996 resultados para Industrial costs
Reductions in firing costs are often advocated as a way of increasingthe dynamism of labour markets in both developed and less developed countries. Evidence from Europe and the U.S. on the impact of firing costs has, however, been mixed. Moreover, legislative changes both in Europe and the U.S. have been limited. This paper, instead, examines the impact of the Colombian Labour Market Reform of 1990, which substantially reduced dismissal costs. I estimate the incidence of a reduction in firing costs on worker turnover by exploiting the temporal change in the Colombian labour legislation as well as the variability in coverage between formal and informal sector workers. Using a grouping estimator to control for common aggregate shocks and selection, I find that the exit hazard rates into and out of unemployment increased after the reform by over 1% for formal workers (covered by the legislation) relative to informal workers (uncovered). The increase of the hazards implies a net decrease in unemployment of a third of a percentage point, which accounts for about one quarter of the fall in unemployment during the period of study.
Presenta los resultados de algunos aspectos biológico pesqueros de la pesquería industrial de anchoveta y sardina en Pisco y Tambo de Mora, en donde se registraron cambios en el ecosistema marino durante los años 1995-1996, considerado como período frío o fenómeno La Niña. Indica que tanto las condiciones frías como las cálidas en el ambiente marino, producen cambios en el comportamiento de los recursos pelágicos, especialmente la anchoveta.
The provision of non-audit services by auditors to their auditclients reduces total costs, increases technical competence and motivates more intense competition. Furthermore, theseservices do not necessarily damage auditor independence nor the quality of non-audit services. This assessment leads to recommending that legislative policy should aim at facilitating the development and use of the safeguardsprovided by the free action of market forces. Regulation should thus aim to enable the parties-audit firms, self-regulatory bodies and audit clients-to discover through competitive market interaction both the most efficient mix of services and the corresponding quality safeguards, adjusting for the costs and benefits of each possibility. Particular emphasis is placed on the role played by fee income diversification and the enhancement, through disclosurerules, of market incentives to diversify.
Este presente trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um modelo para colecta de dados e a determinação das curvas de aprendizagem numa empresa industrial, de modo a verificar a eficiência operacional. Essas curvas foram introduzidas por Wright em 1936, e desde então, têm sido utilizadas para calcular do tempo de produção, a quantidade produzida durante esse tempo e estimação da redução de custos de produção. Começa-se por fazer um levantamento teórico sobre os conceitos ligados a essa ferramenta, aos factores que o influenciam, a sua utilidade nos negócios, bem como os modelos desenvolvidos para a sua aplicação. Tem como objectivo apresentar um modelo para a colecta de dados para a análise das curvas de aprendizagem, aplicado numa empresa de conserva de peixes – FRESCOMAR - localizada na ilha de São Vicente. Para tal, foi feita uma observação aos colaboradores da empresa sobre o seu desempenho a nível da produtividade num determinado espaço de tempo, tendo verificado que a empresa não está a conseguir aumentar a sua produção a medida em que os colaboradores ganham prática e familiaridade com as tarefas desempenhadas. Nesta óptica notou-se que a empresa não segue uma taxa de aprendizagem durante o período em análise, não atingindo crescimento da sua produtividade com consequente a redução dos custos.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo a apresentação do processo de concepção e implementação de um projecto-piloto de um sistema de custeio baseado em actividades e tempo – TDABC, numa empresa industrial de conserva de pescado, Frescomar, S.A. Mais especificamente o trabalho desenvolveu-se na apuração do custo da área de produção da empresa objecto de estudo. O sistema de custeio Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) representa um modelo alternativo aos sistemas tradicionais da contabilidade de custos, e é uma evolução do Activity-Based Costing (ABC). O sistema ABC surgiu durante a década de 1980 e tem vindo a evoluir desde então. Muitas empresas abandonaram o ABC, pois este método de custeio, além de não conseguir captar a complexidade das suas operações, a sua implementação é demorado, e é muito dispendioso de aplicar e manter. Com o método TDABC encontra-se uma alternativa para dirimir estes problemas. Observou-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento de apenas algumas equações de tempo (time equations) para representar as principais actividades da área de produção. Foram observadas, durante a realização do estudo, vários dos benefícios do TDABC como: a facilidade em modelar actividades complexas por meio das equações de tempo, obtenção rigorosa de gastos e o baixo tempo de desenvolvimento do modelo. Contudo, também foram identificadas algumas limitações como subjectividade no cálculo do tempo de execução das actividades e dificuldade em se estimar as equações de tempo para actividades pouco estruturadas.
The Industrial Revolution was characterized by technologicalprogress and an increasing capital intensity. Why did real wages stagnateor fall in the beginning? I answer this question by modeling the IndustrialRevolution as the introduction of a relatively more capital intensiveproduction method in a standard neoclassical framework. I show that{\sl real wages fall in the beginning of an industrial revolution if andonly if technological progress in the relatively more capital intensivesector is relatively fast.}
Over recent years, both governments and international aid organizations have been devoting large amounts of resources to simplifying the procedures for setting up and formalizing firms. Many of these actions have focused on reducing the initial costs of setting up the firm, disregarding the more important role of business registers as a source of reliable information for judges, government departments and, above all, other firms. This reliable information is essential for reducing transaction costs in future dealings with all sorts of economic agents, both public and private. The priorities of reform policies should therefore be thoroughly reviewed, stressing the value of the legal institutions rather than trivializing them as is often the case.
