Die Tagung setzte den während der vorigen Jahrestagung zu beobachtenden Kurs einer Schwerpunktverlagerung generell fort. Diese ist durch die stärkere Berücksichtigung des Vorsorgeansatzes im Fischereimanagement auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Empfehlungen des ACFM (Management-Komitee für Fischerei) des ICES gekennzeichnet. Damit traten die in der Vergangenheit fischereipolitisch dominierten nationalen Managementinteressen weitestgehend in den Hintergrund und trugen somit zu einer sachlichen Tagungsatmosphäre bei. Wichtigste Tagungsthemen waren die Ausnutzung der nationalen Quoten für 1997 und 1998 (1. Halbjahr), die Festlegung der zulässigen Gesamtfangmengen (TAC) für die internationalen Fischereien 1999, aber auch Strategien zur Nutzung der lebenden Ressourcen der Ostsee unter den Bedingungen des Vorsorgeansatzes im Fischereimanagement. An den Beratungen nahmen Ländervertreter und Experten Estlands, der EU, Lettlands, Polens und der Russischen Föderation sowie Beobachter des ICES (Internationaler Rat für Meeresforschung) und der HELCOM (Helsinki-Kommission) teil.
The Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corporation (Quedancor) of the Philippine Department of Agriculture has the critical responsibility of providing and improving credit assistance to fishers, it also has the task of helping its beneficiaries meet the repayment obligations of their loans. One reason for defaults can be attributed to the devastating impact of natural calamities. Schemes in place are still insufficient to help safeguard lending programs and operations from non-repayment of loans due to production losses and damages to personal properties.(PDF contains 5 pages) Natural calamities include the uncertainties and vagaries of weather and climate that bring about typhoons, floods, and drought; earthquakes; volcanic eruption as well as pests and diseases that affect the productivity of fisheries. When natural calamities occur, small fishers are unable to pay their loans from Quedancor, moreover they have difficulty renewing their loan applications from Quedancor or accessing credit from other sources. Failure to access credit could disable them to continue venture on fishing activities and could eventually jeopardize the welfare of their entire household. The inability of creditors to pay their loans and meet their obligations also impair, to a large extent, the financial operation and viability of the lending institutions. Risk management schemes currently employed include price stabilization measures, targeted relief` to typhoons and drought victims, and crop insurance systems, to name a few. Some of these schemes are becoming very expensive to implement. Moreover, they fail to enable fishers regain sufficient resources so that they may continue production.
The paper viewed the decline in information provision in Nigeria to poor library development, which could be attributed to poor funding. The consequence is that current journal and books are not available in nigerian fisheries libraries. Information which can be regarded as the first factor of production on which other factors like land, labour and capital depend, can only be provided at the right time when libraries are better founded. For now if there must be increase in fish production, poverty alleviation and food security in Nigeria, our fisheries scientists and policy makers will have to rely on international sources of information using the advantage of internet connectivity. Some of such sources discussed in this paper are ASFA, AGORA, FAO DOAJ, FISHBASE, IAMSLIC, INASP, INASP-PERI, INASP-AJOL, ODINAFRICA, SIFAR, WAS, and ABASFR. However, reliance on international sources must not be at the total neglect of harnessing nigerian fisheries information. For the Nigerian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Database being developed by NIFFR to attain an international status like those enumerated above, scientists and publishers are requested to take the pain of depositing copies of their publications with NIFFR for inclusion in the Database
The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.