941 resultados para Lighter trivalent lanthanides


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A Space tether is a thin, multi-kilometers long conductive wire, joining a satellite and some opposite end mass, and keeping vertical in orbit by the gravity-gradient. The ambient plasma, being highly conductive, is equipotential in its own co-moving frame. In the tether frame, in relative motion however, there is in the plasma a motional electric field of order of 100 V/km, product of (near) orbital velocity and geomagnetic field. The electromotive force established over the tether length allows plasma contactor devices to collect electrons at one polarized-positive (anodic) end and eject electrons at the opposite end, setting up a current along a standard, fully insulated tether. The Lorentz force exerted on the current by the geomagnetic field itself is always drag; this relies on just thermodynamics, like air drag. The bare tether concept, introduced in 1992 at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), takes away the insulation and has electrons collected over the tether segment coming out polarized positive; the concept rests on 2D (Langmuir probe) current-collection in plasmas being greatly more efficient than 3D collection. A Plasma Contactor ejects electrons at the cathodic end. A bare tether with a thin-tape cross section has much greater perimeter and de-orbits much faster than a (corresponding) round bare tether of equal length and mass. Further, tethers being long and thin, they are prone to cuts by abundant small space debris, but BETs has shown that the tape has a probability of being cut per unit time smaller by more than one order of magnitude than the corresponding round tether (debris comparable to its width are much less abundant than debris comparable to the radius of the corresponding round tether). Also, the tape collects much more current, and de-orbits much faster, than a corresponding multi-line “tape” made of thin round wires cross-connected to survive debris cuts. Tethers use a dissipative mechanism quite different from air drag and can de-orbit in just a few months; also, tape tethers are much lighter than round tethers of equal length and perimeter, which can capture equal current. The 3 disparate tape dimensions allow easily scalable design. Switching the cathodic Contactor off-on allows maneuvering to avoid catastrophic collisions with big tracked debris. Lorentz braking is as reliable as air drag. Tethers are still reasonably effective at high inclinations, where the motional field is small, because the geomagnetic field is not just a dipole along the Earth polar axis. BETs is the EC FP7/Space Project 262972, financed in about 1.8 million euros, from 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2014, and carrying out RTD work on de-orbiting space debris. Coordinated by UPM, it has partners Università di Padova, ONERA-Toulouse, Colorado State University, SME Emxys, DLR–Bremen, and Fundación Tecnalia. BETs work involves 1) Designing, building, and ground-testing basic hardware subsystems Cathodic Plasma Contactor, Tether Deployment Mechanism, Power Control Module, and Tape with crosswise and lengthwise structure. 2) Testing current collection and verifying tether dynamical stability. 3) Preliminary design of tape dimensions for a generic mission, conducive to low system-to-satellite mass ratio and probability of cut by small debris, and ohmic-effects regime of tether current for fast de-orbiting. Reaching TRL 4-5, BETs appears ready for in-orbit demostration.


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Los adhesivos se conocen y han sido utilizados en multitud de aplicaciones a lo lago de la historia. En la actualidad, la tecnología de la adhesión como método de unión de materiales estructurales está en pleno crecimiento. Los avances científicos han permitido comprender mejor los fenómenos de adhesión, así como, mejorar y desarrollar nuevas formulaciones poliméricas que incrementan el rango de aplicaciones de los adhesivos. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y la necesidad de aligerar peso, especialmente en el sector transporte, hace que las uniones adhesivas se introduzcan en aplicaciones hasta ahora reservadas a otros sistemas de unión como la soldadura o las uniones mecánicas, ofreciendo rendimientos similares y, en ocasiones, superiores a los aportados por estas. Las uniones adhesivas ofrecen numerosas ventajas frente a otros sistemas de unión. En la industria aeronáutica y en automoción, las uniones adhesivas logran una reducción en el número de componentes (tales como los tornillos, remaches, abrazaderas) consiguiendo como consecuencia diseños más ligeros y una disminución de los costes de manipulación y almacenamiento, así como una aceleración de los procesos de ensamblaje, y como consecuencia, un aumento de los procesos de producción. En el sector de la construcción y en la fabricación de equipos industriales, se busca la capacidad para soportar la expansión y contracción térmica. Por lo tanto, se usan las uniones adhesivas para evitar producir la distorsión del sustrato al no ser necesario el calentamiento ni la deformación de las piezas cuando se someten a un calentamiento elevado y muy localizado, como en el caso de la soldadura, o cuando se someten a esfuerzos mecánicos localizados, en el caso de montajes remachados. En la industria naval, se están desarrollando técnicas de reparación basadas en la unión adhesiva para distribuir de forma más uniforme y homogénea las tensiones con el objetivo de mejorar el comportamiento frente a fatiga y evitar los problemas asociados a las técnicas de reparación habituales de corte y soldadura. Las uniones adhesivas al no requerir importantes aportes de calor como la soldadura, no producen modificaciones microestructurales indeseables como sucede en la zona fundida o en la zona afectada térmicamente de las uniones soldadas, ni deteriora los recubrimientos protectores de metales de bajo punto de fusión o de naturaleza orgánica. Sin embargo, las uniones adhesivas presentan una desventaja que dificulta su aplicación, se trata de su durabilidad a largo plazo. La primera causa de rotura de los materiales es la rotura por fatiga. Este