864 resultados para Chronic renal disease


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The cells of multicellular organisms have differentiated to carry out specific functions that are often accompanied by distinct cell morphology. The actin cytoskeleton is one of the key regulators of cell shape subsequently controlling multiple cellular events including cell migration, cell division, endo- and exocytosis. A large set of actin regulating proteins has evolved to achieve and tightly coordinate this wide range of functions. Some actin regulator proteins have so-called house keeping roles and are essential for all eukaryotic cells, but some have evolved to meet the requirements of more specialized cell-types found in higher organisms enabling complex functions of differentiated organs, such as liver, kidney and brain. Often processes mediated by the actin cytoskeleton, like formation of cellular protrusions during cell migration, are intimately linked to plasma membrane remodeling. Thus, a close cooperation between these two cellular compartments is necessary, yet not much is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. This study focused on a vertebrate-specific protein called missing-in-metastasis (MIM), which was originally characterized as a metastasis suppressor of bladder cancer. We demonstrated that MIM regulates the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton via its WH2 domain, and is expressed in a cell-type specific manner. Interestingly, further examination showed that the IM-domain of MIM displays a novel membrane tubulation activity, which induces formation of filopodia in cells. Following studies demonstrated that this membrane deformation activity is crucial for cell protrusions driven by MIM. In mammals, there are five members of IM-domain protein family. Functions and expression patterns of these family members have remained poorly characterized. To understand the physiological functions of MIM, we generated MIM knockout mice. MIM-deficient mice display no apparent developmental defects, but instead suffer from progressive renal disease and increased susceptibility to tumors. This indicates that MIM plays a role in the maintenance of specific physiological functions associated with distinct cell morphologies. Taken together, these studies implicate MIM both in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Our results thus suggest that members of MIM/IRSp53 protein family coordinate the actin cytoskeleton:plasma membrane interface to control cell and tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms.


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Kidney transplantation (Tx) is the treatment of choice for end stage renal disease. Immunosuppressive medications are given to prevent an immunological rejection of the transplant. However, immunosuppressive drugs increase e.g. the risk of infection, cancer or nephrotoxicity. A major genetic contributors to immunological acceptance of the graft are human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. Also other non-HLA gene polymorphisms may predict the future risk of complications before Tx, possibly enabling individualised immunotherapy. Graft function after Tx is monitored using non-specific clinical symptoms and laboratory markers. The definitive diagnosis of graft rejection however relies on a biopsy of the graft. In the acute rejection (AR) diagnostics there is a need for an alternative to biopsy that would be an easily repeatable and simple method for regular use. Frequent surveillance of acute or subclinical rejection (SCR) may improve long-term function. In this thesis, associations between cytokine and thrombosis associated candidate genes and the outcome of kidney Tx were studied. Cytotoxic and co-stimulatory T lymphocyte molecule gene expression biomarkers for the diagnosis of the AR and the SCR were also investigated. We found that polymorphisms in the cytokine genes tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 10 (IL10) of the recipients were associated with AR. In addition, certain IL10 gene polymorphisms of the donors were associated with the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection and occurrence of later infection in a subpopulation of recipients. Further, polymorphisms in genes related to the risk of thrombosis and those of certain cytokines were not associated with the occurrence of thrombosis, infarction, AR or graft survival. In the study of biomarkers for AR, whole blood samples were prospectively collected from adult kidney Tx patients. With real-time quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR) gene expression quantities of CD154 and ICOS differentiated the patients with AR from those without, but not from the patients with other causes of graft dysfunction. Biomarkers for SCR were studied in paediatric kidney Tx patients. We used RT-QPCR to quantify the gene expression of immunological candidate genes in a low-density array format. In addition, we used RT-QPCR to validate the results of the microarray analysis. No gene marker differentiated patients with SCR from those without SCR. This research demonstrates the lack of robust markers among polymorphisms or biomarkers in investigated genes that could be included in routine analysis in a clinical laboratory. In genetic studies, kidney Tx can be regarded as a complex trait, i.e. several environmental and genetic factors may determine its outcome. A number of currently unknown genetic factors probably influence the results of Tx.


