905 resultados para Juridical-moral legitimation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research sets up as a reflection on the development of moral judgment in children from 04, 05 years of the Early Childhood Education with the main theoretical reference the studies of Jean Piaget (1932/1994) on the subject. To this end, we conducted a case study in order to understand what types of conflicts that arise among children in the school of early childhood education and how the teacher seeks to solve them, or not assisting in promoting the moral autonomy of the small. Behaviors and conflicts observed were described and analyzed by correlating them to the practice of the teacher in the classroom that is the case study. We found that conflicts are avoided and unwanted by the teacher and, when they arise, are quickly resolved through attitudes centered educator without enable dialogue and reflection among the children involved. In this sense, we infer that the teaching practice focused on the development of moral judgment of children showed failure and ineffective. As a result of feedback from the first phase of this research we deem necessary to investigate about the training of teachers of early childhood education in relation to theories that deal with the development of moral judgment in children of this educational stage and identify the implications that such training reflects teacher practices in. We hope that by making such reflection can contribute to the debate on the need to educate morally in early childhood education, whose main objective is to promote the integral development of children


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This research sets up as a reflection on the development of moral judgment in children from 04, 05 years of the Early Childhood Education with the main theoretical reference the studies of Jean Piaget (1932/1994) on the subject. To this end, we conducted a case study in order to understand what types of conflicts that arise among children in the school of early childhood education and how the teacher seeks to solve them, or not assisting in promoting the moral autonomy of the small. Behaviors and conflicts observed were described and analyzed by correlating them to the practice of the teacher in the classroom that is the case study. We found that conflicts are avoided and unwanted by the teacher and, when they arise, are quickly resolved through attitudes centered educator without enable dialogue and reflection among the children involved. In this sense, we infer that the teaching practice focused on the development of moral judgment of children showed failure and ineffective. As a result of feedback from the first phase of this research we deem necessary to investigate about the training of teachers of early childhood education in relation to theories that deal with the development of moral judgment in children of this educational stage and identify the implications that such training reflects teacher practices in. We hope that by making such reflection can contribute to the debate on the need to educate morally in early childhood education, whose main objective is to promote the integral development of children


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JUSTIFICATIVA: Embora a problemática do assédio moral no trabalho venha sendo estudada há mais de três décadas, aspectos de gerenciamento e prevenção ainda necessitam de maior estudo e sistematização. OBJETIVO: Identificar e sistematizar os métodos de intervenção em assédio moral. MÉTODO: Pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em bases de dados (Medline, Psychinfo, SciELO e Lilacs), livros, teses e sites especializados (1980 a 2010). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: O conceito de assédio moral no trabalho é inicialmente delimitado, explicitando os elementos caracterizadores básicos. As intervenções são organizadas em níveis de prevenção (primária, secundária e terciária) e alvos das ações: indivíduos diretamente envolvidos, testemunhas, grupo de trabalho e organização. Os aspectos que levam ao sucesso das intervenções e às boas práticas são elencados. CONCLUSÃO: Dada a natureza complexa do assédio moral no trabalho, intervenções isoladas e pontuais não funcionam. A abordagem precisa ser abrangente e o acompanhamento das ações, sistemático. Cada caso é singular e o desenho da intervenção deve considerar o contexto organizacional e envolver os vários atores sociais.


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A proposta deste artigo é fazer um estudo pós-moderno da relação existente entre direito e moral. Nesta análise, supera-se a visão racionalista da moralidade moderna vista como um código moral único, como um conjunto de preceitos harmoniosamente coerentes ao qual todos nós deveríamos obedecer e que legitimaria as normas jurídicas de forma racional. Através de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, como meio de expansão da reflexão crítica, analisaremos o filme A pele que habito dirigido por Pedro Almodóvar


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[ES] El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es evaluar la eficacia de un programa de Educación Física para el fomento del desarrollo moral. El trabajo se fundamenta en las teorías del desarrollo evolutivo de Piaget y Kholberg. Se ha utilizado metodología observacional, selectiva y cualitativa. La didáctica empleada en los grupos experimentales está basada en estrategias propias del desarrollo estructural, (discusión de dilemas morales, diálogos, búsqueda de acuerdos). Cada curso experimental ha utilizado un tipo de tarea distinta (psicomotrices, de cooperación o de cooperación–oposición). esultados indican que existe un aumento de las Conductas Positivas y del razonamiento moral en los grupos experimentales. Las hipótesis de partida se confirman existiendo una mayor frecuencia de Conductas Positivas en el curso de Cooperación–Oposición.


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[ES] En los años 1840-1865, el abordaje gubernamental del consumo de bebidas embriagantes transitó desde una perspectiva en que predominaba la visión de la moral pública, escandalizada por los excesos en la embriaguez, hacia otra en la que se impuso la necesidad de maximizar los ingresos fiscales derivados de la fabricación y venta de aguardiente y chicha. Este giro tiene como telón de fondo el tránsito del monopolio estatal de ambas bebidas al ámbito privado y la defensa que los pueblos de indios hicieron de su consumo, en un momento de transición social y económica hacia el Estado agroexportador cafetalero.


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Religiöse Güter hatten schon immer etwas Besonderes. Amulette und Souvenirs, die an heiligen Stätten verkauft werden, oder Bücher und Audiokassetten mit religiösem Inhalt, wie sie überall erhältlich sind, strahlen einen Segen aus, der sie von profanen Gütern unterscheidet. Im heutigen Ägypten sind sie indes nicht unumstritten, was eng mit der sich wandelnden Grenzziehung zwischen Profanem und Religiösem zusammenhängt. Diente der spirituelle Bezug früher zur Legitimation und versah selbst alltägliche Güter wie Kichererbsen mit einer Aura der Heiligkeit, hat sich seit dem 20. Jahrhundert eine Sicht verbreitet, die diesen Zusammenhang problematisiert. Sie versteht Religion als ein ordnendes Prinzip, das den Alltag durchdringt. Gleichzeitig muss, folgt man dieser Sicht, die Religion in ihrem Kern gegen jedwede Profanität geschützt werden. Tatsächlich aber wird Religion dadurch immer mehr konsumiert. Dies führt zu einer schwer lösbaren Spannung zwischen dem Anspruch auf allumfassende religiöse Disziplin und einem Alltag, der trotz der allgegenwärtigen Religion seinen ambivalenten, widersprüchlichen Charakter behält.