869 resultados para Hyperthyroidism, body composition
A preocupação acrescida com a condição e aparência física, refletem-se em cuidados com o estado de saúde e bem-estar e são, nos últimos anos, responsáveis pela expansão dos ginásios e health clubs.Mas, atividade física e a alimentação estão intimamente ligadas, tanto no que respeita à estética como também, com maiores preocupações, no que respeita à saúde. Daí que as duas vertentes estejam ligadas à imagem de pessoas saudáveis e vigorosas. Na verdade, a capacidade de rendimento do organismo melhora com a nutrição adequada. A avaliação da composição corporal é um importante aspeto na determinação da condição física e permite-nos observar as alterações fisiológicas produzidas pelos programas de atividade física e/ou alimentares, oferecendo informações quanto a sua eficiência ou possíveis correções a serem efetuadas. Pretendeu-se com o presente estudo caracterizar os hábitos alimentares e a composição corporal dos indivíduos praticantes de exercício físico num ginásio do Concelho de Coimbra. A amostra foi constituída por 50 indivíduos, 22 do sexo masculino e 28 do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 57 anos. Estes indivíduos têm em comum o facto de praticarem exercício físico num mesmo ginásio, de uma forma sistemática há pelo menos 6 meses. Para a caracterização dos hábitos de AF dos participantes no estudo foi utilizada a versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Para avaliação nutricional recorreu-se ao Questionário Semiquantitativo de Frequência Alimentar (QSFA), elaborado pelo Serviço de Higiene e Epidemiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. A conversão dos alimentos em nutrientes foi realizada recorrendo ao programa informático Food Processor Plus ® versão 7.0. Foram ainda avaliados os seguintes parâmetros antropométricos: peso, altura, perímetro abdominal, IMC, massa gorda e massa magra. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas com recurso ao Programa Estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for the Sciences) para o Windows, versão 20.0. O nível de significância estatística foi mantida em 5% (p<0,05). A análise dos dados permitiu retirar as seguintes conclusões: Os frequentadores de ginásio são na sua maioria indivíduos do sexo feminino (56%), jovens com uma idade média de 27±7 anos. A maioria dos participantes do estudo praticava EF (exercício físico) há 39 meses, no entanto no grupo existe uma grande variabilidade, existindo indivíduos que praticam EF há 6 meses, e outros que o fazem há 180 meses. Praticam EF com uma frequência média de 3,5±1,3 sessões/semana a que corresponde uma prática de EF 6,40±3,2 h/semana. A maioria apresentava um Perímetro Abdominal (PA) de 85,2±6,3 cm, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) normal (23,1± 2,6 kg/m2), valores de Massa Gorda (MG) (23,9%) e de Massa Muscular (MM) de 34,6±7,9%. Observou-se uma diminuição da MG com o tempo de prática de exercício de 25,3% (praticantes entre 6-12 meses) vs 20,9% (praticantes> 48 meses). Esta influência temporal, embora sem significado estatístico, verifica-se também relativamente ao perímetro abdominal e IMC, embora neste último numa razão inversa, caracterizada pelo seu aumento. O tipo de exercício praticado influencia a composição corporal: praticantes de exercício aeróbio apresentam um perímetro abdominal inferior (82,3±6,0 cm) aos praticantes de outro tipo de exercícios porém acompanhado de uma percentagem de massa gorda superior (29,4±6,0%).Os praticantes de exercício de resistência apresentam valores de MG de 16,0±7,4%. No estudo por nós realizado, constatou-se inadequação na quantidade energética consumida, face às necessidades efetivas da amostra. Embora a ingestão de hidratos de carbono, de fibra e de lípidos se apresente dentro dos limites recomendados a ingestão de proteína ultrapassa os valores recomendados.Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tipo de exercício bem como o tempo de prática de exercício influenciam a composição corporal. Verificou-se ainda que a alimentação dos participantes no estudo não é adequada do ponto de vista nutricional e para além disso os hábitos nutricionais não parecem influir na composição corporal da amostra. Mais estudos serão necessários para que os hábitos alimentares dos praticantes de exercício em ginásios e health clubs sejam bem conhecidos e os profissionais da área tenham mais informações e possam orientar melhor os praticantes de exercício físico regular em ginásios e health clubs de modo a otimizar os resultados pretendidos através de um aconselhamento nutricional individualizado.