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In this study we investigated the possibility of treating Heymann's Nephritis (HN) by destroying antibody producing cells by targetting a toxin, gelonin - conjugated to gp330, the renal brush border antigen. HN was induced in rats by immunizing them with purified gp330. The gelonin-gp330 conjugate was administered 12 days after the antigenic challenge. Serum was screened for circulating antibodies. Proteinurea was estimated. The gp330-gelonin conjugate-treated animals had a circulating antibody titre in the serum much lower than that of diseased (untreated) animals. Proteinurea seen in diseased animals was not observed in treated animals. This work suggests the possibility of using a toxin-antigen conjugate for immunomodulating antibody mediated autoimmune renal disease.


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Chronic venous disease (CVD), including uncomplicated varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, is one of the most common medical conditions in the Western world. The central feature of CVD is venous reflux, which may be primary, congenital, or result from an antecedent event, usually an acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT). When the history of DVT is clear, the clinical manifestations of secondary CVD are commonly referred to as the post-thrombotic syndrome. Regardless of the underlying etiology, the final pathway leading to symptoms is ambulatory venous hypertension. The spectrum of symptoms and signs of CVD ranges from minor cosmetic problems to venous ulceration, which results in considerable morbidity and increased medical costs. Aims of this study were to evaluate the outcome of superficial venous surgery performed with or without preoperative duplex evaluation and venous marking with hand-held doppler, to assess short-term outcome of ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy in patients with axial superficial venous incompetence, as well as to compare reflux patterns after catheter-directed and systemic thrombolysis of deep ileofemoral venous thrombosis, and to evaluate the long-term outcome of deep venous reconstructions for severe chronic venous insufficiency. The study consists of five separate retrospective projects and includes 315 patients. Of this, 133 patients had undergone superficial venous surgery 2 to 5 years earlier according to preoperative duplex examination and venous marking, or according to clinical evaluation alone, or to a written plan without venous marking. A total of 112 patients had undergone ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy 5.5 to 16.5 months before. In addition, 32 patients had received either catheter-directed or systemic thrombolysis for DVT 2 to 3 years earlier, and 38 patients had undergone deep venous reconstructions 2 to 7 years earlier. In the present studies, some venous reflux was present postoperatively irrespective of the method of evaluation or ablation of the reflux. It seemed, however, that preoperative examination with duplex ultrasound and marking of reflux sites before the operation by the operating surgeon improves the outcome of superficial venous surgery. Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is effective in elimination of venous reflux in selected cases in short-term follow-up. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep iliofemoral venous thrombosis reduces later reflux and most probably the development of post-thrombotic syndrome as well. The outcome of deep venous reconstructions, especially for post-thrombotic deep venous incompetence, is poor. Thus, prevention of valvular damage by active treatment of deep venous thrombosis is important.


