998 resultados para Illinois. Environmental Protection Agency


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The potential for health risks to humans exposed to the asbestos minerals continues to be a public health concern. Although the production and use of the commercial amphibole asbestos mineralsgrunerite (amosite) and riebeckite (crocidolite)have been almost completely eliminated from world commerce, special opportunities for potentially significant exposures remain. Commercially viable deposits of grunerite asbestos are very rare, but it can occur as a gangue mineral in a limited part of a mine otherwise thought asbestos-free. This report describes such a situation, in which a very localized seam of grunerite asbestos was identified in an iron ore mine. The geological occurrence of the seam in the ore body is described, as well as the mineralogical character of the grunerite asbestos. The most relevant epidemiological studies of workers exposed to grunerite asbestos are used to gauge the hazards associated with the inhalation of this fibrous mineral. Both analytical transmission electron microscopy and phase-contrast optical microscopy were used to quantify the fibers present in the air during mining in the area with outcroppings of grunerite asbestos. Analytical transmission electron microscopy and continuous-scan x-ray diffraction were used to determine the type of asbestos fiber present. Knowing the level of the miners exposures, we carried out a risk assessment by using a model developed for the Environmental Protection Agency.


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Introduo: reas contaminadas por agentes qumicos perigosos em regies urbanas representam riscos importantes sade humana e ao ambiente. Vila Carioca, localizada na cidade de So Paulo, uma rea contaminada por pesticidas organoclorados considerada crtica, pela magnitude da contaminao, pela presena de pessoas residentes e pela complexidade de fontes da contaminao. Vrios estudos de riscos j foram realizados por uma das empresas contaminadoras, no entanto, ainda h muita incerteza e controvrsias sobre os riscos sade da populao. Objetivo: Avaliar o incremento de risco de cncer no tempo de vida para populao exposta por meio de uma avaliao probabilstica. Mtodo: Foram utilizados dados secundrios das contaminaes obtidos nos estudos de riscos efetuados pela empresa produtora de pesticidas organoclorados e tambm em documentos oficiais dos rgos de sade e meio ambiente do Estado de So Paulo, resultantes do monitoramento da gua e do solo na rea residencial no perodo de 1997 a 2012, para 335 substncias. Foram selecionadas substncias carcinognicas presentes na gua subterrnea e solo com melhor conjunto de dados. Para a avaliao probabilstica foi empregado o mtodo de simulao de Monte Carlo, por meio do software comercial ModelRisk. Foram utilizados os mtodos recomendados pela United States Environmental Protection Agency para a avaliao de risco de exposio drmica e de incremento de riscos de cncer para substncias mutagnicas. Foram consideradas a ingesto de gua e solo, e contato drmico com gua. Resultados: O incremento de risco de cncer no tempo de vida (IRLT) foi de 4,7x10-3 e 4,1x10-2 para o percentil 50% e 95%, respectivamente. As rotas de exposio mais importantes foram ingesto e contato drmico com a gua subterrnea, seguido da ingesto de solo. O grupo etrio que apresentou maior risco foi o das crianas de 0 a 2 anos de idade. Concluso: Os riscos estimados so superiores aos valores considerados tolerveis. A avaliao realizada foi conservativa, mas ressalta-se que a restrio do uso da gua subterrnea deve ser mantida e que a populao deve ser devidamente informada dos riscos envolvidos na rea, em especial, relacionados ao solo contaminado


