840 resultados para Joy
Objective: To evaluate the reliability of a peer evaluation instrument in a longitudinal team-based learning setting. Methods: Student pharmacists were instructed to evaluate the contributions of their peers. Evaluations were analyzed for the variance of the scores by identifying low, medium, and high scores. Agreement between performance ratings within each group of students was assessed via intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: We found little variation in the standard deviation (SD) based on the score means among the high, medium, and low scores within each group. The lack of variation in SD of results between groups suggests that the peer evaluation instrument produces precise results. The ICC showed strong concordance among raters. Conclusions: Findings suggest that our student peer evaluation instrument provides a reliable method for peer assessment in team-based learning settings.
In the second half of the fifteenth century, King Ferrante I of Naples (r. 1458-1494) dominated the political and cultural life of the Mediterranean world. His court was home to artists, writers, musicians, and ambassadors from England to Egypt and everywhere in between. Yet, despite its historical importance, Ferrante’s court has been neglected in the scholarship. This dissertation provides a long-overdue analysis of Ferrante’s artistic patronage and attempts to explicate the king’s specific role in the process of art production at the Neapolitan court, as well as the experiences of artists employed therein. By situating Ferrante and the material culture of his court within the broader discourse of Early Modern art history for the first time, my project broadens our understanding of the function of art in Early Modern Europe. I demonstrate that, contrary to traditional assumptions, King Ferrante was a sophisticated patron of the visual arts whose political circumstances and shifting alliances were the most influential factors contributing to his artistic patronage. Unlike his father, Alfonso the Magnanimous, whose court was dominated by artists and courtiers from Spain, France, and elsewhere, Ferrante differentiated himself as a truly Neapolitan king. Yet Ferrante’s court was by no means provincial. His residence, the Castel Nuovo in Naples, became the physical embodiment of his commercial and political network, revealing the accretion of local and foreign visual vocabularies that characterizes Neapolitan visual culture.
As crianças são muito sensíveis a qualquer mudança no meio familiar ou social. O modo como apreendem, vivenciam e exprimem emoções ou sentimentos, em interacção com o meio - pais, professores e colegas determina, em muito, o seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente a nível cognitivo, emocional e social. Nesta investigação averiguámos as representações sociais dos sentimentos, em particular da alegria e da tristeza, entre crianças com 5 e 6 anos, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam Jardins de Infância em Lisboa. Enquadrámos teoricamente a investigação na teoria das Representações Sociais (e.g. Moscovici,1976). Os dados foram recolhidos através de desenhos e por associação livre de palavras, a questões colocadas individualmente às crianças, e tratados através de AFO. Os resultados revelaram bastante acerca dos sentimentos das crianças, o que também nos estimula a reflectir sobre o modo mais cuidado para actuar com elas, contribuindo para o seu bem-estar psíquico e social, e aprendizagem. ABSTRACT; Children are deeply sensitive to any change in the family or social environment. The way in which they perceive, experience, and express emotions or feelings when interacting with the environment - parents, teachers, and fellow students - largely determines their development namely on a cognitive, emotional and social level. This research examines the social representations of feelings, particularly of joy and sadness, among children aged 5 and 6 years old, of the both sexes, and attending Kindergartens in Lisbon. On a theoretical perspective, the empirical research is framed on the Social Representations theory (e.g., Moscovici,1976). The data was gathered using drawings and free association, from questions individually made to the children, and examined through FCA2. The results showed quite a lot about the feelings of the children, which also leads us to reflect on the most careful way to act with them, as to contribute to their psychic and social well being, as well as their learning