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Introduction: The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy remains a matter of debate, although strong evidence suggests that it results from the interaction between susceptibility genes and the diabetic milieu. The true pathogenetic mechanism remains unknown, but a common denominator of micro- and macrovascular complications may exist. Some have suggested that low-grade inflammation and activation of the innate immune system might play a synergistic role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Aims of the study: The present studies were undertaken to investigate whether low-grade inflammation, mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and α-defensin play a role, together with adiponectin, in patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. Subjects and methods: This study is part of the ongoing Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study (FinnDiane). The first four cross-sectional substudies of this thesis comprised 194 patients with type 1 diabetes divided into three groups (normo-, micro-, and macroalbuminuria) according to their albumin excretion rate (AER). The fifth substudy aimed to determine whether baseline serum adiponectin plays a role in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy. This follow-up study included 1330 patients with type 1 diabetes and a mean follow-up period of five years. The patients were divided into three groups depending on their AER at baseline. As a measure of low-grade inflammation, highly sensitive CRP (hsCRP) and α-defensin were measured with radio-immunoassay, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) with high- sensitivity enzyme immuno-assay. Mannan-binding lectin and adiponectin were determined with time-resolved immunofluorometric assays. The progression of albuminuria from one stage to the other served as a measure of the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Results: Low-grade inflammatory markers, MBL, adiponectin, and α-defensin were all associated with diabetic nephropathy, whereas MBL, adiponectin, and α-defensin per se were unassociated with low-grade inflammatory markers. AER was the only clinical variable independently associated with hsCRP. AER, HDL-cholesterol and the duration of diabetes were independently associated with IL-6. HbA1c was the only variable independently associated with MBL. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), AER, and waist-to-hip ratio were independently associated with adiponectin. Systolic blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, age, and eGFR were all independently associated with α-defensin. In patients with macroalbuminuria, progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) was associated with higher baseline adiponectin concentrations. Discussion and conclusions: Low-grade inflammation, MBL, adiponectin, and defensin were all associated with diabetic nephropathy in these cross-sectional studies. In contrast however, MBL, adiponectin, and defensin were not associated with low-grade inflammatory markers per se. Nor was defensin associated with MBL, which may suggest that these different players function in a coordinated fashion during the deleterious process of diabetic nephropathy. The question of what causes low-grade inflammation in patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy, however, remains unanswered. We could observe in our study that glycemic control, an atherosclerotic lipid profile, and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were associated with low-grade inflammation in the univariate analysis, although in the multivariate analysis, only AER, HDL-cholesterol, and the duration of diabetes, as a measure of glycemic load, proved to be independently associated with inflammation. Notably, all these factors are modifiable with changes in lifestyle and/or with a targeted medication. In the follow-up study, elevated serum adiponectin levels at baseline predicted the progression from macroalbuminuria to ESRD independently of renal function at baseline. This observation does not preclude adiponectin as a favorable factor during the process of diabetic nephropathy, since the rise in serum adiponectin concentrations may remain a mechanism by which the body compensates for the demands created by the diabetic milieu.


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Thrombophilia (TF) predisposes both to venous and arterial thrombosis at a young age. TF may also impact the thrombosis or stenosis of hemodialysis (HD) vascular access in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). When involved in severe thrombosis TF may associate with inappropriate response to anticoagulation. Lepirudin, a potent direct thrombin inhibitor (DTI), indicated for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia-related thrombosis, could offer a treatment alternative in TF. Monitoring of narrow-ranged lepirudin demands new insights also in laboratory. The above issues constitute the targets in this thesis. We evaluated the prevalence of TF in patients with ESRD and its impact upon thrombosis- or stenosis-free survival of the vascular access. Altogether 237 ESRD patients were prospectively screened for TF and thrombogenic risk factors prior to HD access surgery in 2002-2004 (mean follow-up of 3.6 years). TF was evident in 43 (18%) of the ESRD patients, more often in males (23 vs. 9%, p=0.009). Known gene mutations of FV Leiden and FII G20210A occurred in 4%. Vascular access sufficiently matured in 226 (95%). The 1-year thrombosis- and stenosis-free access survival was 72%. Female gender (hazards ratio, HR, 2.5; 95% CI 1.6-3.9) and TF (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.3) were independent risk factors for the shortened thrombosis- and stenosis-free survival. Additionally, TF or thrombogenic background was found in relatively young patients having severe thrombosis either in hepatic veins (Budd-Chiari syndrome, BCS, one patient) or inoperable critical limb ischemia (CLI, six patients). Lepirudin was evaluated in an off-label setting in the severe thrombosis after inefficacious traditional anticoagulation without other treatment options except severe invasive procedures, such as lower extremity amputation. Lepirudin treatments were repeatedly monitored clinically and with laboratory assessments (e.g. activated partial thromboplastin time, APTT). Our preliminary studies with lepirudin in thrombotic calamities appeared safe, and no bleeds occurred. An effective DTI lepirudin calmed thrombosis as all patients gradually recovered. Only one limb amputation was performed 3 years later during the follow-up (mean 4 years). Furthermore, we aimed to overcome the limitations of APTT and confounding effects of warfarin (INR of 1.5-3.9) and lupus anticoagulant (LA). Lepirudin responses were assessed in vitro by five specific laboratory methods. Ecarin chromogenic assay (ECA) or anti-Factor IIa (anti-FIIa) correlated precisely (r=0.99) with each other and with spiked lepirudin in all plasma pools: normal, warfarin, and LA-containing plasma. In contrast, in the presence of warfarin and LA both APTT and prothrombinase-induced clotting time (PiCT®) were limited by non-linear and imprecise dose responses. As a global coagulation test APTT is useful in parallel to the precise chromogenic methods ECA or Anti-FIIa in challenging clinical situations. Lepirudin treatment requires multidisciplinary approach to ensure appropriate patient selection, interpretation of laboratory monitoring, and treatment safety. TF seemed to be associated with complicated thrombotic events, in venous (BCS), arterial (CLI), and vascular access systems. TF screening should be aimed to patients with repeated access complications or prior unprovoked thromboembolic events. Lepirudin inhibits free and clot-bound thrombin which heparin fails to inhibit. Lepirudin seems to offer a potent and safe option for treatment of severe thrombosis. Multi-centered randomized trials are necessary to assess the possible management of complicated thrombotic events with DTIs like lepirudin and seek prevention options against access complications.