proceso de fallo es la causa del 85% de las roturas de los materiales estructurales en servicio. La rotura por fatiga se produce cuando se somete al material a la acción de cargas que varían cíclicamente o a vibraciones durante un tiempo prolongado. Las uniones y estructuras sometidas a fatiga pueden fallar a niveles de carga por debajo del límite de resistencia estática del material. La rotura por fatiga en las uniones adhesivas no se produce por un proceso de iniciación y propagación de grieta de forma estable, el proceso de fatiga va debilitando poco a poco la unión hasta que llega un momento que provoca una rotura de forma rápida. Underhill explica este mecanismo como un proceso de daño irreversible de los enlaces más débiles en determinados puntos de la unión. Cuando se ha producido el deterioro de estas zonas más débiles, su área se va incrementando hasta que llega un momento en que la zona dañada es tan amplia que se produce el fallo completo de la unión. En ensayos de crecimiento de grieta realizados sobre probetas preagrietadas en viga con doble voladizo (DCB), Dessureault identifica los procesos de iniciación y crecimiento de grietas en muestras unidas con adhesivo epoxi como una acumulación de microfisuras en la zona próxima al fondo de grieta que, luego, van coalesciendo para configurar la grieta principal. Lo que supone, igualmente, un proceso de daño del adhesivo en la zona de mayor concentración de tensiones que, posteriormente, conduce al fallo de la unión. La presente tesis surge con el propósito de aumentar los conocimientos existentes sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de las uniones adhesivas y especialmente las realizadas con dos tipos de adhesivos estructurales aplicados en aceros con diferentes acabados superficiales. El estudio incluye la obtención de las curvas de tensión frente al número de ciclos hasta el fallo del componente, curvas SN o curvas de Wöhler, que permitirán realizar una estimación de la resistencia a la fatiga de un determinado material o estructura. Los ensayos de fatiga realizados mediante ciclos predeterminados de carga sinusoidales, de amplitud y frecuencia constantes, han permitido caracterizar el comportamiento a la fatiga por el número de ciclos hasta la rotura, siendo el límite de fatiga el valor al que tiende la tensión cuando el número de ciclos es muy grande. En algunos materiales, la fatiga no tiende a un valor límite sino que decrece de forma constante a medida que aumenta el número de ciclos. Para estas situaciones, se ha definido la resistencia a la fatiga (o límite de resistencia) por la tensión en que se produce la rotura para un número de ciclos predeterminado. Todos estos aspectos permitirán un mejor diseño de las uniones y las condiciones de trabajo de los adhesivos con el fin de lograr que la resistencia a fatiga de la unión sea mucho más duradera y el comportamiento total de la unión sea mucho mejor, contribuyendo al crecimiento de la utilización de las uniones adhesivas respecto a otras técnicas. ABSTRACT Adhesives are well-known and have been used in many applications throughout history. At present, adhesion bonding technology of structural materials is experiencing an important growth. Scientific advances have enabled a better understanding of the phenomena of adhesion, as well as to improve and develop new polymeric formulations that increase the range of applications. On the other hand, the development of new materials and the need to save weight, especially in the transport sector, have promote the use of adhesive bonding in many applications previously reserved for other joining technologies such as welded or mechanical joints, presenting similar or even higher performances. Adhesive bonding offers many advantages over other joining methods. For example, in the aeronautic industry and in the automation sector, adhesive bonding allows a reduction in the number of components (such as bolts, rivets, clamps) and as consequence, resulting in lighter designs and a decrease in handling and storage costs, as well as faster assembly processes and an improvement in the production processes. In the construction sector and in the industrial equipment manufacturing, the ability to withstand thermal expansion and contraction is required. Therefore, adhesion bonding technology is used to avoid any distortion of the substrate since this technology does not require heating nor the deformation of the pieces when these are exposed to very high and localized heating, as in welding, or when are subjected to localized mechanical stresses in the case of riveted joints. In the naval industry, repair techniques based in the adhesive bonding are being developed in order to distribute stresses more uniform and homogeneously in order to improve the performance against fatigue and to avoid the problems associated with standard repair techniques as cutting and welding. Adhesive bonding does not require the use of high temperatures and as consequence they do not produce undesirable microstructural changes, as it can be observed in molten zones or in heat-affected zones in the case of welding, neither is there damage of the protective coating of metals with low melting points or polymeric films. However, adhesive bonding presents a disadvantage that limits its application, the low longterm durability. The most common cause of fractures of materials is fatigue fracture. This failure process is the cause of 85% of the fracture of structural materials in service. Fatigue failure occurs when the materials are subjected to the action of cyclic loads or vibrations for a long period of time. The joints and structures subjected to fatigue can fail at stress values below the static strength of the material. Fatigue failure do not occurs by a static and homogeneous process of initiation and propagation of crack. The fatigue process gradually weakens the bond until the moment in which the fracture occurs very rapidly. Underhill explains this mechanism as a process of irreversible damage of the weakest links at certain points of the bonding. When the deterioration in these weaker zones occurs, their area increase until the damage zone is so extensive that the full failure of the joint occurs. During the crack