996 resultados para Governors (Machinery)
kuv., 12 x 13 cm
kuv., 12 x 13 cm
kuv., 11 x 14 cm
kuv., 12 x 13 cm
C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is traditionally recognized as a crucial factor in stress response and inducer of apoptosis upon various stimulations. Three isoforms build the JNK subfamily of MAPK; generally expressed JNK1 and JNK2 and brain specific JNK3. Degenerative potency placed JNK in the spotlight as potential pharmacological option for intervention. Unfortunately, adverse effects of potential drugs and observation that expression of only JNK2 and JNK3 are induced upon stress, restrained initial enthusiasm. Notably, JNK1 demonstrated atypical high constitutive activity in neurons that is not responsive to cellular stresses and indicated existence of physiological activity. This thesis aimed at revealing the physiological functions of JNK1 in actin homeostasis through novel effector MARCKS-Like 1 (MARCKSL1) protein, neuronal trafficking mediated by major kinesin-1 motor protein and microtubule (MT) dynamics via STMN2/SCG10. The screen for novel physiological JNK substrates revealed specific phosphorylation of C-terminal end of MARCKSL1 at S120, T148 and T183 both ex vivo and in vitro. By utilizing site-specific mutagenesis, various actin dynamics and migrations assays we were able to demonstrate that JNK1 phosphorylation specifically facilitates F-actin bundling and thus filament stabilisation. Consecutively, this molecular mechanism was proved to enhance formation of filopodia; cell surface projections that allow cell sensing surrounding environment and migrate efficiently. Our results visualize JNK dependent and MARCKSL1 executed induction of filopodia in neurons and fibroblast indicating general mechanism. Subsequently, inactivation of JNK action on MARCKSL1 shifts cellular actin machinery into lamellipodial dynamic arrangement. Tuning of actin cytoskeleton inevitably melds with cell migration. We observed that both active JNK and JNK pseudo-phosphorylated form of MARCKSL1 reduce actin turnover in intact cells leading to overall diminished cell motility. We demonstrate that tumour transformed cells from breast, prostate, lung and muscle-derived cancers upregulate MARCKSL1. We showed on the example of prostate cancer PC-3 cell line that JNK phosphorylation negatively controls MARCKSL1 ability to induce migration, which precedes cancer cell metastasis. The second round of identification of JNK physiological substrates resulted in detection of predominant motor protein kinesin-1 (Kif5). Mass spectrometry detailed analysis showed evident endogenous phosphorylation of kinesin-1 on S176 within motor domain that interacts with MT. In vitro phosphorylation of bacterially expressed kinesin heavy chain by JNK isoforms displayed higher specificity of JNK1 when compared to JNK3. Since, JNK1 is constitutively active in neurons it signified physiological aspect of kinesin-1 regulation. Subsequent biochemical examination revealed that kinesin-1, when not phosphorylated on JNK site, exhibits much higher affinity toward MTs. Expression of the JNK non-phosphorable kinesin-1 mutant in intact cells as well as in vitro single molecule imaging using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy indicated that the mutant loses normal speed and is not able to move processively into proper cellular compartments. We identify novel kinesin-1 cargo protein STMN2/SCG10, which along with known kinesin-1 cargo BDNF is showing impaired trafficking when JNK activity is inhibited. Our data postulates that constitutive JNK activity in neurons is crucial for unperturbed physiologically relevant transport of kinesin-1 dependant cargo. Additionally, my work helps to validate another novel physiological JNK1 effector STMN2/SCG10 as determinant of axodendritic neurites dynamics in the developing brain through regulation of MT turnover. We show successively that this increased MT dynamics is crucial during developmental radial migration when brain layering occurs. Successively, we are able to show that introduction of JNK phosphorylation mimicking STMN2/SCG10 S62/73D mutant rescues completely JNK1 genetic deletion migration phenotype. We prove that STMN2/SCG10 is predominant JNK effector responsible for MT depolymerising activity and neurite length during brain development. Summarizing, this work describes identification of three novel JNK substrates MARCKSL1, kinesin-1 and STMN2/SCG10 and investigation of their roles in cytoskeleton dynamics and cargo transport. This data is of high importance to understand physiological meaning of JNK activity, which might have an adverse effect during pharmaceutical intervention aiming at blocking pathological JNK action.
