901 resultados para Caesalpinia echinata Lam


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In vielen Teilgebieten der Mathematik ist es w"{u}nschenswert, die Monodromiegruppe einer homogenen linearen Differenzialgleichung zu verstehen. Es sind nur wenige analytische Methoden zur Berechnung dieser Gruppe bekannt, daher entwickeln wir im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit eine numerische Methode zur Approximation ihrer Erzeuger.rnIm zweiten Abschnitt fassen wir die Grundlagen der Theorie der Uniformisierung Riemannscher Fl"achen und die der arithmetischen Fuchsschen Gruppen zusammen. Auss erdem erkl"aren wir, wie unsere numerische Methode bei der Bestimmung von uniformisierenden Differenzialgleichungen dienlich sein kann. F"ur arithmetische Fuchssche Gruppen mit zwei Erzeugern erhalten wir lokale Daten und freie Parameter von Lam'{e} Gleichungen, welche die zugeh"origen Riemannschen Fl"achen uniformisieren. rnIm dritten Teil geben wir einen kurzen Abriss zur homologischen Spiegelsymmetrie und f"uhren die $widehat{Gamma}$-Klasse ein. Wir erkl"aren wie diese genutzt werden kann, um eine Hodge-theoretische Version der Spiegelsymmetrie f"ur torische Varit"aten zu beweisen. Daraus gewinnen wir Vermutungen "uber die Monodromiegruppe $M$ von Picard-Fuchs Gleichungen von gewissen Familien $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ von $n$-dimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten. Diese besagen erstens, dass bez"uglich einer nat"urlichen Basis die Monodromiematrizen in $M$ Eintr"age aus dem K"orper $bbq(zeta(2j+1)/(2 pi i)^{2j+1},j=1,ldots,lfloor (n-1)/2 rfloor)$ haben. Und zweitens, dass sich topologische Invarianten des Spiegelpartners einer generischen Faser von $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ aus einem speziellen Element von $M$ rekonstruieren lassen. Schliess lich benutzen wir die im ersten Teil entwickelten Methoden zur Verifizierung dieser Vermutungen, vornehmlich in Hinblick auf Dimension drei. Dar"uber hinaus erstellen wir eine Liste von Kandidaten topologischer Invarianten von vermutlich existierenden dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten mit $h^{1,1}=1$.


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Nel volume vengono proposte delle strategie di riqualificazione dell’edificio in via W. Goethe con numero civico 2-10 a Corticella zona Navile. L’edificio fa parte del quartiere PEEP realizzato a partire dagli anni ‘70 circa. L’intera area ricopre una superficie pari a 220.000 m2 di cui edificata 38.000 m2. Della superficie edificata ben 30.400 m2 è stata destinata al residenziale. A seguito delle evoluzioni economiche e sociali e alle restrizioni sempre più severe della normativa, il quartiere ha mostrato delle carenze e delle criticità: – Scarse prestazioni energetiche degli edifici con elevati costi di esercizio; – Inadeguata risposta alle azioni sismiche; – Tagli di alloggi non in grado di soddisfare l’odierna domanda; – Mancanza di efficaci spazi pubblici e di relazione; – Inefficace connessione urbana ai maggiori poli attrattivi e di circolazione. Come primo obbiettivo è stato affrontato il problema della mancanza di connessioni ciclopedonali adeguate al territorio di Corticella. Vi sono infatti alcune aree di nodale importanza che sono sprovviste di questi collegamenti rendendo difficoltoso il link tra i punti attrattivi fondamentali di Corticella e il nostro quartiere. Il progetto intende migliorare questo tipo di servizio in linea con il progetto “bike sharing & ride” promosso dalla Regione Emilia Romagna al fine di incentivare e promuovere la mobilità. Seguono poi gli interventi volti a risolvere le problematiche riscontrate nell’edificio. Interventi atti a riportare l’edificio in una condizione tale da renderlo adeguato alle necessità attuali e in grado di svolgere la sua funzione per gli anni a venire. Si tratta di strategie tecniche e parallelamente di strategie energetiche, con l’obbiettivo di definire spazi confortevoli all’interno degli alloggi. A tale fine sono state realizzate anche valutazioni sull’illuminazione naturale degli ambienti interni per valutare l’efficacia o meno del sistema utilizzato.


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Recent studies found that soil-atmosphere coupling features, through soil moisture, have been crucial to simulate well heat waves amplitude, duration and intensity. Moreover, it was found that soil moisture depletion both in Winter and Spring anticipates strong heat waves during the Summer. Irrigation in geophysical studies can be intended as an anthropogenic forcing to the soil-moisture, besides changes in land proprieties. In this study, the irrigation was add to a LAM hydrostatic model (BOLAM) and coupled with the soil. The response of the model to irrigation perturbation is analyzed during a dry Summer season. To identify a dry Summer, with overall positive temperature anomalies, an extensive climatological characterization of 2015 was done. The method included a statistical validation on the reference period distribution used to calculate the anomalies. Drought conditions were observed during Summer 2015 and previous seasons, both on the analyzed region and the Alps. Moreover July was characterized as an extreme event for the referred distribution. The numerical simulation consisted on the summer season of 2015 and two run: a control run (CTR), with the soil coupling and a perturbed run (IPR). The perturbation consists on a mask of land use created from the Cropland FAO dataset, where an irrigation water flux of 3 mm/day was applied from 6 A.M. to 9 A.M. every day. The results show that differences between CTR and IPR has a strong daily cycle. The main modifications are on the air masses proprieties, not on to the dynamics. However, changes in the circulation at the boundaries of the Po Valley are observed, and a diagnostic spatial correlation of variable differences shows that soil moisture perturbation explains well the variation observed in the 2 meters height temperature and in the latent heat fluxes.On the other hand, does not explain the spatial shift up and downslope observed during different periods of the day. Given the results, irrigation process affects the atmospheric proprieties on a larger scale than the irrigation, therefore it is important in daily forecast, particularly during hot and dry periods.


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During sepsis, activation of phagocytes leads to the overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines, causing systemic inflammation. Despite substantial information regarding the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to sepsis, several elements in the pathway remain to be elucidated. We found that the enzyme sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) is up-regulated in stimulated human phagocytes and in peritoneal phagocytes of patients with severe sepsis. Blockade of SphK1 inhibited phagocyte production of endotoxin-induced proinflammatory cytokines. We observed protection against sepsis in mice treated with a specific SphK1 inhibitor that was enhanced by treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. These results demonstrated a critical role for SphK1 in endotoxin signaling and sepsis-induced inflammatory responses and suggest that inhibition of SphK1 is a potential therapy for septic shock.


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It has been shown that the pressure-to-cornea index (PCI), which estimates the relative effects of intraocular pressure (IOP) and central corneal thickness (CCT), may differentiate between glaucoma and non-glaucoma states. The authors investigated the utility of the pressure-cornea-vascular index (PCVI) in predicting field-progression in patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG).


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Here we present the Transcription Factor Encyclopedia (TFe), a new web-based compendium of mini review articles on transcription factors (TFs) that is founded on the principles of open access and collaboration. Our consortium of over 100 researchers has collectively contributed over 130 mini review articles on pertinent human, mouse and rat TFs. Notable features of the TFe website include a high-quality PDF generator and web API for programmatic data retrieval. TFe aims to rapidly educate scientists about the TFs they encounter through the delivery of succinct summaries written and vetted by experts in the field.


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Objective: Hyperactivity, one of the core symptoms of ADHD, has been mostly neglected in neuropsychological assessment of childhood ADHD. The neuropsychological Quantified behavior Test (QbTest) separately assesses all three core symptoms of ADHD on a behavioral level. Factor structure of the QbTest and its concurrent and discriminant validity are presented. Method: An exploratory factor analysis (n = 828 children) was performed. In a second sample (n = 102 children) a Multi-Trait-Multi-Method (MTMM) approach was used for validity analyses. Results: A three factorial model explained 76 % of the total variance, with the resulting QbTest factors significantly influenced by age and gender. The MTMM approach yielded promising results for discriminant, yet inconsistent findings for concurrent validity between the QbTest and another attention test as well as for Conners' Parent and Teacher Rating Scales. Conclusion: Results indicate that the QbTest may be helpful for the behavioral assessment of childhood ADHD, yet further studies on its psychometric quality and clinical utility are needed. (J. of Att. Dis. 2012; XX(X) 1-XX).


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A broad spectrum of synthetic agents is available for the treatment of overactive bladder. Anti-cholinergic drugs show a poor compliance due to side effects. There is an increasing use of plant extracts in medicine. We have therefore investigated the inhibitory effects of leaf press juice from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata L.) on bladder strips and compared the effects to that of oxybutynin.


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The purpose of this document is to make the output of the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT) Standardization and Validation available to medical and scientific communities, through a peer-reviewed publication, in the interest of improving the diagnosis and treatment of patients with atherosclerosis, including coronary artery disease.


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One of the trauma surgeons' daily challenges is the balancing act between negative laparotomy and missed abdominal injury. We opted to characterize the indications that prompted a negative trauma exploratory laparotomy and the rate of missed abdominal injuries in an effort to optimize patient selection for laparotomy. At the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center, negative laparotomies and missed injuries are consecutively captured and reviewed at the weekly mortality + morbidity (MM) conferences. All written reports of the MM meetings from January 2003 to December 2008 were reviewed to identify all patients who underwent a negative laparotomy or a laparotomy as a result of an initially missed abdominal injury. Over the 6-year study period, a total of 1871 laparotomies were performed, of which 73 (3.9%) were negative. The rate of missed injuries requiring subsequent laparotomy was 1.3 per cent (25 of 1871). The negative laparotomy rate and the rate of missed injuries did not vary significantly during the study period (2.8 to 4.7%, P = 0.875, and 0.7 to 2.9%, P = 0.689). Penetrating mechanisms accounted for the majority of negative laparotomies (58.9%). The primary indication for negative laparotomy was peritonitis (54.8%) followed by hypotension (28.8%) and suspicious computed tomographic scan findings (27.4%). The complication rate after negative laparotomy was 14.5 per cent, and of these, 10.1 per cent were directly related to the procedure. A low but steady rate of negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries after trauma remains. Negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries when they occur are still associated with significant complication rates and a prolonged length of stay.


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The predictive factors to regain a heartbeat following emergency department resuscitative thoracotomy (EDT) for trauma are poorly understood. The objective of the present study was to prospectively assess the electrolyte profile, coagulation parameters, and acid-base status from intracardiac blood samples in trauma patients subjected to open cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the presence of established cardiac arrest.