growth tests performed on precracked double-cantilever beam specimen, (DCB), Dessureault identified the processes of crack initiation and growth in samples bonded with epoxy adhesive as a process of accumulation of microcracks on the zone near the crack bottom, then, they coalesced to configure the main crack. This is a damage process of the adhesive in the zone of high stress concentration that leads to failure of the bond. This thesis aims to further the understanding of the fatigue behavior of the adhesive bonding, primarily those based on two different types of structural adhesives used on carbon-steel with different surface treatments. This memory includes the analysis of the SN or Wöhler curves (stress vs. number of cycles curves up to the failure), allowing to carry out an estimation of the fatigue strength of a specific material or structure. The fatigue tests carried out by means of predetermined cycles of sinusoidal loads, with a constant amplitude and frequency, allow the characterisation of the fatigue behaviour. For some materials, there is a maximum stress amplitude below which the material never fails for any number of cycles, known as fatigue limit. In the other hand, for other materials, the fatigue does not tend toward a limit value but decreases constantly as the number of cycles increases. For these situations, the fatigue strength is defined by the stress at which the fracture occurs for a predetermined number of cycles. All these aspects will enable a better joint design and service conditions of adhesives in order to get more durable joints from the fatigue failure point of view and in this way contribute to increase the use of adhesive bonding over other joint techniques.


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The main objetive of this Doctoral Thesis was to study the influence of female castration and pig sex on growth performance and carcass and meat quality of white pigs slaughtered at different final weights. Three experiments (Exp.) were conducted. In Exp. 1, a total of 200 (Landrace * Large White dam x Pietrain * Large White sire) gilts of 50 ± 3 days of age (23.3 ± 1.47 kg BW) was used to investigate the effects of castration (intact females, IF vs. castrated feamles, CF) and slaughter weight (106 vs. 122 kg BW) on productive performance and carcass and meat quality. There were four experimental treatments arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial and 5 replicates of 10 pigs each per treatment. Half of the gilts were ovariectomized at 58 d of age (8 days after the beginning of the trial; 29.8 ± 1.64 kg BW) whereas the other half remained intact. Meat samples were taken at m. Longissimus thoracis at the level of the last rib and subcutaneous fat samples were taken at the tail insertion. For the entire experiment period, CF had higher BW gain (P<0.05) and backfat and m. Gluteus medius (GM) fat thickness (P<0.001) than IF. However, IF had higher loin and trimmed primal cut yields (P<0.05) than CF. Meat quality was similar for IF and CF but the proportion of linoleic acid in subcutaneous fat was higher (P<0.001) for IF. Pigs slaughtered at 122 kg BW had higher (P<0.001) feed intake and poorer feed efficiency than pigs slaughtered at 106 kg BW. An increase in slaughter weight (SW) improved (P<0.001) carcass yield but decreased (P<0.05) trimmed primal cut yield. Meat from females slaughtered at the heavier BW was redder (a*; P<0.001) and had more (P<0.01) intramuscular fat and less thawing (P<0.05) and cooking (P<0.10) loss than meat from females slaughtered at the lighter BW. Also, females slaughtered at 122 kg BW had less (P<0.01) linoleic acid content in the subcutaneous fat than pigs slaughtered at 106 kg BW. Castration of gilts and slaughtering at heavier BW might be useful practices for the production of heavy pigs destined to the dry cured industry in which a certain amount of fat in the carcass is required. In contrast, when the carcasses are destined to fresh meat production, IF slaughtered at 106 kg BW are a more efficient alternative. In Exp. 2, crossbred pigs (n=240) from Pietrain*Large White sires mated to Landrace*Large White dams with an average of 100 d of age (60.5 ± 2.3 kg) were used to investigate the effects of gender and slaughter weight (SW) on growth performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics. There were 6 treatments arranged factorially with 3 genders (IF vs. CF vs.castrated males, CM) and 2 SW (114 vs. 122 kg BW). Each of the 6 combinations of treatments was replicated 4 times and the experimental unit was a pen with 10 pigs. Castrated males and CF ate more feed, grew faster and had more carcass backfat depth and fat thickness at the GM muscle, but lower loin yield than IF (P<0.05). In addition, CF and CM had more intramuscular fat (P<0.05) and less linoleic acid content in the subcutaneous fat (P<0.01) than IF. Pigs slaughtered at 122 kg BW had lower ADG (P<0.05), poor gain-to-feed ratio (P<0.05), and more GM fat than pigs slaughtered at 114 kg BW (P < 0.05). It is concluded that CF and CM had similar productive performance and meat quality characteristics when slaughtered at the same age, and that the castration of females improved daily gains and increased weight and fat content of primal cuts with respect to IF. Therefore, castration of females is recommended in pigs destined to the dry-cured industry because of the beneficial effects on the quality of the primal cuts. In Exp. 3, the effects of gender and castration of females (IF vs. CF vs. CM) on performance and carcass and meat quality were studied in crossbred pigs (Landrace x Large White dams x Duroc sires) slaughtered at 119.2 (trial 1) or 131.6 (trial 2) kg BW. Intact females had better feed conversion and less carcass fat than CF and CM. Trimmed shoulder yield was higher for CM than for CF with IF being intermediate. Primal cut yield and meat quality, however were similar for all treatments. Proportion of linoleic acid in backfat was lower for CF than for IF or CM, and the differences were significant in pigs slaughtered witn 131.6 kg BW. The higher fat content and the fatty acid profile favour the use of CF and CM over IF for the production of heavy pigs destined to the dry-cured industry.


