979 resultados para Foy, Maximilien-Sébastien (1775-1825)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Juvenile books, published by Samuel Wood & Sons, New York.": page [4] of cover.


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En este trabajo me propongo analizar la influencia de la revolución de Haití en las independencias de Venezuela y Colombia durante los años 1804-1825. Miintención es demostrar que las repercusiones del proceso haitiano fueron vastas, complejas y sufrieron importantes cambios durante el transcurso de los años. En líneas generales, la revolución generó pánico entre las elites criollas y peninsulares y esperanzas entre grupos de esclavos y pardos. Inicialmente los sectores criollos revolucionarios buscaron evitar todo contacto con la isla y eludir el modelo insurgente haitiano por considerar que produciría en la Tierra Firme una "guerra de razas" y una hecatombe similar a la que, en su opinión, allí había acontecido. Sin embargo, a partir de 1812-1813 debido a las dificultades de la guerra de independencia una fracción de la elite criolla comenzó a estrechar vínculos con la República del Sur de Haití a través de contactos diplomáticos y corsarios. Estas primeras relaciones, más bien tímidas, fueron la condición de posibilidad de un cambio importante que sobrevino en 1816. En dicho año, debido a la reconquista de la expedición realista, la mayoría de los líderes independentistas huyeron de Tierra Firme y tuvieron que exiliarse en Haití, uno de los pocos lugares donde encontraron refugio y apoyo. En aquel contexto, se dio el pacto entre Alexandre Petión y Simón Bolívar, por el cual el primero se comprometió a aportar armas, barcos y hombres a la causa patriota a cambio de la emancipación de los esclavos hispanoamericanos. Este acuerdo fue fundamental ya que no sólo posibilitó la exitosa contraofensiva independentista, sino que además le dio un cariz social al proceso revolucionario de Venezuela y Colombia. Así, a partir de 1816 y hasta 1821, se dieron numerosos contactos e incluso el gobierno de Jean Pierre Boyer (sucesor de Alexandre Petión) colaboró con otras dos expediciones a cargo de Gregor Mac Gregor para liberar Panamá y Río Hacha. Sin embargo, el cambio no fue total y aún durante estos años, los líderes criollos continuaron teniendo reparos frente al peligro de la explosión de un nuevo Haití en la Tierra Firme hispana. Por último, el fin de la guerra de independencia abrió un nuevo contexto en el cual aquellos miedos se intensificaron debido a la movilización social interna. Esto derivó en nuevo alejamiento y el gobierno de Colombia no sólo se negó a mantener relaciones con Haití, sino que incluso lo excluyó del Congreso de Panamá.


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A new species, Stephanostomum tantabiddii n. sp., is described from the yellowspotted trevally Carangoides fulvoguttatus from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. It has 38 - 45 circum-oral spines and the vitellarium reaches to no less than 17% of the hindbody length from the ventral sucker. It differs from other species of Stephanostomum with these characteristics by various combinations of the ventral hiatus of the circum-oral spine rows, the relatively long pars prostatica and short ejaculatory duct, the elongate body and the wide gaps between the gonads.


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Sarah Poulton Kalley é conhecida, em quase todos os segmentos do protestantismo do Brasil, devido à organização e compilação d e Salmos e Hinos, o mais antigo hinário protestante editado no vernáculo em nosso país. Seus hinos, ainda em uso em muitas igrejas, marcaram por mais de um século a teologia do protestantismo no Brasil. Apesar desta notoriedade, sua influência na gênese do protestantismo brasileiro nunca foi objeto de estudo. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é resgatar e visibilizar áreas e estratégias de atuação que conferem a esta mulher um perfil de atuação relativamente autônomo. Contudo, centrada no estudo da trajetória intelectual e biográfica de um sujeito histórico, a investigação se defronta com um universo de personagens anônimos, envoltos numa complexa teia de relações, através das quais o protestantismo se insere no Brasil em um contexto especifico: huguenotes, puritanos, luddistas, famílias não-conformistas inglesas, líderes políticos e eclesiásticos, exilados madeirenses, brasileiros, portugueses, imigrantes alemães e, principalmente, a mulher protestante brasileira. A busca por informações sobre este universo relegado ao anonimato pela historiografia do protestantismo no Brasil, reve lou alguns documentos inéditos, inclusive um livro escrito por Sarah Poulton Kalley, em 1866: o A Alegria da Casa. Muito além do papel de esposa de um missionário e médico, Sarah Poulton Kalley emerge de uma rede de relações e práticas como professora, missionária e poetisa. Nestes três campos de atuação e através do desenvolvimento de múltiplos contatos e relacionamentos, procurava transformar e influenciar atitudes e crenças de seus interlocutores. Junto com a nova fé divulgava uma cosmovisão própria da cultura anglo-saxã, protestante e puritana, adaptando-a seletivamente ao universo cultural e social de seus interlocutores.(AU)


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Durante el siglo XIX el transformismo irrumpe en el panorama científico, una irrupción cuyas implicaciones filosóficas y sociales se traducen, entre otros, en obras teatrales en las que la temática refleja la difusión de estas nuevas ideas. Les deux Jockos, de 1825, ejemplifica ese grupo de representaciones que ponen en escena el debate transformista en una sociedad todavía dominada por los preceptos fijistas defendidos desde las instituciones y las élites sociales de la época. Así pues, el análisis de la obra permitirá desvelar aquellos elementos relacionados con el nuevo paradigma de naturaleza propuesto, al tiempo que evidencia la capacidad de influencia de la realidad histórica, social y cultural sobre el género teatral.


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Taking as its point of departure the lapse of the 1662 Licensing Act in 1695, this book examines the lead up to the passage of the Statute of Anne 1710 and charts the movement of copyright law throughout the eighteenth century, culminating in the House of Lords decision in Donaldson v Becket (1774). The established reading of copyright's development throughout this period, from the 1710 Act to the pronouncement in Donaldson, is that it was transformed from a publisher's right to an author's right; that is, legislation initially designed to regulate the marketplace of the bookseller and publisher evolved into an instrument that functioned to recognise the proprietary inevitability of an author's intellectual labour. The historical narrative which unfolds within this book presents a challenge to that accepted orthodoxy. The traditional analysis of the development of copyright in eighteenth-century Britain is revealed to exhibit the character of long-standing myth, and the centrality of the modern proprietary author as the raison d'etre of the modern copyright regime is displaced.


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Case in which the Court of Common Pleas decided that the Crown did not have the authority to grant exclusive prerogative rights over the printing of almanacs, a monopoly which the Stationers' Company had enjoyed, uncontested, since the formation of the ‘English Stock' in the early seventeenth century.
The commentary describes the background to the litigation, as well as the various strategies that the Stationers' Company employed in their efforts to regain control of the almanac market in the wake of the decision. It also explores how the decision provided the springboard for the emergence of a more contemporary concept of prerogative copyright. It was no longer thought that the Crown could grant printing patents over certain classes of work as of right. Rather, it was the monarch's unique constitutional position as head of both church and state that imposed an obligation to ensure the dissemination of authentic and authoritative versions of both legal and religious materials, and, from this obligation, the right to print the same arose.


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The integration between the London and New York Stock Exchanges is analyzed during the era when they were still developing as asset markets. The domestic securities on both exchanges showed little sustained integration, even when controlling for the different characteristics of stocks, implying that the pricing of securities in the US and UK were still being driven by local factors. However, there was considerable integration between New York and those listings on London which operated internationally. These results place a limit on the view that pre-World War I was the first era of globalization in terms of capital markets, and suggest that the listing of foreign securities may be one of the primary mechanisms driving asset market integration.