996 resultados para Louis-François Georges Baby
Molecular logic-based computation is a broad umbrella covering molecular sensors at its simplest level and logic gate arrays involving steadily increasing levels of parallel and serial integration. The fluorescent PET(photoinduced electron transfer) switching principle remains a loyal servant of this entire field. Applications arise from the convenient operation of molecular information processors in very small spaces.
It is estimated that the cost of treating women and their infants with smoking related problems is up to £87.5 million each year (ASH, 2013). Whilst these statistics depict a major problem for the National Health Service, they challenge midwives to become change agents within this health promotion area. A desired outcome from The Maternity Strategy for Northern Ireland (DHSSPSNI, 2012) includes giving every baby and family the best start in life. Assisting women to stop smoking before conception, could help to achieve this outcome and provide opportunities for a greater start in life following birth.
Introduction: Abundant evidence shows that regular physical activity (PA) is an effective strategy for preventing obesity in people of diverse socioeconomic status (SES) and racial groups. The proportion of PA performed in parks and how this differs by proximate neighborhood SES has not been thoroughly investigated. The present project analyzes online public web data feeds to assess differences in outdoor PA by neighborhood SES in St. Louis, MO, USA.
Methods: First, running and walking routes submitted by users of the website MapMyRun.com were downloaded. The website enables participants to plan, map, record, and share their exercise routes and outdoor activities like runs, walks, and hikes in an online database. Next, the routes were visually illustrated using geographic information systems. Thereafter, using park data and 2010 Missouri census poverty data, the odds of running and walking routes traversing a low-SES neighborhood, and traversing a park in a low-SES neighborhood were examined in comparison to the odds of routes traversing higher-SES neighborhoods and higher-SES parks.
Results: Results show that a majority of running and walking routes occur in or at least traverse through a park. However, this finding does not hold when comparing low-SES neighborhoods to higher-SES neighborhoods in St. Louis. The odds of running in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 54% lower than running in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.46, CI = 0.17-1.23). The odds of walking in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 17% lower than walking in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.83, CI = 0.26-2.61).
Conclusion: The novel methods of this study include the use of inexpensive, unobtrusive, and publicly available web data feeds to examine PA in parks and differences by neighborhood SES. Emerging technologies like MapMyRun.com present significant advantages to enhance tracking of user-defined PA across large geographic and temporal settings.
O nosso estudo incide, primordialmente, sobre as polémicas de carácter político e consequentes acusações de que Louis-Ferdinand Céline foi – e continua a ser – alvo. Tais aspectos conduzem-nos a questionar, com alguma veemência e perplexidade, as razões da sua fuga através da Alemanha, bem como as relações que estabeleceu com os Nazis durante a segunda guerra mundial. Num primeiro momento, elaborámos uma contextualização de cariz temporal e factual, tentando perceber – quiçá explicar -, o sentido das posições assumidas por Céline aquando da composição dos seus pamphlets, marcada por uma reivindicação violenta do seu antisemitismo e que surge, omnipresente, sob forma de cartas, entrevistas e outros escritos. Contudo, a essência do nosso trabalho consistiu numa análise detalhada das diferentes etapas dos anos de exílio do escritor, primeiro numa Alemanha devastada pela guerra, onde se refugia a partir de 17 de Junho de 1944 e mais tarde, na Dinamarca (1945-1951), de onde terá de responder às acusações de traição que lhe são dirigidas pela justiça francesa, antes de um regresso sem glória, a França, e de uma reabilitação tardia e titubeante. Os escritos que constituem o corpus do nosso trabalho traduzem, de modo inequívoco, a experiência amarga e cruel dos anos de exílio e da lembrança feita de dor e ódio, que o escritor sentiu profundamente, como um espinho na própria carne. Apesar do caminho tortuoso, que lhe confere uma aura de escritor “maldito”, Céline permanece, ainda hoje, como um dos maiores génios da literatura francesa do século XX.
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans un paradigme compréhensif et herméneutique et dans une démarche de recherche qualitative. Elle utilise l'autoethnographie comme méthodologie. L'autoethnographie cherche à comprendre une histoire singulière sociohistoriquement inscrite dans des contextes culturels déterminés L'autoethnographie est à la fois une méthode de recherche, un style d'écriture, une oeuvre et une aventure transformatrice à travers laquelle la chercheure devient le sujet de son histoire. Ici, c'est la vie et l'expérience de la chercheure qui constitue le corpus des données. L'autoethnographie offr une invitation sensible à créer une relation dynamique entre la personne qui raconte son histoire et ses lecteurs. C'est une approche originale, qui fait appel à la vulnérabilité, à la sincérité et à l'authenticité de la chercheure. Le style d'écriture vise à décrire, à montrer et invite à pénétrer la réalité de l'expérience plutôt qu'à théoriser, expliquer ou défendre des certitudes. Cette thèse dévoile la quête transpersonnelle du sujet-chercheure qui traverse une vie d'élève, de mère, d'enseignante, d'étudiante, de formatrice d'adultes et, enfin, d'enseignante en formation initiale à l'enseignement. Une quête vécue dans la culture de l'éducation et qui s'est actualisée à travers des moments clés où se joue, dans et pour la chercheure, une tension entre des approches éducatives centrées sur la personne et son potentiel, et d'autres approches centrées sur les instruments, les contenus et l'évaluation. Cette autoethnographie est présentée sous forme de vignettes qui offrnt au lecteur l'accès à des moments significatifs de vie. La production des données s'est faite à l'aide d'outils variés tels le journal de recherche, le récit de vie, des récits phénoménologiques, des photographies, des poésies, des extraits de travaux d'étudiantes, des documents et des articles. Ces données ont été analysées et interprétées de manière qualitative et en mode écriture en vue de permettre une meilleure compréhension de l'autrice et de sa praxis.
