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Realizaram-se estudos sobre sistemas de reprodução de Cassia spectabilis (L.) D C. (Leguminosae) observando-se a diversidade, freqüência e constância dos insetos visitantes em diferentes horários. Também testou-se a influência dos fatores ambientais em relação às visitas. Os resultados de polinização manual sugerem que C. spectabilis é autocompatível, porém, a xenogamia é o sistema de reprodução predominante. As inflorescências foram visitadas por uma grande quantidade de insetos, havendo predominância de abelhas. O horário de maior ocorrência dos insetos nas flores de C. spectabilis foi das 8 às 14 h e de menor ocorrência entre 7 e 8 h e das 17 às 18 h. Quanto ao comportamento dos insetos em relação à flor de C. spectabilis, observou-se que Xylocopa frontalis Olivier, X. suspecta Camargo & Moure, Bombus morio Swederus e Centris scopipes Friese possuem comportamento e morfologia adequados aos polinizadores legítimos; C. similis F., Oxaea flavescens Klug e Epicharis rustica flava Cockerell foram considerados polinizadores ocasionais. Pseudaugochloropsis graminea (F.), Tetragonisca angustula Latreille e A. mellifera L. foram considerados pilhadores. A polinização por vibração é o método usado pelas abelhas para coleta de pólen.


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Recognizing the need to preserve a national ethnic minority, the Constitution, inspired by the pluralistic values of the Constitutional Law State, stipulated a series of rights and guarantees for the conservation of indigenous cultural singularity, disciplining in article 231 the Indians right to maintain their social organization, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, as well as safeguarding the rights to the lands they traditionally occupy, and the exclusive use of the wealth existing in them, premise of ensuring their physical and cultural continuity, breaking decisively with the paradigm the assimilation of the Indian national civilization. However, despite the Indian policy of ethnic and cultural preservation, the Constitution allowed the exploitation of minerals in aboriginal territory, incorporated herein hydrocarbons, provided they meet certain predetermined requirements, leaving it to the legislature the discipline of ordinary matter. However, this law has not yet been published, with some projects in the National Congress, leaving thus precluding the indigenous subsurface oil exploration until the enactment of enabling legislation. Meanwhile, this paper carries out an integrated analysis of the constitutional protection of ethnic and cultural uniqueness of indigenous peoples, Convention Nº 169 of the International Labour Organization and the bill presented by Deputy Eduardo Valverde, in an attempt to consolidate sustainable development practices in the sector, through developing a system of social and environmental responsible oil exploration, aligning with national energy needs to maintain a balanced environment and preservation of socio-cultural organization of a minority so weakened and beaten over five centuries of domination


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From the investigation, analysis, discussion and pondering about the activities developed by the lndians from the Porteira hamlet, members of the Xerente community, in the Tocantins state, we developed an investigative and descriptive study about the reality of this people with the aim of helping in the conceptual formation and in the reorientation of the pedagogical practice of the local teachers. In this sense, the undertaken research involved the teachers, the main representatives and experts in that cultural tradition, in order to investigate how the everyday activities (agriculture, food handling, assets distribution among the community members, etc.) and the cultural tradition (log race, body painting, clan division, Xerente numeration, Indian myths and histories, etc.), may enable the contextualization of the mathematics teaching in the lndian School Srêmtôwê of this hamlet, under a more transversal and globalizing perspective of the local and school knowledge. We based this research in the sociocultural conceptions of knowledge generation proposed by D Ambrosio (1990; 2002); Vergani (2007); Oliveras (1996); Gerdes (1991; 2002); Bishop (1999) e Sebastiani Ferreira (1997; 2004). ln the process of this study we propose some viable ways so that the Indian teachers may reorganize their classroom knowledge and actions, based in the strengthening of their history and culture. The observation of some social practices and knowledge as well as of the Xerente traditions helped us to point some possibilities of projection of a didacticalpedagogical dimension of these activities and practices, in the development of the school mathematical knowledge in this community


