials és evident. Com a producte final i per tal de donar evidència de la participació de les dones a la ciutat, adjunto un llibret on es pot trobar totes les associacions de dones que hi ha Vic, amb la seva fitxa tècnica pertinent i la mirada d’algunes de les dones que participen activament d’aquest associacionisme femení.
This paper deals with non-linear transformations for improving the performance of an entropy-based voice activity detector (VAD). The idea to use a non-linear transformation has already been applied in the field of speech linear prediction, or linear predictive coding (LPC), based on source separation techniques, where a score function is added to classical equations in order to take into account the true distribution of the signal. We explore the possibility of estimating the entropy of frames after calculating its score function, instead of using original frames. We observe that if the signal is clean, the estimated entropy is essentially the same; if the signal is noisy, however, the frames transformed using the score function may give entropy that is different in voiced frames as compared to nonvoiced ones. Experimental evidence is given to show that this fact enables voice activity detection under high noise, where the simple entropy method fails.
Este trabajo analiza las transformaciones que ha experimentado la figura del periodista en el actual panorama audiovisual catalán, especialmente en lo referido a la asunción de nuevas tareas y funciones. Tras una introducción en la que se expone el marco teórico y la metodología de trabajo, se describen las transformaciones en los perfiles profesionales y se presentan las principales tendencias observadas en las empresas de radio y televisión, agencias de noticias y medios en línea de Cataluña. El artículo concluye con una serie de reflexiones sobre la polivalencia del periodista.
A model has been developed for evaluating grain size distributions in primary crystallizations where the grain growth is diffusion controlled. The body of the model is grounded in a recently presented mean-field integration of the nucleation and growth kinetic equations, modified conveniently in order to take into account a radius-dependent growth rate, as occurs in diffusion-controlled growth. The classical diffusion theory is considered, and a modification of this is proposed to take into account interference of the diffusion profiles between neighbor grains. The potentiality of the mean-field model to give detailed information on the grain size distribution and transformed volume fraction for transformations driven by nucleation and either interface- or diffusion-controlled growth processes is demonstrated. The model is evaluated for the primary crystallization of an amorphous alloy, giving an excellent agreement with experimental data. Grain size distributions are computed, and their properties are discussed.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
The state of the art to describe image quality in medical imaging is to assess the performance of an observer conducting a task of clinical interest. This can be done by using a model observer leading to a figure of merit such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Using the non-prewhitening (NPW) model observer, we objectively characterised the evolution of its figure of merit in various acquisition conditions. The NPW model observer usually requires the use of the modulation transfer function (MTF) as well as noise power spectra. However, although the computation of the MTF poses no problem when dealing with the traditional filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm, this is not the case when using iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms, such as adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) or model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR). Given that the target transfer function (TTF) had already shown it could accurately express the system resolution even with non-linear algorithms, we decided to tune the NPW model observer, replacing the standard MTF by the TTF. It was estimated using a custom-made phantom containing cylindrical inserts surrounded by water. The contrast differences between the inserts and water were plotted for each acquisition condition. Then, mathematical transformations were performed leading to the TTF. As expected, the first results showed a dependency of the image contrast and noise levels on the TTF for both ASIR and MBIR. Moreover, FBP also proved to be dependent of the contrast and noise when using the lung kernel. Those results were then introduced in the NPW model observer. We observed an enhancement of SNR every time we switched from FBP to ASIR to MBIR. IR algorithms greatly improve image quality, especially in low-dose conditions. Based on our results, the use of MBIR could lead to further dose reduction in several clinical applications.
La escenificación del poder: el marqués de Castelldosrius, primer virrey Borbón del Perú (1707-1710)
The change in dynasty brought with it a series of transformations to Peruvian viceroyalty political culture. Analysis is made of the government of the Marquis of Castelldosrius (1707-1710) who, in his eagerness to increase a meagre patrimony, was to attenuate his conflicts with the Creole sectors and the Consulate, with a style of politics that was characterised by courtly and cultural uses that included traditions that were in vogue in the courts of Louis XIV and in his native Catalonia
General clustering deals with weighted objects and fuzzy memberships. We investigate the group- or object-aggregation-invariance properties possessed by the relevant functionals (effective number of groups or objects, centroids, dispersion, mutual object-group information, etc.). The classical squared Euclidean case can be generalized to non-Euclidean distances, as well as to non-linear transformations of the memberships, yielding the c-means clustering algorithm as well as two presumably new procedures, the convex and pairwise convex clustering. Cluster stability and aggregation-invariance of the optimal memberships associated to the various clustering schemes are examined as well.
This article sets out to study the profile of Swiss administrative elites at federal level by showing how their profile has evolved in the light of what has come to be known as the wave of New Public Management (NPM), which has benefited from a very fertile ground in Switzerland. These elites correspond to a specific institutional order, in relation to specific organizational structures and workings, and have specific characteristics in terms of career paths and academic background. However, the administrative reforms that have been rolled out since the 1980s have transformed the institutional order within which executives of the federal administration evolve. This article analyses the extent to which these transformations have had an impact on the characteristics of these elites, through indicators such as academic capital, social capital, and career path within and outside the administration. The results show a slow but significant transformation in the profiles of these elites towards an increasing managerialization, reflecting that of the context in which they evolve.Points for practitioners The relationship between politics and the administration is naturally shaped by individuals but is closely dependent on the profiles of the players. They are currently undergoing a transformation in the wake of administrative reforms, and also of the changing profiles of both the political and administrative players. Gaining an insight into the slow transformation of the profiles of administrative elites therefore sheds light on the political-administrative nexus. The gradual managerialization of the administrative elite highlighted in this article also allows for a better understanding of which professional experiences, qualifications and skills are valued today within the senior civil service in Switzerland.
Rhea (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/rhea) is a comprehensive resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions. Rhea provides a non-redundant set of chemical transformations for use in a broad spectrum of applications, including metabolic network reconstruction and pathway inference. Rhea includes enzyme-catalyzed reactions (covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list), transport reactions and spontaneously occurring reactions. Rhea reactions are described using chemical species from the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology (ChEBI) and are stoichiometrically balanced for mass and charge. They are extensively manually curated with links to source literature and other public resources on metabolism including enzyme and pathway databases. This cross-referencing facilitates the mapping and reconciliation of common reactions and compounds between distinct resources, which is a common first step in the reconstruction of genome scale metabolic networks and models.
This review deals with metal enolate-mediated stereoselective acetate aldol reactions. It summarizes recent advances on aldol additions of unsubstituted metal enolates from chiral auxiliaries, stoichiometric and catalytic Lewis acids, or acting in substrate- controlled reactions, which provide stereocontrolled aldol transformations that allow the efficient synthesis of structurally complex natural products.