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El vidrio se trata de un material muy apreciado en la arquitectura debido a la transparencia, característica que pocos materiales tienen. Pero, también es un material frágil, con una rotura inmediata cuando alcanza su límite elástico, sin disponer de un período plástico, que advierta de su futura rotura y permita un margen de seguridad. Por ambas razones, el vidrio se ha utilizado en arquitectura como elemento de plementería o relleno, desde tiempos antiguos, pero no como elemento estructural o portante, pese a que es un material interesante para los arquitectos para ese uso, por su característica de transparencia, ya que conseguiría la desmaterialización visual de la estructura, logrando espacios más ligeros y livianos. En cambio, si se tienen en cuenta las propiedades mecánicas del material se puede comprobar que dispone de unas características apropiadas para su uso estructural, ya que su Módulo elástico es similar al del aluminio, elemento muy utilizado en la arquitectura principalmente en las fachadas desde los últimos años, y su resistencia a compresión es muy superior incluso al hormigón armado; aunque su principal problema es su resistencia a tracción que es muy inferior a su resistencia a compresión, lo que penaliza su resistencia a flexión. En la actualidad se empieza a utilizar el vidrio como elemento portante o estructural, pero debido a su peor resistencia a flexión, se utilizan con grandes dimensiones que, a pesar de su transparencia, tienen una gran presencia. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende conseguir una reducción de las secciones de estos elementos estructurales de vidrio. Entonces, para el desarrollo de la investigación es necesario responder a una serie de preguntas fundamentales, cuyas respuestas serán el cuerpo de la investigación: 1. ¿Cuál es la finalidad de la investigación? El objetivo de esta investigación es la optimización de elementos estructurales de vidrio para su utilización en arquitectura. 2. ¿Cómo se va a realizar esa optimización? ¿Qué sistemas se van a utilizar? El sistema para realizar la optimización será la pretensión de los elementos estructurales de vidrio 3. ¿Por qué se va a utilizar la precompresión? Porque el vidrio tiene un buen comportamiento a compresión y un mal comportamiento a tracción lo que penaliza su utilización a flexión. Por medio de la precompresión se puede incrementar esta resistencia a tracción, ya que los primeros esfuerzos reducirán la compresión inicial hasta comenzar a funcionar a tracción, y por tanto aumentará su capacidad de carga. 4. ¿Con qué medios se va a comprobar y justificar ese comportamiento? Mediante simulaciones informáticas con programas de elementos finitos. 5. ¿Por qué se utilizará este método? Porque es una herramienta que arroja ventajas sobre otros métodos como los experimentales, debido a su fiabilidad, economía, rapidez y facilidad para establecer distintos casos. 6. ¿Cómo se garantiza su fiabilidad? Mediante el contraste de resultados obtenidos con ensayos físicos realizados, garantizando de ésta manera el buen comportamiento de los programas utilizados. El presente estudio tratará de responder a todas estas preguntas, para concluir y conseguir elementos estructurales de vidrio con secciones más reducidas gracias a la introducción de la precompresión, todo ello a través de las simulaciones informáticas por medio de elementos finitos. Dentro de estas simulaciones, también se realizarán comprobaciones y comparaciones entre distintas tipologías de programas para comprobar y contrastar los resultados obtenidos, intentando analizar cuál de ellos es el más idóneo para la simulación de elementos estructurales de vidrio. ABSTRACT Glass is a material very appreciated in architecture due to its transparency, feature that just a few materials share. But it is also a brittle material with an immediate breakage when it reaches its elastic limit, without having a plastic period that provides warning of future breakage allowing a safety period. For both reasons, glass has been used in architecture as infill panels, from old times. However, it has never been used as a structural or load‐bearing element, although it is an interesting material for architects for that use: because of its transparency, structural glass makes possible the visual dematerialization of the structure, achieving lighter spaces. However, taking into account the mechanical properties of the material, it is possible to check that it has appropriate conditions for structural use: its elastic modulus is similar to that of aluminium, element widely used in architecture, especially in facades from recent years; and its compressive strength is much higher than even the one of concrete. However, its main problem consists in its tensile strength that is much lower than its compressive strength, penalizing its resistance to bending. Nowadays glass is starting to be used as a bearing or structural element, but due to its worse bending strength, elements with large dimensions must be used, with a large presence despite its transparency. Therefore this research aims to get smaller sections of these structural glass elements. For the development of this thesis, it is necessary to answer a number of fundamental questions. The answers will be the core of this work: 1. What is the purpose of the investigation? The objective of this research is the optimization of structural glass elements for its use in architecture. 