999 resultados para Determination of sex


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Gas temperature is of major importance in plasma based surface treatment, since the surface processes are strongly temperature sensitive. The spatial distribution of reactive species responsible for surface modification is also influenced by the gas temperature. Industrial applications of RF plasma reactors require a high degree of homogeneity of the plasma in contact with the substrate. Reliable measurements of spatially resolved gas temperatures are, therefore, of great importance. The gas temperature can be obtained, e.g. by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Common methods of OES to obtain gas temperatures from analysis of rotational distributions in excited states do not include the population dynamics influenced by cascading processes from higher electronic states. A model was developed to evaluate this effect on the apparent rotational temperature that is observed. Phase resolved OES confirmed the validity of this model. It was found that cascading leads to higher apparent temperatures, but the deviation (~25 K) is relatively small and can be ignored in most cases. This analysis is applied to investigate axially and radially resolved temperature profiles in an inductively coupled hydrogen RF discharge.


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In gas discharges at elevated pressure, radiation-less collisional de-excitation (quenching) has a strong influence on the population of excited states. The knowledge of quenching coefficients is therefore important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. A novel time-resolved optical emission spectroscopic (OES) technique allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emission lines of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as collision partner. The technique exploits the short electron impact excitation during the field reversal phase within the sheath region of a hydrogen capacitively coupled RF discharge at 13.56 MHz. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to this excitation from the effective lifetime of the fluorescence decay at various hydrogen pressures. The measured quenching coefficients agree very well with results obtained by means of laser excitation. The time-resolved OES technique based on electron impact excitation is not limited - in contrast to laser techniques - by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the observed excited level.


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Previous work has suggested that seasonal and inter-annual upwelling of deep, cold, radiocarbon depleted waters from the South Atlantic has caused variations in the reservoir effect (R) through time along the southern coast of Brazil. This work aims to examine the possible upwelling influence on the paleo-reservoir age of Brazilian surficial coastal waters based on paired terrestrial/marine samples obtained from archaeological remains. On the Brazilian coast there are hundreds of shell-middens built up by an ancient culture that lived between 6500 to 1500 years ago, but there are few located on open coast with a known upwelling influence. Three archaeological sites located in a large headland in Arraial do Cabo and Ilha de Cabo Frio, southeastern coast of Brazil with open ocean conditions and a well-known strong and large upwelling of the Malvinas/Falkland current were chosen for this study. The 14C age differences between carbonized seed and marine samples varied from 281 ± 44 to 1083 ± 51 14C yr. There are also significant age differences between carbonized seed samples (977 14C yr) and marine samples (200 and 228 14C yr) from the same archaeological layer that cannot be explained by a reservoir effect or an old-wood effect for charcoal. Therefore the present data from the southeastern Brazilian coast are inconclusive for identifying an upwelling effect on R. To do so it would be necessary to more precisely define the present-pre-bomb R in upwelling regions and to analyze paired marine/terrestrial samples that are contemporaneous beyond doubt.


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175 nm-thick Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) thin film fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique is found to be a mixture of two distributions of material. We discuss whether these two components are nano-regions of paraelectric and ferroelectric phases, or a bimodal grain-size distribution, or an effect of oxygen vacancy gradient from the electrode interface. The fraction of switchable ferroelectric phase decreases under bipolar pulsed fields, but it recovers after removal of the external fields. The plot of capacitance in decreasing dc voltage (C(Vdown arrow) versus that in increasing dc 61 voltage C(Vup arrow) is a superposition of overlapping of two triangles, in contrast to one well-defined triangle for typical ferroelectric SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films.


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Size-exclusion or gel filtration chromatography is one of the most popular methods for determining the sizes of proteins. Proteins in solution, or other macromolecules, are applied to a column with a defined support medium. The behavior of the protein depends on its size and that of the pores in the medium. If the protein is small relative to the pore size, it will partition into the medium and emerge from the column after larger proteins. Besides a protein's size, this technique can also be used for protein purification, analysis of purity, and study of interactions between proteins. In this unit protocols are provided for size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) and for conventional gel filtration, including calibration of columns (in terms of the Stokes radius) using protein standards.