"La lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale est un enjeu qui hante constamment les débats politiques des pays occidentaux. L’ensemble des acteurs publics déplorent que, dans nos sociétés d’opulence, certains n’aient ni le minimum pour vivre ni la capacité d’exercer leurs droits sociaux. Dans son livre, Louis-Henri Groulx s’intéresse à une des stratégies pour lutter contre la pauvreté : le revenu minimum garanti. [...]"
Your baby will “talk” to you in many ways. You will soon learn what his looks and movements mean. For example, when your baby opens his mouth, he may be saying “I’m hungry.” Crying is also a way your baby can talk to you. Your baby may be too hot, cold, bored, excited, gassy or sleepy; his diaper may need changing; he may want to suck on something; or maybe he is sick. The “fussies” will get better over time. This also happens with bottle-fed babies, so it’s NOT your breast milk.
Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 Linguagens
Pea-shoots are a new option as ready-to-eat baby-leaf vegetable. However, data about the nutritional composition and the shelf-life stability of these leaves, especially their phytonutrient composition is scarce. In this work, the macronutrient, micronutrient and phytonutrients profile of minimally processed pea shoots were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of a 10-day storage period. Several physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total soluble solids, and total titratable acidity) were also monitored. Standard AOAC methods were applied in the nutritional value evaluation, while chromatographic methods with UV–vis and mass detection were used to analyze free forms of vitamins (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS), carotenoids (HPLC-DAD-APCI-MSn) and flavonoid compounds (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn). Atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) was employed to characterize the mineral content of the leaves. As expected, pea leaves had a high water (91.5%) and low fat (0.3%) and carbohydrate (1.9%) contents, being a good source of dietary fiber (2.1%). Pea shoots showed a high content of vitamins C, E and A, potassium and phosphorous compared to other ready-to-eat green leafy vegetables. The carotenoid profile revealed a high content of β-carotene and lutein, typical from green leafy vegetables. The leaves had a mean flavonoid content of 329 mg/100 g of fresh product, mainly composed by glycosylated quercetin and kaempferol derivatives. Pea shoots kept their fresh appearance during the storage being color maintained throughout the shelf-life. The nutritional composition was in general stable during storage, showing some significant (p < 0.05) variation in certain water-soluble vitamins.
ABSTRACT Background Mental health promotion is supported by a strong body of knowledge and is a matter of public health with the potential of a large impact on society. Mental health promotion programs should be implemented as soon as possible in life, preferably starting during pregnancy. Programs should focus on malleable determinants, introducing strategies to reduce risk factors or their impact on mother and child, and also on strengthening protective factors to increase resilience. The ambition of early detecting risk situations requires the development and use of tools to assess risk, and the creation of a responsive network of services based in primary health care, especially maternal consultation during pregnancy and the first months of the born child. The number of risk factors and the way they interact and are buffered by protective factors are relevant for the final impact. Maternal-fetal attachment (MFA) is not yet a totally understood and well operationalized concept. Methodological problems limit the comparison of data as many studies used small size samples, had an exploratory character or used different selection criteria and different measures. There is still a lack of studies in high risk populations evaluating the consequences of a weak MFA. Instead, the available studies are not very conclusive, but suggest that social support, anxiety and depression, self-esteem and self-control and sense of coherence are correlated with MFA. MFA is also correlated with health practices during pregnancy, that influence pregnancy and baby outcomes. MFA seems a relevant concept for the future mother baby interaction, but more studies are needed to clarify the concept and its operationalization. Attachment is a strong scientific concept with multiple implications for future child development, personality and relationship with others. Secure attachment is considered an essential basis of good mental health, and promoting mother-baby interaction offers an excellent opportunity to intervention programmes targeted at enhancing mental health and well-being. Understanding the process of attachment and intervening to improve attachment requires a comprehension of more proximal factors, but also a broader approach that assesses the impact of more distal social conditions on attachment and how this social impact is mediated by family functioning and mother-baby interaction. Finally, it is essential to understand how this knowledge could be translated in effective mental health promoting interventions and measures that could reach large populations of pregnant mothers and families. Strengthening emotional availability (EA) seems to be a relevant approach to improve the mother-baby relationship. In this review we have offered evidence suggesting a range of determinants of mother-infant relationship, including age, marital relationship, social disadvantages, migration, parental psychiatric disorders and the situations of abuse or neglect. Based on this theoretical background we constructed a theoretical model that included proximal and distal factors, risk and protective factors, including variables related to the mother, the father, their social support and mother baby interaction from early pregnancy until six months after birth. We selected the Antenatal Psychosocial Health Assessment (ALPHA) for use as an instrument to detect psychosocial risk during pregnancy. Method Ninety