2. How are you going to perform this optimization? What systems will be implemented? The system for optimization is the pre‐stress of the structural elements of glass 3. Why are you going to use the pre‐compression? Because glass has a good resistance to compression and a poor tensile behaviour, which penalizes its use in bending elements. Through the pre‐compression it is possible to increase this tensile strength, due to the initial tensile efforts reducing the pre‐stress and increasing its load capacity. 4. What are the means that you will use in order to verify and justify this behaviour? The means are based on computer simulations with finite element programs (FEM) 5. Why do you use this method? Because it is a tool which gives advantages over other methods such as experimental: its reliability, economy, quick and easy to set different cases. 6. How the reliability is guaranteed? It’s guaranteed comparing the results of the simulation with the performed physical tests, ensuring the good performance of the software. This thesis will attempt to answer all these questions, to obtain glass structural elements with smaller sections thanks to the introduction of the pre‐compression, all through computer simulations using finite elements methods. In these simulations, tests and comparisons between different types of programs will also be implemented, in order to test and compare the obtained results, trying to analyse which one is the most suitable for the simulation of structural glass elements.


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Linear Fresnel collectors are identified as a technology that should play a main role in order to reduce cost of Concentrating Solar Power. An optical and thermal analysis of the different blocks of the solar power plant is carried out, where Fresnel arrays are compared with the most extended linear technology: parabolic trough collectors. It is demonstrated that the optical performance of Fresnel array is very close to that of PTC, with similar values of maximum flux intensities. In addition, if the heat carrier fluid flows in series by the tubes of the receiver, relatively high thermal efficiencies are achieved. Thus, an annual solar to electricity efficiency of 19% is expected, which is similar to the state of the art in PTCs; this is done with a reduction of costs, thanks to lighter structures, that drives to an estimation of LCOE of around 6.5 c€/kWh.


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Calcium ion transiently blocks Na+ channels, and it shortens the time course for closing of their activation gates. We examined the relation between block and closing kinetics by using the Na+ channels natively expressed in GH3 cells, a clonal line of rat pituitary cells. To simplify analysis, inactivation of the Na+ channels was destroyed by including papain in the internal medium. All divalent cations tested, and trivalent La3+, blocked a progressively larger fraction of the channels as their concentration increased, and they accelerated the closing of the Na+ channel activation gate. For calcium, the most extensively studied cation, there is an approximately linear relation between the fraction of the channels that are calcium-blocked and the closing rate. Extrapolation of the data to very low calcium suggests that closing rate is near zero when there is no block. Analysis shows that, almost with certainty, the channels can close when occupied by calcium. The analysis further suggests that the channels close preferentially or exclusively from the calcium-blocked state.


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Calcium from bone and shell is isotopically lighter than calcium of soft tissue from the same organism and isotopically lighter than source (dietary) calcium. When measured as the 44Ca/40Ca isotopic ratio, the total range of variation observed is 5.5‰, and as much as 4‰ variation is found in a single organism. The observed intraorganismal calcium isotopic variations and the isotopic differences between tissues and diet indicate that isotopic fractionation occurs mainly as a result of mineralization. Soft tissue calcium becomes heavier or lighter than source calcium during periods when there is net gain or loss of mineral mass, respectively. These results suggest that variations of natural calcium isotope ratios in tissues may be useful for assessing the calcium and mineral balance of organisms without introducing isotopic tracers.