Kestomagneettien kehittyminen on mahdollistanut sähkökoneen rakentamisen perinteisistä menetelmistä poiketen ja on samalla luonut uudenlaisia ominaisuuksia ja käyttökohteita. Erityisesti kestomagneettitahtikone (PMSM) on kasvattanut suosiota hyvän hyötysuhteen ja luotettavuuden myötä. Työssä esitellään kestomagneettitahtikonetta sen rakenteen ja toimintaperiaatteen avulla. Tarkastellaan kestomagneettien kehitystä ja tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Perehdytään myös taajuusmuuttajaan, mitä käytetään yleensä kestomagneettitahtikoneen ohjaukseen. Lisäksi esitetään taajuusmuuttajan erilaisia säätötapoja. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa yliopiston opetuslaboratorioon kehitetään koneikko, jonka avulla tutkitaan kestomagneettitahtikoneen toimintaan osana sähkökäyttöä. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää PMSM:n ominaisuuksia sekä suunnitella sähkötekniikan työkurssille soveltuva mittaussarja, mikä johdattaa opiskelijat tässä työssä käsiteltyihin aihealueisiin.
Electrochemical double-layer supercapacitors have an intermediate position between rechargeable batteries, which can store high amounts of energy, and dielectric capacitors, which have high output power. Supercapacitors are widely suggested to be used in automobiles (recuperation during braking, facilitate engine starting, electric stabilization of the system), industry (forklifts, elevators), hybrid off-road machinery and also in consumer electronics. Supercapacitor electrodes require highly porous material. Typically, activated carbon is used. Specific surface area of activated carbon is approximately 1000 m2 per gram. Carbon nanotubes represent one of prospective materials. According to numerous studies this material allows to improve the properties of supercapacitors. The task of this Master‘s Thesis was to test multiwalled carbon nanotubes and become confident with the testing methods.
Cyanobacteria are unicellular, non-nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes, which perform photosynthesis similarly as higher plants. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is used as a model organism in photosynthesis research. My research described herein aims at understanding the function of the photosynthetic machinery and how it responds to changes in the environment. Detailed knowledge of the regulation of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria can be utilized for biotechnological purposes, for example in the harnessing of solar energy for biofuel production. In photosynthesis, iron participates in electron transfer. Here, we focused on iron transport in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 and particularly on the environmental regulation of the genes encoding the FutA2BC ferric iron transporter, which belongs to the ABC transporter family. A homology model built for the ATP-binding subunit FutC indicates that it has a functional ATPbinding site as well as conserved interactions with the channel-forming subunit FutB in the transporter complex. Polyamines are important for the cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In plants, polyamines have special roles in stress response and in plant survival. The polyamine metabolism in cyanobacteria in response to environmental stress is of interest in research on stress tolerance of higher plants. In this thesis, the potd gene encoding an polyamine transporter subunit from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 was characterized for the first time. A homology model built for PotD protein indicated that it has capability of binding polyamines, with the preference for spermidine. Furthermore, in order to investigate the structural features of the substrate specificity, polyamines were docked into the binding site. Spermidine was positioned very similarly in Synechocystis PotD as in the template structure and had most favorable interactions of the docked polyamines. Based on the homology model, experimental work was conducted, which confirmed the binding preference. Flavodiiron proteins (Flv) are enzymes, which protect the cell against toxicity of oxygen and/or nitric oxide by reduction. In this thesis, we present a novel type of photoprotection mechanism in cyanobacteria by the heterodimer of Flv2/Flv4. The constructed homology model of Flv2/Flv4 suggests a functional heterodimer capable of rapid electron transfer. The unknown protein sll0218, encoded by the flv2-flv4 operon, is assumed to facilitate the interaction of the Flv2/Flv4 heterodimer and energy transfer between the phycobilisome and PSII. Flv2/Flv4 provides an alternative electron transfer pathway and functions as an electron sink in PSII electron transfer.