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Background: One-third of patients with type 1 diabetes develop diabetic complications, such as diabetic nephropathy. The diabetic complications are related to a high mortality from cardiovascular disease, impose a great burden on the health care system, and reduce the health-related quality of life of patients. Aims: This thesis assessed, whether parental risk factors identify subjects at a greater risk of developing diabetic complications. Another aim was to evaluate the impact of a parental history of type 2 diabetes on patients with type 1 diabetes. A third aim was to assess the role of the metabolic syndrome in patients with type 1 diabetes, both its presence and its predictive value with respect to complications. Subjects and methods: This study is part of the ongoing nationwide Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study. The study was initiated in 1997, and, thus far, 4,800 adult patients with type 1 diabetes have been recruited. Since 2004, follow-up data have also been collected in parallel to the recruitment of new patients. Studies I to III have a cross-sectional design, whereas Study IV has a prospective design. Information on parents was obtained from the patients with type 1 diabetes by a questionnaire. Results: Clustering of parental hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (type 1 and type 2) was associated with diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes, as was paternal mortality. A parental history of type 2 diabetes was associated with a later onset of type 1 diabetes, a higher prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, and a metabolic profile related to insulin resistance, despite no difference in the distribution of human leukocyte antigen genotypes or the presence of diabetic complications. A maternal history of type 2 diabetes, seemed to contribute to a worse metabolic profile in the patients with type 1 diabetes than a paternal history. The metabolic syndrome was a frequent finding in patients with type 1 diabetes, observed in 38% of males and 40% of females. The prevalence increased with worsening of the glycemic control and more severe renal disease. The metabolic syndrome was associated with a 3.75-fold odds ratio for diabetic nephropathy, and all of the components of the syndrome were independently associated with diabetic nephropathy. The metabolic syndrome, independent of diabetic nephropathy, increased the risk of cardiovascular events and cardiovascular and diabetes-related mortality over a 5.5-year follow-up. With respect to progression of diabetic nephropathy, the role of the metabolic syndrome was less clear, playing a strong role only in the progression from macroalbuminuria to end-stage renal disease. Conclusions: Familial factors and the metabolic syndrome play an important role in patients with type 1 diabetes. Assessment of these factors is an easily applicable tool in clinical practice to identify patients at a greater risk of developing diabetic complications.