Background and Objectives: This pilot project assessed the acceptability of a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise programme following breast cancer treatment, and the impact on presence of lymphoedema, fitness, body composition, fatigue, mood and quality of life. Methods: Ten women completed the programme and measures of fitness (submaximal ergometer test), body composition (bio-electrical impedance), lympoedema (bio-electrical impedance and arm circumferences), fatigue (revised Piper Fatigue Scale), mood (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), quality of life (FACT-B) and general well-being, at baseline, completion of the programme, and 6-week and 3-month follow-up. Results: Participation in the programme caused no adverse effect on the presence of lymphoedema. There was a trend towards reduction in fatigue and improved quality of life across the testing phases. Women rated the programme extremely favourably, citing benefits of the support of other women, trained guidance, and the opportunity to experience different types of exercise. Conclusions: A mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program in a group format is acceptable to women following breast cancer treatment, with the potential to reduce fatigue and improve quality of life, without exacerbating or precipitating lymphoedema. This pilot work needs to be confirmed in larger randomised studies. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background: Alterations in energy expenditure during activity post head injury has not been investigated due primarily to the difficulty of measurement. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare energy expenditure during activity and body composition of children following acquired brain injury (ABI) with data from a group of normal. controls. Design: Energy expenditure was measured using the Cosmed K4b(2) in a group of 15 children with ABI and a group of 67 normal children during rest and when walking and running. Mean number of steps taken per 3 min run was also recorded and body composition was measured. Results: The energy expended during walking was not significantly different between both groups. A significant difference was found between the two groups in the energy expended during running and also for the number of steps taken as children with ABI took significantly less steps than the normal controls during a 3 min run. Conclusions: Children with ABI exert more energy per activity than healthy controls when controlled for velocity or distance. However, they expend less energy to walk and run when they are free to choose their own desirable, comfortable pace than normal controls. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cementum is known to be growth-hormone (GH)-responsive, but to what extent is unclear. This study examines the effects of extremes of GH status on cementogenesis in three lines of genetically modified mice; GH excess (giant), GH antagonist excess (dwarf), and GH receptor-deleted (GHR-KO) (dwarf). Age-matched mandibular molar tissues were processed for light microscope histology. Digital images of sections of first molar teeth were captured for morphometric analysis of lingual root cementum. Cross-sectional area of the cellular cementum was a sensitive guide to GH status, being reduced nearly 10-fold in GHR-KO mice, three-fold in GH antagonist mice, and increased almost two-fold in giant mice (p
This study was undertaken to assess the impact of dietary carbohydrate source on food intake, body composition, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and glucose and insulin concentrations in overweight and obese cats with reduced insulin sensitivity. Sixteen overweight and obese cats were divided into two groups and randomly allocated one of two extruded diets formulated to contain similar starch content (33%) from different cereal sources (sorghum and corn versus rice). Meal response, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests were performed before and after a 6-week weight-maintenance phase and after an additional 8-week free-access feeding phase. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)-derived body composition was determined in each cat before the study and after each test phase. Food intake was measured daily and body weight measured twice weekly for the duration of the study. When compared with the sorghum/corn-based diet, cats fed the rice-based diet consumed more energy and gained more weight in response to free-access feeding. Cats fed the rice-based diet also tended to have higher glucose concentrations and insulin secretion in response to a glucose load or a test meal. We conclude that a sorghum and corn blend is a superior carbohydrate source than rice for overweight cats with glucose intolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity. Such a diet may help to minimize overeating and additional weight gain, and may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology held a consensus workshop in Manchester, UK in December 2003 to discuss issues relating to the care of GH-treated patients in the transition from paediatric to adult life. Clinicians experienced in the care of paediatric and adult patients on GH treatment, from a wide range of countries, as well as medical representatives from the pharmaceutical manufacturers of GH participated.
Objectives: Physique traits and their relationship to competitive success were assessed amongst lightweight rowers competing at the 2003 Australian Rowing Championships. Methods: Full anthropometric profiles were collected from 107 lightweight rowers (n = 65 males, n = 45 females) competing in the Under 23 and Open age categories. Performance assessments were obtained for 66 of these rowers based on results in the single sculls events. The relationship between physique traits and competitive success was then determined. Results: Lower body fat ( heat time estimate -8.4 s kg(-1), p< 0.01), greater total body mass ( heat time estimate -4.4 s kg(-1), p = 0.03), and muscle mass ( heat time estimate -10.2 s kg(-1), p< 0.01) were associated with faster 2000 m heat times. Conclusions: The more successful lightweight rowers were those who had lower body fat and greater total muscle mass.