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Avaliou-se a infestação, flutuação populacional e horário de visitação de Trigona spinipes (Fabr.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) em espécies de maracujazeiro. As espécies utilizadas foram Passiflora coccinea, P. setacea, P. alata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. laurifolia e P. nitida, aos três anos de idade. O ensaio foi conduzido em parcelas de 1,5 m de comprimento, avaliando-se os dois lados da espaldeira, considerando-se apenas o 0,5 m superior desta e totalizando, para os dois lados, a área de 1,5 m². Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: número de irapuás e porcentagem de dano nos botões florais, flores, frutos, ramos, folhas e pedúnculos. Para a determinação do horário de visitação, foi utilizada P. coccinea, sendo as avaliações realizadas às 9:00h, 12:00h e 15:00h. A correlação entre o número médio de T. spinipes presentes nas flores de espécies de maracujazeiro e a porcentagem de danos foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,99). em nenhuma das observações efetuadas, constatou-se a presença de T. spinipes nos botões florais, frutos, ramos, folhas ou pedúnculos das espécies de maracujazeiro, não ocorrendo danos nessas estruturas. Esse resultado sugere que as abelhas são atraídas pelas flores ocasionando danos nessas estruturas, provavelmente, por utilizar o tecido floral ou resinas contidas neste para a construção de ninhos. P. coccinea foi a espécie mais danificada por T. spinipes, apresentando suscetibilidade ao ataque desse inseto. Os horários de maior incidência de T. spinipes foram 9:00h e 12:00h, ocorrendo decréscimo significativo no número de abelhas por flor às 15:00h. Constatou-se maior infestação de T. spinipes nas flores das plantas de maracujá nos meses de outubro a novembro, coincidindo com a primavera, em Jaboticabal, SP.


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It is about a study of an exploratory/descriptive type with a qualitative approach whose aim was to analyze the actuation of nursing technicians in Family Health Strategy (FHS), taking into consideration the defined attributions by the Ministry of Health (MH). Thus, it was sought to identify what activities they carry out, the difficulties encountered, what contributed to their professional performance, and what vision they have about FHS and about themselves in the context. Based on the assumption that the practice of Nursing Technician is not still geared to completeness and that the developed actions by this professional are predominantly individual and curative. We know that FHS proposes the work organization as a team, with territory definition, prioritization of promotion actions, protection and recovery of the individual/family/community health, choosing as a central point the establishment of entails between the professionals and the same ones. However, the team work pass through interdisciplinary, tying and competence, starting making the difference in the way of thinking and doing health. To the accomplishment of this study were interviewed twenty one Nursing Technicians of Family Health Units from Sanitário Oeste district in Natal-RN, using semistructured instrument. From the analysis, three empiric categories emerged: starting from the first, The reality of a dream: what FHS is for the Nursing Technician, we obtained two classifications: one inherent to the own conception they have about FHS, nominated The realization of a dream in the possible and another that corresponds to what they think about FHS, while project that doesn't take place fully, denominated of The beauty of a dream that doesn't take place. The second category was The FHS: a dream built in the daily of Nursing Technician treats of the day by day information of that professional; the activities they perform and how those are established. This created three other items, to know: The role of a Nursing Technician: a project that became routine; The pre-determined role of a Nursing Technician: the scale as factor of (non-)autonomy; and, Knowledge about the practice in FHS: challenges that are presented to the role of Nursing Technician. The third category, denominated of Charms and disenchantment in the beginning of a new practice, it is related to the facilities or difficulties in professional's actuation and how he sees himself in the context. From it emerged the "flowers" and the "thorns" found on the construction of a dream, which gave this study the title. The results indicate that, being considered the characteristics of researched professional category, it becomes fundamental the resizing of labor relations in FHS, being imperative that new glances is conducted, so that the way as those Nursing Technicians interacts with the families can become compatible, together with the team, as well as to return the attention for their possibilities and limits in face of the work process in FHS. Besides, it is necessary changes in the professional formation, so that it can guarantee the conceptual bases in the construction of new practices, seeking to answer to the model of current attention.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar métodos de seleção visando ao aumento de flores femininas na população FCA-UNESP-PB de mamona (Ricinus communis L.). A seleção foi realizada no município de Botucatu (SP), na safrinha de 2007. Por meio de seleção massal, foram selecionadas plantas com racemo primário estritamente feminino. Destas plantas, as que tinham reversão sexual foram autofecundadas. As avaliações foram realizadas na safrinha de 2008 em Botucatu e São Manuel (SP), onde foram comparados os tratamentos: método de seleção massal; método de seleção massal com autofecundação e testemunha (racemos de plantas colhidos ao acaso, sem seleção). Foram avaliados: porcentagem de flores femininas do racemo primário (%), produtividade de grãos (kg ha-1) e teor de óleo das sementes (%). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 30 repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância individual para cada local e conjuntamente para os dois locais, pelo teste F a 1% de probabilidade. Mediante os resultados conclui- se que o método de seleção massal com autofecundação foi aquele que proporcionou maiores valores de porcentagem de flores femininas no racemo primário, com ganho fenotípico realizado de 18% em Botucatu e 29% em São Manuel (SP). Por meio dos métodos de seleção, notou-se comportamento diferencial em relação aos locais para a característica produtividade de grãos, e o método seleção massal com autofecundação proporcionou a menor produtividade. No teor de óleo não houve diferenças significativas entre os métodos e os locais avaliados.