Venäläiset ovat eurooppalainen sivistyskansa, joka on vaikuttanut merkittävällä tavalla maailman kohtaloihin. Kommunismin kukistuttua ja Neuvostoliiton hajottua venäläiset joutuivat hämmennyksen tilaan. Kansakunnan uusi nousu alkoi maantieteellisestä, sivistykselliseltä ja historialliselta pohjalta. Länsimaille oli yllätys, ettei Venäjä seurannut läntisiä demokraattisia esikuvia, vaan lähti luomaan uutta yhteiskuntaa omaa tietään kulkien. Valtion johtoon astuivat turvallisuusmiehet, jotka määrittelivät Venäjän kehitysstrategiat ja poliittiset tavoitteet. Heidän mukaansa Venäjän federaatio on imperiumi, eikä se alistu muiden johdettavaksi. Venäjä ei hyväksy Yhdysvaltojen johtamaa yksinapaista maailmaa. Venäjän pyrkimyksenä on kohota yhdeksi tärkeäksi maailmanpolitiikan keskukseksi ja haastaa muiden vaikuttajien kuten EU:n, Kiinan, Japanin ja Intian kanssa Yhdysvaltojen johtoasema. Tavoitteeseen pääseminen edellyttää yhteiskunnan voimavarojen keskittämistä. Vuodesta 1996 lähtien poliittinen valta on keskitetty tiukasti presidentille ja hänen johtamalleen hallintokoneistolle. Vladimir Putinin johdolla yhteiskunta vakautettiin autoritaariseen tyyliin. Vuosina 2008–2012 muodollisena, joskin vaaleilla valittuna, presidenttinä oli Putinin luottomies Dmitri Medvedev. Tuolloin todellisena Venäjän johtajana toimi pääministeri Putin. Medvedevin nelivuotiskauden päätyttyä Putin jatkaa valtion johdossa presidenttinä. Taloudelliset edellytykset harjoitetulle politiikalle ovat Venäjällä itsellään. Maa on maailman ainoa suurvalta, joka on riippumaton ulkomaisista energia- ja raaka-ainelähteistä, ja vuodesta 2002 vuoden 2008 lopulle jatkunut energian ja raaka-aineiden hintojen nousu on tukenut Venäjän talouskehitystä. Lisääntyneillä tuloilla on voitu monipuolisesti kehittää yhteiskuntaa, ja väestön enemmistö on tyytyväinen harjoitettuun politiikkaan. Venäjä selvisi nopeasti vuonna 2009 maailmaa kuristaneesta taloudellisesta kriisistä ja pääsi jälleen kasvu-uralla. Suurena ongelmana on vientiteollisuuden yksipuolinen painottuminen energia- ja raaka-ainesektoreille, jolloin talous on hyvin riippuvainen maailmantalouden kehityksestä. Suurten valtion omistamien yhtiöiden hallitsema elinkeinoelämä ei myöskään ole omiaan edistämään yrittäjyyttä, joka on kaiken innovatiivisuuden perusedellytys. Valtiojohtoinen autoritaarisuus ei ole tyydyttänyt kaikkia, mutta vanhaan venäläiseen tyyliin protestit on tukahdutettu, ja ulkomaisille arvostelijoille venäläiset ovat kertoneet kehittävänsä venäläistä, ”ohjattua” demokratiaa. Imperiumille erittäin tärkeän instrumentin muodostavat vahvat asevoimat, ja valtiojohtoinen autoritaarinen talouselämä antaa mahdollisuudet niiden kehittämiselle. Asevoimien kehityksen esteenä ei ole niinkään talous, vaan teknologinen ja innovatiivinen jälkeenjääneisyys. Vuonna 2003 käynnistetty asevoimien reformi on lähtenyt liikkeelle ja sen tuloksia oli havaittavissa elokuussa 2008 käydyssä Venäjän ja Georgian välisessä sodassa, joka päättyi Venäjän aseille voitokkaasti. Tuolloin kuitenkin todettiin asevoimien tekninen ja taktinen jälkeenjääneisyys, mikä johti asevoimien ja niitä tukevan teollisuuden uudistamiseen tähtäävien uudelleenjärjestelyiden kiirehtimiseen ja kehittämiseen.
Pumping systems account for over 20 % of all electricity consumption in European industry. Optimization and correct design of such systems is important and there is a reasonable amount of unrealized energy saving potential in old pumping systems. The energy efficiency and therefore also the energy consumption of a pumping system heavily depends on the correct dimensioning and selection of devices. In this work, a graphical optimization tool for pumping systems is developed in Matlab programming language. The tool selects optimal pump, electrical motor and frequency converter for existing pumping process and calculates the life cycle costs of the whole system. The tool could be used as an aid when choosing the machinery and to analyze the energy consumption of existing systems. Results given by the tool are compared to the results of laboratory tests. The selection of pump and motor works reasonably well, but the frequency converter selection still needs development
The objective of this thesis was to examine the potential of multi-axis solutions in packaging machines produced in Europe. The definition of a multi-axis solution in this study is a construction that uses a common DC bus power supply for different amplifiers running the axes and the intelligence is centralized into one unit. The cost structure of a packaging machine was gained from an automation research, which divided the machines according to automation categories. The automation categories were then further divided into different sub-components by evaluating the ratio of multi-axis solutions compared to other automation components in packaging machines. A global motion control study was used for further information. With the help of the ratio, an estimation of the potential of multi-axis solutions in each country and packaging machine sector was completed. In addition to the research, a specific questionnaire was sent to five companies to gain information about the present situation and possible trends in packaging machinery. The greatest potential markets are in Germany and Italy, which are also the largest producers of packaging machinery in Europe. The greatest growth in the next few years will be seen in Turkey where the annual growth rate equals the general machinery production rate in Asia. The greatest market potential of the Nordic countries is found in Sweden in 35th position on the list. According to the interviews, motion control products in packaging machines will retain their current power levels, as well as the number of axes in the future. Integrated machine safety features together with a universal programming language are the desired attributes of the future. Unlike generally in industry, the energy saving objectives are and will remain insignificant in the packaging industry.