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Near infrared Yb3+ vibronic sideband spectroscopy was used to characterize specific lanthanide binding sites in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and retinal free bacteriorhodopsin (bO). The VSB spectra for deionized bO regenerated with a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 ion to bO are identical. Application of a two-dimensional anti-correlation technique suggests that only a single Yb3+ site is observed. The Yb3+ binding site in bO is observed to consist of PO2− groups and carboxylic acid groups, both of which are bound in a bidentate manner. An additional contribution most likely arising from a phenolic group is also observed. This implies that the ligands for the observed single binding site are the lipid head groups and amino acid residues. The vibronic sidebands of Yb3+ in deionized bR regenerated at a ratio of 2:1 ion to bR are essentially identical to those in bO. The other high-affinity binding site is thus either not evident or its fluorescence is quenched. A discussion is given on the difference in binding of Ca2+ (or Mg2+) and lanthanides in phospholipid membrane proteins.


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A Ca2+ channel from root-tip endomembranes of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) (LCC1) was characterized using the planar lipid-bilayer technique. Investigation of single-channel recordings revealed that LCC1 is voltage gated and strongly rectifying. In symmetrical 50 mm CaCl2 solutions, the single-channel conductance was 24 picosiemens. LCC1 showed a moderate selectivity for Ca2+ over K+ (9.4:1) and was permeable for a range of divalent cations (Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+). In contrast to Bryonia dioica Ca2+ channel 1, a Ca2+-selective channel from the endoplasmic reticulum of touch-sensitive tendrils, LCC1 showed no bursting channel activity and had a low open probability and mean open time (2.83 ms at 50 mV). Inhibitor studies demonstrated that LCC1 is blocked by micromolar concentrations of erythrosin B (inhibitor concentration for 50% inhibition [IC50] = 1.8 μm) and the trivalent cations La3+ (IC50 = 5 μm) and Gd3+ (IC50 = 10 μm), whereas verapamil showed no blocking effect. LCC1 may play an important role in the regulation of the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in root-tip and/or root-cap cells. The question of whether this ion channel is part of the gravitropic signal transduction pathway deserves further investigation.


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In the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis pathway, 20-oxidase catalyzes the oxidation and elimination of carbon-20 to give rise to C19-GAs. All bioactive GAs are C19-GAs. We have overexpressed a cDNA encoding 20-oxidase isolated from Arabidopsis seedlings in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. These transgenic plants display a phenotype that may be attributed to the overproduction of GA. The phenotype includes a longer hypocotyl, lighter-green leaves, increased stem elongation, earlier flowering, and decreased seed dormancy. However, the fertility of the transgenic plants is not affected. Increased levels of endogenous GA1, GA9, and GA20 were detected in seedlings of the transgenic line examined. GA4, which is thought to be the predominantly active GA in Arabidopsis, was not present at increased levels in this line. These results suggest that the overexpression of this 20-oxidase increases the levels of some endogenous GAs in transgenic seedlings, which causes the GA-overproduction phenotype.


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The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) lives in the humid lowlands of northern and central South America, often in riparian habitats. It is a slender bird approximately 65 cm in length, brownish with lighter streaks and buffy tips to the long tail feathers. The small head has a ragged, bristly crest of reddish-brown feathers, and the bare skin of the face is bright blue. It resembles a chachalaca (Ortalis, Cracidae) in size and shape, but its plumage and markings are similar to those of the smaller guira cuckoo (Guira guira). The hoatzin (pronounced Watson) has been a taxonomic puzzle since it was described in 1776. It usually has been viewed as related to the gallinaceous birds, but alliances to other groups have been suggested, including the cuckoos. We present DNA sequence evidence from the 12S and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes, and from the nuclear gene that codes for the eye lens protein, alpha A-crystallin. The results indicate that the hoatzin is most closely related to the typical cuckoos and that the divergence occurred at or near the base of the cuculiform phylogenetic tree.


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The aim of our study was to investigate the relationships between the levels of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and vitamin E and the levels of hydroperoxide in three subfractions of low density lipoproteins (LDL) that were isolated from healthy donors. LDL3, the densest of the three subfractions, has shown statistically significant lower levels of CoQ10 and vitamin E, which were associated with higher hydroperoxide levels when compared with the lighter counterparts. After CoQ10 supplementation, all three LDL subfractions had significantly increased CoQ10 levels. In particular, LDL3 showed the highest CoQ10 increase when compared with LDL1 and LDL2 and was associated with a significant decrease in hydroperoxide level. These results support the hypothesis that the CoQ10 endowment in subfractions of LDL affects their oxidizability, and they have important implications for the treatment of disease.