A dissertação de mestrado aqui apresentada está vinculada ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação – PPGEdu, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, situada na linha de pesquisa Culturas, Linguagens e Utopias. O objetivo do estudo é contribuir para que os professores possam pensar em outras práticas de formação docente dentro dos espaços educativos nos quais atuam, desenvolvendo suas ações pedagógicas, a partir da reflexão sobre cotidiano docente no coletivo. A pesquisa envolve um grupo de professores que se propôs a estudar a categoria trabalho e seus entrelaçamentos com o trabalho docente a partir da perspectiva marxista. Tal grupo organizou-se tendo em vista a metodologia das Rodas de Formação, conforme a perspectiva de Warschauer, intitulando-se Roda dos Sentidos. Como corpus de análise foram utilizados os registros escritos em um portfólio coletivo, realizado a cada semana por um dos professores da Roda. Tal escrita era alternada entre os sujeitos para que, assim, todos contribuíssem, ao seu modo, na composição dos registros da Roda dos Sentidos. Foram analisadas as escritas dos anos de 2011 e 2012, buscando-se responder ao questionamento: ―que significados de formação docente são vivenciados em espaços coletivos como os da Roda dos Sentidos?‖ A análise dos dados foi inspirada na Análise Textual Discursiva – ATD, de Moraes e Galiazzi, inicialmente realizou-se a impregnação do material produzido pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, para então proceder com a unitarização, a construção de categorias analíticas e a escrita de metatextos. As problematizações realizadas no decorrer da dissertação foram apontando compreensões sobre a importância da formação docente no coletivo, constituída pelos estudos e diálogos vivenciados pelos sujeitos envolvidos; a compreensão das amarras do sistema societário que interferem no trabalho docente, salientando a necessidade dos professores resgatarem, enquanto categoria, sua capacidade de luta, seu sentido de união e coletividade no trabalho, fortalecendo suas representatividades através dos sindicatos; a compreensão da profissão docente como interpelada pelas relações humanas, ao entrelaçar a construção do conhecimento aos sentimentos como afetividade, respeito, alegria e esperança, envolvidos nesse processo, estão, nesse sentido, os professores constituindo sua humana docência. A partir das análises realizadas, compreender-se que as vivências de estudo e formação na Roda dos Sentidos, proporcionaram momentos de avanços teóricos, realizados a partir de diálogos sobre o trabalho e o trabalho docente, potencializados pelos registros escritos e compartilhados nos encontros da Roda, possíveis a partir da construção do sentido de coletividade, compreendendo-se, assim, a importância dos elos afetivos na constituição docente.
Enquadramento: É expectável que o pós-parto seja um período de alegria. Todavia, nem sempre é assim, já que pode ser um período marcado por momentos de tristeza, cansaço e desânimo. Reconhecendo as vantagens da amamentação para a saúde e bem-estar do recémnascido e da mãe, acreditamos que esta possa ser preventiva da depressão pós-parto. Objetivos: Obter a melhor evidência científica para compreender se a amamentação tem efeito preventivo na depressão pós-parto. Método: Foi efetuada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a relação entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto através das bases de dados: EBSCO host, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Repositórios institucionais e Google Académico. Selecionaram-se quinze artigos que obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão deste estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos identifica a amamentação como sendo preventiva da depressão pós-parto, destacando a importância da amamentação para a saúde mental da puérpera e consequentemente para a diminuição das hipóteses de desenvolver depressão pósparto. Cinco artigos identificam-na também como sendo um fator de risco e um estudo não encontrou uma associação clara entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto. Conclusões: São descritos vários benefícios da amamentação, os quais terão um efeito preventivo contra a depressão pós-parto. Uma mulher informada e apoiada acerca da amamentação será capaz de se sentir confiante no seu novo papel. É essencial um investimento constante por parte da equipa de saúde, iniciado durante o processo do planeamento do casal para a gravidez, e mantendo-se ao longo da gravidez, parto e pós-parto. Palavras-chave: “Amamentação”, “depressão pós-parto”, “prevenção”.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção de grau de mestre em educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico
The purpose of this thesis is to provide research, supporting paperwork, production photographs, and other materials that document the scenic design process for the production of William Shakespeare’s Troilus & Cressida by the University of Maryland – College Park, School of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. This thesis contains the following: scenic research images collected to express period, location, and emotional/intellectual landscapes to the production team; preliminary sketches; photographs of the ¼” scale model; a full set of drafting plates and paint elevations used to communicate the design to the technical director and paint charge; a unit list naming each scenic element; a props list and research book to detail each hand prop, furniture piece and consumable to the prop master; and, lastly, archival production photographs to document the completed design.