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Gastric motility disorders, including delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis), impaired postprandial fundic relaxation, and gastric myoelectrical disorders, can occur in type 1 diabetes, chronic renal failure, and functional dyspepsia (FD). Symptoms like upper abdominal pain, early satiation, bloating, nausea and vomiting may be related to gastroparesis. Diabetic gastroparesis is related to autonomic neuropathy. Scintigraphy is the gold standard in measuring gastric emptying, but it is expensive, requires specific equipment, and exposes patients to radiation. It also gives information about the intragastric distribution of the test meal. The 13C-octanoic acid breath test (OBT) is an alternative, indirect method of measuring gastric emptying with a stable isotope. Electrogastrography (EGG) registers the slow wave originating in the pacemaker area of the stomach and regulating the peristaltic contractions of the antrum. This study compares these three methods of measuring gastric motility in patients with type 1 diabetes, functional dyspepsia, and chronic renal failure. Currently no effective drugs for treating gastric motility disorders are available. We studied the effect of nizatidine on gastric emptying, because in preliminary studies this drug has proven to have a prokinetic effect due to its cholinergic properties. Of the type 1 patients, 26% had delayed gastric emptying of solids as measured by scintigraphy. Abnormal intragastric distribution of the test meal occurred in 37% of the patients, indicating impaired fundic relaxation. The autonomic neuropathy score correlated positively with the gastric emptying rate of solids (P = 0.006), but HbA1C, plasma glucose levels, or abdominal symptoms were unrelated to gastric emptying or intragastric distribution of the test meal. Gastric emptying of both solids and liquids was normal in all FD patients but abnormal intragastric distribution occurred in 38% of the patients. Nizatidine improved symptom scores and quality of life in FD patients, but not significantly. Instead of enhancing, nizatidine slowed gastric emptying in FD patients (P < 0.05). No significant difference appeared in the frequency of the gastric slow waves measured by EGG in the patients and controls. The correlation between gastric half-emptying times of solids measured by scintigraphy and OBT was poor both in type 1 diabetes and FD patients. According to this study, dynamic dual-tracer scintigraphy is more accurate than OBT or EGG in measuring gastric emptying of solids. Additionally it provides information about gastric emptying of liquids and the intragastric distribution of the ingested test meal.


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Type 1 diabetes is associated with the risk for late diabetic complications which are divided into microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular (cardiovascular disease, CVD) diseases. The risk for diabetic complication can be reduced by effective treatment, most importantly the glycaemic control. Glycaemia in type 1 diabetes is influenced by the interplay between insulin injections and lifestyle factors such as physical activity and diet. The effect of physical activity in patients with type 1 diabetes is not well known, however. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the physical activity and the physical fitness of patients with type 1 diabetes with special emphasis on glycaemic control and the diabetic complications. The patients included in the study were all part of the nationwide, multicenter Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study which aims to characterise genetic, clinical, and environmental factors that predispose to diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. In addition, subjects from the IDentification of EArly mechanisms in the pathogenesis of diabetic Late complications (IDEAL) Study were studied. Physical activity was assessed in the FinnDiane Study in 1945 patients by a validated questionnaire. Physical fitness was measured in the IDEAL Study by spiroergometry (cycle test with measurement of respiratory gases) in 86 young adults with type 1 diabetes and in 27 healthy controls. All patients underwent thorough clinical characterisation of their diabetic complication status. Four substudies were cross-sectional using baseline data and one study additionally used follow-up data. Physical activity, especially the intensity of activities, was reduced in patients affected by diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and CVD. Low physical activity was associated with poor glycaemic control, a finding most clear in women and evident also in patients with no signs of diabetic complications. Furthermore, low physical activity was associated with a higher HbA1c variability, which in turn was associated with the progression of renal disease and CVD during follow-up. A higher level of physical activity was also associated with better insulin sensitivity. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in type 1 diabetes was also lower the higher the physical activity. The aerobic physical fitness level of young adults with type 1 diabetes was reduced compared with healthy peers and in men an association between higher fitness level and lower HbA1c was observed. In patients with type 1 diabetes, a higher physical activity was associated with better glycaemic control and may thus be beneficial with respect to the prevention of diabetic complications.


