884 resultados para Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations (Islamic law)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article presents a reflection on the historical aspects and legislation on Distance Learning (DL). For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was performed with the goal of raising the necessary notes for discussion. The text begins with the characterization of the current society, the Information Society, which supports the modern distance education, which uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to establish the process of learning teaching. Five stages of the EAD are identified. Later, the Brazilian legislation concerning the DL is punctuated, starting with the passage by Article 80 of the Guidelines and Bases Law-LBD (Law 9394/96) along with the critical analysis of Decree 5,622/05. Finally, in the final considerations is discussed the negative image that the DL carries by the Brazilian population and obstacles in the existing rules that hinder the democratization of access to education that aims DL.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Wildlife biologists are often interested in how an animal uses space and the habitat resources within that space. We propose a single model that estimates an animal’s home range and habitat selection parameters within that range while accounting for the inherent autocorrelation in frequently sampled telemetry data. The model is applied to brown bear telemetry data in southeast Alaska.
We develop spatial statistical models for stream networks that can estimate relationships between a response variable and other covariates, make predictions at unsampled locations, and predict an average or total for a stream or a stream segment. There have been very few attempts to develop valid spatial covariance models that incorporate flow, stream distance, or both. The application of typical spatial autocovariance functions based on Euclidean distance, such as the spherical covariance model, are not valid when using stream distance. In this paper we develop a large class of valid models that incorporate flow and stream distance by using spatial moving averages. These methods integrate a moving average function, or kernel, against a white noise process. By running the moving average function upstream from a location, we develop models that use flow, and by construction they are valid models based on stream distance. We show that with proper weighting, many of the usual spatial models based on Euclidean distance have a counterpart for stream networks. Using sulfate concentrations from an example data set, the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS), we show that models using flow may be more appropriate than models that only use stream distance. For the MBSS data set, we use restricted maximum likelihood to fit a valid covariance matrix that uses flow and stream distance, and then we use this covariance matrix to estimate fixed effects and make kriging and block kriging predictions.
The dissertation consists of three essays on international research and development spillovers. In the first essay, I investigate the degree to which differences in institutional arrangements among Sub-Saharan African countries determine the extent of benefits they derive from foreign research and development spillovers. In particular, I compare the international research and development spillovers for English common law and French civil law Sub-Saharan African countries. I show that differences in the legal origin of the company law or commercial codes in these countries may reflect the extent of barriers they place in the paths of firms that engage in the investment process. To tests this hypothesis, I constructed foreign R&D spillovers variable using imports as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to estimate elasticities of productivity with respect to foreign R&D spillovers for a sample of 17 English common law and French Civil law Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. My results find support for the hypothesis. In particular, foreign R&D spillovers were higher in the English common law countries than in the French civil law countries. In the second essay, I examine the question of whether technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants induce R&D knowledge spillovers in Sub-Saharan African countries. I test this hypothesis using data for 11 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. I constructed foreign R&D spillovers using the technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to provide quantitative estimates of foreign R&D spillover effects in 11 Sub-Saharan African countries. I find that technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants are major mechanisms through which returns to R&D investments in G7 countries flows to Sub-Saharan African countries. However, their influence has declined over the years. Finally, the third essay tests the hypothesis that the relationship between a country's exporters and their foreign purchasing agents may lead to the exchange of ideas and thereby improve the manufacturing process and productivity in the exporting country. I test this hypothesis using disaggregated export data from OECD countries. The foreign R&D capital stock in this essay was constructed as exports weighted average of domestic R&D capital stock. I find empirical support for the hypothesis. In particular, capital goods exports generate more learning effects and therefore best explain productivity in OECD countries than non-capital goods exports.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of pectinase enzyme treatment of acai pulp on cross-flow microfiltration (CFMF) performance and on phytochemical and functional characteristics of their compounds. Analyses of fouling mechanisms were carried out through resistance in series and blocking in law models. The enzymatic treatment was conducted using Ultrazym(R) AFPL (Novozymes A/S) at 500 mg kg(-1) of acai pulp for 30 min at 35 degrees C. Before microfiltrations, untreated and enzyme-treated acai pulps were previously diluted in distilled water (1:3; w/v). CFMFs were conducted using commercial alpha-alumina (alpha-Al2O3) ceramic membranes (Andritz AG, Austria) of 0.2 mu m and 0.8 mu m pore sizes, and 0.0047 m(2) of filtration area. The microfiltration unit was operated in batch mode for 120 min at 25 degrees C and the fluid-dynamic conditions were transmembrane pressure of Delta P = 100 kPa and cross-flow velocity of 3 m s(-1) in turbulent flow. The highest values of permeate flux and accumulated permeate volume were obtained using enzyme-treated pulp and 0.2 mu m pore size membranes with steady flux values exceeding 100 L h(-1) m(-2). For the 0.8 mu m pore size membrane, the estimated total resistance after the microfiltration of enzyme-treated acai pulp was 21% lower than the untreated pulp, and for the 0.2 mu m pore size membrane, it was 18%. Cake filtration was the dominant mechanism in the early stages of most of the CFMF processes. After approximately 20 min, however, intermediate pore blocking and complete pore blocking contributed to the overall fouling mechanisms. The reduction of the antioxidant capacity of the permeates obtained after microfiltration of the enzyme-treated pulp was higher (p < 0.01) than that obtained using untreated pulp. For total polyphenols, on the contrary, the permeates obtained after microfiltration of the enzyme-treated pulp showed a lower mean reduction (p < 0.01) than those from the untreated pulp. The results show that the enzymatic treatment had a positive effect on the CFMF process of acai pulp. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the last days of 2011, President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff issued a provisional measure (or draft law) entitled "National Surveillance and Monitoring Registration System for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality" (MP 557), as part of a new maternal health programme. It was supposed to address the pressing issue of maternal morbidity and mortality in Brazil, but instead it caused an explosive controversy because it used terms such as nascituro (unborn child) and proposed the compulsory registration of every pregnancy. After intense protests by feminist and human rights groups that this law was unconstitutional, violated women's right to privacy and threatened our already limited reproductive rights, the measure was revised in January 2012, omitting "the unborn child" but not the mandatory registration of pregnancy. Unfortunately, neither version of the draft law addresses the two main problems with maternal health in Brazil: the over-medicalisation of childbirth and its adverse effects, and the need for safe, legal abortion. The content of this measure itself reflects the conflictive nature of public policies on reproductive health in Brazil and how they are shaped by close links between different levels of government and political parties, and religious and professional sectors. (C) 2012 Reproductive Health Matters
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects humans and other warm-blooded animals; it uses feral and domestic cats as the definitive hosts. Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite of animals whose life cycle is very similar to T. gondii but uses canids as definitive hosts. Small rodents play an important role in the life cycle of T. gondii, and a few findings indicated that they may be natural intermediate hosts for N. caninum. The present study was aimed at identifying infections by T. gondii and N. caninum in urban rodents. Infections by T. gondii were quantified using isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice; molecular methods were also used for both parasites. Overall, 217 rodents were captured. Brain and heart tissues of all rodents were bioassayed in mice for the detection of T. gondii infection. Brain and heart tissues of 121 rodents had the DNA extracted for molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay from a single rodent. From the 121 rodents tested for the presence of T. gondii DNA, 2 animals were positive. In contrast, DNA of N. caninum was not detected in any of the samples. In conclusion, the surveys of N. caninum and T. gondii infection in Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, and Mus musculus captured in urban areas of Sao Paulo reveal a striking low frequency of occurrence of these infections.
Este artigo pretende realçar a importância desempenhada pela obra de Henry James Sumner Maine na formação da antropologia jurídica e da sociologia do direito. Mediante a recuperação da tese central de sua obra Ancient Law, procura ressaltar o papel por ela desempenhado no delineamento de uma nova forma de abordagem da relação entre direito e sociedade. Para tanto, recupera traços gerais das análises de Norbert Rouland e de Niklas Luhmann acerca da importância das ideias do autor.
We investigate the statics and dynamics of a glassy,non-entangled, short bead-spring polymer melt with moleculardynamics simulations. Temperature ranges from slightlyabove the mode-coupling critical temperature to the liquidregime where features of a glassy liquid are absent. Ouraim is to work out the polymer specific effects on therelaxation and particle correlation. We find the intra-chain static structure unaffected bytemperature, it depends only on the distance of monomersalong the backbone. In contrast, the distinct inter-chainstructure shows pronounced site-dependence effects at thelength-scales of the chain and the nearest neighbordistance. There, we also find the strongest temperaturedependence which drives the glass transition. Both the siteaveraged coupling of the monomer and center of mass (CM) andthe CM-CM coupling are weak and presumably not responsiblefor a peak in the coherent relaxation time at the chain'slength scale. Chains rather emerge as soft, easilyinterpenetrating objects. Three particle correlations arewell reproduced by the convolution approximation with theexception of model dependent deviations. In the spatially heterogeneous dynamics of our system weidentify highly mobile monomers which tend to follow eachother in one-dimensional paths forming ``strings''. Thesestrings have an exponential length distribution and aregenerally short compared to the chain length. Thus, arelaxation mechanism in which neighboring mobile monomersmove along the backbone of the chain seems unlikely.However, the correlation of bonded neighbors is enhanced. When liquids are confined between two surfaces in relativesliding motion kinetic friction is observed. We study ageneric model setup by molecular dynamics simulations for awide range of sliding speeds, temperatures, loads, andlubricant coverings for simple and molecular fluids. Instabilities in the particle trajectories are identified asthe origin of kinetic friction. They lead to high particlevelocities of fluid atoms which are gradually dissipatedresulting in a friction force. In commensurate systemsfluid atoms follow continuous trajectories for sub-monolayercoverings and consequently, friction vanishes at low slidingspeeds. For incommensurate systems the velocity probabilitydistribution exhibits approximately exponential tails. Weconnect this velocity distribution to the kinetic frictionforce which reaches a constant value at low sliding speeds. This approach agrees well with the friction obtaineddirectly from simulations and explains Amontons' law on themicroscopic level. Molecular bonds in commensurate systemslead to incommensurate behavior, but do not change thequalitative behavior of incommensurate systems. However,crossed chains form stable load bearing asperities whichstrongly increase friction.
La bioetica è il luogo ideale per cercare risposte ai grandi interrogativi concernenti la vita, la morte e la cura dell'essere umano. I recenti dibattiti sull'uso, ed il temuto abuso, del corpo umano in medicina hanno messo in evidenza la necessità di una discussione approfondita sul potere di scelta che l'individuo può esercitare sulla propria mente e sul proprio corpo. Spinta dal desidero di indagare l'estensione di tale potere di scelta ho voluto analizzare le tematiche riguardanti “il corpo”, “l'individuo”, “la proprietà” e “l'autodeterminazione”. L'analisi è stata condotta individuando alcuni dei differenti significati che questi termini assumono nei diversi ambiti che la bioetica lambisce e mostrando, in particolare, la visione di tale realtà attraverso le lenti del giurista. A chi appartiene il corpo? Chi ha il potere di decidere su di esso? Il potere di scelta valica gli antichi i confini legati al corpo del paziente e coinvolge tessuti, organi e cellule staccati dal corpo umano, parti che un tempo erano considerati scarti operatori sono oggi divenuti tesori inestimabili per la ricerca. L'importanza assunta dai campioni biologici ha portato alla creazione di biobanche nelle quali sono raccolti, catalogati e il DNA studiato in campioni biologici Le biobanche riflettono le tensioni della bioetica e del biodititto. Lo studio delle biobanche riguarda, tra l'altro, la riceca dell'equilibrio tra le diverse esigenze meritevoli di tutela: in primo luogo il diritto alla privacy, diritto a che le “proprie informazioni” non vengano divulgate ed il diritto a non essere discriminato ed in secondo luogo le necessità dettate dalla ricerca e dalla scienza medica. Nel 2009 la rivista Times messo biobanche tra le 10 idee in grado di cambiare il mondo anche in considarazione della medicina personalizzata e del fatto che costituiscono una la speranza per la ricerca contro le malattie attuali e future.
In this paper, I will argue that Canadian author Margaret Atwood uses fiscal and socially conservative dystopias to show how sex work and prostitution are choices that women would never have to make in a world with true gender equality. In these radically different worlds, women have no agency beyond their sexuality and no ability to express themselves as equals within either society. And while the structures of both societies, the society of The Handmaid’s Tale and that of both Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, are inherently different, they both stem from modern conservative philosophies: for example, the country of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale holds Christian conservative beliefs on the role of religion in the state and the culturally designated roles of women. I define social conservatism as the idea that government organizations are used to pursue an agenda promoting traditional religious values such as “public morality” and opposing “immoralities” such as abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality. I define fiscal conservatism as an agenda promoting privatization of the market, deregulation and lower taxes. In this paper I argue that because these philosophies are incompatible with gender equality, they drive women to occupations such as sex work. Women find that they have no choices and sex work provides something to “trade.” For Offred, this “trading” is more limited, because she is a sex slave. For Oryx, this trading allows her to travel to the West, yet not before her childhood is marked by prostitution and pornography. Sex work allows for Ren to reclaim some agency over her life, yet she only chooses sex work because she is presented with few other options. All of these issues stem from the philosophies that define these dystopias.