In a global society, all educational sectors need to recognise internationalism as a core, foundational principle. Whilst most educational sectors are taking up that challenge, vocational education and training (VET) is still being pulled towards the national agenda in terms of its structures and systems, and the policies driving it, disadvantaging those who graduate from VET, those who teach in it, and the businesses and countries that connect with it. This paper poses questions about the future of internationalisation in the sector. It examines whether there is a way to create a VET system that meets its primary point of value, to produce skilled workers for the local labour market, while still benefitting those graduates by providing international skills and knowledge, gained from VET institutions that are international in their outlook. The paper examines some of the key barriers created by systems and structures in VET to internationalisation and suggests that the efforts which have been made to address the problem have had limited success. It suggests that only a model which gives freedom to those with a direct vested interest, students, teachers, trainers and employers, to pursue international co-operation and liaison will have the opportunity to succeed. (DIPF/Orig.)
Cuando mis queridas colegas de Bibliotecología me contaron que se había aprobado el Bachillerato en Bibliotecología y Documentación, sentí un gran júbilo y las felicité porque he seguido muy de cerca sus esfuerzos y sé lo que significa este logro. No pude impedir remontarme al año 1977, -hace 14 años- cuando iniciábamos una modestísima carrera de "Técnico" en medio de una protesta general de todo el gremio de Bibliotecarios graduados de ese entonces.Durante esos 14 años esta Escuela ha demostrado no solo la necesidad que tenía el país de personal capacitado -pues el mercado ha absorbido los 406 graduados en forma inmediata y preferencial - sino también la seriedad de los planteamientos filosóficos y metodológicos que nos impulsaron a apostar por esta Universidad y por esta Escuela.
Our jury system is predicated upon the expectation that jurors engage in systematic processing when considering evidence and making decisions. They are instructed to interpret facts and apply the appropriate law in a fair, dispassionate manner, free of all bias, including that of emotion. However, emotions containing an element of certainty (e.g., anger and happiness, which require little cognitive effort in determining their source) can often lead people to engage in superficial, heuristic-based processing. Compare this to uncertain emotions (e.g., hope and fear, which require people to seek out explanations for their emotional arousal), which instead has the potential to lead them to engage in deeper, more systematic processing. The purpose of the current research is in part to confirm past research (Tiedens & Linton, 2001; Semmler & Brewer, 2002) that uncertain emotions (like fear) can influence decision-making towards a more systematic style of processing, whereas more certain emotional states (like anger) will lead to a more heuristic style of processing. Studies One, Two, and Three build upon this prior research with the goal of improving methodological rigor through the use of film clips to reliably induce emotions, with awareness of testimonial details serving as measures of processing style. The ultimate objective of the current research was to explore this effect in Study Four by inducing either fear, anger, or neutral emotion in mock jurors, half of whom then followed along with a trial transcript featuring eight testimonial inconsistencies, while the other participants followed along with an error-free version of the same transcript. Overall rates of detection for these inconsistencies was expected to be higher for the uncertain/fearful participants due to their more effortful processing compared to certain/angry participants. These expectations were not fulfilled, with significant main effects only for the transcript version (with or without inconsistencies) on overall inconsistency detection rates. There are a number of plausible explanations for these results, so further investigation is needed.
