842 resultados para Homer


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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Abstract not available.


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Creative ways of utilising renewable energy sources in electricity generation especially in remote areas and particularly in countries depending on imported energy, while increasing energy security and reducing cost of such isolated off-grid systems, is becoming an urgently needed necessity for the effective strategic planning of Energy Systems. The aim of this research project was to design and implement a new decision support framework for the optimal design of hybrid micro grids considering different types of different technologies, where the design objective is to minimize the total cost of the hybrid micro grid while at the same time satisfying the required electric demand. Results of a comprehensive literature review, of existing analytical, decision support tools and literature on HPS, has identified the gaps and the necessary conceptual parts of an analytical decision support framework. As a result this research proposes and reports an Iterative Analytical Design Framework (IADF) and its implementation for the optimal design of an Off-grid renewable energy based hybrid smart micro-grid (OGREH-SμG) with intra and inter-grid (μG2μG & μG2G) synchronization capabilities and a novel storage technique. The modelling design and simulations were based on simulations conducted using HOMER Energy and MatLab/SIMULINK, Energy Planning and Design software platforms. The design, experimental proof of concept, verification and simulation of a new storage concept incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell is also reported. The implementation of the smart components consisting Raspberry Pi that is devised and programmed for the semi-smart energy management framework (a novel control strategy, including synchronization capabilities) of the OGREH-SμG are also detailed and reported. The hybrid μG was designed and implemented as a case study for the Bayir/Jordan area. This research has provided an alternative decision support tool to solve Renewable Energy Integration for the optimal number, type and size of components to configure the hybrid μG. In addition this research has formulated and reported a linear cost function to mathematically verify computer based simulations and fine tune the solutions in the iterative framework and concluded that such solutions converge to a correct optimal approximation when considering the properties of the problem. As a result of this investigation it has been demonstrated that, the implemented and reported OGREH-SμG design incorporates wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, two fuel cell units and a diesel generator is a unique approach to Utilizing indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with other μ-grids is the most effective and optimal way of electrifying developing countries with fewer resources in a sustainable way, with minimum impact on the environment while also achieving reductions in GHG. The dissertation concludes with suggested extensions to this work in the future.


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The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work


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The thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the characterisation of two of the major figures in the Aeneid, Aeneas and Turnus. Particular attention is paid to their direct speeches, all of which are examined and, where relevant, compared to Homeric models and parallels. To this purpose considerable use is made of the indices in Knauer's Die Aeneis und Homer. A more general comparison is made between the dramatic (direct speech) role of Aeneas and those of Homer's Achilles (Iliad) and Odysseus (Odyssey). An appraisal is made (from the viewpoint of depiction of character) of the relationship between the direct and indirect speeches in the Aeneid. Reasons are given to suggest that it is not mere chance, or for the sake of variety, that certain speeches of Aeneas and Turnus are expressed in oratio obliqua. In addition, the narrative portrayal of Aeneas and Turnus is considered in apposition to that of the speeches. A distinction is drawn between Vergil's direct method of characterisation (direct speeches) and his indirect methods (narrative/oratio obliqua). Inevitably, the analysis involves major consideration of the Roman values which pervade the work. All speeches, thoughts and actions of Aeneas and Turnus are assessed in terms of pietas, impietas, furor, virtus, ratio, clementia, humanitas (etc.). It is shown that individual concepts (such as pietas and impietas) are reflected in Vergil's direct and indirect methods of characterisation. The workings of fate and their relevance to the pietas concept are discussed throughout.


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Cette thèse se propose de comparer exhaustivement trois systèmes de divination par voie de tirage au sort qui ont été contemporains dans l’antiquité tardive. À l’aide d’une analyse rigoureuse des thèmes évoqués, des stratégies rhétoriques employées, du vocabulaire présent et des probabilités d’obtention des réponses offertes, plusieurs points communs ressortent. Les énoncés positifs et négatifs se veulent, dans tous les cas, équilibrés et ils optent souvent pour des variantes temporelles afin de tempérer les prédictions. Lorsqu’ils ne s’appliquent pas à des questions spécifiques, ils misent sur l’imaginaire des consultations littéraires qui allie proverbes et éléments épiques, sans toutefois déroger des thèmes communs liés aux préoccupations quotidiennes des consultants. La rhapsodomancie s’inscrit dans cette mouvance et prouve à quel point l’épopée est une source propice à l’élaboration de systèmes oraculaires, sans jamais que le contexte narratif et littéraire des vers sélectionnés n’entre en jeu.


