969 resultados para GROWTH-FACTORS
O periodonto é uma unidade biológica e funcional, constituída pela gengiva, pelo cemento, pelo ligamento periodontal e pelo osso alveolar. O seu processo de cicatrização envolve mecanismos fisiológicos complexos que requerem a ação dos fatores de crescimento, péptidos oriundos da desgranulação das plaquetas. Neste sentido surge o Plasma Rico em Plaquetas como um produto autólogo, obtido a partir da centrifugação do sangue do próprio paciente e que visa melhorar a cicatrização dos tecidos após procedimentos enquadrados na Medicina Dentária. Esta revisão bibliográfica baseou-se numa pesquisa realizada na base de dados MEDLINE, via pubmed. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave “plasma rich in growth factors”, “platelet-rich plasma”, “oral surgery”, “dental implants”, “sinus lift”, “third molar surgery” e “bone regeneration”. Após leitura de 40 artigos, foram descartados 9 pela sua pouca relevância no contexto. O objetivo é avaliar a efetividade da aplicação de plasma rico em plaquetas na regeneração dos tecidos periodontais em situações clínicas como alvéolos pós-extracionais, cirurgias de implantes, cirurgias de elevação do seio maxilar e na regeneração óssea. A efetividade em tecidos moles parece ser consensual. A efetividade no tecido ósseo é alvo de contradição entre os diversos autores, concluindo-se que há necessidade de mais estudos randomizados e controlados para que se possa responder à questão com evidência científica suficiente.
Introdução: O processo alveolar é o conjunto de osso que se encontra em redor da raiz do dente. Este osso é sensível a uma variedade de fatores ambientais e fisiológicos que influenciam a sua integridade e o seu funcionamento. Como tal, a sua formação assim como a sua preservação é dependente da presença contínua do dente. A reabsorção do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma consequência natural e fisiológica indesejável, que pode dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Com o aumento cada vez mais das demandas estéticas em medicina dentária, torna-se, portanto, necessário prevenir que a reabsorção óssea provoque este defeito na arcada dentária. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as várias técnicas e materiais para preservação do rebordo alveolar, a fim de prevenir ou minimizar a reabsorção alveolar após extração dentária. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on e Scielo, não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, e os critérios de inclusão foram artigos em língua inglesa e portuguesa. Num total de 164 artigos, selecionaram-se 82 estritamente relacionados com o tema. Os artigos excluídos desviavam-se do objetivo do trabalho ou eram inconclusivos. Selecionaram-se, também, capítulos do livro Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Volume 1 e 2, dos autores Niklaus P.Lang e Jan Lindhe. Desenvolvimento: De modo a compreender como o processo alveolar reabsorve, deve-se ter em conta as várias técnicas que se podem realizar para permitir uma boa quantidade de osso remanescente na arcada adequada a cada caso para uma possível reabilitação. As técnicas de preservação do osso alveolar após extração passam pela realização de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente invasivas, estabilização do coágulo pelo princípio da cicatrização por primeira intenção usando membranas ou retalhos, preenchimento do alvéolo dentário com materiais de enxerto ou substitutos ósseos, terapias combinadas com a colocação de implantes imediatos e o recurso a células e fatores de crescimento. Conclusão: A preservação alveolar tem grande importância para uma posterior reabilitação oral com implantes com maior quantidade de osso disponível do que quando não é feita qualquer tipo de preservação. A extração das peças dentárias deve ser feita com cuidado para preservar ao máximo ou não danificar as superfícies ósseas remanescentes. É aconselhado que o encerramento da ferida seja por primeira intenção e que proporcione estabilidade ao coágulo, podendo ser usado retalhos ou mesmo membranas. O uso de enxertos ósseos tem uma importante função de proporcionar uma matriz para o coágulo se formar e promover o processo de cicatrização. O método de implante imediato, para além de ser bastante usado, tem como finalidade o conforto para o paciente de não ser submetido a uma posterior cirurgia para colocação do mesmo e, simultaneamente, mantem a estabilidade dos tecidos moles. Ainda uma técnica menos usada é com células e fatores de crescimento que proporciona uma cicatrização mais rápida e um aumento do potencial regenerativo dos tecidos.
