885 resultados para Discourse, mass media, Semana, Polo, Progresistas


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Objectives: We report a case of primary melanoma of the small intestine. Primary intestinal melanoma (PIM) is an extremely rare neoplasm for which the cause is unknown. Materials and methods: A 67-year-old man was admitted to our department due to abdominal pain, constipation, a large, hard inguinal mass and severe anaemia. Results: After laboratory data, imaging techniques and histopathological examination, the diagnosis was confirmed. A surgical resection of the intestinal neoplasm, treatment with BRAF inhibitors and radiation therapy to the inguinal mass were performed. Conclusion: PIM is rare and it is usually difficult to establish its exact origin.


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Marketing, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2016


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Objectives: To describe the case of a patient presenting with weight loss and a pelvic mass. Materials and methods: We performed an advanced search in MEDLINE using the key words "wasting syndrome", "actinomycosis" and "pelvic mass". Results: A 63-year-old woman had a well-delimited and tender pelvic mass and was found to be anaemic. Before scans were performed, clinicians considered malignancy and other diagnoses. Conclusion: Actinomycosis is a chronic infection that usually affects the abdomen. Because of the lack of specificity of clinical and radiological findings, a multidisciplinary approach is the keypoint for making an accurate diagnosis.


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O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma definição do relativamente recente género literário que é exemplificado pela escrita de autoras como Margarida Rebelo Pinto, Fátima Lopes e Rita Ferro. Trata-se de literatura cujo possível ''par'' anglo-saxónico encontramos na ‘chick lit’ – uma ficção escrita geralmente por mulheres e para mulheres, que se foca na sua vida quotidiana. Pretende-se chegar a esta definição, por um lado, via análise do discurso mediático e académico à volta das obras mais populares e através de inquéritos com leitores e leitoras, por outro lado. Assim, pomos em relevo o jogo que se desenvolve entre a crítica literária, que ocorre publicamente (revistas, programas televisivos, blogues), e a leitura, que se exerce num âmbito privado e individual. Consideramos também como a crítica determina a leitura e em que medida a leitura e interpretação são atos isolados e pessoais. A pesquisa da qual resulta este artigo levou-nos às considerações literárias de índole mais geral, como, por exemplo, quem tem o poder de dizer o que é a literatura? A quem cabe o privilégio de designar o valor duma obra literária?


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Marketing, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2016


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LGB teens’ feelings, desires, and physical attractions run contrary to the heteronormative standards of American society. As such, LGB youth often experience feelings of sadness and dejection that can lead to depression and suicidal tendencies (Russell & Joyner, 2001). Evaluating the factors that could possibly influence the emotional well-being of LGB youth would be an important undertaking given the hindrances LGB adolescents face during sexual socialization. The purpose of this dissertation was to study the portrayal of sexuality in media popular with LGB adolescents and to assess the relationship between media exposure and emotional well-being among LGB teens. In particular, this dissertation distinguished between mainstream media and gay- and lesbian-oriented (GLO) media. GLO media were defined as any media outlet specifically designed, produced, and marketed for gay and lesbian audiences. Two studies were conducted to serve as the initial investigation in a program of research that will be designed to better understand the role of media in the lives of LGB individuals. The first study of this dissertation was a content analysis of the television programs, films, songs, and magazines most popular with LGB teens as determined by self-reports of media consumption in a survey of media use. A total of 96 media vehicles composed the content analysis sample, including 48 television programs, 22 films, 25 musical artists, and 6 magazines. Using a coding scheme that was adapted from previous media sex research, Study 1 measured the frequency of sexual instances as well as the type, nature, and source characteristics for each sexual instance. Results of the content analysis suggest that heterosexuality reigns supreme in mainstream media. When LGB sexuality is depicted in mainstream media, it is often sanitized. LGB sexual talk is rarely sexual; rather it is primarily about the social or cultural components of being lesbian, gay, or bisexual. LGB sexual behavior is also rare in mainstream media, which tend to depict LGB individuals as non-sexually as possible. LGB sexuality in mainstream media exists, but is more about proclaiming LGB identity than actually living it. GLO media depicted LGB sexuality more frequently than mainstream media did. GLO media often depict LGB sexuality in a more realistic manner. LGB sexual talk is about LGB identity, as well as the relational and sexual aspects of being a sexual minority. LGB sexual behavior is commonplace in GLO media, depicting LGB individuals as sexual beings. LGB sexuality in GLO media is prevalent and relatively authentic. The second study was a survey that assessed the relationship between media exposure (both mainstream media and GLO media) and LGB teens’ emotional well-being, considering self-discrepancy as an important mediating variable in that relationship. Study 2 also considered age, sex, and sexual identity commitment as possible moderating variables in the relationship between media exposure and emotional well-being. In Study 2, emotional well-being was defined as lower levels of dejection-related emotions. LGB adolescents (N = 573) completed a questionnaire that was used to investigate the relationships between media exposure and emotional well-being. Results of the survey indicated that mainstream media exposure was not significantly associated with dejection-related emotions. In contrast, GLO media exposure was negatively related to feelings of dejection even when controlling for age, sex, race, perceived social support, school climate, religiosity, geographical location, sexuality of peers, and motivation for viewing LGB inclusive media content. Neither age nor sex moderated the relationships between media exposure variables and dejection, but sexual identity commitment did act as a moderator in the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection. The negative relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection was stronger for participants lower in sexual identity commitment than for participants higher in sexual identity commitment. In addition, the magnitude of discrepancies between the actual self and the ideal self mediated the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection for LGB adolescents low in sexual identity commitment. However, self-discrepancy did not mediate the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection for LGB teens highly committed to their sexual identities. Results of both the content analysis and the survey are discussed in terms of implications for theory and method. Practical implications of this dissertation’s findings are also discussed, as well as directions for future research.