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The objective of this work is to understand some of the modifications caused for the phenomenon of the westernization in the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande e in the life of the indians populations that inhabited there during the Colonial Period. We break of the quarrel of Serge Gruzinski concerning the westernization, understood while immersed phenomenon in the context of the expansion of the commercial capitalism and that, for the imposition of the culture occidental person to the alteridades of the New World, emprende the conquest of its territories, bodies and souls. The space clipping has covered the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande, specifically the colonial territory of the Freguesia da Gloriosa Senhora Santa Ana do Seridó. The chosen chronological limit for the research corresponds to the Colonial Period and part of the Imperial one. However, the emphasis falls again on the period that it initiates in 1670, year of the oldest concession of would sesmaria known until the moment in the hinterland of the Rio Grande, extending itself until the decade of 1840. Sources of written by hand nature, cartographic printed and compose the used document roll: official correspondence and legislation, petitions of would sesmaria, inventories post-mortem, justifications of debt, registers of parish, maps, action civil court jurisdiction, notes of notary's office, land landmarks. We take the method, analyzed for Carlo Ginzburg, to cross these sources between itself and to detect its implied particularitities and ideas in the space between lineses, but, attributing it status to they of a colonial speech, fruit of the bureaucracy of where it was originated and of the social place of who produced it. We look for to demonstrate, throughout the work, that the phenomenon of the westernization desestruturou the aboriginal societies and its habitat, constructing, over its rubbles, a colonial territory that found in the cartography of the Freguesia de Santa Ana an efficient instrument of control of the space and the population. On the other hand, if the imposition of the culture occidental person exterminou great part of the native population that inhabited the hinterland of the Rio Grande, the remainders of these indians and the mestizos of descending them had survived in diverse ways in the freguesia: in the condition of captives of war or in regimen of servile work, as living or assistants in the farms, populations and village; rambling without route in the fields and the population spots; as mediating agents between the world occidental person and the native, exerting military or civil positions and still appealing to Justice in search of its rights of inheritance. Experiences of slavery, servitude, errância and mediation, but, also of resistance, adaptation, mestization in the Freguesia de Santa Ana


