1000 resultados para Finnish markets
Tutkimus kuvaa tiedon, osaamisen ja teknologian siirtoa Suomesta ja Itävallasta Puolaan, Romaniaan ja Slovakiaan hajautetussa puupohjaisessa sähkö- ja lämpöenergian tuotannossa. Metsävaroiltaan rikas ja bioenergia-asioissa toimintatavoiltaan edistynyt Suomi toimi Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen (nykyisin Luonnonvarakeskus) johdolla tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston tuottaneen kehittäjäverkostohankkeen pääkoordinaattorina vuosina 2011-2014. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin hankkeen dokumentaation sisällönanalyysiä. Itävalta on tunnettu edistyksellisistä bioenergia-alan tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmistä. Suomi ja Itävalta kuuluvat EU:n viiden edistyneimmän maan joukkoon uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntämisessä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Suomessa ja Itävallassa hyvin toimivia liiketoimintamalleja voidaan siirtää kohdemaihin puupohjaisen uusiutuvan energian tuotannossa hyödynnettäviksi. Työssä kuvataan tiedonsiirtäjämaiden eli Suomen ja Itävallan ydinosaaminen kiinteän biomassan energiantuotannossa politiikkatasolta käytännön liiketoiminnan tasolle. Lisäksi työssä analysoidaan poliittisen ohjauksen merkitystä alan kehittämisessä, missä käydään läpi maakohtaiset uusiutuvan energian toimintasuunnitelmat vuodelta 2010. Lopuksi arvioidaan tiedonsiirtäjä- ja tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden välisiä eroavaisuuksia kyseisellä liiketoiminta-alueella, ja onko olemassa sellaisia tekijöitä, mitkä estävät tiedonsiirtoa tai hyväksi todettujen liiketoimintamallien soveltamista kohdemaissa. Kussakin maassa metsänomistusolosuhteet ratkaisevat kiinteän biomassan tarjonnan toimivuuden eli tilanteen toimitusketjun alkupäässä. Tuotannon ohjauksen pyrkimys on myös hyödyntää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen sivutuotevirrat mahdollisimman tarkoin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin. Yleiset taloudelliset suhdanteet vaikuttavat ketjun toimivuuteen ja tehokkuuteen. Yksin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin puunkorjuuta ei kannata suunnitella, koska se harvemmin erikseen toteutettuna on kannattavaa liiketoimintaa. Puun käyttö energiantuotantoon tarvitsee hyvin suunniteltua tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmää, joista kansalliset hallitukset vastaavat. Suomalainen tuotannon suunnittelun ja ohjauksen ajattelutapa sekä itävaltalainen energiapuun varastointi biomassan logistiikkakeskuksiin koettiin kohdemaiden yrittäjäkunnassa varteenotettavimpina liiketoiminnan kehittämisvaihtoehtoina paikallisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Lean-tuotantoajatteluun kuuluva hukan poistaminen toimitusketjusta liittyy mm. varastonhallinnan järjestelyihin ja sivutuotevirtojen hyödyntämiseen. Näitä piirteitä oli myös löydettävissä tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden yritysten toiminnassa hankkeen toteutuksen aikana.
Finland, other Nordic countries and European Union aim to decarbonize their energy production by 2050. Decarbonization requires large scale implementation of non-emission energy sources, i.e. renewable energy and nuclear power. Stochastic renewable energy sources present a challenge to balance the supply and demand for energy. Energy storages, non-emissions fuels in mobility and industrial processes are required whenever electrification is not possible. Neo-Carbon project studies the decarbonizing the energy production and the role of synthetic gas in it. This thesis studies the industrial processes in steel production, oil refining, cement manufacturing and glass manufacturing, where natural gas is already used or fuel switch to SNG is possible. The technical potential for fuel switching is assessed, and economic potential is necessary after this. All studied processes have potential for fuel switching, but total decarbonization of steel production, oil refining requires implementation of other zero-emission technologies.
