954 resultados para Civil society - Indonesia


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the last two decades, the trend in security policies in Brazil shows the shift path on public policies, that allows us to see changes from state building policies to the growing presence of others public branches and civil society. From state and bureaucratic based functions, security tends to see more as problem of management and public agenda setting, mainly, with growing participation on state and local levels. Nevertheless the challenges remain in terms of changes in the whole picture of security in the country. The article explores some of them, without the desire of comprehensiveness.


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When people are put aside in the society we have what is called as social marginalization. However there is a wider or even severe marginalization, i. e., the state marginalization, which is the difficulty of the citizen to recognize himself in the state. What is intended here is to identify the main features of such marginalization, its effects upon the state itself and the possible means to overcome it. In order to fulfill this aim it is taken what it is considered to be a meaningfull manifestation of the state marginalization, that is the privatization of public services. These services are usually free but it does not mean that they cost nothing because they are granted by the payment of taxes and so can be at the disposal of everyone. When these services are dealt by the private initiative then a barrier is build and many can only continue to have what should be their right if they pay more than they already do with the taxes. As an example of it we have the privatization of many highways in the state of São Paulo. A certain comunity reacted towards it but all the questions were dismissed AURORA ano V número 9 - DEZEMBRO DE 2011 ISSN: 1982-8004 http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/índex.php/aurora/. 166 by the authorities as something impossible to solve. The contradictions between the private and the public interests were solved by the legal formality but they show themselves to be expression of arbitrariness and indetermination. One comes to the conclusion that the privatization is the identification of the State with the bourgeois and civil society that turns the public thing into a private thing. Despite of all this and also because of all this the recovered knowledge about the meaning of the State and the exposition of this new marginalization may promote an ongoing striving towards a necessary mobilizing process.


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The strategic management of information plays a fundamental role in the organizational management process since the decision-making process depend on the need for survival in a highly competitive market. Companies are constantly concerned about information transparency and good practices of corporate governance (CG) which, in turn, directs relations between the controlling power of the company and investors. In this context, this article presents the relationship between the disclosing of information of joint-stock companies by means of using XBRL, the open data model adopted by the Brazilian government, a model that boosted the publication of Information Access Law (Lei de Acesso à Informação), nº 12,527 of 18 November 2011. Information access should be permeated by a mediation policy in order to subsidize the knowledge construction and decision-making of investors. The XBRL is the main model for the publishing of financial information. The use of XBRL by means of new semantic standard created for Linked Data, strengthens the information dissemination, as well as creates analysis mechanisms and cross-referencing of data with different open databases available on the Internet, providing added value to the data/information accessed by civil society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sugar cane production is of the utmost importance to the economy of the entire Brazil, due to its multiple utility, being used as the raw material for the manufacture of various items, particularly, sugar and alcohol. In areas of sugarcane monoculture, the appropriate management of soils and water is essential, not only for the maintenance of the quality of the environment, but also for the quality of life of the population. Among the main impacts generated by the cultivation of sugar cane, stands out the withdrawal of the riparian forest, which is essential to the balance and maintenance of the ecosystem. Before that, the present work aimed at mapping the environmentally vulnerable areas in the basin of a tributary of the Corumbataí river, located in the district Santa Olímpia, in the city of Piracicaba-SP. For the purpose, techniques were used in Geoprocessing, aiming to produce thematic maps of Slope, for the Use and Occupation of Land, of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), Soil and Geological of the basin of interest. From these mappings, the analysis was performed multi-criteria, which resulted in the Map of Environmental Vulnerability. This mapping environmental assessment of the study area, indicating proposals of practices for the management and conservation of soil and water resources, for the purpose of improving the environmental quality of the analyzed area. In this way, the research of this nature, may help in the decision-making on the part of the governmental bodies as well as civil society


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This research has the purpose of highlighting one of the acting areas of the public relations' professional, ensuring that he has enough competence to develop his work within an organization, implementing actions and programs in pursuit of a sustainable growth. The study starts with an analysis of the organizations and their communication process to further expand the understanding of the concept of sustainable development and finally addressing the role of public relations and the scenario organizational that it is envolved. In the globalized world we live in, our relationships are mediated by the capitalism: economic system that is concerned with the higher production seeking only profits. Thus, some organizations - acting in accordance with this model, end up don't caring about the environment around them, using it only like an instrument for achieving their goals. However, because this type of action, the contemporary society is facing serious environmental problems, fact that arouses the attention of civil society members and international organs, concerned to combine progress with sustainable development. The public relations' professional, concerned about the concretization of a concept and favorable institutional identities, besides the obvious envolvement with environment, can act in defense of this, implementing policies and campaigns ecologically correct for sustainability


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This study aims to identify the horizon of emancipation in Human Rights Education, using the philosophy of praxis as a theoretical framework, basing on authors as Tonet, Losurdo, Marx, and Saviani and Duarte, taking as a privileged locus analysis of the Plan National Human Rights Education (PNEDH, 2007). The discussion about the historical development of the movement of the struggles for human rights was a starting point to indicate how, in general, these struggles have been developing since the context of bourgeois revolutions. From there we tried to discuss how the prospect of citizenship has been treated within the Rights Education, the latter being a reflection of social movements' struggles for rights from the year 1980. Situating this movement within a larger movement on the issue of education in Brazil in the twentieth century, we tried to discuss the flags such as citizenship, the strengthening of civil society and creating a culture of rights as a goal of emancipation. Seeking to differentiate between citizenship as political emancipation and human emancipation, was placed the imperative to take the citizenship as a mediator and not as an endpoint in order to equip a culture of struggle for a classless society without exploitation of man by man


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The current concern with environmental issues by the scientific community, governmental and civil society also brings out the need to recover, preserve and conserve the environment. With this understanding, this work was prepared, which had as one of the main objectives of the historical process of land use and occupancy of the Pontal, since the nineteenth century to the present day. From this, the changes were evident in the types of land use, which rose from native forest to plant crops (permanent and temporary crops) and later as pasture. Through this process of occupation, exploitation of forests and replacement even three, Reserves being brought from the Far West Paulista, through the state government of Sao Paulo, they were almost decimated. Such areas decreed by law to be preserved and conserved, with the rampant occupations, were suffocated by the fakes and illegal occupation of land tenure contracts, leaving the region currently only a few forest fragments and protected areas of State Park Morro do Diabo, PRNP Boa Vista and Ecological Station Black Lion Tamarin. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the main legislation being developed by federal and state levels aimed at protecting natural resources and the effectiveness they had with the passage of time, demonstrating that the conservation of the environment, has several contributions in the law, however, and they are so vast that hinder its application.


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The concern with the environmental planning has become important in Brazil recently. Until then, nature was conceived as a resource, because of the implementation of developmental policies that perdured to the 1970s, based on the expansion of the industrial complex, altogether hadn´t preoccupation by the federal government with the relationship between society and nature. During this period, after the threat of not receiving more international investment to finance large projects in the country, accompanied by pressure from civil society organizations, the federal government began to take some action related to the environment, such as the creation of federal agencies (IBAMA), application of environmental laws and decrees in order to create rules for the proper use of natural resources such as water, soil and air. From the decade of 1990 onwards the master plans have become a mandatory document for all municipalities in the country with a population over 20,000 inhabitants, ranging from health issues to the development of urban, rural and environmental planning. Thus, the environmental planning gained prominence in the political scene. Therefore, to achieve environmental planning is necessary to follow some social and environmental parameters, which for this survey, conducted in the District of Ameliópolis – Presidente Prudente... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Dentro da perspectiva delineada por Jürgen Habermas, que delineia um conceito normativo de esfera pública e de sua importância na democracia, esta pesquisa se propõe a analisar como o jornalismo pode contribuir para a construção da opinião pública, que pressiona os poderes formais. Diante das mudanças nos modos de participação da sociedade civil no poder político, as informações e opiniões relacionadas aos movimentos sociais na imprensa são de extrema importância para a reflexão sobre a democracia. Com o objetivo de entender as contribuições do jornalismo sobre as questões levadas ao público pelos movimentos sociais, este trabalho propõe uma análise do jornal Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil. A partir do método de Análise de Conteúdo proposto por Laurence Bardin, que prioriza a análise qualitativa, a pesquisa busca compreender a constituição e as ideias presentes nos textos e sua relevância para os debates na esfera pública. Desse modo, busca-se apontar pontos positivos e negativos na cobertura jornalística do veículo, que possam contribuir tanto para a prática quanto para os estudos do jornalismo


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This project aims to study the influence of information technology in the construction of new forms of citizenship. A large space as possible by the Internet allows the emergence of alternative news sources, as opposed to the means of mass communication. The research will take from the study of the news portal Choike.org. Maintained by civil society representatives, the website has a proposal to address topics that are infrequent in the media hegemony. To facilitate the study, we established a cut. Let's look at five bulletins Choike.org portal between the years 2005 and 2010 that address the issue of agrarian reform in Latin America, especially in Brazil. The issue is discussed by the media in general, however has more emphasis between the means of alternative journalism. For Choike.org portal, agrarian reform this intrinsically linked to social development. Therefore, this analysis seeks to highlight the role of new technologies as an important tool to aid discussion of the issue in the media as having specific focus to the issue of land reform


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)