Relaxation of the upper age limits for solid organ transplantation coupled with improvements in post-transplant survival have resulted in greater numbers of elderly patients receiving immunosuppressant drugs such as tacrolimus. Tacrolimus is a potent agent with a narrow therapeutic window and large inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability. Numerous physiological changes occur with aging that could potentially affect the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus and, hence, patient dosage requirements. Tacrolimus is primarily metabolised by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A enzymes in the gut wall and liver. It is also a substrate for P-glycoprotein, which counter-transports diffused tacrolimus out of intestinal cells and back into the gut lumen. Age-associated alterations in CYP3A and P-glycoprotein expression and/or activity, along with liver mass and body composition changes, would be expected to affect the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in the elderly. However, interindividual variation in these processes may mask any changes caused by aging. More investigation is needed into the impact aging has on CYP and P-glycoprotein activity and expression. No single-dose, intense blood-sampling study has specifically compared the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus across different patient age groups. However, five population pharmacokinetic studies, one in kidney, one in bone marrow and three in liver transplant recipients, have investigated age as a co-variate. None found a significant influence for age on tacrolimus bioavailability, volume of distribution or clearance. The number of elderly patients included in each study, however, was not documented and may have been only small. It is likely that inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability associated with tacrolimus increase in elderly populations. In addition to pharmacokinetic differences, donor organ viability, multiple co-morbidity, polypharmacy and immunological changes need to be considered when using tacrolimus in the elderly. Aging is associated with decreased immunoresponsiveness, a slower body repair process and increased drug adverse effects. Elderly liver and kidney transplant recipients are more likely to develop new-onset diabetes mellitus than younger patients. Elderly transplant recipients exhibit higher mortality from infectious and cardiovascular causes than younger patients but may be less likely to develop acute rejection. Elderly kidney recipients have a higher potential for chronic allograft nephropathy, and a single rejection episode can be more devastating. There is a paucity of information on optimal tacrolimus dosage and target trough concentration in the elderly. The therapeutic window for tacrolimus concentrations may be narrower. Further integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmaco-dynamic studies of tacrolimus are required. It would appear reasonable, based on current knowledge, to commence tacrolimus at similar doses as those used in younger patients. Maintenance dose requirements over the longer term may be lower in the elderly, but the increased variability in kinetics and the variety of factors that impact on dosage suggest that patient care needs to be based around more frequent monitoring in this age group.
Resistance training has been shown to be the most effective exercise mode to induce anabolic adaptations in older men and women. Advances in imaging techniques and histochemistry have increased the ability to detect such changes, confirming the high level of adaptability that remains in aging skeletal muscle. This brief review presents a summary of the resistance-training studies that directly compare chronic anabolic responses to training in older (> 60 years) men and women. Sixteen studies are summarized, most of which indicate similar relative anabolic responses between older men and women after resistance training. Relatively small sample sizes in most of the interventions limited their ability to detect significant sex differences and should be considered when interpreting these studies. Future research should incorporate larger sample sizes with multiple measurement time points for anabolic responses.
Purpose of review Children and adolescents with eating disorders frequently present to child mental health and paediatric services and have significant morbidity, psychosocial impairment and mortality. Efforts to treat these individuals have been hampered by a poor evidence base for effective interventions. This article reviews research published during 2004 with a primary focus on this challenging clinical area. Recent findings Research published during 2004 has replicated past epidemiological findings and expanded our understanding of the relationship of family meal structure and disordered eating. Research has provided assistance in the well known clinical conundrums of excessive exercising in anorexia nervosa and predicting when return of menses will occur. There has also been clarification of adolescent bingeing. Potential advances include a new, noninvasive method of measuring body composition and investigations in adolescents on leptin, neuro and gastrointestinal peptides. Importantly, further evidence of the effectiveness of family therapy for anorexia nervosa and short-term benefits from intervention programs have been published. Summary The research base that will influence clinical practice in child and adolescent eating disorders is increasing. More research is required in all areas of intervention.
Detailed analysis of body composition in children has helped to understand changes that occur in growth and disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has gained popularity as a simple, non-invasive and inexpensive tool of body composition assessment. Being an indirect technique, prediction equations have to be used in the assessment of body composition. There are many prediction equations available in the literature for the assessment of body composition from BIA. This study aims to cross-validate some of those prediction equations to determine the suitability of their use on Australian children of white Caucasian and Sri Lankan origins. Height, weight and BIA were measured. Total body water was measured using the isotope dilution method (D2O). Fat-mass (FM) and %FM were estimated from BIA using ten prediction equations described in the literature. Five to 14.99-year-old healthy, 96 white Caucasians and 42 Sri Lankan children were studied. The equation of Schaefer et al was the most suitable prediction equation for this group with the lowest mean bias for %FM assessment in both Caucasian (–1.0±9.6%) and Sri Lankan (1.6±5.2%) children and the fat content of the individuals did not influence the predictions by this equation. Impedance index (height2/impedance) explained for 80% of TBW in white Caucasians and 93% in Sri Lankans and figures were similar for the prediction of FFM. We conclude that BIA can be used effectively in the assessment of body composition in children. However, for the assessment of body composition using BIA, either prediction equations should be derived to suit the local populations or existing equations should be cross-validated to determine their suitability before their application.
Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with a number of secondary conditions including osteoporosis, which increases the risk of bone fracture. The cause of metabolic bone disease in this Population is believed to be multifactorial and may include the disease itself and associated inflammation, high-close corticosteroid use, weight loss and malabsorption, a lack of exercise and physical activity, and all underlying genetic predisposition to bone loss. Reduced bone mineral density has been reported in between 5% to 80% of CD sufferers, although it is generally believed that approximately 40% of patients suffer from osteopenia and 15% from osteoporosis. Recent studies Suggest a small but significantly increased risk of fracture compared with healthy controls and, perhaps, sufferers of other gastrointestinal disorders Such as ulcerative colitis. The role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of CD-related bone loss has received little attention, despite the benefits of specific exercises being well documented in healthy populations. This article reviews the prevalence of and risk factors for low bone mass in CD patients and examines various treatments for osteoporosis in these patients, with a particular focus on physical activity.