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A rapid and sensitive screening qualitative method using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor was developed which can detect of all fenicol antibiotic residues in shrimps from a single sample extract. This method requires ethyl acetate extraction followed by a single wash with isooctane/chlorofonrm. Each sample extract is injected over the surfaces of two biosensor chip flow cells, one surface having the capability to detect florefenicol amine (FF amine), florefenicol (FF), and thiamphenicol (TAP) and the second surface for chloramphenicol (CAP) detection. The estimated detection capabilities (CC beta) were 0. 1, 0.2, 250, and 0.5 ppb for CAP, FF, FF amine, and TAP, respectively. This quick, simple test allowed the detection of CAP residues in shrimps at the minimum required performance limit (MRPL) of 0.1 mu g kg(-1) for this compound and of FF, FF amine, and TAP below their maximum residue limits (MRLs). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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After thermal treatment of a mixture of glucose and glycine for 2 h at 125 degreesC, about 60% of the starting material was converted into nonsoluble, black pigments, whereas 40% of the mixture was still water-soluble. Dialysis of the latter fraction revealed 30.4% of low molecular weight compounds (LMWs; MW <10 000 De) and 10.0% high-molecular weight products [HMWs; MW greater than or equal to 10000 Dal. The water-soluble Maillard reaction products (MRPs) were separated by gel permeation chromatography and ultrafiltration, revealing that 60% of the water-soluble products of the total carbohydrate/amino acid mixture had MWs <1 000 Da and consisted mainly of non-coloured reaction products. MRPs with MWs between 1000 and 30000 Da were Found in comparatively low yields (about 1.3%). In contrast, about 31.1% of the MRPs exhibited MWs > 30000 Da, amongst which 14.5% showed MWs > 100000 Da, thus indicating an oligomerisation of LMWs to melanoidins under roasting conditions. To investigate the physiological effects of these MRPs, xenobiotic enzyme activities were analysed in intestinal Caco-2 cells. For Phase-I NADPH-cytochrome c-reductase, the activity in the presence of the LMW and HMW fraction was decreased by 13% and 22%: respectively. Phase-II glutathione-S-transferase activity decreased by 15% and 18%, respectively, after incubation with the LMW and the HMW fractions. Considering the different yields, 30% and 10%, respectively, of the LMW and the HMW fractions, the total amount of the LMW fraction present in the glucose-glycine mixture is more active in modulating three enzyme activities than that of the HMW fraction.


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We systematically investigated the mechanism of the C-1 + C-1 coupling reactions using density functional theory. The activation energies of C-1 + C-1 coupling and carbon hydrogenation reactions on both flat and stepped surfaces were calculated and analyzed. Moreover, the coverages of adsorbed C-1 species were estimated, and the reaction rates of all possible C-1 + C-1 coupling pathways were quantitatively evaluated. The results suggest that the reactions of CH2 + CH2 and CH3 + C at steps are most likely to be the key C-1 + C-1 coupling steps in FT synthesis on Co catalysts. The reactions of C-2 + C-1 and C-3 + C-1 coupling also were studied; the results demonstrate that in addition to the pathways of RCH + CH2 and RCH2 + C, the coupling of RC + C and RC + CH also may contribute to the chain growth after C-1. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The electroanalytical quantification of chloride in [C(4)mim][BF4], [C(4)mim][NTf2] and [C(4)mim][PF6] ionic liquids has been explored using linear sweep and square wave voltammetry. Cathodic stripping voltammetry at a silver disk electrode is found to be the most sensitive. The methodology is based on first holding the potential of the electrode at +2.0 V (vs Ag wire), to accumulate silver chloride at the electrode. On applying a cathodic scan, a stripping wave is observed corresponding to the reduction of the silver chloride. This stripping protocol was found to detect ppb levels of chloride in [C(4)mim][BF4], [C(4)mim][NTf2], and [C(4)mim][PF6]. Although other methods for chloride have been reported for [BF4](-)- and [PF6](-)-based ionic liquids, no methods have been reported for [NTf2](-) ionic liquids.


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The results detail a novel methodology for the electrochemical determination of ammonia based on its interaction with hydroquinone in DMF. It has been shown that ammonia reversibly removes protons from the hydroquinone molecules, thus facilitating the oxidative process with the emergence of a new wave at less positive potentials. The analytical utility of the proposed methodology has been examined with a linear range from 10 to 95 ppm and corresponding limit-of-detection of 4.2 ppm achievable. Finally, the response of hydroquinone in the presence of ammonia has been examined in the room temperature ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluormethylsulfonyl)imide, [EMIM][N(Tf)(2)]. Analogous voltammetric waveshapes to that observed in DMF were obtained, thereby confirming the viability of the method in either DMF or [EMIM][N(Tf)(2)] as solvent. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Absolute configurations of a number of cis-dihydrodiols (cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadienes), synthetically useful products of TDO-catalyzed dihydroxylations of 1,2- and 1,3-disubstituted benzene derivatives, have been determined by a comparison of calculated and experimental CD spectra and optical rotations and by methods involving X-ray crystallography, H-1 NMR spectra of diastereoisomeric derivatives, and by stereochemical correlations. The computations disclosed a significant effect of the substituents on conformational equilibria of cis-dihydrodiols and chiroptical properties of individual conformers. The assigned absolute configurations of cis-dihydrodiols have allowed the validity of a simple predictive model for TDO-catalyzed arene dihydroxylations to be extended.


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A combination method of ozonolysis and chiral stationary phase (CSP)-GC-MS analysis has been developed to determine the enantiopurity values and absolute configurations of a range of alkaloid and coumarin hemiterpenoids derived from C- and O-prenyl epoxides.