In this paper we present a simple theory-based measure of the variations in aggregate economic efficiency: the gap between the marginal product of labor and the household s consumption/leisure tradeoff. We show that this indicator corresponds to the inverse of the markup of price over social marginal cost, and give some evidence in support of this interpretation. We then show that, with some auxilliary assumptions our gap variable may be used to measure the efficiency costs of business fluctuations. We find that the latter costs are modest on average. However, to the extent the flexible price equilibrium is distorted,the gross efficiency losses from recessions and gains from booms may be large. Indeed, we find that the major recessions involved large efficiency losses. These results hold for reasonable parameterizations of the Frisch elasticity of labor supply, the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and steady state distortions.
Initiatives in electronic conveyancing and registration show the potential of new technologies to transform such systems, reducing costs and enhancing legal security. However,they also incur substantial risks of transferring costs and risks among registries, conveyancersand rightholders, instead of reducing them; entrenching the private interests of conveyancers,instead of increasing competition and disintermediating them; modifying the allocation of tasksin a way that leads in the long term to the debasement of registries of rights with indefeasibletitle into mere recordings of deeds; and empowering conveyancers instead of transactors andrightholders, which increases costs and reduces security. Fulfilling the promise of newtechnologies in both costs and security requires strengthening registries incentives andempowering rightholders in their interaction with registries.
O presente trabalho de investigação debruça-se sobre a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT), e conceptualiza-o como um estado de completo bem-estar biopsicossocial dentro das Organizações. O estudo teve como objectivo geral analisar a percepção da satisfação com a QVT dos colaboradores da empresa Caboverdiana de tintas, Sociedade Industrial de Tintas, S.A., (SITA). Especificamente objectivou-se quantificar a percepção do grau de satisfação dos trabalhadores com a sua QVT, observar a variação da QVT a partir da diferenças individuais, analisar as condições de trabalho, Higiene e Segurança na empresa e suscitar reflexões e contribuições sobre a importância e a necessidade de acções voltadas a instituir condições que agregam objectivamente valor na qualidade de vida do colaborador. A metodologia utilizada quanto aos objectivos do trabalho caracteriza-se como quantitativa e, quanto ao problema, de modelo exploratório. A operacionalização da mensuração dos indicadores de QVT através de uma escala de satisfação de 1 a 5 baseou-se no modelo de Richard Walton, mediante a aplicação de um questionário com perguntas fechadas e abertas. As conclusões mostram que os colaboradores da SITA estão moderadamente satisfeitos com a sua Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho pelo que existe deficiências.
Estimates of patient costs related with population morbidity: Can indirect costs affect the results?
A number of health economics works require patient cost estimates as a basic information input.However the accuracy of cost estimates remains in general unspecified. We propose to investigate howthe allocation of indirect costs or overheads can affect the estimation of patient costs in order to allow forimprovements in the analysis of patient costs estimates. Instead of focusing on the costing method, thispaper proposes to highlight changes in variance explained observed when a methodology is chosen. Wecompare three overhead allocation methods for a specific Spanish population adjusted using the ClinicalRisk Groups (CRG), and we obtain different series of full-cost group estimates. As a result, there aresignificant gains in the proportion of the variance explained, depending upon the methodology used.Furthermore, we find that the global amount of variation explained by risk adjustment models dependsmainly on direct costs and is independent of the level of aggregation used in the classification system.
Presenta las características ambientales marítimas en la bahía de Paracas, en época de plena actividad productiva de las ocho plantas pesqueras ubicadas en la franja costera de la bahía mencionada.
This paper analyzes the choice of the socially optimal titling systemassuming rational individual choices about recording, assurance andregistration decisions. It focuses on the enforcement of propertyrights on land under private titling and the two existing publictitling systems, recording and registration. When the reduction in theexpected costs of eviction compensates the higher cost of initialregistration, it is more efficient to introduce a registration systemrather than a recording system. The development of private "titleassurance" improves the standing of recording as compared toregistration. This improvement depends, however, on the efficiency ofthe assurance technology and, also, on corrective taxation that isneeded to align individual optimization, which disregards the transferelement in eviction, with social objectives.
The paper explores an efficiency hypothesis regarding the contractual process between large retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and their suppliers. The empirical evidence presented supports the idea that large retailers play a quasi-judicial role, acting as "courts of first instance" in their relationships with suppliers. In this role, large retailers adjust the terms of trade to on-going changes and sanction performance failures, sometimes delaying payments. A potential abuse of their position is limited by the need for re-contracting and preserving their reputations. Suppliers renew their confidence in their retailers on a yearly basis, through writing new contracts. This renovation contradicts the alternative hypothesis that suppliers are expropriated by large retailers as a consequence of specific investments.
We study whether and how fiscal restrictions alter the business cycle features macrovariables for a sample of 48 US states. We also examine the 'typical' transmission properties of fiscal disturbances and the implied fiscal rules of states with different fiscal restrictions. Fiscal constraints are characterized with a number of indicators. There are similarities in second moments of macrovariables and in the transmission properties of fiscal shocks across states with different fiscal constraints. The cyclical response of expenditure differs in size and sometimes in sign, but heterogeneity within groups makes point estimates statistically insignificant. Creative budget accounting isresponsible for the pattern. Implications for the design of fiscal rules and thereform of the Stability and Growth Pact are discussed.