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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important vegetable crop and often cultivated in regions exposed to salinity and high temperatures (HT) which change plant architecture, decrease canopy light interception and disturb physiological functions. However, the long-term effects of salinity and HT combination (S+HT) on plant growth are still unclear. A dynamic functional-structural plant model (FSPM) of tomato was parameterized and evaluated for different levels of S+HT combinations. The evaluated model was used to quantify the contributions of morphological changes (architectural effects) and physiological disturbances (non-architectural effects) on the reduction of shoot dry mass under S+HT. The model predicted architectural variables with high accuracy (>85%), which ensured the reliability of the model analyses. HT enhanced architectural effects but reduced non-architectural effects of salinity on dry mass production. The stronger architectural effects of salinity under HT could not be counterbalanced by the smaller non-architectural effects. Therefore, long-term influences of HT on shoot dry mass under salinity were negative at the whole plant level. Our model analysis highlights the importance of plant architecture at canopy level in studying the plant responses to the environments and shows the merits of dynamic FSPMs as heuristic tools.


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While a variety of crisis types loom as real risks for organizations and communities, and the media landscape continues to evolve, research is needed to help explain and predict how people respond to various kinds of crisis and disaster information. For example, despite the rising prevalence of digital and mobile media centered on still and moving visuals, and stark increases in Americans’ use of visual-based platforms for seeking and sharing disaster information, relatively little is known about how the presence or absence of disaster visuals online might prompt or deter resilience-related feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors. Yet, with such insights, governmental and other organizational entities as well as communities themselves may best help individuals and communities prepare for, cope with, and recover from adverse events. Thus, this work uses the theoretical lens of the social-mediated crisis communication model (SMCC) coupled with the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing (LC4MP) to explore effects of disaster information source and visuals on viewers’ resilience-related responses to an extreme flooding scenario. Results from two experiments are reported. First a preliminary 2 (disaster information source: organization/US National Weather Service vs. news media/USA Today) x 2 (disaster visuals: no visual podcast vs. moving visual video) factorial between-subjects online experiment with a convenience sample of university students probes effects of crisis source and visuals on a variety of cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes. A second between-subjects online experiment manipulating still and moving visual pace in online videos (no visual vs. still, slow-pace visual vs. still, medium-pace visual vs. still, fast-pace visual vs. moving, slow-pace visual vs. moving, medium-pace visual vs. moving, fast-pace visual) with a convenience sample recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (mTurk) similarly probes a variety of potentially resilience-related cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes. The role of biological sex as a quasi-experimental variable is also investigated in both studies. Various implications for community resilience and recommendations for risk and disaster communicators are explored. Implications for theory building and future research are also examined. Resulting modifications of the SMCC model (i.e., removing “message strategy” and adding the new category of “message content elements” under organizational considerations) are proposed.