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OBJETIVO. La presente investigación pretendió determinar complicaciones posnatales en los embarazos gemelares Monocorial y Bianmiotico en mujeres de 15 a 45 años del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo de la ciudad de Azogues. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Es una investigación cuantitativa y retrospectiva, se trabajó con una muestra de 41 historias clínicas, se utilizó un formulario elaborado y validado por las autoras. La fuente información fue secundaria mediante la revisión de archivos estadísticos y registros estadísticos de los embarazos gemelares que acudieron al Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo. La información fue procesada en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 1.5 y los resultados son presentados en tablas simples de frecuencias y porcentajes. RESULTADOS En la investigación se enconcontrò un 12.1 % del 100% presenta un diagnóstico de preclampsia ,en cuanto a la instrucción tenemos un 36.6% dando lugar 15 usuarias en cuanto al estado civil tenemos un porcentaje del 70.7% dando lugar a 29 usuarias el lugar de residencia tenemos el 56.1% que equivale a 23 usuarias en la placenta amniótico tenemos 65.9% con un total de 27 usuarias en cuanto los pesos de los Recién nacidos tenemos de bajo peso de 62.2% que equivale 51 en cuanto al Apgar tenemos 95.1%. CONCLUSIÓN. La investigación permitió determinar complicaciones posnatales en los embarazos gemelares Monocorial y Bianmiotico en mujeres de 15 a 45 años, verificamos que el gemelo número dos nace con bajo peso ya que el gemelo uno recibe todos los beneficios durante la gestación también se encontró hiperbilirrubinemia mas SDR.


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ANTECEDENTES: La práctica de las profesionales de enfermería en el manejo de medicamentos, se considera un reto, puesto que deben tener conocimientos y aplicar técnicas relacionadas con la seguridad farmacoterapéutica necesarios para la prevención de efectos adversos que prolongan los días de estadía del paciente, en el área hospitalaria. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar los conocimientos de las enfermeras en la seguridad farmacoterapéutica de los antibióticos en las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia del hospital Homero Castanier Crespo. METODOLOGÍA Y TÉCNICA: Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo que valora la aplicación de los conocimientos que tienen las enfermeras en la seguridad farmacoterapéutica de los antibióticos. El universo lo conformaron 25 profesionales de enfermería que laboran en los turnos de la mañana, tarde y noche en las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia, no se realizó cálculo muestral por considerar que el universo es pequeño. La técnica de investigación aplicada fue la observación y el instrumento es un formulario de encuesta para la recolección de datos, el procesamiento de la información se realizó en el programa Excel y SPSS, los resultados son representados en tablas con frecuencias y porcentajes. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo reportan que un 66.7% de enfermeras tienen un nivel medio de conocimientos y el 33.3% no dispone de conocimientos, evidenciándose una rutinización en la práctica de administración de medicamentos. CONCLUSIONES._ Los resultados de la investigación muestran que en la administración de antibióticos predomina la rutina en el personal


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Desde a Magna Grécia de Pitágoras, Empédocles e Parmênides, passando pelas relações “perigosas” entre a sabedoria nascente e as tradições órfico-dionisíacas, em nítida continuidade com a mitologia arcaica e as narrativas teogônicas, dialogando com as práticas médicas asclepíades, a filosofia antiga visita cavernas. A caverna da República, uma das mais poderosas e fecundas alegorias do pensamento ocidental, é simultaneamente herdeira e ponto de fuga da longa trajetória dessa metáfora. Não se pretende aqui, no entanto, compreender a imagem platônica como a consumação de uma velha tradição filosófica que “pensa em cavernas”; procura-se, antes, iluminar essa alegoria com a interpretação oferecida pela filosofia acadêmica posterior. No Antro das Ninfas, Porfírio parte de 11 versos de Homero (Od. XIII, 102-112) para habilmente desenhar uma exegese inspirada na teoria platônica da alma. A lectio porfiriana permite sugerir que a imagem da caverna revela algo mais que uma simples alegoria literária. Ela dá prova da existência de relações dialógicas e circulares entre a filosofia platônica e o imaginário religioso popular do mundo antigo. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Antecedentes: Es preciso mencionar que en México en el 2005 estadísticas muestran que las principales causas de morbilidad en su servicio de emergencias las constituyen: Infecciones respiratorias agudas (19,4%), los traumatismos y envenenamientos (18,8%) y las enfermedades diarreicas (8%). (14). En Perú la principal causa de morbilidad se debió a traumatismos (12% del total), seguido en segundo lugar de asma (10%) y en tercer lugar por anormalidades y complicaciones del embarazo, parto o puerperio (8% del total). (5) Objetivo: Determinar las 10 primeras causas de morbilidad en emergencia del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo en el período de octubre a diciembre 2014. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional indirecto, mediante el registro de emergencia del total de pacientes que han acudido a emergencia en el Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo en período comprendido entre octubre – noviembre del 2014. El instrumento utilizado fue el formulario de recolección de datos (ver anexo 2). Resultados: la principal causa de morbilidad en la emergencia del Hospital Homero Castenier Crespo constituyen las enfermedades infecciosas: Enfermedades infecciosas intestinales, Amigdalitis aguda con un 10.86%. Gran parte de las morbilidades atendidas en la emergencia 20.85%, no son emergencias reales. En grupos edad pediátrica y adultos mayores, la principal causa fueron las Enfermedades infecciosas intestinales 14.52%, 6.96% respectivamente, que en este grupo si constituyen un verdadera emergencia. En ginecobstetricia: Falso trabajo de parto a las 37 y más semanas completas de gestación Conclusión: el estudio muestra las principales causas de morbilidad en el Hospital Homero Cartanier Crespo, revela una saturación del sistema por la cantidad de no emergencias que se atienden. Probablemente por la falta de un triage adecuado


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The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work


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Brands are those lifestyles which consumers chose to buy in order to gain the value offered by the company, in order to be part of the community created through the brand equity elements and validated in the purchase of the products. Companies have understood how important it is to build a strong brand and many of them spend millions on aligning the brand with the design and style of the products, projecting the face and values of the company into the advertising campaigns. One of the most popular methods is through endorsement, placing a renounced celebrity and leveraging on the positive feedback of those customers that also follow the activities of the star whose face is on the cover of the marcom campaign. Celebrities have been used for a very long time to promote brands, sell products and services. Research has shown that those spokesmen of a brand who are more attractive can improve the statistics of recall and appeal more interest to the promotion campaign, as well as influence more on customer’s intention of buying the product (Kahle and Homer, 1985). The main purpose of this research is to investigate how celebrity endorsements influence the brand equity dimensions (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations) as well as stimulate consumers’ word-of-mouth through brand identification, growth in interest and the advertising memorability. The hypotheses were tested with the aid of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the PLS (Partial Least Squares) software. The survey is comprised of a target group of 589 respondents, from three countries – Brazil, Moldova and Portugal. Results evidence that the Attitude towards the Celebrity influences different Brand Equity dimensions and affects brand identification, growth in advertisement interest and advertising memorability, generating positive word of mouth (or negative, depending on the type of advertisement and reputation). Based on these findings we suggest further investigation in this area with the possibility to gain more data about the different fields of marcom and the different types of CE which are more appropriate for the given type of business.


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Na União Europeia, os edifícios de habitação e de serviços apresentam elevados consumo energéticos. Para minimizar estes consumos a Comissão Europeia criou Diretivas, com a consequente transposição para a legislação nacional no âmbito da certificação energética de modo a classificar os edifícios em função do seu desempenho energético. No presente trabalho é realizado o estudo do desempenho energético e da classificação de uma fração destinada a habitação e de uma fração de serviços, tendo presente a análise de uma medida de melhoria baseada na microprodução de energia solar. É referida a evolução legislativa em que se inserem os certificados energéticos, referindo os aspetos a ter em conta na metodologia de cálculo do desempenho energético Faz-se uma descrição sucinta do levantamento e tratamento dos dados de cada imóvel assim como da introdução destes em folhas de cálculo, sendo ainda sugerido medidas de melhoria de modo a obter um melhor desempenho e consequentemente uma classificação superior. O certificado energético destes edifícios permite-nos ter uma classificação da sua prestação energética comparativamente com um edifício “similar” de referência. As medidas de melhoria aplicadas, nomeadamente adoção de um sistema solar térmico termossifão no edifício de habitação e de um sistema fotovoltaico para autoconsumo no edifício de serviços, a médio longo prazo, permitem uma redução de custos da energia. A análise de viabilidade da instalação do sistema fotovoltaico foi executada com recurso ao software Homer Energy. O edifício de habitação obteve uma classificação D e com a aplicação da medida de melhoria obteve uma classificação C, tendo-se obtido uma redução das necessidades anuais de energia primária de 41,8% e de emissões de GEE de 42,9%. O edifício de serviços obteve uma classificação B- e com a medida de melhoria aplicada a classificação manteve-se. No entanto, permite uma redução da fatura energética anual significativa, com uma redução de necessidades de energia primária de 47,8% e de emissão de GEE de 18,6%.


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"Il existe trois scénarios d’insécurité environnementale en Colombie dans lesquels la relation entre l’état des ressources naturelles en eau, pétrole et biodiversité (pénurie, dégradation, surexploitation, risque d’appropriation et terrorisme écologique) et la situation des rapports de force internes et régionaux (exacerbation des tensions interétatiques, sociétales et insécurité humaine) est évidente. Ce résultat a été démontré lors d’un projet de recherche antérieur (2002-2005) menée par l’auteur de ce document de recherche dans le cadre de la ligne de recherche en sécurité régionale et internationale du Centre d’Etudes Politiques et Internationales -CEPI- des Facultés de Science Politique et Gouvernements et de Relations Internationales de l’Université du Rosario de Bogota..."