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Alternative pathway (AP) of complement can be activated on any surface, self or non-self. In atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) the AP regulation on self surfaces is insufficient and leads to complement attack against self-cells resulting usually in end-stage renal disease. Factor H (FH) is one of the key regulators of AP activation on the self surfaces. The domains 19 and 20 (FH19-20) are critical for the ability of FH to discriminate between C3b-opsonized self and non-self surfaces and are a hot-spot for mutations that have been described from aHUS patients. FH19-20 contains binding sites for both the C3d part of C3b and self surface polyanions that are needed for efficient C3b inactivation. To study the dysfunction of FH19-20, crystallographic structures of FH19-20 and FH19-20 in complex with C3d (FH19-20:C3d) were solved and aHUS-associated and structurally interesting point mutations were induced to FH19-20. Functional defects caused by these mutations were studied by analyzing binding of the FH19-20 mutant proteins to C3d, C3b, heparin, and mouse glomerular endothelial cells (mGEnCs). The results revealed two independent binding interfaces between FH19-20 and C3d - the FH19 site and the FH20 site. Superimposition of the FH19-20:C3d complex on the previously published C3b and FH1-4:C3b structures showed that the FH20 site on C3d is partially occluded, but the FH19 site is fully available. Furthermore, binding of FH19-20 via the FH19 site to C3b did not block binding of the functionally important FH1-4 domains and kept the FH20 site free to bind heparin or an additional C3d. Binding assays were used to show that FH20 domain can bind to heparin while FH19-20 is bound to C3b via the FH19 site, and that both the FH19 site and FH20 are necessary for recognition of non-activator surfaces. Simultaneous binding of FH19 site to C3b and FH20 to anionic self structures are the key interactions in self-surface recognition by FH and thereby enhanced avidity of FH explains how AP discriminates between self and non-self. The aHUS-associated mutations on FH19-20 were found to disrupt binding of the FH19 or FH20 site to C3d/C3b, or to disrupt binding of FH20 to heparin or mGEnC. Any of these dysfunctions leads to loss of FH avidity to C3b bearing self surfaces explaining the molecular pathogenesis of the aHUS-cases where mutations are found within FH19-20.


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Inledning Diabetisk nefropati är den mest fruktade diabeteskomplikationen. Utvecklingen av nefropati har redan länge undersökts genom mätning av mängden albuminutsöndring i urinen. Nyligen har man upptäckt att njurfunktionen kan vara nedsatt oberoende av albuminuri. Mål Att undersöka prevalensen samt associationer av kronisk njursvikt utan albuminuri (nonalbuminuric renal disease eller NARD) hos typ 1 diabetiker. Betydelsen av blodtrycksmedicinering, speciellt ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer, behandlas också. Material och metoder Studien ingår i den nationella multicenterstudien FinnDiane. En population på ca. 4000 typ 1 diabetiker har analyserats. Patienter med nefropati utan albuminuri identifierades. Statistiska analyser gjordes med SPSS 19.0. Njurfunktionen (eGFR) estimerades med CKD-EPI ekvationen. Resultat Prevalensen av NARD inom den normoalbuminura gruppen var 3,5%, prevalensen hos män 1,0% samt hos kvinnor 5,4%. Sammanlagt 79 patienter med NARD (12 män och 67 kvinnor) identifierades. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer kan påverka prevalensen av NARD men inte statistiskt signifikant (p=0,067). Risken för progression av NARD till mikroalbuminuri var betydligt större hos denna grupp (p=0,006) i jämförelse med den normoalbuminura gruppen med normal njurfunktion. I en överlevnadsanalys framkom att mortaliteten var högre inom mikroalbuminuri-gruppen än inom NARD-gruppen (p<0,001, ålders- samt könskorrigerat). Diskussion Prevalensen av NARD var lägre än i motsvarande studier utomlands på typ 2 diabetiker. NARD patienterna hade en ökad risk för progression till mikroalbuminuri men inte en ökad mortalitet. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorerna kan delvis förklara NARD fenomenet. Nya studier med ett större antal NARD patienter behövs för en noggrannare utredning.


