920 resultados para Equação de Maxwell 2D
2D materials have attracted tremendous attention due to their unique physical and chemical properties since the discovery of graphene. Despite these intrinsic properties, various modification methods have been applied to 2D materials that yield even more exciting results. Among all modification methods, the intercalation of 2D materials provides the highest possible doping and/or phase change to the pristine 2D materials. This doping effect highly modifies 2D materials, with extraordinary electrical transport as well as optical, thermal, magnetic, and catalytic properties, which are advantageous for optoelectronics, superconductors, thermoelectronics, catalysis and energy storage applications. To study the property changes of 2D materials, we designed and built a planar nanobattery that allows electrochemical ion intercalation in 2D materials. More importantly, this planar nanobattery enables characterization of electrical, optical and structural properties of 2D materials in situ and real time upon ion intercalation. With this device, we successfully intercalated Li-ions into few layer graphene (FLG) and ultrathin graphite, heavily dopes the graphene to 0.6 x 10^15 /cm2, which simultaneously increased its conductivity and transmittance in the visible range. The intercalated LiC6 single crystallite achieved extraordinary optoelectronic properties, in which an eight-layered Li intercalated FLG achieved transmittance of 91.7% (at 550 nm) and sheet resistance of 3 ohm/sq. We extend the research to obtain scalable, printable graphene based transparent conductors with ion intercalation. Surfactant free, printed reduced graphene oxide transparent conductor thin film with Na-ion intercalation is obtained with transmittance of 79% and sheet resistance of 300 ohm/sq (at 550 nm). The figure of merit is calculated as the best pure rGO based transparent conductors. We further improved the tunability of the reduced graphene oxide film by using two layers of CNT films to sandwich it. The tunable range of rGO film is demonstrated from 0.9 um to 10 um in wavelength. Other ions such as K-ion is also studied of its intercalation chemistry and optical properties in graphitic materials. We also used the in situ characterization tools to understand the fundamental properties and improve the performance of battery electrode materials. We investigated the Na-ion interaction with rGO by in situ Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For the first time, we observed reversible Na metal cluster (with diameter larger than 10 nm) deposition on rGO surface, which we evidenced with atom-resolved HRTEM image of Na metal and electron diffraction pattern. This discovery leads to a porous reduced graphene oxide sodium ion battery anode with record high reversible specific capacity around 450 mAh/g at 25mA/g, a high rate performance of 200 mAh/g at 250 mA/g, and stable cycling performance up to 750 cycles. In addition, direct observation of irreversible formation of Na2O on rGO unveils the origin of commonly observed low 1st Columbic Efficiency of rGO containing electrodes. Another example for in situ characterization for battery electrode is using the planar nanobattery for 2D MoS2 crystallite. Planar nanobattery allows the intrinsic electrical conductivity measurement with single crystalline 2D battery electrode upon ion intercalation and deintercalation process, which is lacking in conventional battery characterization techniques. We discovered that with a “rapid-charging” process at the first cycle, the lithiated MoS2 undergoes a drastic resistance decrease, which in a regular lithiation process, the resistance always increases after lithiation at its final stage. This discovery leads to a 2- fold increase in specific capacity with with rapid first lithiated MoS2 composite electrode material, compare with the regular first lithiated MoS2 composite electrode material, at current density of 250 mA/g.
Recurso educativo de apoio à unidade curricular de física
In the Hydrocarbon exploration activities, the great enigma is the location of the deposits. Great efforts are undertaken in an attempt to better identify them, locate them and at the same time, enhance cost-effectiveness relationship of extraction of oil. Seismic methods are the most widely used because they are indirect, i.e., probing the subsurface layers without invading them. Seismogram is the representation of the Earth s interior and its structures through a conveniently disposed arrangement of the data obtained by seismic reflection. A major problem in this representation is the intensity and variety of present noise in the seismogram, as the surface bearing noise that contaminates the relevant signals, and may mask the desired information, brought by waves scattered in deeper regions of the geological layers. It was developed a tool to suppress these noises based on wavelet transform 1D and 2D. The Java language program makes the separation of seismic images considering the directions (horizontal, vertical, mixed or local) and bands of wavelengths that form these images, using the Daubechies Wavelets, Auto-resolution and Tensor Product of wavelet bases. Besides, it was developed the option in a single image, using the tensor product of two-dimensional wavelets or one-wavelet tensor product by identities. In the latter case, we have the wavelet decomposition in a two dimensional signal in a single direction. This decomposition has allowed to lengthen a certain direction the two-dimensional Wavelets, correcting the effects of scales by applying Auto-resolutions. In other words, it has been improved the treatment of a seismic image using 1D wavelet and 2D wavelet at different stages of Auto-resolution. It was also implemented improvements in the display of images associated with breakdowns in each Auto-resolution, facilitating the choices of images with the signals of interest for image reconstruction without noise. The program was tested with real data and the results were good
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La región volcánica de Campo de Calatrava se ha interpretado como un proceso de volcanismo intraplaca desarrollado durante el Neógeno. Se han propuesto dos modelos geodinámicos contrapuestos para explicar el origen de este volcanismo: a) un proceso de rifting en un contexto extensional con un adelgazamiento localizado de corteza; b) un proceso flexural de la litosfera en un contexto compresivo débil sin adelgazamiento de corteza. El análisis de las anomalías gravimétricas de Bouguer y una modelización gravimétrica 2D a escala cortical contribuyen a discriminar entre los modelos geodinámicos propuestos para el origen del volcanismo. Los modelos gravimétricos se han constreñido en base a los estudios sísmicos profundos existentes en la zona y a la cartografía geológica regional. Los modelos gravimétricos descartan un adelgazamiento cortical, lo que cuestiona el modelo de rifting abortado y apoyan la hipótesis alternativa del proceso flexural de la litosfera en régimen compresivo débil como origen del volcanismo bético.
