933 resultados para Latin American history|Economic history


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Since the 1980s, the ways societies grapple with past human rights violations have become another area that is increasingly exposed to specialized knowledge production. Together with the profound changes in the dealing with the legacies of illegal or illegitimate exercise of power over the last decades, the expertise in the field not only expanded dramatically, but also became more diversified. The transitions from military dictatorships to democracies in South America in the 1980’s marked the historical beginning of this new era of coming to terms with the past, conceptualized in the following decade paradigmatically in the field of “transitional justice”. The subcontinent remained a central site in the global production and circulation of this knowledge, not least in regard to the two major innovations in societies’ arsenal of means of dealing with the past and their increasing conventionalization: the internationalization and transnationalization of the criminal prosecution of gross human rights violations and the truth commissions. Focusing on the expertise about truth commissions, the article aims to reconstruct and to analyze the role of Latin American experiences and actors in the remarkable global career of a key instrument in confronting past atrocities


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En la línea de los estudios sobre el espacio iniciados por Arturo Ardao, el ensayo ..."Del espacio vivido al espacio del texto" prolonga esa reflexión gnoseológica desde una perspectiva latinoamericana. Los conceptos de punto de vista, horizonte, perspectiva, puntos cardinales configuran el "espacio que se es" construido tanto con el espacio exterior como interior, subjetividad inserta en una temporalidad histórica del "espacio vivido" en la que Ardao fundaba la tesis central de su obra Espacio e inteligencia. En la construcción del espacio latinoamericano propuesta en el presente ensayo, la literatura ha desempeñado un papel significativo al propiciar un pasaje del "espacio vivido" al "espacio del texto". Un texto eminentemente literario que ha incorporado el espacio y el paisaje como tema y motivo y donde los escenarios representativos de la historia latinoamericana "rezuman temporalidad",


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El relato de la historia mundial, y de la historia de América Latina, ha sido escrito mayoritaria- mente por hombres. Por esa razón, este trabajo da cuenta de la participación y contribución del género masculino, con la excepción de contadas mujeres en el Salvador. Si bien es cierto que muchos campos estuvieron vedados a las mujeres por siglos, éstas no cesaron de defender la igualdad de derechos, constituyéndose en verdaderas protagonistas de nuestra historia en el campo de la política y la ciudadanía femenina. Por ello centramos el foco en el proceso de lucha de las mujeres salvadoreñas para ejercer este derecho, a través de la figura Prudencia Ayala, una mujer indígena y pobre, candidata a la presidencia en 1930.


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El aborto está legalmente restringido en la mayoría de América Latina donde 95 % de los 4.4 millones de abortos que se realizan anualmente son inseguros. El aborto con medicamentos es el uso de una droga o una combinación de drogas para interrupir el embarazo. Mifepristona seguida de misoprostol constituye el regimen más efectivo y recomendado. En los lugares donde no está disponible la mifepristona, se utiiza misoprostol solo. El aborto con medicamentos ha transformado radicalmente la práctica del aborto a nivel mundial, y particularmente en los contextos legalmente restrictivos. En América Latina, desde hace más de dos décadas, las mujeres utilizan el misoprostol para autoinducirse abortos. Este artículo resume los hallazgos de una revisión bibliográfica sobre las experiencias de las mujeres con el aborto con medicamentos en países latinoamericanos donde el aborto voluntario es ilegal. Las experiencias personales de las mujeres con el aborto con medicamentos son diversas y varían según el contexto, la edad, la historia reproductiva, el nivel socioeconómico y el conocimiento acerca del aborto con medicamentos así como las circunstancias físicas, emocionales y sociales que rodean el embarazo. Pero fundamentalmente, las experiencias están determinadas por la posibilidad de las mujeres de acceder a: 1) un aborto clandestino realizado bajo supervisión médica, o 2) información completa y precisa acerca del aborto con medicamentos, Otros factores clave incluyen el acceso a recursos económicos y apoyo emocional. Las mujeres valoran la seguridad y efectividad del aborto con medicamentos así como la privacidad que ofrece y la posibilidad de tener cerca a su pareja, amiga/o, o persona de su confianza durante el proceso. Las mujeres perciben al aborto con medicamentos como menos doloroso, más fácil, más seguro, más práctico, menos costoso, más natural y menos traumático que otros métodos abortivos. Que sea auto-inducido y que evite el procedimiento quirúrgico también son señalados como ventajas. Las principales desventajas identificadas son que es doloroso y que lleva tiempo para que se complete. Otros aspectos evaluados negativamente incluyen los efectos secundarios, el sangrado prolongado, la posibilidad de que no sea efectivo, y el hecho de que algunas mujeres eventualmente deban solicitar atención médica en una institución donde sean sancionadas por haberse practicado un aborto y hasta denunciadas a la policía.