Negative regulation of the hepatic fibrogenic response by suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1)
Abstract: Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) is an indispensable regulator of IFN-γ signaling and has been implicated in the regulation of liver fibrosis. However, it is not known whether SOCS1 mediates its anti-fibrotic functions in the liver directly, or via modulating IFN-γ, which has been implicated in attenuating hepatic fibrosis. Additionally, it is possible that SOCS1 controls liver fibrosis by regulating hepatic stellate cells (HSC), a key player in fibrogenic response. While the activation pathways of HSCs have been well characterized, the regulatory mechanisms are not yet clear. The goals of this study were to dissociate IFN-γ-dependent and SOCS1-mediated regulation of hepatic fibrogenic response, and to elucidate the regulatory functions of SOCS1 in H SC activation. Liver fibrosis was induced in Socs1[superscript -/-]Ifng[superscript -/-] mice with dimethylnitrosamine or carbon tetrachloride. Ifng[superscript -/-] and C57BL/6 mice served as controls. Following fibrogenic treatments, Socs1[superscript -/-]Ifng[superscript -/-] mice showed elevated serum ALT levels and increased liver fibrosis com-pared to mice Ifng[superscript -/-]. The latter group showed higher alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and fibrosis than C57BL/6 controls. The livers of Socs1-deficient mice showed bridging fibrosis, which was associated with increased accumulation of myofibroblasts and abundant collagen deposition. Socs1-deficient livers showed increased expression of genes coding for smooth muscle actin, collagen, and enzymes involved in remodeling the extracellular matrix, namely matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases. Primary HSCs from Socs1-deficient mice showed increased proliferation in response to growth factors such as HGF, EGF and PDGF, and the fibrotic livers of Socs1-deficient mice showed increased expression of the Pdgfb gene. Taken together, these data indicate that SOCS1 controls liver fibrosis independently of IFN-γ and that part of this regulation may occur via regulating HSC proliferation and limiting growth factor availability.
The generation of functional, vascularized tissues is a key challenge for the field of tissue engineering. Before clinical implantations of tissue engineered bone constructs can succeed, in vitro fabrication needs to address limitations in large-scale tissue development, including controlled osteogenesis and an inadequate vasculature network to prevent necrosis of large constructs. The tubular perfusion system (TPS) bioreactor is an effective culturing method to augment osteogenic differentiation and maintain viability of human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC)-seeded scaffolds while they are developed in vitro. To further enhance this process, we developed a novel osteogenic growth factors delivery system for dynamically cultured hMSCs using microparticles encapsulated in three-dimensional alginate scaffolds. In light of this increased differentiation, we characterized the endogenous cytokine distribution throughout the TPS bioreactor. An advantageous effect in the ‘outlet’ portion of the uniaxial growth chamber was discovered due to the system’s downstream circulation and the unique modular aspect of the scaffolds. This unique trait allowed us to carefully tune the differentiation behavior of specific cell populations. We applied the knowledge gained from the growth profile of the TPS bioreactor to culture a high-volume bone composite in a 3D-printed femur mold. This resulted in a tissue engineered bone construct with a volume of 200cm3, a 20-fold increase over previously reported sizes. We demonstrated high viability of the cultured cells throughout the culture period as well as early signs of osteogenic differentiation. Taking one step closer toward a viable implant and minimize tissue necrosis after implantation, we designed a composite construct by coculturing endothelial cells (ECs) and differentiating hMSCs, encouraging prevascularization and anastomosis of the graft with the host vasculature. We discovered the necessity of cell to cell proximity between the two cell types as well as preference for the natural cell binding capabilities of hydrogels like collagen. Notably, the results suggested increased osteogenic and angiogenic potential of the encapsulated cells when dynamically cultured in the TPS bioreactor, suggesting a synergistic effect between coculture and applied shear stress. This work highlights the feasibility of fabricating a high-volume, prevascularized tissue engineered bone construct for the regeneration of a critical size defect.
Low-molecular-weight fucoidan (LMWF) is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweed that presents antithrombotic and pro-angiogenic properties. However, its mechanism of action is not well-characterized. Here, we studied the effects of LMWF on cell signaling and whole genome expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and endothelial colony forming cells. We observed that LMWF and vascular endothelial growth factor had synergistic effects on cell signaling, and more interestingly that LMWF by itself, in the absence of other growth factors, was able to trigger the activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway, which plays a crucial role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. We also observed that the effects of LMWF on cell migration were PI3K/AKT-dependent and that LMWF modulated the expression of genes involved at different levels of the neovessel formation process, such as cell migration and cytoskeleton organization, cell mobilization and homing. This provides a better understanding of LMWF's mechanism of action and confirms that it could be an interesting therapeutic approach for vascular repair.
International audience
Milk contains numerous bioactive substances including immunoglobulins, cytokines, growth factors and components that exert antibiotic and prebiotic activity (Field, 2005). Little is known about the biological effects of individual milk bioactives, despite the fact that natural milk improves intestinal development and immune system functions in neonates (Donovan et al., 1994; Field, 2005) relative to milk formula. Characterization of the biological effects of such components is important for optimal production of infant milk formulas to be used when mother’s milk is not available. Milk components with preliminary evidence of positive effects on the intestinal growth and mucosal immunity include osteopontin (OPN). Osteopontin is a phosphorylated acidic glycoprotein expressed by a number of different immune and non-immune cells and tissues (Sodek et al., 2000). It is also present in body fluids including blood, bile and milk (Sodek et al., 2000). Osteopontin is a multifunctional protein that is implicated in a wide number of biological processes including cell survival, bone remodeling, and immune modulatory functions (Sodek et al., 2000). Furthermore, Schack and colleagues (2009) demonstrated that the concentration of OPN in human milk is considerably higher than in bovine milk and infant formulas. Taken together, it is likely that OPN plays a role in the early development of gastrointestinal tract and mucosal immune responses in infants. Since the neonatal pig shares anatomical, physiological, immunological, and metabolic similarities with the human infants (Moughan, et al., 1992), they were selected as the animal model in our studies. Our first aim was to investigate the effects of OPN on piglet intestinal development. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets (n=27) were randomized to receive three treatments: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L); formula alone (FF); or sow reared (SR) for 21 days. Body weight, intestinal weight and length, mucosal protein and DNA content, disaccharidase activity, villus morphology, and crypt cell proliferation were measured. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05. No significant effects of OPN were observed for body weight, intestinal weight and length. Mucosal protein content of SR piglets was lower than FF and OPN piglets in the duodenum, but higher than FF and OPN piglets in the ileum. No significant effects of diet in mucosal DNA content were detected for the three regions of the small intestine. Lactase and sucrase activities of SR piglets were higher than the two formula-fed groups in the duodenum, lower in the ileum. No significant effects of diet on lactase and sucrase activities were noted between two formula-fed groups in the duodenum and ileum. Jejunal lactase activity of FF piglets was higher than SR piglets, whereas no significant effect of diet was observed in jejunal sucrase activity among the three groups. Duodenal and ileal villus height and villus area of SR piglets were lower than two formula-fed groups, while OPN piglets did not differ from FF piglets. There was a significant effect of diet (P<0.0001) on jejunal crypt cell proliferation, with proliferation in OPN piglets being intermediate between that of FF and SR. In summary, supplemental OPN increased jejunal crypt cell proliferation, independent of evident morphological growth, and had a minor impact on disaccharidase activity in the small intestine of neonatal piglets. Rotavirus (RV) is the most common viral cause of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide (Parashar et al., 2006). Maeno et al. (2009) reported that OPN knockout (OPN-KO) suckling mice were more susceptible to RV infection compared to wild-type (WT) suckling mice. To detect the role of OPN in intestinal immune responses of neonates, the goal of the second study was to evaluate whether supplemental OPN influenced the serum antibody responses to RV vaccination in neonatal piglets. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets were randomized into two dietary groups: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L) and formula alone (FF) for 35 days. On d7, piglets in each dietary group were further randomized to receive rotavirus (RV) vaccination (Rotarix®) (FF+RV and OPN+RV) or remained non-vaccinated (FF+NV and OPN+NV). Booster vaccination was provided on d14. Blood samples were collected on d7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. RV-specific serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA, IgM and total serum IgG, IgA, IgM were measured by ELISA. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05, with trends reported as P<0.10. Body weight gain was unaffected by diet and/or vaccination. No significant effect of oral OPN supplementation was observed for RV-specific antibody responses and total Igs levels. After the combination of dietary groups, RV piglets had significantly higher RV-specific IgM concentrations compared to NV piglets. Although there were higher means of RV-specific IgG and RV-specific IgA concentrations in RV group than their counterparts in NV group, the difference did not reach statistical significance. RV-specific IgM reached a peak at d7 post booster vaccination (PBV), whereas the RV-specific IgG and IgA peaked later at PBV 14 or 21. Total Igs were unaffected by RV vaccination but were significantly increased over time, following similar pattern as RV-specific Igs. In summary, neonatal piglets generated weak antibody responses to RV vaccination. Supplemental OPN did not enhance RV-specific serum antibody responses and total serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets with or without RV vaccination. In conclusion, we observed normal developmental changes in the small intestine and serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets over time. Oral OPN supplementation showed minimal impacts on intestinal development and no effect on serum Igs levels. The role of supplemental OPN on the growth and development of infants is still inconclusive. Future studies should measure other physiological and immunological parameters by using different models of vaccination or infection.
International audience
Objective: This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of autologous fibrin gel rich in platelet growth factors for the treatment of complex perianal fistulas. Material and methods: Prospective epidemiological study. Patients with complex perianal fistula or perianal fistula mere alteration of continence are included. identification of both holes and the journey, curettage of it and instillation of Vivostat PRF® in the way it is done to observe excess material by OFE. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, use of prior Seton clinic prevalent type of fistula, postoperative complications, fistula closure and impaired quality of life using the SF-36 test (v2). Results: From January 2011 to May 2013 have involved 23 patients, 12 men and 11 women, with an average age of 49 years and a minimum follow-up of 12 months. Two dropped out. 17 patients had low transsphincteric fistulas, 2 and 2 high transsphincteric intersphincteric with impaired continence. The most common symptom is the discharge. Twelve patients had a loose seton (62%), of which nine cured. Of all the patients we have operated the success rate is 62%. No patient developed incontinence after treatment. Only two reported a worse quality of life after surgery. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that there is a clear benefit to the use of Vivostat PRF® as a treatment for complex perianal fistulas. It is a highly reproducible technique with acceptable results and does not produce impairment of continence.
Reguladores da expressão do gene da proteía Gla da matriz (MGP) numa linha celular derivada de peixe
Dissertação de mest. em Biotecnologia, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Metastasis is characterized pathologically by uncontrolled cell invasion, proliferation, migration and angiogenesis. Steroid hormones, such as estrogen, and growth factors, which include insulin growth factor I/II (IGF-1/IGF-2) therapy has been associated with most if not all of the features of metastasis. It has been determined that IGF-1 increases cell survival of cancer cells and potentiate the effect of E2 and other ligand growth factors on breast cancer cells. However not much information is available that comprehensively expounds on the roles of insulin growth factor receptor (IGFR) and Rab GTPases may play in breast cancer. The latter, Rab GTPases, are small signaling molecules and critical in the regulation of many cellular processes including cell migration, growth via the endocytic pathway. This research involves the role of Rab GTPases, specifically Rab5 and its guanine exchange factors (GEFs), in the promotion of cancer cell migration and invasion. Two important questions abound: Are IGFR stimulation and downstream effect involved the endocytic pathway in carcinogenesis? What role does Rab5 play in cell migration and invasion of cancer cells? The hypothesis is that growth factor signaling is dependent on Rab5 activity in mediating the aggressiveness of cancer cells. The goal is to demonstrate that IGF-1 signaling is dependent on Rab5 function in breast cancer progression. Here, the results thus far, have shown that while activation of Rab5 may mediate increased cell proliferation, migration and invasion in breast cancer cells, the Rab5 GEF, RIN1 interacts with the IGFR thereby facilitating migration and invasion activities in breast cells. Furthermore, endocytosis of the IGFR in breast cancer cells seems to be caveolin dependent as the data has shown. This taken together, the data shows that IGF-1 signaling in breast cancer cells relies on IGF-1R phosphorylation, caveolae internalization and sequestration to the early endosome RIN1 function and Rab5 activation.^
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease occurring within the artery wall. A crucial step in atherogenesis is the infiltration and retention of monocytes into the subendothelial space of large arteries induced by chemokines and growth factors. Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) regulates angiogenesis and reduces vascular permeability and has also 15 been reported to promote monocyte migration in vitro. We investigated the role of Ang-1 in atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein-E (Apo-E) knockout mouse. Apo-E knockout (Apo-E-/-) mice fed a western or normal chow diet received a single iv injection of adenovirus encoding Ang-1 or control vector. Adenovirus-mediated systemic expression of Ang-1 induced a significant increase in early atherosclerotic lesion size and monocyte/macrophage accumulation compared with control animals receiving empty vector. Ang-1 significantly increased plasma MCP-1 and VEGF levels as measured by ELISA. FACS analysis showed that Ang-1 selectively increased inflammatory Gr1þmonocytes in the circulation, while the cell-surface 25 expression of CD11b, which mediates monocyte emigration, was significantly reduced. Ang-1 specifically increases circulating Gr1þinflammatory monocytes and increases monocyte/macrophage retention in atherosclerotic plaques, thereby contributing to development of atherosclerosis.
Due to their permanent and close proximity to neurons, glial cells perform essential tasks for the normal physiology of the retina. Astrocytes andM¨uller cells (retinal macroglia) provide physical support to neurons and supplement them with several metabolites and growth factors.Macroglia are involved in maintaining the homeostasis of extracellular ions and neurotransmitters, are essential for information processing in neural circuits, participate in retinal glucose metabolism and in removing metabolic waste products, regulate local blood flow, induce the blood-retinal barrier (BRB), play fundamental roles in local immune response, and protect neurons from oxidative damage. In response to polyetiological insults, glia cells react with a process called reactive gliosis, seeking to maintain retinal homeostasis. When malfunctioning, macroglial cells can become primary pathogenic elements. A reactive gliosis has been described in different retinal pathologies, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetes, glaucoma, retinal detachment, or retinitis pigmentosa. A better understanding of the dual, neuroprotective, or cytotoxic effect of macroglial involvement in retinal pathologies would help in treating the physiopathology of these diseases.The extensive participation of the macroglia in retinal diseases points to these cells as innovative targets for new drug therapies.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a degenerative disease leading to photoreceptor cell loss. Mouse models of RP, such as the rd10 mouse (B6.CXBl-Pde6brd10/J), have enhanced our understanding of the disease, allowing for development of potential therapeutics. In 2011, our group first demonstrated that the synthetic progesterone analogue ‘Norgestrel’ is neuroprotective in two mouse models of retinal degeneration, including the rd10 mouse. We have since elucidated several mechanisms by which Norgestrel protects stressed photoreceptors, such as upregulating growth factors. This study consequently aimed to further characterize Norgestrel’s neuroprotective effects. Specifically, we sought to investigate the role that microglia might play; for microglial-derived inflammation has been shown to potentiate neurodegeneration. Dams of post-natal day (P) 10 rd10 pups were given a Norgestrel-supplemented diet (80mg/kg). Upon weaning, pups remained on Norgestrel. Tissue was harvested from P15-P50 rd10 mice on control or Norgestrel-supplemented diet. Norgestrel-diet administration provided significant retinal protection out to P40 in rd10 mice. Alterations in microglial activity coincided with significant protection, implicating microglial changes in Norgestrel-induced neuroprotection. Utilizing primary cultures of retinal microglia and 661W photoreceptor-like cells, we show that rd10 microglia drive neuronal cell death. We reveal a novel role of Norgestrel, acting directly on microglia to reduce pro-inflammatory activation and prevent neuronal cell death. Norgestrel effectively suppresses cytokine, chemokine and danger-associated molecular pattern molecule (DAMP) expression in the rd10 retina. Remarkably, Norgestrel upregulates fractalkine-CX3CR1 signaling 1 000-fold at the RNA level, in the rd10 mouse. Fractalkine-CX3CR1 signaling has been shown to protect neurons by regulating retinal microglial activation and migration. Ultimately, these results present Norgestrel as a promising treatment for RP, with dual actions as a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agent in the retina.