two pregnant women were recruited from the Maternal Health Consultation in Primary Health Care (PHC) at Amadora. They had three moments of assessment: at T1 (until 12 weeks of pregnancy) they filed out a questionnaire that included socio-demographic data, ALPHA, Edinburgh post-natal Depression Scale (EDPS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Sense of Coherence (SOC); at T2 (after the 20th weeks of pregnancy) they answered EDPS, SOC and MFA Scale (MFAS), and finally at T3 (6 months after birth), they repeated EDPS and SOC, and their interaction with their babies was videotaped and later evaluated using EA Scales. A statistical analysis has been done using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, univariate logistic regression and multiple linear regression. Results The study has increased our knowledge on this particular population living in a multicultural, suburb community. It allow us to identify specific groups with a higher level of psychosocial risk, such as single or divorced women, young couples, mothers with a low level of education and those who are depressed or have a low SOC. The hypothesis that psychosocial risk is directly correlated with MFAS and that MFA is directly correlated with EA was not confirmed, neither the correlation between prenatal psychosocial risk and mother-baby EA. The study identified depression as a relevant risk factor in pregnancy and its higher prevalence in single or divorced women, immigrants and in those who have a higher global psychosocial risk. Depressed women have a poor MFA, and a lower structuring capacity and a higher hostility to their babies. In average, depression seems to reduce among pregnant women in the second part of their pregnancy. The children of immigrant mothers show a lower level of responsiveness to their mothers what could be transmitted through depression, as immigrant mothers have a higher risk of depression in the beginning of pregnancy and six months after birth. Young mothers have a low MFA and are more intrusive. Women who have a higher level of education are more sensitive and their babies showed to be more responsive. Women who are or have been submitted to abuse were found to have a higher level of MFA but their babies are less responsive to them. The study highlights the relevance of SOC as a potential protective factor while it is strongly and negatively related with a wide range of risk factors and mental health outcomes especially depression before, during and after pregnancy. Conclusions ALPHA proved to be a valid, feasible and reliable instrument to Primary Health Care (PHC) that can be used as a total sum score. We could not prove the association between psychosocial risk factors and MFA, neither between MFA and EA, or between psychosocial risk and EA. Depression and SOC seems to have a clear and opposite relevance on this process. Pregnancy can be considered as a maturational process and an opportunity to change, where adaptation processes occur, buffering risk, decreasing depression and increasing SOC. Further research is necessary to better understand interactions between variables and also to clarify a better operationalization of MFA. We recommend the use of ALPHA, SOC and EDPS in early pregnancy as a way of identifying more vulnerable women that will require additional interventions and support in order to decrease risk. At political level we recommend the reinforcement of Immigrant integration and the increment of education in women. We recommend more focus in health care and public health in mental health condition and psychosocial risk of specific groups at high risk. In PHC special attention should be paid to pregnant women who are single or divorced, very young, low educated and to immigrant mothers. This study provides the basis for an intervention programme for this population, that aims to reduce broad spectrum risk factors and to promote Mental Health in women who become pregnant. Health and mental health policies should facilitate the implementation of the suggested measures.
The interfaces between the intrapsychic, interactional, and intergenerational domains are a new frontier. As a pilot, we exposed ourselves to a complex but controllable situation as viewed by people whose main interest is in one of the three interfaces; we also fully integrated the subjects in the team, to learn about their subjective perspectives and to provide them with an enriching experience. We started with a brief "triadification" sequence (i.e., moving from a "two plus one" to a "three together" family organization). Considering this sequence as representing at a micro level many larger family transitions, we proceeded with a microanalytic interview, a psychodynamic investigation, and a family interview. As expected, larger patterns of correspondences are emerging. Central questions under debate are: What are the most appropriate units at each level of description and what are their articulations between these levels? What is the status of "triadification"? Les interfaces entre les domaines intrapsychiques, interactionnels et intergénérationnels représentent une nouvelle frontiére. A titre exploratoire, nous nous sommes exposés à une situation complexe mais contrǒlable ainsi que le voient ceux dont I'intérět principal se porte sur l'une de ces trois interfaces. Nous avons aussi entièrement intégré les sujets dans l'équipe, de facon à comprendre leur perspective subjective et à leur offrir une expérience enrichissante. Nous avons commencé avec une brève séquence de "triadification," c'est-à-dire passer d'une organisation familiale "deux plus un" à Ltne organisation familiale "trois (add sentenc)ensemble." Considérant cette séquence comme representative à un niveau microscopique de transitions familiales bien plus larges, nous avons procedé à l'entretien microanalytique, à une enquěte psychodynamique et à un entretien familial. Comme prévu, de grands patterns de correspondances émergent. Les questions essentielles sur lesquelles portent le débat sont: quelles les unités les plus appropiées à chaque niveau de description et quelles sont les articulations entre ces niveaux? Quel est le statut de la "triadification"?