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Introduo: O risco sade humana ocasionado pela contaminao biolgica de guas captadas para abastecimento pblico realado pela ocorrncia de surtos de doenas associadas aos protozorios Giardia e Cryptosporidium, que possuem baixas doses infecciosas e alta capacidade de sobrevivncia no ambiente, alm de serem capazes de resistir ao processo tradicional de desinfeco da gua (clorao). Partindo-se da hiptese de que h um risco elevado de infeco por estes protozorios pela ingesto de gua tratada por mtodos convencionais e que fazem uso de mananciais superficiais impactados por contaminao biolgica, resultando num possvel incremento da incidncia de diarrias, este estudo se props a verificar a ocorrncia destes protozorios em guas captadas para abastecimento pblico no municpio de Cajamar-SP, caracterizar sua patogenicidade e avaliar o risco associado ao seu consumo atravs da gua tratada. Mtodos: Foram coletadas 48 amostras do ribeiro dos Cristais no ponto de captao da estao de tratamento de gua, semanalmente, durante 12 meses (de 16/05/2013 a 21/05/2014). A deteco e a anlise da concentrao dos protozorios foram realizadas de acordo com Mtodo 1623.1 da United States Environmental Protection Agency e a extrao e caracterizao dos espcies/gentipos de Giardia e Cryptosporidium foi realizada atravs metodologias moleculares e seqenciamento. O risco de infeco pela ingesto de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium presentes na gua tratada foi calculado usando a ferramenta da Avaliao Quantitativa do Risco Microbiolgico, a partir dos dados de concentrao dos patgenos obtidos pelo Mtodo 1623.1, eficincia de remoo dos (oo)cistos durante o processo convencional de tratamento da gua, modelo dose-resposta e taxa de ingesto diria de gua para indivduos menores de 5 anos e maiores de 21 anos. Resultados: Cistos de Giardia foram detectados em 83,3% das amostras (40/48), com concentraes variando desde o limite de deteco (<0,1) at 8,6 cistos/L. Oocistos de Cryptosporidium foram etectados em 37,5% das amostras (18/48), com concentraes variando desde o limite de deteco (<0,1) at 2 oocistos/L. As espcies/gentipos encontrados (Giardia intestinalis A e B e Cryptosporidium parvum e hominis) so caractersticos de contaminao antrpica e so frequentemente identificados em estudos epidemiolgicos como responsveis por surtos. A estimativa do risco anual de infeco por Giardia foi de 3,3x10-3 (IC95% 4,6x10-3) para crianas e de 11,5x10-3 (IC95% 13,3x10-3) para adultos, enquanto o risco por Cryptosporidium foi de 1,1x10-3 (IC95% 1,7x10-3) para crianas e de 3,9x10-3 (IC95% 5,0x10-3) para adultos. O incremento da incidncia de diarrias foi observado no cenrio de estudo aps um acidente que resultou em transbordamento de esgotos no tratados no manancial, coincidindo com o aumento na deteco de (oo)cistos. Concluso: Os resultados evidenciaram que a vulnerabilidade do ribeiro dos Cristais a contaminaes biolgicas pode culminar em um risco elevado de infeco e adoecimento por Giardia e Cryptosporidium atravs da ingesto de gua tratada. Portanto, o caso preocupante, tanto do ponto de vista do tratamento e abastecimento de gua potvel, quanto da degradao e contaminao do manancial, evidenciando a necessidade de se estabelecer medidas de interveno direcionadas a promover a qualidade da gua e garantir sua segurana


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Methyl mercury levels in fish tissues have recently become a health issue. Does this toxin adversely affect humans to the point that fish consumption should be severely limited? Health effects of high levels of mercury exposure to human adults are fairly well known, however the effects of lower levels of exposure on human fetal development are less understood. Recent guidelines issued by the United States Food and Drug Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency recommended that pregnant women should refrain from consuming some types of fish, and limit consumption to certain levels, but results of health studies used to develop recommendations were inconclusive when low levels of in-utero methyl mercury exposure were compared. Other studies demonstrated health benefits of fish consumption to developing fetuses. These health benefits may be an over-riding factor, and my interpretation of various studies concludes that restricted consumption of some fish species may be premature at this time due to a need to balance potential health benefits against mercury toxicity hazard.


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PCDD/F emissions from three light-duty diesel vehiclestwo vans and a passenger carhave been measured in on-road conditions. We propose a new methodology for small vehicles: a sample of exhaust gas is collected by means of equipment based on United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) method 23A for stationary stack emissions. The concentrations of O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2 and SO2 have also been measured. Six tests were carried out at 90-100 km/h on a route 100 km long. Two additional tests were done during the first 10 minutes and the following 60 minutes of the run to assess the effect of the engine temperature on PCDD/F emissions. The emission factors obtained for the vans varied from 1800 to 8400 pg I-TEQ/Nm3 for a 2004 model year van and 490-580 pg I-TEQ/Nm3 for a 2006 model year van. Regarding the passenger car, one run was done in the presence of a catalyst and another without, obtaining emission factors (330-880 pg I-TEQ/Nm3) comparable to those of the modern van. Two other tests were carried out on a power generator leading to emission factors ranging from 31 to 78 pg I-TEQ/Nm3. All the results are discussed and compared with literature.