The motives for this study originated from the notion that surprisingly little academic literature is found on actually managing and putting corporate social responsibility (CSR) into practice, in comparison with the definitions and frameworks of the concept itself. Regardless of the author, CSR has been considered consisting of three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. The question behind the three dimensions has always been whether socially and environmentally responsible behavior can lead to increased economic performance and improve the competitiveness of a company. Most of the current CSR development has related to the quantification of environmental and social performance in order to review these along with the established financial key ratios, which are based on the law and the reporting obligation of the companies. However, the previous research has mainly focused on US companies whereas studies with a European viewpoint, let alone Nordic, have been mostly lacking. Furthermore, it has been discovered recently that the integration of corporate responsibility into business is identified as the greatest challenge in CSR management in Finnish large companies. Therefore the integration of CSR into business in Finnish consumer goods companies provided an interesting, topical and somewhat obscure purpose for this study. This was further divided into three research questions concerning the reasons for CSR engagement, the role of the stakeholders and the practice of corporate responsibility. This study did not aim to build a new theory; instead an explorative viewpoint was regarded more appropriate. Accordingly, qualitative research approach and case study design were adopted in the study. Semi-structured theme interviews were used as a primary data collection method and complemented with secondary data such as websites, responsibility reports and another recent CSR study. There were four Finnish managers as interviewees of whom three presented companies and one non-profit organization. The results were somewhat convergent but differences arose as a result of the companies being at different stages as regards corporate responsibility. However, this provided only more insight into the implementation of CSR. The voluntary CSR initiatives, responsibility reporting, stakeholders and CSR management were identified as the most important viewpoints on the practical side of CSR, besides a key requirement for the integration of CSR into business to be credible was found to be a favorable management attitude. Based on the findings of this study it was admitted that giving concrete advice on CSR management is really a challenge and there is no one generally accepted and right manner to integrate corporate responsibility successfully into business.
This research thesis analyses the motivation behind the cross-border mergers and acquisitions deals. How mergers and acquisitions of new knowledge and assets, enhance business with expansion into new streams and international markets. Also, how mega deals help them to gain a power in the international markets. The research focuses on understanding the interrelation between motivations which are contributing to M&A activities and how issues like cultural differences and different management styles are overcome by these firms in cross-border settings. Chapter 1, gives a background knowledge on cross-border M&A as popular internationalization strategy choice, continuing with describing the process in Finnish and Japanese cultural context, and how these deals are proceeding in particular cases. Chapter 2, reviews the important findings and touches the common gaps or aspects those are not studied extensively, does play a key role in the success and failure of M&A deals. A methodology is presented in chapter 3, presenting the hurdles faced by many in this research field. Chapter 4, present the case study is presented to show how M&A can play an important role in structuring the entire economy of Japan. At last chapter 5, presents the evidence, if cultural, HRM and geographical aspects really contribute to the success of M&A, based on which managerial implications are suggested and propositions are built for future research references.
SStrong evidence suggests that the climate is changing and that these changes are largely caused by human activities. A consensus exists among researchers that human activity is causing global warming and that actions to mitigate global warming need to be taken swiftly. The transportation sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuel burning and primarily oil, is one of the big contributors to air pollution problems at local, regional and global levels. It is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and is estimated to be responsible for nearly a quarter of global energyrelated carbon dioxide emissions. Car sharing is a mobility solution encouraging its users to decrease private car usage in favour of communal transit and environmental goals. The idea of car sharing originates from the aspiration to decrease personal car ownership and to reduce vehicle distance travelled. This thesis seeks to complement the understanding of Finnish car sharing users and their usage through better categorization. Through better categorization and segmentation of Finnish car sharing users the thesis seeks to provide information for improved marketing insight. Research is done on the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing users and they are compared with international findings about the characteristics of International car sharing users. The main research problem is Are Finnish car sharing users similar to international ones? A theoretical research framework on the determinants of individual car sharing usage is built based on international research about demographic and behaviouristic characteristics. After this a quantitative survey is performed to the customers of a Finnish car sharing organization. The data analysed in the thesis consist out of 532 answers received from the car sharing organizations customers. The data is analysed with descriptive and other exploratory methods, which create an understanding of Finnish car sharing users. At the end of the analysis the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing users are compared with international ones. The research findings of the thesis indicate that the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing usage largely follow those of their international counterparts. Thanks to the thesis results the car sharing organization is able to better target their customers through improved marketing insight.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia Suomen työeläkevakuutusyhtiöiden työeläkevakuutusmaksun hoitokustannusosalla katettavia liikekuluja ja muodostaa analyysi Suomen työeläkevakuutusjärjestelmän liikekulujen kehittymisestä ja tehokkuuden tasosta. Tehokkuusnäkökulman lisäksi tarkastellaan työeläkejärjestelmän kilpailuolosuhteita. Tutkimusta motivoi työeläkealalle ajankohtainen asia, joka liittyy yhtiökohtaisen hinnoittelumallin mahdolliseen käyttöönottoon, jota parhaillaan suunnitellaan työeläkealan tehokkuuden ja kilpailullisuuden lisäämiseksi. Yhtiökohtaisessa hinnoittelumallissa työeläkeyhtiö voisi itsenäisesti vaikuttaa työeläkevakuutuksen hintaan hoitokustannusosan kautta, joka määräytyisi pitkälti sen mukaan kuinka tehokkaasti yhtiö pystyy toimintansa järjestämään. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa kuitenkin empiirinen analyysi perustuu kvantitatiiviseen aineistoon ja aineistoa on käsitelty kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen menetelmin. Pääasiallisina tutkimusotteina on käytetty taulukointia ja erinäisten muuttujien välistä korrelaatiota. Tuloksien suhteen on käytetty aineistolähtöistä induktiivista päättelyä. Tutkimuksessa on tutkittu seitsemän yksityisen sektorin työeläkeyhtiön liikekuluja vuosilta 2006–2013. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan järjestelmätasolla tarkasteltuna työeläkeyhtiöiden toiminta on tehokasta, joskin yksittäisten yhtiöiden välillä on suuriakin tehokkuuseroja. Vakuutusten ja korvaustoiminnan hoito ovat suurimmat kustannusten aiheuttajat. Työeläkemarkkinat ovat hyvin keskittyneet ja muistuttavat enemmänkin oligopolisia markkinoita kuin täydellisen kilpailun markkinoita.
Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomalaisen pienpanimon kansainvälistymismahdollisuuksia valitulla kohdemarkkina-alueella, hankkia kattavasti informaatiota kansainvälistymiseen vaadittavista asioista, sekä arvioida toimeksiantajayrityksen valmiuksia kansainvälistymiseen. Tarkoituksena on näiden asioiden perusteella muodostaa suomalaiselle pienpanimolle sopiva kansainvälistymispolku, valita operaatiomuoto kohdemarkkinoilla toimimiseksi sekä hahmotella jo ensimmäiset askeleet kansainvälisen toiminnan aloittamiseksi. Kansainvälistyminen on kokonaisvaltainen oppimis- ja muutosprosessi, jonka tuloksena yritys laajentaa omaa toimintaansa kansainvälisille markkinoille. Pienpanimolle kansainvälistyminen asettaa haasteita etenkin resurssien rajallisuuteen liittyen, mutta resursseja voidaan kehittää ja lisätä yritysten välisen verkostoitumisen ja muiden organisaatioiden avulla. Tietämyksen kasvattaminen ja verkostoaseman parantaminen syventää yrityksen kansainvälistä toimintaa ja vie kansainvälistymisprosessia eteenpäin. Suomalaisen pienpanimon kansainvälistymisessä avainasemaan nousee oikean yhteistyökumppanin löytäminen. Huolellinen valmistautuminen parantaa mahdollisuuksia onnistua, mutta kansainvälistymistä voi myös harjoitella ja samalla verkostoitua kohdemarkkinoilla hyödyntämällä pienpanimoille tyypillisiä kansainvälisiä yhteistyömuotoja.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how customer co-creation activities are managed in Finnish high-tech SMEs by understanding managers’ views on relevant issues. According to theory, issues such as firm size, customer knowledge implementation, lead customers, the fuzzy front-end of product/service development as well as the reluctance to engage in customer co-creation are some of the field’s focal issues. The views of 145 Finnish SME managers on these issues were gathered as empirical evidence through an online questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS statistics software. The results show, firstly, that Finnish SME managers are aware of the issues associated with customer co-creation and are able to actively manage them. Additionally, managers performed well in regards to collaborating with lead customers and implemented customer knowledge evenly in various stages of their new product and service development processes. Intellectual property rights emerged as an obstacle deterring managers from engaging in co-creation. The results suggest that in practice managers would do well by looking for more opportunities to implement customer knowledge in the early and late stages of new product and service development, as well as by actively searching for lead customers.
The purpose of this research was to define content marketing and to discover how content marketing performance can be measured especially on YouTube. Further, the aim was to find out what companies are doing to measure content marketing and what kind of challenges they face in the process. In addition, preferences concerning the measurement were examined. The empirical part was conducted through multiple-case study and cross-case analysis methods. The qualitative data was collected from four large companies in Finnish food and drink industry through semi-structured phone interviews. As a result of this research, a new definition for content marketing was derived. It is suggested that return on objective, or in this case, brand awareness and engagement are used as the main metrics of content marketing performance on YouTube. The major challenge is the nature of the industry, as companies cannot connect the outcome directly to sales.