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The topic of the thesis is media discourse about current state if income inequality in the US, and political ideologies as influences behind the discourse. The data consists of four opinion articles, two from CNN and two from Fox News. The purpose of the study was to examine how media represents income inequality as an issue, and if the attitudes conveyed are concerned or indifferent. Previous studies have indicated that the level of income is often seen as a personal responsibility, and such perspective can be linked with Republican ideology. In contrast, the Democrats typically express more concern about the consequences of inequality. CNN has been previously considered to have a Democratic bias, and Fox News has been considered to have Republican bias, which is one reason why these two news channels were chosen as the sources of the data. The study is a critical discourse analysis, and the methods applied were sociocognitive approach, which analyzes the social and cognitive factors affecting the discourse, and appraisal framework, which was applied to scrutinize the expressed attitudes more closely by identifyind specific linguistic features. The appraisal framework includes studying such features as affect, judgment and appreciation, which offer a more detailed analysis on the attitudes present in the articles. The sociocognitive approach, additionally, offers a way of analyzing a more broad context affecting the articles. The findings were then compared, to see if there are differences between the articles, or between the news sites with alleged bias. The findings showed that CNN, with alleged Democratic bias, had a more symphatetic attitude towards income inequality, whereas Fox News, with more Republican views, showed clearly less concern towards the issue. Moreover, the Fox News articles had such dubious claims that the underlying ideology behind the articles could be even supporting of income inequality, as it allows the rich to pursue all the wealth they can without having to give anything away. The results, thus, suggest that the political ideologies may a significant effect on media discourse, which, in turn, may have a significant effect on the attitudes of the public towards great issues that could require prompt measures.


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A simple method has been recently proposed to assess acute hydration status in humans; however, several questions remain regarding its reliability, validity, and practicality. Objective: Establish reliability of a simple method to assess euhydration, that is, to analyze whether this method can be used as a consistent indicator of a person´s hydration status. In addition, the study sought to assess the effect exercise has on urine volume when euhydration is maintained and a standardized volume of water is ingested. Methods: Five healthy physically active men and five healthy physically active women, 22.5 ± 2.3 years of age (mean ± standard deviation) reported to the laboratory after fasting for 10 hours or more on three occasions, each one week apart. During the two identical resting euhydration conditions (EuA and EuB), participants remained seated for 45 minutes. During the exercise condition (EuExer), participants exercised intermittently in an environmental chamber (average temperature and relative humidity = 32 ± 3°C and 65 ± 7%, respectively) for a period of 45 minutes and drank water to offset loss due to sweating. The order of treatments was randomized. Upon finishing the treatment period, they ingested a volume of water equivalent to 1.43% body mass (BM) within 30 minutes. Urine was collected and measured henceforth every 30 minutes for 3 hours. Results: Urine volume eliminated during EuExer (1205 ± 399.5 ml) was not different from EuB (1072.2±413.1 ml) or EuA (1068 ± 382.87 ml) (p-value = 0.44). Both resting conditions were practically identical (p-value = 0.98) and presented a strong intraclass correlation (r = 0.849, p-value = 0.001). Conclusions: This method, besides simple, proved to be consistent in all conditions; therefore, it can be used with the certainty that measurements are valid and reliable.