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O material Y2O3:Eu3+ vem sendo usado comercialmente como luminóforo vermelho desde da década de 1960, em uma grande variedade de aplicações devido ao seu elevado rendimento quântico (próximo de 100 %), elevada pureza de cor e boa estabilidade. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um novo método de síntese baseado nos complexos benzenotricarboxilatos (BTC) de terras raras trivalentes (RE3+) dopados com íons Eu3+. O objetivo principal é produzir materiais luminescente RE2O3:Eu3+ a temperatura mais baixa (500 °C) e em escala nanométrica. Os complexos precursores [RE(BTC):Eu3+] e [RE(TLA)·n(H2O):Eu3+], onde RE3+: Y, Gd e Lu; BTC: ácido trimésico (TMA) e ácido trimelítico (TLA) foram calcinados em diferentes temperaturas de 500 a 1000 °C, a fim de obter os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+. Os complexos foram caracterizados por análise elementar de carbono e hidrogênio, analise térmica (TG), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios-X - método do pó (XPD) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM). Todos os complexos são cristalinos e termo estáveis até 460 °C. Dados de fosforescência dos complexos de Y, Gd e Lu mostram que o nível T1 do aníon BTC3- tem energia acima do nível emissor 5D0 do íon Eu3+, indicando que os ligantes podem atuar como sensibilizadores de energia intramolecular. O estudo das propriedades fotoluminescentes dos complexos dopados foi baseado nos espectros de excitação e emissão e curvas de decaimento de luminescência. Ademais, foram determinados os parâmetros de intensidades experimentais (Ωλ), tempos de vida (τ), taxas de decaimentos radiativo (Arad) e não-radiativo (Anrad). Os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+ foram sintetizados de forma bem sucedida por meio do método benzenotricarboxilatos calcinados a 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 e 1000 °C, apresentando alta homogeneidade química e controle de tamanho de cristalito. Os nanomateriais foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de FTIR, XPD SEM e TEM revelando a obtenção dos materiais C-RE2O3:Eu3+ mesmo a 500 °C. Os dados de XPD dos materiais confirmaram um aumento do tamanho dos cristalitos de 5 até 52 nm (equação de Scherrer) de em função da temperatura de calcinação de 500 a 1000 °C, respectivamente, corroborados pelas técnicas de SEM e TEM. Os espectros de emissão de RE2O3:Eu3+ mostram uma banda larga atribuída a transição interconfiguracional de transferência de carga ligante-metal (LMCT) em 260 nm, i.e. O2-(2p)→Eu3+(4f6). Além disso, foram observadas linhas finas de absorção devido as transições intraconfiguracionais 4f do íon európio (7F0,1𔾹LJ; J: 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4), como esperado. As propriedades fotoluminescentes dos luminóforos foram baseadas nos espectros (excitação e emissão) e curvas de decaimento luminescente. Os parâmetros de intensidade experimental, tempos de vida, assim como as taxas de decaimentos radiativos e não radiativos foram calculados. As propriedades fotônicas dos nanomateriais são consistentes com o sítio de baixa simetria C2 ocupado pelo íon Eu3+ no C-RE2O3:Eu3+, produzindo emissão vermelha dominada pela transição hipersensível 5D0𔾻F2 do íon Eu3+ no sitio C2, ao invés do sítio centrossimétrico S6. Além disso, os nanomateriais Y2O3:Eu3+ exibem características espectroscópicas semelhantes e elevados valores de eficiência quântica (η~91 %), compatível com os luminóforos comerciais disponíveis no mercado. Este novo método pode ser utilizado para o desenvolvimento de novos nanomateriais contendo íons terras raras, assim como outros íons metálicos.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter polpa de guavira desidratada por atomização, utilizando maltodextrina ou goma arábica como agentes carreadores. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência das condições de processo, temperatura do ar de secagem (130, 155 e 180) °C e vazão volumétrica da mistura (20 e 40) mL/min, o tipo e concentração de agente carreador (10 e 20) % nas características físicas, físico-químicas e atividade antioxidante do produto obtido. As propriedades analisadas foram umidade, atividade de água, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, cor, distribuição e tamanho médio de partículas, morfologia, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante. A temperatura do ar de secagem e a vazão volumétrica de alimentação influenciaram significativamente todas as propriedades da guavira em pó. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram os menores valores na temperatura intermediária, independentemente do tipo e concentração do carreador usado. A solubilidade das amostras adicionadas de maltodextrina foram superiores às amostras com goma arábica. O aumento da concentração de agente carreador, em geral, proporcionou um aumento no parâmetro L* e diminuição dos parâmetros a* e b*, tornando as amostras mais claras e reduzindo as tonalidades vermelha e amarela. A guavira em pó apresentou coloração próxima do amarelo e marrom, com grande variação nos parâmetros de cor C* e H* em função das diferentes condições de secagem. A distribuição do tamanho de partículas não teve um padrão definido e o tamanho médio das amostras com maltodextrina foram maiores do que as com goma arábica para a temperatura do ar a 130 °C. No entanto, para as outras temperaturas (155 e 180) °C