O fator cobertura e manejo do solo (fator C da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo- EUPS) é um dos mais importantes na redução das perdas de solo por erosão hídrica. Com objetivo de avaliar as razões de perda de solo (RPS) e o fator C, conduziu-se um experimento sob chuva natural em um Cambissolo Húmico alumínico léptico, com declividade média de 0,102 m m-1, em Lages, SC, no período de novembro de 2002 a outubro de 2005, compreendendo seis ciclos culturais. Os parâmetros foram avaliados em cinco estádios, com base na cobertura do solo pelo dossel das plantas. Foram estudados três sistemas de manejo do solo: aração + duas gradagens (PC), escarificação + uma gradagem (CM) e semeadura direta (SD), submetidos a sucessão soja (Glycine max) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), além de um tratamento adicional, com aração + duas gradagens sem culturas (SC). As RPS e os fatores C, variaram quanto aos ciclos, estádios das culturas e sistemas de manejo do solo. A SD reduziu as RPS, em 85% e 48% em relação ao PC e CM, respectivamente, durante os cultivos de soja e em 60% e 55% nos cultivos de trigo. Na média dos três anos de estudo, os valores do fator C, foram de 0,073 (PC), 0,016 (CM) e 0,007 (SD) Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 durante os cultivos de soja e 0,126 (PC), 0,083 (CM) e 0,035 (SD) Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 durante os cultivos de trigo. Para a sucessão de culturas soja-trigo, os valores do fator C foram de 0,198, 0,099 e 0,042 Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1, para PC, CM e SD, respectivamente.
Sub-bacias delimitadas para o estado do Rio de Janeiro foram parametrizadas por meio de duas metodologias que indicam vulnerabilidade, a equação universal de perda de solo que estima a perda de solo em toneladas por hectare/ano; e a integração temática de parâmetros morfométricos, topográficos, hidrológicos e de uso/cobertura da terra, que resulta em um índice de vulnerabilidade adimensional. Os parâmetros de cada método e os resultados foram analisados e comparados para verificação do grau de associação entre as metodologias, concluindo-se que os métodos são complementares para indicar vulnerabilidade de sub-bacia.
A agricultura é a atividade humana que mais afeta o meio ambiente. Imensas quantidades de insumos agrícolas são aplicados sobre o solo e grande parte destes degrada os recursos hídricos. Para uma investigação adequada do efeito destes insumos, estudam-se as propriedades hidráulicas do solo, que influem no transporte de solutos neste meio. Medir tais propriedades e modelar os parâmetros correlatos são tarefas extremamente complexas, devido ao tempo requerido, dinheiro, instrumentação e escala. As metodologias convencionais inferem as propriedades hidráulicas em amostras que estão em equilíbrio, através de técnicas invasivas e sob restrições especiais. esta tes contribui com a Ciência do Ambiente, via Ciência do Solo, propondo um novo método de estudo da infiltração da água na região não-saturada do solo, utilizando a tomografia computadorizada (TC). O tomógrafo foi aqui desenvolvido e construído. A TC, neste trabalho, mediu a umidade durante o fluxo não-saturado e, através da solução numérica da equação de Richards e do modelo Rossi-Nimmo, obtiveram-se a curva de retenção, a sortividade, e a difusividade. Resultados qualitativos, como imagens 2D e 3D, e resultados quantitativos demonstraram a boa correlação do método proposto com o método tradicional de medida da curva de retenção. Amostras de solo estruturado foram analisadas em laboratório e em camp.
This paper draws on a study of government initiat ives aimed at facilitating economic development, specifically the Multifunction Polis Feasibility Study involving the governments and business enterprises of Australia and Japan (1987-1991). Large scale projects that involve collaboration between gove rnment and business (termed: large scale collaborative venture LSCV)are identified as one aspect of competing in the new economy . The study pursued the research propos ition that a LSCV can be effectively facilitated by following a theory based process similar to those in corporate practice. An approach to managing such ventures is outlined, based on strategic marketing theory that may enhance their success and thereby help countries part icipate more successfully in global competition through such ventures.
This paper relates to government initiatives which aim at advancing their country’s economic development and investor attractiveness. It identifies large scale projects that involve collaboration between government and business (termed: large scale collaborative venture – LSCV) as one aspect of competing in the new economy. The study pursued the research proposition that a LSCV can be effectively facilitated by following a theory based process similar to what is used in corporate practice. An approach to managing such ventures is outlined, based on strategic marketing theory applied to a major project, the Multifunction Polis. It is proposed that such an approach may enhance the success of a collaborative venture and thereby help countries participate more successfully in global competition through such ventures.