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Quaternary ammonium-functionalized silica materials were synthesized and applied for solid-phase extraction (SPE) of aromatic amines, which are classified as priority pollutants by US Environmental Protection Agency. Hexamethylenetetramine used for silica surface modification for the first time was employed as SPE sorbent under normal phase conditions. Hexaminium-functionalized silica demonstrated excellent extraction efficiencies for o-toluidine, 4-ethylaniline and quinoline (recoveries 101107%), while for N,N-dimethylaniline and N-isopropylaniline recoveries were from low to moderate (1446%). In addition, the suitability of 1-alkyl-3-(propyl-3-sulfonate) imidazolium-functionalized silica as SPE sorbent was tested under normal phase conditions. The recoveries achieved for the five aromatic amines ranged from 89 to 99%. The stability of the sorbent was evaluated during and after 150 extractions. Coefficients of variation between 4.5 and 10.2% proved a high stability of the synthesized sorbent. Elution was carried out using acetonitrile in the case of hexaminium-functionalized silica and water for 1-alkyl-3-(propyl-3-sulfonate) imidazolium-functionalized silica sorbent. After the extraction the analytes were separated and detected by liquid chromatography ultraviolet detection (LC-UV). The retention mechanism of the materials was primarily based on polar hydrogen bonding and interactions. Comparison made with activated silica proved the quaternary ammonium-functionalized materials to offer different selectivity and better extraction efficiencies for aromatic amines. Finally, 1-alkyl-3-(propyl-3-sulfonate) imidazolium-functionalized silica sorbent was successfully tested for the extraction of wastewater and soil samples.


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A novel approach is presented, whereby gold nanostructured screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCnAuEs) are combined with in-situ ionic liquid formation dispersive liquidliquid microextraction (in-situ IL-DLLME) and microvolume back-extraction for the determination of mercury in water samples. In-situ IL-DLLME is based on a simple metathesis reaction between a water-miscible IL and a salt to form a water-immiscible IL into sample solution. Mercury complex with ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate is extracted from sample solution into the water-immiscible IL formed in-situ. Then, an ultrasound-assisted procedure is employed to back-extract the mercury into 10 L of a 4 M HCl aqueous solution, which is finally analyzed using SPCnAuEs. Sample preparation methodology was optimized using a multivariate optimization strategy. Under optimized conditions, a linear range between 0.5 and 10 g L1 was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.997 for six calibration points. The limit of detection obtained was 0.2 g L1, which is lower than the threshold value established by the Environmental Protection Agency and European Union (i.e., 2 g L1 and 1 g L1, respectively). The repeatability of the proposed method was evaluated at two different spiking levels (3 and 10 g L1) and a coefficient of variation of 13% was obtained in both cases. The performance of the proposed methodology was evaluated in real-world water samples including tap water, bottled water, river water and industrial wastewater. Relative recoveries between 95% and 108% were obtained.


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Thermal characterization of coffee husk (Coffea arabica) from Colombian coffee has been studied. Different products, mostly volatile and semivolatile compounds, were analyzed, paying special attention to 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as priority pollutants, frequently used for checking toxicity in environmental samples. A fixed amount of raw material was exposed to different excess air ratios ( = 02.33) and nominal temperature of 1123 K in a horizontal quartz reactor. The results show that coffee husk is a promising biomass for energetic exploitation with reduced formation of PAHs in a low air excess ratio. This implies reduction of carcinogenic potential in the limited presence of oxygen, demonstrated by calculating the carcinogenic potential (KE) for each experimental condition. Most volatile and semivolatile compounds followed different trends, with the oxygen presence prevailing their decomposition with increasing the air excess ratio.


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To date, the negotiations over chemicals in the Translatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have not shown sufficient ambition. The talks have focused too much on the differences in the two systems, rather than on the actual levels of health and environmental protection for substances regulated by both the US and the EU. Given the accomplishments within the OECD and the UN Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), the question is whether TTIP can be any more ambitious in the area of chemicals? We find that there is no detailed or systematic knowledge about how the two levels of protection in chemicals compare, although caricatures and stereotypes abound. This is partly due to an obsessive focus on a single US federal law, the Toxic Subtances Control Act (TSCA), whereas in practice US protection depends on many statutes and regulations, as well as on voluntary withdrawals (under pressure from the Environmental Protection Agency) and severe common law liability. This paper makes the economic case for firmly addressing the regulatory barriers, discusses the EUs proposals, finds that the European Parliaments Resolution on TTIP of July 2015 lacks a rationale (for chemicals), argues that both TSCA and REACH ought to be improved (based on better regulation), discusses the link with a global regime, advocates significant improvement of market access where equivalence of health and environmental objectives is agreed and, finally, proposes to lower the costs for companies selling in both markets by allowing them to opt into the other partys more stringent rules, thereby avoiding duplication while racing-to-the-top. The living agreement on chemicals ought to be led by a new TTIP institution authorised to establish the level of health and environmental protection on both sides of the Atlantic for substances regulated on both sides. These findings will lay the foundation for a highly beneficial lowering of trading costs without in any way affecting the level of protection. Indeed, this is exactly what TTIP is, or should be, all about.This paper is the 10th in a series produced in the context of the TTIP in the Balance project, jointly organised by CEPS and the Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR) in Washington, D.C. It is published simultaneously on the CEPS (www.ceps.eu) and CTR websites (http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu).