883 resultados para China - Comércio exterior
Seminário, realizado em 5 de junho de 2012, sobre o Projeto de Lei nº 113/2003, que dispõe sobre o repatriamento de recursos depositados no exterior, e o Projeto de Lei nº 5.228/2005, que institui anistia fiscal sobre a legalização ou repatriamento de recursos mantidos no exterior não declarados e extingue a punibilidade dos delitos a eles relativos.
In the present paper, we have elucidated the importance of energy and water cycling in arid areas to investigate global climate and local economics. Then, we were concerned with the physical arguments as how to stratify the soil, and the stability of the numerical scheme in the mathematical model for predicting temperature variation and water motion. Furthermore, we discuss the methods to estimate evaporation in arid areas. Numerical simulation of energy and water cycling at the Acsu Observatory, CAS, Xinjiang province and Shapuotou Observatory, CAS, Ningxia Province are conducted as case studies. The results show that the laws of terrestrial processes are rather typical in these arid areas. Planting drought-endurable trees can alleviate unfavourable conditions to a certain extent. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
This paper summarizes the recent development of dynamic fracture in China. The review covers analytical and numerical results on elastodynamic crack fields in 3D and layered media; experimental and theoretical research on dynamic mechanical properties of rocks and advanced materials; transient effects on ideally plastic crack-tip fields when the inertia forces are not negligible.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVIII - Direito Internacional Público, Relações Internacionais.
The efforts involved in developing a small satellite for scientific purposes in China in recent years are introduced in the present paper. The project is arranged on a case to case principle depending upon requirements and financial support. The space technology of a satellite and rockets, which have been developed over a relatively longer period in China, have been transferred to the scientific research of small satellites for improvement of the quality requirements. The surplus payloads of the rocket and satellite are used as the payloads of the small satellite and scientific experiments at a low cost. As an example, the project of balloon satellites for atmospheric research was successfully completed in 1991. The experience of the project management is of great benefit for further organization and arrangement of other projects. Opportunities exist for surplus payloads to be used in the future, and a small satellite for magnetospheric research will be launched in 1993.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVIII - Direito Internacional Público, Relações Internacionais.
The discrete vortex method is not capable of precisely predicting the bluff body flow separation and the fine structure of flow field in the vicinity of the body surface. In order to make a theoretical improvement over the method and to reduce the difficulty in finite-difference solution of N-S equations at high Reynolds number, in the present paper, we suggest a new numerical simulation model and a theoretical method for domain decomposition hybrid combination of finite-difference method and vortex method. Specifically, the full flow. field is decomposed into two domains. In the region of O(R) near the body surface (R is the characteristic dimension of body), we use the finite-difference method to solve the N-S equations and in the exterior domain, we take the Lagrange-Euler vortex method. The connection and coupling conditions for flow in the two domains are established. The specific numerical scheme of this theoretical model is given. As a preliminary application, some numerical simulations for flows at Re=100 and Re-1000 about a circular cylinder are made, and compared with the finite-difference solution of N-S equations for full flow field and experimental results, and the stability of the solution against the change of the interface between the two domains is examined. The results show that the method of the present paper has the advantage of finite-difference solution for N-S equations in precisely predicting the fine structure of flow field, as well as the advantage of vortex method in efficiently computing the global characteristics of the separated flow. It saves computer time and reduces the amount of computation, as compared with pure N-S equation solution. The present method can be used for numerical simulation of bluff body flow at high Reynolds number and would exhibit even greater merit in that case.
SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL SCIENCESThe solar-terrestrial sciences study how the solar energy, momentum and mass transfer through the interplanetary space, the earth magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere, and their influence on earth environment. The solar-terrestrial sciences are also called, sometimes, the solar-terrestrial physics, solar-terrestrial relations, solar-terrestrial
Report of Opening Session (pdf 51 KB) Report of Governing Council Meeting(pdf 136 KB) Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 48 KB) Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board (pdf 71 KB) Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 66 KB) Working Group 14: Effective sampling of micronekton Marine Birds and Mammals Advisory Panel Fishery Science Committee (pdf 36 KB) Working Group 16: Climate change, shifts to fish production, and fisheries management Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 39 KB) Working Group 15: Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the North Pacific Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 49 KB) North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel Working Group 17: Biogeochemical data integration and synthesis Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 29 KB) Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 43 KB) BASS Task Team (pdf 30 KB) Iron Fertilization Experiment Advisory Panel MODEL Task Team (pdf 28 KB) MONITOR Task Team (pdf 34 KB) Summary of Continuous Plankton Recorder activities in 2002 REX Task Team (pdf 21 KB) Documenting Scientific Sessions (pdf 140 KB) List of Participants (pdf 59 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 21 KB)
Report of Opening Session Report of Governing Council Meetings Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board Biological Oceanography Committee Fishery Science Committee Marine Environmental Quality Committee Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee Technological Committee on Data Exchange Finance and Administration: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee Assets on 31st of December, 1994 Income and Expenditures for 1994 Budget for 1996 Composition of the Organization List of Participants List of Acronyms (Document has 96 pages.)
[ES] Conjunto de figuras en piedra de gran porte (unos 4 metros de altura cada una), lo componen 14 figuras en la zona baja del apostolado y un conjunto de 2 personajes más formando la Piedad en la parte superior. Se trata de formas esquemáticas de perfil redondeado que corresponden artísticamente a una de las corrientes más destacadas del siglo XX.
x, 386 p.: graf.
[ES] China ha irrumpido como actor principal del escenario global al haber protagonizado, durante las tres últimas décadas, un proceso de transformación económica y social de gran magnitud. Ahora bien, vender productos –sobre todo, del sector de alimentación– de origen occidental en China es, con diferencia, el reto más complicado al que deben enfrentarse las compañías de deciden entrar a operar en este mercado.
Multinacionales chinas: ¿cómo influyen los factores institucionales en sus patrones de localización?
[ES] Este artículo analiza la influencia de diversos factores institucionales del país de destino sobre los patrones de localización de 29 grandes multinacionales chinas. A partir de una muestra de 127 decisiones de inversión directa en el exterior (IDE) en 52 países, nuestros resultados indican que una mayor dificultad a la hora de hacer negocios y un elevado riesgo político no condicionan sus decisiones de entrada. No obstante, la presencia de personas de etnia china en el país de destino, un mayor tamaño absoluto del mercado y un mayor volumen de exportaciones chinas hacia ese país influyen positivamente.