971 resultados para Cotton yarn


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The suitability of HDPE yarn and HDPE twine in place of nylon for gill nets has been studied. As regards total catch nylon gill net is found to be better than HDPE nets. However, statistical analysis of the catch in respect of quality fishes shows that HDPE yarn nets are equally efficient as nylon nets.


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The initial subsistence fisheries of Lake Victoria were dominated by two indigenous tilapiines, Oreochromis esculentus (Graham 1929) and Oreochromis variabilis Boulenger 1906, exploited with simple fishing crafts and gears that had little impact on the fish stocks (Jackson 1971). Commercial fisheries, targeting the tilapia fishery, started at the beginning of the 20th Centurywhen cotton flax gillnets were first introduced in 1905 into the Nyanza Gulf in Kenya. Gillnets were quickly adopted around the whole lake and consequently, the native methods of fishing soon died out (Jackson 1971). Following the introduction of gillnets, fishing boats and their propulsion methods were also improved. These improvements in fishing capacity coincided with development of urban centres and increasing human population around the lake, which increased the demand for fishery products. To satisfy the increasing demand, fishing effort increased greatly during the 20th century, despite the decline of catch per unit of effort (CPUE) (Jackson 1971; Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990). The initial catch rates of 127mm (5 inch) mesh size gill nets in the tilapia-based fishery, in 1905, was in the range of 50 to 100 fish per gillnet of approximately 50 m in length. However, twenty years later, the catch rates of gillnets of the same mesh size had declined to about six fish per net and gillnets of smaller mesh sizes, which had better catch rates, had been introduced suggesting overfishing (Worthington and Worthington, 1933).


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This article presents results from conventional creep tests (CCT) and two accelerated test methods (the stepped isothermal method (SIM) and the stepped isostress method (SSM)) to determine the creep and creep-rupture behavior of two different aramid fibers, Kevlar 49 and Technora. CCT are regarded as the true behavior of the yarn, but they are impractical for long-term use where failures are expected only after many years. All the tests were carried out on the same batches of yarns, and using the same clamping arrangements, so the tests should be directly comparable. For both materials, SIM testing gives good agreement with CCT and gave stress-rupture lifetimes that followed the same trend. However, there was significant variation for SSM testing, especially when testing Technora fibers. The results indicate that Kevlar has a creep strain capacity that is almost independent of stress, whereas Technora shows a creep strain capacity that depends on stress. Its creep strain capacity is approximately two to three times that of Kevlar 49. The accelerated test methods give indirect estimates for the activation energy and the activation volume of the fibers. The activation energy for Technora is about 20% higher than that for Kevlar, meaning that it is less sensitive to the effects of increasing temperature. The activation volume for both materials was similar, and in both cases, stress dependent. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The effect of strain rate upon the uniaxial response of Ultra High Molecular-weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibres, yarns and laminates of lay-up [0/90]48 has been measured in both the 0/90 and ±45 configurations. The tensile strength of the matrix-dominated ±45 laminate is two orders of magnitude less than that of the fibre-dominated 0/90 laminate, and is more sensitive to strain rate. A piezoelectric force sensor device was developed to obtain the high strain rate data, and this achieved a rise time of less than 1 μs. It is found that the failure strength (and failure strain) of the yarn is almost insensitive to strain rate within the range (10 -1-103 s-1). At low strain rates (below 10 -1 s-1), creep of the yarn dominates and the failure strain increases with diminishing strain rate. The tensile strength of the dry yarn exceeds that of the laminate by about 20%. Tests on single fibres exceed the strength of the yarn by 20%. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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本论文工作以非Fisher-Hafner方法,即由LnCl_3、AlCl_3、和C_6Me_6在甲苯中直接反应的方法,合成了一系列中性芳烃稀土氯化铝配合物Ln(III)(C_6Me_6)(AlCl_4)_3·CH_3C_6H_5,其中Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Yb。并对这些配合物进行了元素分析,此外光谱分析和水解色一质谱分析。发现配合物中配体的特征吸收与游离的配体一致,表明配合物中配体与中心离子的作用较弱,其成键机制和中心离子与负π环成乙烯基配体的作用不同。测定了Yb(C_6Me_6)(AlCl_4)_3·CH_3C_6H_5的晶体结构。其结构与Cotton报道的在Fisher-Hafner还原条件下合成的中性配合物为同物。改变LnCl_3与AlCl_3的反应摩尔比,即当EuCl_3和AlCl_3的摩尔比为1:1时,与C_6Me_6在甲苯中反应,首次合成了中性芳烃与核二价稀土氯化铝配合物[Eu_2(II)(AlCl_4)_4(C_6Me_6)_2]_n。并对其作了红外光谱分析,元素分析,色一质谱分析,激光光谱,荧光光谱,电子解谱分析,以及X-射线晶体结构测定。配合物中配体C_6Me_6的特征吸收与游离的C_6Me_6一致,表明中心离子与配体之间的作用较弱。配合物的激光光谱。荧光光谱以及电子解谱证明中心稀土离子的价态为二价。由于该配合物的合成,极大地丰实了中性芳烃稀土配合物的内容,可以预计,中性芳烃稀土配合物的类型远远不止于目前文献上报道的稀土为零价的Gd(But_3C_6H_3)_2和中心稀土离子为三价的Ln(III)(C_6Me_6)(AlCl_4)_3两种结构,随着研究工作的深入,必将有适与新型的中性芳烃稀土配合物合成出来。


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本文以经铝粉活化的AlCl_3与无水氯化稀土在芳烃溶剂中反应,分离到了一系列含有不同芳烃配体的中性芳烃稀土氯化铝配合物。对这些配合物进行了元素分析和水解色谱分析,证实了配合物的组成。这是迄今为止继Cotton 报道的S_m(C_6Me_6)(AlCl_4)_3之后仅有的溶液中合成的芳烃配合物的例子。对配合物进行了红外、校磁共振谱的测定,发现配合物中配合体的特征吸收和化学位移与游函的配体一致,说明配合物中配体与中心金属函子的作用较弱。对典型的配合物进行了X-射线晶体结构测定。对含相同中心函子不同配体的配合物结构研究发现,在配体与中心金属函子的作用中,电子效应和空间效应同时反方向起作用,即电子效应加强配体与中心金属函子的作用,空间效应阻碍配体与中心金属离子作用。这两种作大约在二甲基苯为配体时达到平衡。其后,随着电子性的甲基增多,两种效应对配体与中心金属离子作用的影响相互抵消。同时对含有相同配体不同中心金属离子的配合物的结构研究中发现,中心金属离子对配合物的结构没有明显的影响,其键参数的差别主要来自离子半径的变化。对配合物的电子结构进行了研究。对S_m(CH_3C_6H_6)(AlCl_4)_3的INDO计算表明:1.配体甲苯环上电子云密度有所下降,并且邻、对位下降幅度较间位大、六个环上C原子电子云分布与游离和甲苯比较差别缩小。2.环上H原子的电子云密度降低,说明配位对环上H原子有一定的活化作用。3.中心离子的正电荷下降。中心稀土离子主要以5d、6s、6p参与成键。用L_a(C_6H_6)(AlCl_4)_3和Nd(C_6H_6)(AlCl_4)_3作催化剂研究了苯与已烯-1的烷基化反应,发现配合物的催化活性比相应的氯化稀土大,这可能是由于配合物的生成使Zn~(3+)在芳烃菏剂中可以均相存在,因而提高了催化剂的活性。另外发现,反应在较低产率即达到平衡,这可能是存在着已烯-1与苯在催化剂上的络合一释络平衡。


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变水处理与短期遮荫对棉花水分利用效率的影响研究表明 ,在充分供水 -水分胁迫 -复水的变水处理过程中 ,短期遮荫使净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率降低 ;光照 -遮荫 -光照期间 ,总的水分利用效率以水分胁迫的最高 ,充分供水的次之 ,复水处理最低 ,其中遮荫 40 %的水分利用效率高于遮荫 75%的处理 .回归分析表明 ,水分利用效率与光合速率表现出极显著正相关 ,两者回归直线的斜率随水分胁迫而增大 ,而水分利用效率与蒸腾速率的关系较弱 ,多数处理两者相关达不到显著水平


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以陆地棉 (Gossypium hirsutum L.Zhongmain No.2 3)为供试材料 ,探讨了在充分供水-水分胁迫 -复水的处理过程中 ,短期不同遮光水平对棉花光合特性及其气孔响应的影响。结果表明 ,在水分处理过程中 ,所有不同遮光水平的棉花叶片对短期遮光具有相似的基本响应规律 :短期遮光使净光合速率迅速降低 ,气孔导度减少 ,但减少速率缓慢 ;遮阳网去掉后 ,叶片气孔重新开放速率和光合恢复被延迟。水分胁迫期间 ,所有遮光处理的水分利用效率均最高 ,但净光合速率均较低 ,光合及其气孔响应受到严重限制 ,遮光 75%受到的影响大于遮光 40 %的处理。复水后水分胁迫带来的残留影响仍然存在 ,结果使水分利用效率在整个水分处理过程中最低 ,遮光 75%的处理尤为明显。上述表明 ,土壤水分与短期遮光对棉花光合及其气孔响应的影响十分显著


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An industrial waterproof reagent [(potassium methyl siliconate) (PMS)] was used for fabricating a superhydrophobic surface on a cellulose-based material (cotton fabric or paper) through a solution-immersion method. This method involves a hydrogen bond assembly and a polycondensation process. The silanol, which was formed by a reaction of PMS aqueous solution with CO2, Was assembled on the cellulose molecule surface via hydrogen bond interactions. The polymethylsilsesquioxane coatings were prepared by a polycondensation reaction of the hydroxyl between cellulose and silatiol. The superhydrophobic cellulose materials were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, and surface analysis (XPS, FESEM, AFM, and contact angle measurements).


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The structural stability and redox properties of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c and its mutant, F82H, were studied by surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectroscopy. Phenylalanine, which exists at the position-82 in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, is replaced by histidine in the mutant. The SERRS spectra of the proteins on the bare silver electrodes indicate that the mutant possesses a more stable global structure with regard to the adsorption-induced conformational alteration. The redox potential of the mutant negatively shifts by about 400 mV, relative to that of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c. This is ascribed to axial ligand switching and higher solvent accessibility of the heme iron in the mutant during the redox reactions.


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In this paper, (-)menthyl methacrylate((-)MnMA) was polymerized at -78degreesC in toluene with three types of anionic catalysts, which were complexes of fluorenyllithium with (-)sparteine -((-)-Sp), (S, S)-(+)-2, 3-dimethoxy-1, 4-bis(dimethylamino)butane((+)DDB) and N,N,N,N'-tetramethylethylenediamine(TMEDA), and the chiral optical property of the obtained polymer was studied. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the polymer showed negative Cotton effect.