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Propõe-se discutir, ainda que inicialmente, as dinâmicas de inserção de indígenas em cidades brasileiras e refletir acerca de suas percepções sobre o espaço urbano. O foco recai sobre o contexto amazônico (particularmente, a cidade de Manaus) e apresenta as percepções de um grupo de índiosBarésobre o lugar. Demonstro como, a despeito das desigualdades sociais no que tange ao acesso a direitos elementares e das formas de violência a qual estão submetidos, os Baréconstroem de modo singular seu cotidiano na cidade, cabendo reconhecer seu papel de agência nesse processo


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The main purpose of the present study is to integrate a geological and technological investigation of ornamental rocks of the Flores and Jacarandá granites, which are located near the Afonso Bezerra city, in the north central part of the Rio Grande do Norte State. The study area encompasses four litho-stratigrafic units: a Gneiss-Migmatitic Complex(cristalline basement), which is mainly composed of banded gneisses, usually deformed as mylonitic rocks and with several migmatic features, an Augen Gneiss, which occurs as an elongated body that constitutes the Jacarandá granite, a small granite stock, which presents a semi-circular form, named Flores granite, composed of pink, fine to medium coarse rocks, and fine to coarse alluvial sediments, which form extensive areas of large fluvial deposits. The technological characterization of the Flores and Jacarandá granites, carried out through several tests, has as the main purpose the determination of petrographic, physical, and mechanic parameters that allowed the characterization of these rocks. The test followed procedures recommended by Brazilian (ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) and foreigner institutions (ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials). The petrografhic analysis indicated that the rocks investigated are granite sensu estrictu, summing an average 85-90% modal. The Flores granite is the more felsic rock, which presents mafic content ∼ 10% and monzonitic composition. The Jacarandá granite is an Augen Gneiss rock that presents sienogranitic composition and mafic modal content ∼ 15%. Several technological tests carried out (alterability, physical indices, velocity of ultrasonic wave propagation, uniaxial compression, flection resistence, Amsler desgaste, and resistence to freezing and heating) indicated that parameters and values were identical for both granites investigated. These parameters and values are consistent with the Brazilian and international standards for siliciclastic rocks of ornamental use, as well as other Brazilian ornamental granites. The analysis of all results indicates that both the Flores and Jacarandá granites present good quality, and that they are indicated for ornamental use of revetment interior and exterior of buildings


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um estudo da ontogênese das caneluras induzidas em ramos de laranjeiras doces suscetíveis por isolados severos do vírus da tristeza dos citros (Citrus tristeza vírus - CTV) foi feito usando-se como modelo pedúnculos florais e de frutos. O menor calibre destes órgãos permite um melhor acompanhamento do processo. As observações foram feitas em laranjeira cv. Pêra infetada pelo isolado severo Capão Bonito do CTV. Cinco fases do processo de formação de caneluras puderam ser deduzidas pelas análises anatômicas. As primeiras alterações são representadas pelo aparecimento de células adensadas, hipertrofia e hiperplasia no parênquima e câmbio do floema e uma desorganização generalizada desta área. Segue-se uma atividade intensa do câmbio do floema adjacente e sua expansão em direção ao xilema. Esta invasão do xilema resulta na ruptura do anel do xilema pela massa celular do floema constituída de células recém formadas de parede celular delgada. Esta invasão do floema em direção ao xilema inicia um processo de degeneração dos vasos e parênquima do xilema. Finalmente há um colapso completo da região do xilema invadida, que é substituída pela massa do floema, resultando na canelura, notada ao se remover a casca.


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Territorial behavior in hummingbirds minimizes competition through aggressive interactions, resulting in a dominance hierarchy among species and individuals. Interactions among seven hummingbird species visiting flowering eucalyptus in the Floresta Estadual near Rio Claro, São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil, were studied. Dominance was determined by weight and size with the largest species being the most dominant. Time spent in defense and the number of aggressive interactions were greater than recorded in literature, perhaps due to the relatively greater density of hummingbirds in the study area. Daily activity patterns differed among dominant and subordinate species, but were not correlated with either the quantity of available nectar or with nectar sugar concentration.


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