Ellagitannins are secondary metabolites that are produced by plants. Among other features, they are assumed to function as plants’ defensive compounds against plant-eating herbivores. This thesis focuses on a theory, which suggests that the biological activity of ellagitannins is based on their tendency to oxidize at the highly alkaline gut conditions of insect herbivores (oxidative activity). To study the biological activities of ellagitannins, a wide variety of structurally different ellagitannins were purified from different plant species by using liquid chromatographic techniques. The structures were characterized with the aid of spectrometric methods. Based on the acquired data, it was also possible to create a scheme, which enables the classification and even identification of ellagitannins from plant extracts without the need to isolate each compound for individual characterization. The biological activities of ellagitannins were determined with methods that are based on the abilities of the compounds to scavenge radicals, chelate iron ions, and on their rate of oxidation at high pH. The results showed that ellagitannins possess oxidative activities both at high and neutral pH, and that their activities depend on structure. The occurrence, distribution and content of ellagitannins in Finnish plant species were also studied. The specific ellagitannin profiles of the studied plant species were found to correlate well with their taxonomic classification.
Poster at the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI9), Geneva, June 17-19, 2015.
The purpose of this study was to find out how a software company can successfully expand business to the Danish software market through distribution channel. The study was commissioned by a Finnish software company and it was conducted using a qualitative research method by analyzing external and internal business environment, and interviewing Danish ICT organizations and M-Files personnel. Interviews were semi-structured interviews, which were designed to collect comprehensive information on the existing ICT and software market in Denmark. The research used three external and internal analyzing frameworks; PEST analysis (market level), Porter´s Five Force analysis (industry level competition) and SWOT analysis (company level). Distribution channels theory was a base to understand why and what kind of distribution channels the case company uses, and what kind of channels target markets companies’ uses. Channel strategy and design were integrated to the industry level analysis. The empirical findings revealed that Denmark has very business friendly ICT environment. Several organizations have ranked Denmark´s information and communication technology as the best in the world. Denmark’s ICT and software market are relatively small, compared to many other countries in Europe. Danish software market is centralized. Largest software clusters are in the largest cities; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg. From these clusters, software companies can most likely find suitable resellers. The following growing trends are clearly seen in the software market: mobile and wireless applications, outsourcing, security solutions, cloud computing, social business solutions and e-business solutions. When expanding software business to the Danish market, it is important to take into account these trends. In Denmark distribution channels varies depending on the product or service. For many, a natural distribution channel is a local partner or internet. In the public sector solutions are purchased through a public procurement process. In the private sector the buying process is more straight forwarded. Danish companies are buying software from reliable suppliers. This means that they usually buy software direct from big software vendors or local partners. Some customers prefer to use professional consulting companies. These consulting companies can strongly influence on the selection of the supplier and products, and in this light, consulting companies can be important partners for software companies. Even though the competition is fierce in ECM and DMS solutions, Danish market offers opportunities for foreign companies. Penetration to the Danish market through reseller channel requires advanced solutions and objective selection criteria for channel partners. Based on the findings, Danish companies are interested in advanced and efficient software solutions. Interest towards M-Files solutions was clearly seen and the company has excellent opportunity to expand business to the Danish market through reseller channel. Since the research explored the Danish ICT and software market, the results of the study may offer valuable information also to the other software companies which are expanding their business to the Danish market.
On-going process of globalization makes companies all over the world to go beyond the national markets and internationalize. Organizational form of multinational corporation (MNC) has capabilities for establishing the affiliate companies in several countries. Thus, the relocation of resources occurs and particularly, the cross-border transfer of knowledge which possesses the competitive advantage. However, differences in countries` business environments and cultures may constrain this capability. The research aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of subsidiary’s network competence (ability to build and manage the relationships with other local business units) and international business competence in relation to the benefits that MNC receives from a subsidiary. Additionally, subsidiary’s business adaptation, partnerships and knowledge transfer mechanism with parent company and external partners are investigated. This research, conducted in the Finnish-Russian context, consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The qualitative approach in the form of multiple case studies is employed. The empirical data incorporated primary and secondary data in the form of interviews collected in 2013 and 2015 years. Interviews were collected from four Finnish case companies in Saint-Petersburg and Kaluga region and five Russian partner companies. Results are drawn from two cases from Saint-Petersburg. The abductive research approach for the results analysis is adopted. The results indicate that both competencies lead to the subsidiary’s local embeddedness in the form of mutual business activities with local business partners and product adaptation for the local market needs. In addition to the monetary benefits in form of payments or turnover share, local embeddedness brings the knowledge of the local environment which is utilized by an MNC in the long-term planning. Another found tacit benefit is the access to the national market. This is strategically useful benefit not only for parent MNC but also for the subsidiary’s partners, i.e. international suppliers.