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The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.
This article examines some aspects of the organization of multigrade schooling, taking as reference the state of Sergipe. It describes the profile, the conceptions and pedagogical practices of teachers working in multigrade classes in public schools. The data presented result from a statistical analysis of information collected by Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixiera (Inep) and from researches realized with public school teachers of Sergipe. The research has shown that the organization of multigrade schooling has different patterns and its central premise is the junction of years/grades, disregarding the age factor and inhibiting a possible pedagogical intervention, which considers the diversity of subjects and their lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers have a closer look at subjects of education in rural areas and build an educational intervention that goes beyond administrative aspects of formation of classes. The analysis of conceptions and practices of the teachers working in multigrade classes showed that the teaching work is obstructed by external determinations and by administrative barriers, inhibiting new reflections and practices that break up with the traditional logic of grades, permeated of excluding elements. The article aims to contribute to the dissemination of reflections and policies in the area of country education, especially for schools organized by multigrade schooling.
The research that originated this article was aimed at analyzing how the Brazilian publications from 1990 through 2005 set out the relationship between the appointment of school principals and democratic management and quality education. To that end, 38 books were selected and divided into three periods: 1990-1995; 1996-2000; 2001-2005. The findings indicate that from the second period on there is increasing consensus among scholars about the election of school principals as a form of appointment directly related to the democratization of management and quality improvement, defined as a collective and participatory construction of educational goals and practices.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar sumariamente tendências importantes na literatura acadêmica a respeito dos movimentos sociais entre 2008 e 2013 e seu nexo com a formulação de políticas públicas. Ele apresenta os resultados embrionários e iniciais de uma pesquisa ressaltando o caráter dinâmico e complexo do tema, apontando a necessidade de uma avaliação atenta às particularidades que uma avaliação sobre tais movimentos políticos demanda, sugerindo uma “tradução” ou ressignificação enriquecedora da compreensão dos mesmos, em conformidade com a formulação do italiano Antonio Gramsci.
We searched for which conceptions twenty-three Kinden garden teachers would have of “word”, as well as for “echoes” from these conceptions in their 4-6 years old pupils. Essentially all the teachers showed a graphic and semantic conception of “word”. “Echoes” from these conception were detected in part of their pupils. The other part of children showed a conception in which could be detected enunciative, pragmatic and discursive aspects of language. Conception of teachers indicates ruptures between their pedagogic activities with literacy and their pedagogic activities with language unities such as word. These ruptures, however, not necessarily were made by part of children, who seems integrate language and literacy.
Este texto é fruto de um projeto de extensão que promove a reflexão entre professores da Universidade Estadual Paulista e diretores e supervisores da Delegacia de Ensino da Região de Marília/SP. O MEC vem defendendo a adoção do PDE nas escolas públicas que não atingiram as metas definidas pelo IDEB. Nosso objetivo é analisar as propostas do PDE, identificando suas origens, suas características e a concepção de gestão que o embasam. Do mesmo modo, confrontar com o PPP das escolas, analisando suas implicações e consequências para a gestão. A Metodologia adota as pesquisas: bibliográfica, documental (PDE e PPP) e a pesquisa ação com o grupo de estudos em que participam diretores e supervisores da rede estadual e docentes e discentes da UNESP. Como resultados, identificamos que a concepção de gestão, consubstanciada no PDE, caminha em sentido oposto ao da concepção do PPP, especialmente no que se refere à gestão democrática.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A Política Educacional de Inclusão constituiu-se no objeto de investigação, tendo como recorte histórico os marcos legais e as ações desencadeadas pelo poder público, que visavam garantir aos portadores de necessidades especais o direito constitucional à educação, a partir dos anos 1990. A Constituição Federal de 1988 assevera o atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino (art. 208, III) e, posteriormente, a LDBEN 9.394/96, por meio do art. 3o, inciso I e do art. 4 o inciso III e do CAPÍTULO V Da Educação Especial (com três artigos) ratificou e disciplinou os dispositivos constitucionais. Além desses documentos basilares, foram editadas outras medidas legais com o objetivo de disciplinar a questão, além de programas e ações propostas pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão (SECADI), que substituiu, a partir de 2004, a Secretaria de Educação Especial (SEESP). Os sistemas de ensino, em âmbito estadual e municipal, também procuraram disciplinar a questão da inclusão na rede regular de ensino dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Partindo dessa constatação inicial, uma questão passou a nortear o trabalho: quais as medidas, ações e programas desencadeados pelo poder público municipal para o cumprimento dos preceitos expressos na CF/88, na LDBEN 9.394/96 e na legislação correlata? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as atuais políticas públicas de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades especiais na rede regular de ensino, verificando junto ao sistema municipal de educação de Rio Claro/SP quais medidas, ações e programas que foram desencadeados a partir da década de 1990. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The research addresses the teacher know-how in relation to how it is crafted to education for sexuality in two public schools in Coimbra - Portugal, with teachers from different areas of the 3rd cycle of basic education (humanities, sciences and biological sciences), which corresponds to the Elementary School II in Brazil. It will be based on law 60/2009 of August 6, regulated by Decree 196-A of April 9, 2010 of the Ministry of Education - Portugal, which establishes the implementation of sexual education in primary and secondary schools across the country. This research is funded by FAPESP - Research Support Fund of the State of São Paulo, process number 2011/12902-3. The research was based on a qualitative approach, conducting case studies and using semistructured interviews for data collection. The performance of the topic of sexuality and gender relations at Portuguese’s classroom aims to provide young people the opportunity to exercise their sexuality in a responsible, healthy and pleasurable way. The law seeks to ensure that this work is established in the Portuguese school effectively. Therefore, the trajectory of teachers formation (initial or continuing) will also be a focus of this research, to understand how and where it is built and how they act in their daily classroom practices, with their students the sexuality and gender relations
Due to great importance of information and communication technologies in education, this work presents a quest about conditions of Computer Laboratory of state schools at Guaratinguetá. Also we listen to the math teachers and to the school’s director what they have to say on this trend and what they have made for integrate those technologies in classroom
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The Inflation targeting regime is a concept of monetary policy which was adopted by several countries in the 90’s; Brazil being among these countries, having adopted it in 1999 after a currency crisis. With it theoretical structure regulated by the New – Classical theory and having as its main characteristic the prior announcement of a numerical target for the inflation, this regime was adopted by countries attempting to achieve a prices stability. The present project is going to explain the theoretical basis of the regime, as well as its implementation process in Brazil and the criticism it received. However, the main focus will be on the discussion of the employment of the IPCA (Consumer Price Index) as a measuring index for Brazil’s inflation