864 resultados para High-technology companies
Induction heating is a process closely linked to the concepts of heat transfer. It also covers electromagnetic induction and effect of film. Many companies use this technology in their processes due to the high accuracy that can be obtained at temperatures induced. However the dominance of this technology is not common among Brazilian industries. This involves complex systems of equation and heat exchange in transient conduction, and convection and radiation losses. With this work we seek the ability to analyze which parameters influence over this process and the order of magnitude of time required for heating a cylindrical part
The present work resulted from a study about coolant filtration systems in industries with metalworking process in large scale. The filtration and element filter world markets move billions of Reais per year and have a promissory future considering that with the global requirements of sustainable economic development, many companies invest in new filtering technology. Either known as coolant or cutting fluid, it is used to lubricate e cool parts during machining and is necessary due to the high volume demanded in the several machining operations and to the high cost of the product. Therefore, there is the need for recycling the product after its use. The work shows the technology and fundamentals of filtration as well as different filtering elements, filtration systems and scale contamination used in the industry. Also, there is a differentiation between filtration of the surface type (cake) and depth filtration and shows the basic theory of filtration by mathematic models in different operational conditions. Ultimately, project criteria for a coolant filtration system selection is shown followed by technical-operational details of a real vacuum filtration system and a case study aiming the operational cost reduction of the system
A Photocatalyst ceramic powder that presented high photoactivity based on TiO2 modified with 25% molar of SnO2 and up to 5% molar of Ag2O was obtained in the present work. The aforementioned ceramic powder was obtained using all commercial oxides as well as the oxides mixture technique. The powders were ground in high energy mill for one hour with subsequent thermal treatment at 400°C for four hours. They were, furthermore, characterized using surface area of around 6m2/g, where the X-Ray diffraction results provided evidence for the presence of anatase and rutile phases, known to be typical characteristics of both the TiO2 and SnO2 used. During the thermal treatment, Ag2O was reduced to metallic silver. The photodegradation rehearsals were carried out using a 0.01 mmol/L Rhodamine B solution in a 100mg/L photocatalyst suspension in a 500ml beaker, which was irradiated with 4W germicide Ultraviolet light of 254nm. In addition, samples were removed after duration of about 10 minutes to an hour, where they were analyzed thoroughly in UV-vis spectrophotometer. The analysis of the results indicated that for the compositions up to 2.5% molar of Ag2O, the photoactivity was found to be greater than that of Degussa P25 photocatalyst powder, and as such it was then used as a reference. Taking into account 90% degradation of Rhodamine B, a duration period of 11 minutes was obtained for the developed photocatalyst powder compared to the 38 minutes observed for the Degussa P25. FEG-SEM micrographies enabled the verification of the morphology as well as the interaction of the oxide particles with the metallic silver, which led us to propose a model for the increase in photoactivity observed in the photocatalyst powder under investigation.
Technology-Based Firms (TBFs) are companies with intensive innovation dynamics based on technical competences, and for which high growth rates are expected. Nevertheless, even in developed countries, the evidence suggests that significantly high growth rates are more the exception than the rule. In Brazil, most studies on TBFs focus on factors that limit their success, such as managerial experience and capital availability. Based on extensive field research and on a reliable enterprise growth rate indicator, this article aims to evaluate the expansion of those firms, analyzing its relation to key elements such as degree of consolidation, market insertion, and public policy support. We found a growth rate which, although widely varied amongst firms, was significant and was not directly related to the amount of public policy support.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper describes a case of a rehabilitation involving Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system in implant supported and dental supported prostheses using zirconia as framework. The CAD-CAM technology has developed considerably over last few years, becoming a reality in dental practice. Among the widely used systems are the systems based on zirconia which demonstrate important physical and mechanical properties of high strength, adequate fracture toughness, biocompatibility and esthetics, and are indicated for unitary prosthetic restorations and posterior and anterior framework. All the modeling was performed by using CAD-CAM system and prostheses were cemented using resin cement best suited for each situation. The rehabilitation of the maxillary arch using zirconia framework demonstrated satisfactory esthetic and functional results after a 12-month control and revealed no biological and technical complications. This article shows the important of use technology CAD/CAM in the manufacture of dental prosthesis and implant-supported.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Outsourcing logistics has established itself in the area of the LSP (Logistics Service Provider), which offers a range of services to its customers. In this line, transportation is characterized as one of the most important services, and therefore efficient fleet management is essential for establishing a high level of customer service. With advances in technology and vehicle tracking systems, this approach of management has gained new possibilities for the improvement of logistics services. By studying the specific case of an LSP, this paper investigates the use of these technologies in the management of their business and services. The results indicate that the LSP seeks to increase its services and to streamline information in order to respond to customer needs in real time. It is also evident in this case under study that the combination of the technology available together with the fleet management system has become a distinguishing feature for this LSP, one which increases their skills and important information for both customers and business.
This article examines new product development (NPD) in small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises (SMEs) in two technology-based industries: medical devices and process control automation devices. A conceptual model that categorizes factors that contribute to the success of a new product was established. The data were collected from a sample of 62 Brazilian SMEs. The conceptual model was tested to examine the relationships between NPD practices and new product success. Data analysis reveals that new product success in medical device companies is related to organizational characteristics such as NPD proficiency and marketing skills; while in process control automation device companies, they deal in a large degree with product differentiation, innovation and capability to analyze the targeted market. Due to the relatively small sample size, caution should be exercised when interpreting the results.
The aim of this study is to characterize the relationships in innovation and business clustering processes in the productive chain of small and medium enterprises (SME) of Brazil. The object of study are SMEs the local procuctive cluster of the shoes in Franca, State of São Paulo. The conceptual model developed is based on the following constructs: vertical integration, innovation and characteristics of the cluster, and it is focused on identifying the agents that act predominantly in product innovation processes in the cluster. A survey was conducted. It was found that there is cooperation between the companies in the productive arrangement studied, and that shoe manufacturers are those who, predominantly, stimulate innovation within the cluster.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Recent Salmonella outbreaks have prompted the need for new processing options for peanut products. Traditional heating kill-steps have shown to be ineffective in lipid-rich matrices such as peanut products. High pressure processing is one such option for peanut sauce because it has a high water activity, which has proved to be a large contributing factor in microbial lethality due to high pressure processing. Four different formulations of peanut sauce were inoculated with a five strain Salmonella cocktail and high pressure processed. Results indicate that increasing pressure or increasing hold time increases log10 reductions. The Weibull model was fitted to each kill curve, with b and n values significantly optimized for each curve (p-value < 0.05). Most curves had an n parameter value less than 1, indicating that the population had a dramatic initial reduction, but tailed off as time increased, leaving a small resistant population. ANOVA analysis of the b and n parameters show that there are more significant differences between b parameters than n parameters, meaning that most treatments showed similar tailing effect, but differed on the shape of the curve. Comparisons between peanut sauce formulations at the same pressure treatments indicate that increasing amount of organic peanut butter within the sauce formulation decreases log10 reductions. This could be due to a protective effect from the lipids in the peanut butter, or it may be due to other factors such as nutrient availability or water activity. Sauces pressurized at lower temperatures had decreased log10 reductions, indicating that cooler temperatures offered some protective effect. Log10 reductions exceeded 5 logs, indicating that high pressure processing may be a suitable option as a kill-step for Salmonella in industrial processing of peanut sauces. Future research should include high pressure processing on other peanut products with high water activities such as sauces and syrups as well as research to determine the effects of water activity and lipid composition with a food matrix such as peanut sauces.