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This paper tries to explain how the Japanese postwar export promotion system worked and what kind of roles JETRO played in this system. Two case studies of JETRO's successful export promotion activities were also introduced. The paper also points out the themes to be solved by the TPO (Trade Promotion Organizations). Finally the paper shows four advices for Latin American Export Promotion Agencies, based upon JETRO's postwar experiences.


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International agricultural trade has been growing significantly during the last decade. Many countries rely on imports to ensure adequate food supplies to the people. A few are becoming food baskets of the world. This process raises issues about the food security in depending countries and potentially unsustainable land and water use in exporting countries. In this paper, we analyse the impacts of amplified farm trade on natural resources, especially water. Farm exports and imports of five Latin America countries (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Chile) are examined carefully. A preliminary analysis indicates that virtual water imports can save valuable water resources in water-short countries, such as Mexico and Chile. Major exporting countries, including Brazil and Argentina, have become big exporters due to abundant natural resource endowments. The opportunity costs of agricultural production in those countries are identified as being low, because of the predominant green water use. It is concluded that virtual water trade can be a powerful tool to alleviate water stress in semi-arid countries. However, for exporting nations a sustainable water use can only be guaranteed if environmental production costs are fully reflected in the commodity prices. There is no basis for erecting environmental trade tariffs on exporters though. Setting up legal foundations for them in full compliance with WTOs processes would be a daunting task.


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Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes


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This article describes a first group of theoretical and experimental works undertaken at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. One major purpose is to obtain a structural model for the assessment of historical Latin-American vertically laminated planked timber arches built by the Spanish, mainly in the XVII and XVIII centuries. Many of those constructions still stand and represent a notable historical heritage. Pedro Hurtado recently presented his Ph. D. thesis on historical and construction topics. A structural study was then undertaken. This step of the structural research focussed on static analysis, most especially the deformation in the connection system. This article describes part of this first structural research. Even though it is still at a basic level, it shows reasonable agreement with the experimental results. Further static analytical models are been now developed and implemented. The next stage will address the dynamic problem, even though improvements will be made also in the constitutive equations.


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Análisis de los sistemas de mitigación del riesgo de tráfico en autopistas de peaje en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. This paper presents a cross-country analysis of traffic risk allocation in road concessions of Latin America. It shows that some countries such as Chile, Colombia, and Peru have been greatly concerned with mitigating traffic risk, either by putting into practice public guarantees, implementing flexible term concessions, or through availability payment concessions; whereas other countries such as Mexico and Brazil have assigned traffic risk to the private concessionaire by using fixed-term concession contracts without any traffic guarantees. Based on an analysis of data from 1990 to 2010, the paper finds that shifting traffic risk from the concessionaire to the government or users was not confined to the riskiest projects, as one might expect. The analysis also suggests that the implementation of traffic risk mitigation mechanisms in Latin American toll roads has not been very successful in reducing renegotiation rates or in increasing the number of bidders in the tenders


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This paper shows the results of the study of physical, mechanic and chemical behaviour of some natural zeolite types sampled in different outcrops of the world, mainly from Mexico, Cuba and Spain, as well as their incidence in certain practical applications, by means of the utilization of its pozzuolanic properties. Results emphasize that every natural zeolite variety gives different answers in the assays, probably influenced by the subtle variability of their chemical composition. Key words: zeolites, pozzuolanic, density, geometric, strength