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Objetivo: Describir y analizar las modificaciones en la composición corporal, en las mujeres de mediana edad, después de realizar un programa de actividad física, basado en el aquaerobic, y un posterior periodo de desentrenamiento. Material y método: El grupo analizado estuvo integrado por diecisiete mujeres de Arroyo de San Serván (Badajoz), físicamente activas (habían realizado programas de gimnasia de mantenimiento, con una frecuencia de una a tres sesiones semanales, durante los últimos tres meses), con una edad media de 53,6 ± 9,1 años. El programa se desarrolló con sesiones de sesenta minutos durante cinco días a la semana, por seis semanas, con un periodo de desentrenamiento de cuatro semanas. Se realizaron tres evaluaciones antropométricas: al iniciar el programa, al finalizar el mismo, tras el periodo de desentrenamiento. En cada medición, se determinaban la talla y el peso, seis pliegues cutáneos, cuatro perímetros corporales y tres diámetros óseos. El porcentaje de grasa fue obtenido a través de los datos arrojados en cuatro pliegues cutáneos (tricipital, subescapular, suprailíaco y abdominal) mediante la fórmula de Yuhasz, modificada por Faulkner (1968). Por su parte, el porcentaje muscular fue calculado, a partir del porcentaje de la masa total, menos el porcentaje óseo (Rocha, 1975), el porcentaje graso (Faulkner, 1968) y el porcentaje residual, a través de la ecuación de Wurch (Esparza, 1993), de los sujetos medidos, según la propuesta básica de Matiegka (modelo de los cuatro componentes). Resultados: después de realizar el programa, se observó un aumento significativo en el porcentaje muscular: 32.69 ± 2.69% vs. 33.44 ± 2.89% (p < 0.05), en el peso muscular: 23.45 ± 3.53 kg vs. 24.02 ± 3.33 kg (p <0.05), y un descenso significativo del componente graso reflejado, mediante el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos: 193.66 ± 25.54 mm vs. 188.38 ± 25.67 mm (P <0,05), más específicamente, en el pliegue suprailíaco, 30.47 ± 8.49 mm vs. 28.00 ± 8.78 mm (p <0,05) Estas tendencias se mantuvieron durante el periodo de desentrenamiento, en el porcentaje muscular: 33.44 ± 2.89% vs. 34,25 ± 3,04% (p<0,01 con respecto a la inicial), en el peso muscular: 24.02 ± 3.33 kg vs 24,74 ± 3,64kg (p<0,01 con respecto a la inicial), el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos: 188.38 ± 25.67 mm vs 183,41 ± 26,65 mm (p<0,05 con respecto a la inicial). Conclusiones: La participación en programas de aquaerobics de corta duración bajo las condiciones de este estudio provoca descensos del componente graso y aumentos significativos en el componente muscular, en las mujeres activas de mediana edad.


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Posttraumatic stress and PTSD are becoming familiar terms to refer to what we often call the invisible wounds of war, yet these are recent additions to a popular discourse in which images of and ideas about combat-affected veterans have long circulated. A legacy of ideas about combat veterans and war trauma thus intersects with more recent clinical information about PTSD to become part of a discourse of visual media that has defined and continues to redefine veteran for popular audiences. In this dissertation I examine realist combat veteran representations in selected films and other visual media from three periods: during and after World Wars I and II (James Allen from I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, Fred Derry and Al Stephenson from The Best Years of Our Lives); after the Vietnam War (Michael from The Deer Hunter, Eriksson from Casualties of War), and post 9/11 (Will James from The Hurt Locker, a collection of veterans from Wartorn: 1861-2010.) Employing a theoretical framework informed by visual media studies, Barthes’ concept of myth, and Foucault’s concept ofdiscursive unity, I analyze how these veteran representations are endowed with PTSD symptom-like behaviors and responses that seem reasonable and natural within the narrative arc. I contend that veteran myths appear through each veteran representation as the narrative develops and resolves. I argue that these veteran myths are many and varied but that they crystallize in a dominant veteran discourse, a discursive unity that I term veteranness. I further argue that veteranness entangles discrete categories such as veteran, combat veteran, and PTSD with veteran myths, often tying dominant discourse about combat-related PTSD to outdated or outmoded notions that significantly affect our attitudes about and treatment of veterans. A basic premise of my research is that unless and until we learn about the lasting effects of the trauma inherent to combat, we hinder our ability to fulfill our responsibilities to war veterans. A society that limits its understanding of posttraumatic stress, PTSD and post-war experiences of actual veterans affected by war trauma to veteranness or veteran myths risks normalizing or naturalizing an unexamined set of sociocultural expectations of all veterans, rendering them voice-less, invisible, and, ultimately disposable.


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Celebrity participation in humanitarianism and politics has received a lot of attention in recent times. Though many researchers have sought to explain the reasons underlying this phenomenon, there appears to be little information as to the efficacy of these celebrity efforts. The present research thus undertakes an analysis of the celebrity's participation through a study on the effectiveness of the celebrity-led campaign. To achieve this, I conduct a discourse and visual analysis of media publications surrounding two celebrity-led campaigns. The research leans heavy on theories underlining the celebrity mechanism and Street et al's framework on celebrity participation in politics. The study confirms Street et al's argument that performance, legitimacy and organization are central to the success of the celebrity-led campaign. For campaigns aimed at initiating policy change, I propose an additional category of stakeholders' response which provides a means of evaluating efficacy. My findings show that organization, legitimization, stakeholders' response and performance are highly dependent on the actions of the lead celebrity, making these celebrities active agents in the production of discourse on the "third world". As celebrities engage in humanitarian work, they take up positions as representatives of the aid recipient. The result is the dispossession and silencing of the aid recipient. Out of my discussion of these practices evolves the concept of the celebrity burden.