não houve um comportamento específico do tamanho das partículas em função da vazão de alimentação, tipo e ou concentração de agente carreador. A análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiu observar que as partículas obtidas tanto com maltodextrina como goma arábica apresentaram formato esférico, superfície rugosa e com adesão de partículas menores nas de maior tamanho, sendo que a superfície das partículas com goma arábica também apresentaram concavidades. A atividade antioxidante foi superior quando utilizada a temperatura de secagem intermediária. A partir das condições selecionadas na primeira etapa (temperatura do ar de 155 °C, vazão volumétrica da mistura de 40 mL/min e 10% de maltodextrina ou goma arábica) a polpa de guavira em pó foi caracterizada quanto a temperatura de transição vítrea, as isotermas de adsorção e a estabilidade à estocagem do ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante da polpa de guavira em pó produzida por spray drying ao longo de 120 dias. As temperaturas de transição vítrea foram de (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C para os pós produzidos com goma arábica e maltodextrina, respectivamente. O modelo de BET apresentou ajuste muito bom (R2>0,99) para descrever o comportamento de sorção de água das amostras nas temperaturas de (20, 30 e 40) °C. A polpa de guavira em pó produzida com goma arábica apresentou maior adsorção de água do que as amostras obtidas com maltodextrina. No estudo da estabilidade, as amostras foram acondicionadas em embalagem de polietileno laminado e armazenadas a 25 °C e umidade relativa de 75%. A embalagem de polietileno laminado foi eficiente na manutenção do teor de ácido ascórbico e atividade antioxidante da guavira em pó por um período de 120 dias, independente do carreador adicionado. O teor de compostos fenólicos para a guavira em pó com goma arábica apresentou uma redução nos primeiros 22 dias, contudo a amostra com maltodextrina manteve-se estável durante 120 dias de armazenamento.


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Casos de contaminação de aquíferos fraturados são bastante complexos, tendo em vista a heterogeneidade das redes de fraturas, e no geral, sua investigação demanda a utilização de técnicas pouco usuais, como por exemplo o imageamento acústico e a perfilagem de velocidade de fluxo de água. Na área de estudo, localizada em Valinhos/SP, o uso inadequado de solventes organoclorados no passado ocasionou a contaminação do aquífero raso em duas áreas, e o aparecimento de concentrações no aquifero profundo levaram a condução do atual trabalho, que teve como principal objetivo a elaboração de um modelo conceitual de fluxo de água e transporte de contaminantes no aquífero cristalino. Previamente à investigação do aquífero fraturado, foi realizada uma análise de trabalhos existentes, incluindo a interpretação de lineamentos, levantamentos geológicos além de perfilagens geofísicas de superfície. Em cada área investigada, foi realizada a perfuração de um poço profundo e aplicadas as técnicas de perfilagens de raios gama, cáliper, flowmeter, imageamento acústico, além da filmagem do poço e realização de ensaios hidráulicos nos dois pontos perfurados. Para caracterização química do aquífero fraturado, foram realizadas coletas de água subterrânea em intervalos selecionados com a utilização de obturadores pneumáticos. As cargas hidráulicas medidas durante a amostragem também auxiliaram no entendimento da direção do fluxo de água. O aquífero cristalino é formado por rochas gnáissicas e se encontra bastante fraturado e intemperizado, principalmente na porção superficial da rocha (até aproximadamente 65,0 m) onde as maiores velocidades de fluxo de água também foram observadas. A rocha sã possui uma menor densidade de fraturas e predominância de minerais mais claros. As fraturas de baixo a médio angulo de mergulho (Grupo 1) são as mais frequentes em ambas as perfurações e possuem direção principal N-S a NE-SW. São observadas, no geral, exercendo grande influência sobre o fluxo de água, principalmente na porção alterada do gnaisse. Fraturas com ângulo elevado de mergulho, classificadas como Grupo 2 (paralelas à foliação) e Grupo 3 (direção NW à W), são também observadas ao longo de toda a perfuração estabelecendo a conexão hidráulica entre as fraturas do Grupo 1. Em menor proporção, são ainda verificadas fraturas com ângulos de mergulho >40 ° pertencente aos Grupos 4 (NE-SW), 5 (E-W), 6 (NW-SE) e 7 (E-W). O fluxo de água subterrânea se mostrou descendente na porção superior da rocha alterada e ascendente na porção mais profunda, possivelmente direcionando a água subterrânea para a região de transição da rocha mais alterada para a rocha sã (entre 61 a 65 m de profundidade). Apesar do fluxo ascendente em profundidade, o bombeamento de poços tubulares existentes no entorno ao longo dos anos, favoreceu a migração dos contaminantes para porções mais profundas. Os contaminantes observados no poço tubular P6 possuem maior semelhança com os contaminantes observados na Área 2, e ambos estão localizados entre lineamentos NW-SE, indicando uma possível influência dos lineamentos no controle sobre o fluxo de água. No entanto, para entendimento do transporte dos contaminantes em área, é necessário um adensamento da rede de monitoramento, levando em consideração a heterogeneidade do meio e as incertezas relacionadas à extrapolação dos dados para áreas não investigadas.