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To understand the molecular pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), which is a chronic inflammatory disease, gene expression profiling was performed in 10 OSF tissues against 8 pooled normal tissues using oligonucleotide arrays. Microarray results revealed differential expression of 5288 genes (P < a parts per thousand currency sign 0.05 and fold change >= a parts per thousand yen 1.5). Among these, 2884 are upregulated and 2404 are downregulated. Validation employing quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed upregulation of transforming growth factor-beta beta 1 (TGF-beta beta 1), TGFBIp, THBS1, SPP1, and TIG1 and downregulation of bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7) in OSF tissues. Furthermore, activation of TGF-beta beta pathway was evident in OSF as demonstrated by pSMAD2 strong immunoreactivity. Treatment of keratinocytes and oral fibroblasts by TGF-beta beta confirmed the regulation of few genes identified in microarray including upregulation of connective tissue growth factor, TGM2, THBS1, and downregulation of BMP7, which is a known negative modulator of fibrosis. Taken together, these data suggest activation of TGF-beta beta signaling and suppression of BMP7 expression in the manifestation of OSF.


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Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a causative agent of chronic tuberculosis disease, is widespread among some animal species too. There is paucity of information on the distribution, prevalence and true disease status of tuberculosis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). The aim of this study was to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of serological tests to diagnose M. tuberculosis infection in captive elephants in southern India while simultaneously estimating sero-prevalence. Methodology/Principal Findings: Health assessment of 600 elephants was carried out and their sera screened with a commercially available rapid serum test. Trunk wash culture of select rapid serum test positive animals yielded no animal positive for M. tuberculosis isolation. Under Indian field conditions where the true disease status is unknown, we used a latent class model to estimate the diagnostic characteristics of an existing (rapid serum test) and new (four in-house ELISA) tests. One hundred and seventy nine sera were randomly selected for screening in the five tests. Diagnostic sensitivities of the four ELISAs were 91.3-97.6% (95% Credible Interval (CI): 74.8-99.9) and diagnostic specificity were 89.6-98.5% (95% CI: 79.4-99.9) based on the model we assumed. We estimate that 53.6% (95% CI: 44.6-62.8) of the samples tested were free from infection with M. tuberculosis and 15.9% (97.5% CI: 9.8 - to 24.0) tested positive on all five tests. Conclusions/Significance: Our results provide evidence for high prevalence of asymptomatic M. tuberculosis infection in Asian elephants in a captive Indian setting. Further validation of these tests would be important in formulating area-specific effective surveillance and control measures.


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Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the accumulation of excess collagen, and areca nut chewing has been proposed as an important etiological factor for disease manifestation. Activation of transforming growth factor-beta signaling has been postulated as the main causative event for increased collagen production in OSF. Oral epithelium plays important roles in OSF, and arecoline has been shown to induce TGF-beta in epithelial cells. In an attempt to understand the role of areca nut constituents in the manifestation of OSF, we studied the global gene expression profile in epithelial cells (HaCaT) following treatment with areca nut water extract or TGF-beta. Interestingly, 64% of the differentially regulated genes by areca nut water extract matches with the TGF-beta induced gene expression profile. Out of these, expression of 57% of genes was compromised in the presence of ALK5 (T beta RI) inhibitor and 7% were independently induced by areca nut, highlighting the importance of TGF-beta in areca nut actions. Areca nut water extract treatment induced p-SMAD2 and TGF-beta downstream targets in HaCaT cells but not in human gingival fibroblast cells (hGF), suggesting epithelial cells could be the source of TGF-beta in promoting OSF. Water extract of areca nut consists of polyphenols and alkaloids. Both polyphenol and alkaloid fractions of areca nut were able to induce TGF-beta signaling and its downstream targets. Also, SMAD-2 was phosphorylated following treatment of HaCaT cells by Catechin, Tannin and alkaloids namely Arecoline, Arecaidine and Guvacine. Moreover, both polyphenols and alkaloids induced TGF-beta 2 and THBS1 (activator of latent TGF-beta) in HaCaT cells suggesting areca nut mediated activation of p-SMAD2 involves up-regulation and activation of TGF-beta. These data suggest a major causative role for TGF-beta that is induced by areca nut in OSF progression.