To describe the change of purchasing moving from administrative to strategic function academics have put forward maturity models which help practitioners to compare their purchasing activities to industry top performers and best practices. However, none of the models aim to distinguish the purchasing maturity from the after-sales point of view, even though after-sales activities are acknowledged as a relevant source of revenue, profit and competitive advantage in most manufacturing firms. The maturity of purchasing and supply management practices have a large impact to the overall performance of the spare parts supply chain and ultimately to the value creation and relationship building for the end customer. The research was done as a case study for a European after-sales organization which is part of a globally operating industrial firm specialized in heavy machinery. The study mapped the current state of the purchasing practices in the case organization and also distinguished the relevant areas for future development. The study was based on the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) and investigated also how applicable is the maturity model in the spare parts supply chain context. Data for the assessment was gathered using five expert interviews inside the case organization and other parties involved in the company’s spare parts supply chain. Inventory management dimension was added to the original maturity model in order to better capture the important areas in a spare parts supply chain. The added five questions were deduced from the spare parts management literature and verified as relevant areas by the case organization’s personnel. Results indicate that largest need for development in the case organization are: better collaboration between sourcing and operative procurement functions, use of installed base information in the spare parts management, training plan development for new buyers, assessment of aligned KPI’s between the supply chain parties and better defining the role of after-sales sourcing. The purchasing maturity model used in this research worked well in H&R Leading, Controlling and Inventory Management dimensions. The assessment was more difficult to conduct in the Supplier related processes, Process integration and Organizational structure –dimensions, mainly because the assessment in these sections would for some parts require more company-wide assessment. Results indicate also that the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) captures the relevant areas in the spare parts supply as well.
Työssä käsiteltiin konedirektiivin velvoittavaa turvallisuussuunnittelua ja sen taustoja.
Mekaanisen metsäteollisuuden tuotteiden kiristyvä globaali kilpailu ja jatkuva kustannusten kasvaminen kiristyvillä markkinoilla aiheuttavat jatkuvaa tuotannon tehostamisen tarvetta. Käyntiaikojen maksimoinnilla ja tuotantokoneiden käyttöasteen nostamisella haetaan hintaetua sekä toimituskapasiteetin maksimointia kilpailussa asiakkaista myös tulevaisuutta silmälläpitäen. Vanerin tuotantoprosessiin osaprosessina kuuluva viilun kuivaus on tehtaan tuotannon pullonkaula. Kuivauskoneen tuotannollisten häiriöiden syiden selvittämisillä ja käyntiajan lisäämisellä on suora tuotannollinen vaikutus. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin mahdollisia parannuskohteita tuotantolaitteisiin. Käsiteltävän aiheen ollessa aiemmin kirjallisuudessa käsittelemätön, jouduttiin kehitys- ja parannustoimenpiteissä tekemään suoraviivaisia syy- ja seuraussuhteisiin perustuvia ratkaisuja. Vaihtoehdoista etsittiin toiminnaltaan mahdollisimman yksinkertaisia sekä hankinta- ja käyttökustannuksiltaan kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja.
Red rice is a troublesome weed in irrigated rice production and is spread through contaminated commercial rice seed and machinery. Seed dormancy is a major trait for red rice. Studies were carried out at two locations to determine red rice seed longevity in the soil of several ecotypes from four US states. Five months after burial near Beaumont, Texas only three ecotypes had viable seed (<1%) when buried at 5 cm, but 9 ecotypes had viable seed after two years when buried at 25 cm. At the thirty-sixth month after burial, ecotypes Arkansas 2, Louisiana 2 and 4, Mississippi 4 and Texas 1 had viable seeds, but at less than 1%. Freshly harvested red rice seeds buried at 12 cm near College Station, TX, survived longer than seeds placed on the soil surface. The percentage of maximum viable seeds was 2% for blackhull type Texas 4, after 17 months. In both studies, commercial rice cultivar seeds were not viable after 5 months, regardless of their position in the soil. Under farming conditions with no fallow land preparations or deep tillage, most red rice seed germinated or was dead after 2 to 3 years, with only minor variation among ecotypes.