Background: Orthodontic treatment involves using fixed or removable appliances (dental braces) to correct the positions of teeth. It has been shown that the quality of treatment result obtained with fixed appliances is much better than with removable appliances. Fixed appliances are, therefore, favoured by most orthodontists for treatment. The success of a fixed orthodontic appliance depends on the metal attachments (brackets and bands) being attached securely to the teeth so that they do not become loose during treatment. Brackets are usually attached to the front and side teeth, whereas bands (metal rings that go round the teeth) are more commonly used on the back teeth (molars). A number of adhesives are available to attach bands to teeth and it is important to understand which group of adhesives bond most reliably, as well as reducing or preventing dental decay during the treatment period. :Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the adhesives used to attach bands to teeth during fixed appliance treatment, in terms of: (1) how often the bands come off during treatment; and (2) whether they protect the banded teeth against decay during fixed appliance treatment. Search methods: The following electronic databases were searched: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (searched 2 June 2016), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 5) in the Cochrane Library (searched 2 June 2016), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 2 June 2016) and EMBASE Ovid (1980 to 2 June 2016). We searched ClinicalTrials.gov and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Selection criteria: Randomised and controlled clinical trials (RCTs and CCTs) (including split-mouth studies) of adhesives used to attach orthodontic bands to molar teeth were selected. Patients with full arch fixed orthodontic appliance(s) who had bands attached to molars were included. Data collection and analysis: All review authors were involved in study selection, validity assessment and data extraction without blinding to the authors, adhesives used or results obtained. All disagreements were resolved by discussion. Main results: Five RCTs and three CCTs were identified as meeting the review's inclusion criteria. All the included trials were of split-mouth design. Four trials compared chemically cured zinc phosphate and chemically cured glass ionomer; three trials compared chemically cured glass ionomer cement with light cured compomer; one trial compared chemically cured glass ionomer with a chemically cured glass phosphonate. Data analysis was often inappropriate within the studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions: There is insufficient high quality evidence with regard to the most effective adhesive for attaching orthodontic bands to molar teeth. Further RCTs are required.
Introduction: Among young people, regular or alcohol abuse seems to ally with individual factors, which congregate to other generators behaviors health risk, in social environment, including family and school. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the younger age groups, according to the World Development Report goes beyond 60%. In the Portuguese case, the Alentejo is the region that recorded higher consumption among schoolchildren. Objectives: This study aims to know the personal inluences of family, of belonging to the group and the school environment, on the withdrawal and consumption habits among young people. Methods: A qualitative nature of research, using comprehensive semi-structured interviews. The study was developed in a school district of Evora, Portugal. The sample consists of ten students from the 8th school grade, ive non-consumers-ive consumers aged between 13 and 15 years old. Results: The trial takes place between 12 and 14 years old as a result of curiosity, explicit or tacit motivation, “give style”, the environment, entertainment and observing behavior. Among the effects of intake indicated as motivators consumption highlight the joy of reaching states and willingness. Family members tend to encourage moderate drinking on festive occasions. family models exaggerated consumption repudiate ingestion. The elements of the group of belonging tend to motivate explicitly, the intake among consumers students. The school promotes initiatives on the theme, punctually. Conclusions: The consumption of alcohol among young people suffer the personal, family and belonging group inluences. The initiatives in school tend to have no effect.
On November the 2nd 1882, William James visited Ernst Mach in Prague, and attended one of his lectures. The conversation with Mach and the lecture were marking events for James. Based, namely, on James’s lectures for teachers and on Mach’s lectures for the general public, we propose a reflection on the defining traits that made that event "the most artistic lesson [James] ever heard". We shall remark on the imaginative joy contained in these texts, which appear to embody some of James' key ideas on Education. The experience of knowledge about the world contained in the texts, reveals that "to experiment" means "not coldly to observe a thing happening outside us, but to undergo, to feel within oneself, to live oneself this or that manner of being".
Learning is constructed when it is significant, therefore, promoting experiences that can make sense and joy, which constitutes a challenge in the formation of future educators. In this article, we share the considerations emanated from an investigation that gathers the experience of alphabetizing adults, carried out by college students as part of their formation. As a result, this creates a learning process that favors the respect to diversity and the value of reading and writing as the liberation of mankind. The work displays the learnings constructed, the ways of respecting diversity that emerge from the alphabetizing experience, and the value that the students give to reading and writing as a liberating way of expression.
Bio-pedagogy is built on praxis, i.e. the interrelationship between reflection and innovative action where these two merge in the construction of senses to generate knowledge. Then, the following question arises: How is teaching understood? How can practice be renovated from the action-reflection-action in a recurring manner and in life itself? A way to search for those answers is the systematization of experiences –a modality of qualitative research. It promotes the transformation of a common practice, based on knowledge building by holistic approaches to the educational process complexity. The systematization of bio-pedagogical experiences involves self-organization, joy, uncertainty and passion; it respects freedom and autonomy, and generates relational spaces, which promote creative processes in learning.